10 CFR 431----金卤灯装置能效要求

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Vol. 79 Monday,

No. 27 February 10, 2014

Part II

Department of Energy

10 CFR Part 431

Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Metal

Halide Lamp Fixtures; Final Rule

7746 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations


10 CFR Part 431

[Docket Number EERE–2009–BT–STD– 0018]

RIN 1904–AC00

Energy Conservation Program: Energy Conservation Standards for Metal Halide Lamp Fixtures

AGENCY: Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Department of Energy.

ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: The Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA), as amended, prescribes energy conservation standards for various consumer products and certain commercial and industrial equipment, including metal halide lamp fixtures (MHLFs). EPCA also requires the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to determine whether more-stringent standards would be technologically feasible and economically justified, and would save a significant amount of energy. In this final rule, DOE is adopting more-stringent energy conservation standards for MHLFs. It has determined that the new and amended energy conservation standards for this equipment would result in significant conservation of energy, and are technologically feasible and economically justified.

DATES: The effective date of this rule is April 11, 2014. Compliance with the new and amended standards established for MHLFs in today’s final rule is required by February 10, 2017.

The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in this rule is approved by the Director of the Federal Register on April 11, 2014. ADDRESSES: The docket, which includes Federal Register notices, public meeting attendee lists and transcripts, comments, and other supporting documents/materials, is available for review at 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475. All documents in the docket are listed in the 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475 index. However, some documents listed in the index, such as those containing information that is exempt from public disclosure, may not be publicly available.

A link to the docket Web page can be found at: 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475/ buildings/appliance_standards/ rulemaking.aspx/ruleid/16. The 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475 Web page will contain simple instructions on how to access all documents, including public comments, in the docket.

For further information on how to review the docket, contact Ms. Brenda Edwards at (202) 586–2945 or by email:



Lucy deButts, U.S. Department of

Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and

Renewable Energy, Building

Technologies Program, EE–2J, 1000

Independence Avenue SW.,

Washington, DC 20585–0121.

Telephone: (202) 287–1604. Email:



Mr. Ari Altman, U.S. Department of

Energy, Office of the General Counsel,

GC–71, 1000 Independence Avenue

SW., Washington, DC 20585–0121.

Telephone: (202) 287–6307. Email:



Table of Contents

I. Summary of the Final Rule and Its Benefits

A. Benefits and Costs to Customers

B. Impact on Manufacturers

C. National Benefits

D. Conclusion

II. Introduction

A. Authority

B. Background

1. Current Standards

2. History of Standards Rulemaking for


3. Compliance Date

III. Issues Affecting the Scope of This


A. Additional MHLFs for Which DOE Is

Setting Standards

1. EISA 2007 Exempted MHLFs

a. MHLFs With Regulated-Lag Ballasts

b. MHLFs With 480 V Electronic Ballasts

c. Exempted 150 W MHLFs

2. Additional Wattages

3. General Lighting

4. High-Frequency Electronic Ballasts

5. Outdoor Fixtures

6. Hazardous Locations

7. Summary of MHLFs for Which DOE Is

Setting Standards

B. Alternative Approaches to Energy

Conservation Standards: System


C. Standby Mode and Off Mode Energy


IV. General Discussion

A. Test Procedures

1. Current Test Procedures

2. Test Input Voltage

a. Average of Tested Efficiency at All

Possible Voltages

b. Posting the Highest and Lowest


c. Test at Single Manufacturer-Declared


d. Test at Highest Rated Voltage

e. Test on Input Voltage Based on Wattage

and Available Voltages

3. Testing High-Frequency Electronic


4. Rounding Requirements

B. Technological Feasibility

1. General

2. Maximum Technologically Feasible


C. Energy Savings

1. Determination of Savings

2. Significance of Savings

D. Economic Justification

1. Specific Criteria

a. Economic Impact on Manufacturers and


b. Savings in Operating Costs Compared to

Increase in Price

c. Energy Savings

d. Lessening of Utility or Performance of


e. Impact of Any Lessening of Competition

f. Need for National Energy Conservation

g. Other Factors

2. Rebuttable Presumption

V. Methodology and Discussion

A. Market and Technology Assessment

1. General

2. Equipment Classes

a. Input Voltage

b. Lamp Wattage

c. Fixture Application

d. Electronic Configuration

e. Circuit Type

f. Summary

B. Screening Analysis

C. Engineering Analysis

1. Approach

2. Representative Equipment Classes

3. Representative Wattages

4. Representative Fixture Types

5. Ballast Efficiency Testing

6. Input Power Representations

7. Baseline Ballast Models

a. 70 W Baseline Ballast

b. 1000 W Baseline Ballast

c. 1500 W Baseline Ballast

d. Summary of Baseline Ballasts

8. Selection of More-Efficient Units

a. Higher-Efficiency Magnetic Ballasts

b. Electronic Ballasts

9. Efficiency Levels

10. Design Standard

11. Scaling to Equipment Classes Not


12. Manufacturer Selling Prices

a. Manufacturer Production Costs

b. Empty Fixture Costs

c. Incremental Costs for Electronically

Ballasted MHLFs

d. Costs Associated With the Design


e. Manufacturer Markups

D. Markups to Determine Equipment Price

1. Distribution Channels

2. Estimation of Markups

3. Summary of Markups

E. Energy Use Analysis

F. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period


1. Equipment Cost

2. Installation Cost

3. Annual Energy Use

4. Energy Prices

5. Energy Price Projections

6. Replacement Costs

7. Equipment Lifetime

8. Discount Rates

9. Analysis Period Fixture Purchasing


G. National Impact Analysis—National

Energy Savings and Net Present Value


1. Shipments

a. Historical Shipments

7747 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

1For editorial reasons, upon codification in the U.S. Code, Part B was redesignated Part A.

2All references to EPCA in this document refer to the statute as amended through the American Energy Manufacturing Technical Corrections Act (AEMTCA), Public Law 112–210 (Dec. 18, 2012). 3The scope of this rulemaking encompasses entire MHLFs, including the metal halide lamps and metal halide ballasts the fixtures contain.

Therefore, the ratings of inpidual components are

often discussed at a system level. For example,

when referring to the rated wattages or available

input voltages of the lamps and ballasts a fixture is

designed to operate with, this final rule frequently

uses shorthand such as ‘‘100 W ballast’’ for a ballast

operating a lamp rated at 100 watts or ‘‘480 V

fixture’’ for a fixture housing a ballast with a

dedicated input voltage of 480 volts.

4DOE is proposing to continue using a ballast

efficiency metric for regulation of MHLFs, rather

than a system or other approach. See section 0 for

further discussion.

b. Fixture Stock Projections

c. Base Case Shipment Scenarios

d. Standards-Case Efficiency Scenarios

2. Site-to-Source Energy Conversion

H. Customer Subgroup Analysis

I. Manufacturer Impact Analysis

1. Manufacturer Production Costs

2. Shipment Projections

3. Markup Scenarios

4. Production and Capital Conversion Costs

5. Other Comments From Interested Parties

a. Compliance Period

b. Alternative Technologies

c. Opportunity Cost of Investments

d. Replacement Ballast Market

e. Potential Impact on Metal Halide Lamp


6. Manufacturer Interviews

J. Employment Impact Analysis

K. Utility Impact Analysis

L. Emissions Analysis

M. Monetizing Carbon Dioxide and Other

Emissions Impacts

1. Social Cost of Carbon

a. Monetizing Carbon Dioxide Emissions

b. Social Cost of Carbon Values Used in

Past Regulatory Analyses

c. Current Approach and Key Assumptions

2. Valuation of Other Emissions


VI. Other Issues for Discussion

A. Proposed Standard Levels in August

2013 NOPR

B. Reported Value

C. Three-Year Compliance Date

VII. Analytical Results

A. Trial Standard Levels

B. Economic Justification and Energy


1. Economic Impacts on Inpidual


a. Life-Cycle Cost and Payback Period

b. Customer Subgroup Analysis

c. Rebuttable Presumption Payback

2. Economic Impacts on Manufacturers

a. Industry Cash-Flow Analysis Results

b. Impacts on Employment

c. Impacts on Manufacturing Capacity

d. Impacts on Subgroups of Manufacturers

e. Cumulative Regulatory Burden

3. National Impact Analysis

a. Significance of Energy Savings

b. Net Present Value of Customer Costs and


c. Impacts on Employment

4. Impact on Utility or Performance of


5. Impact of Any Lessening of Competition

6. Need of the Nation to Conserve Energy

C. Conclusions

1. Trial Standard Level 5

2. Trial Standard Level 4

3. Trial Standard Level 3

4. Trial Standard Level 2

D. Final Standard Equations

E. Backsliding

VIII. Procedural Issues and Regulatory


A. Review Under Executive Orders 12866

and 13563

B. Review Under the Regulatory Flexibility


1. Description and Estimated Number of

Small Entities Regulated

a. Methodology for Estimating the Number

of Small Entities

b. Manufacturer Participation

c. Metal Halide Ballast and Fixture

Industry Structure

d. Comparison Between Large and Small


2. Description and Estimate of Compliance


3. Duplication, Overlap, and Conflict With

Other Rules and Regulations

4. Significant Alternatives to the Rule

C. Review Under the Paperwork Reduction


D. Review Under the National

Environmental Policy Act of 1969

E. Review Under Executive Order 13132

F. Review Under Executive Order 12988

G. Review Under the Unfunded Mandates

Reform Act of 1995

H. Review Under the Treasury and General

Government Appropriations Act, 1999

I. Review Under Executive Order 12630

J. Review Under the Treasury and General

Government Appropriations Act, 2001

K. Review Under Executive Order 13211

L. Review Under the Information Quality

Bulletin for Peer Review

M. Congressional Notification

IX. Approval of the Office of the Secretary

I. Summary of the Final Rule and Its


Title III, Part B1of the Energy Policy and

Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA or the Act),

Public Law 94–163 (42 U.S.C. 6291–6309, as

codified), established the Energy

Conservation Program for Consumer Products

Other Than Automobiles.2Pursuant to EPCA,

any new or amended energy conservation

standard that DOE prescribes for certain

equipment, such as metal halide lamp

fixtures (MHLFs or ‘‘fixtures’’3), shall be

designed to achieve the maximum

improvement in energy efficiency that DOE

determines is technologically feasible and

economically justified. (42 U.S.C.

6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, the new or

amended standard must result in significant

conservation of energy. (42 U.S.C.

6295(o)(3)(B)) In accordance with these and

other statutory provisions discussed in this

notice, DOE is adopting new and amended

energy conservation standards for MHLFs.

The new and amended standards, which are

the minimum allowable ballast efficiencies4

based on fixture location, ballast type, and

rated lamp wattage, are shown in Table I.1.

These new and amended standards apply to

all equipment listed in Table I.1 and

manufactured in, or imported into, the

United States on or after the compliance date

in the DATES section of this notice

(additionally, see section II.B.3 of this notice

for more information on the compliance date



Designed to be operated with lamps of the following rated lamp

wattage Indoor/outdoor Test input voltage? Minimum standard equation?


≥50 W and ≤100 W.......................Indoor..................480 V......................(1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351))) ¥ 0.0200. ≥50 W and ≤100 W.......................Indoor..................All others.................1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351)).

≥50 W and ≤100 W.......................Outdoor...............480 V......................(1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351))) ¥ 0.0200. ≥50 W and ≤100 W.......................Outdoor...............All others.................1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351)).

>100 W and <150 W*...................Indoor..................480 V......................(1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351))) ¥ 0.0200. >100 W and <150 W*...................Indoor..................All others.................1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351)).

>100 W and <150 W*...................Outdoor...............480 V......................(1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351))) ¥ 0.0200. >100 W and <150 W*...................Outdoor...............All others.................1/(1+1.24×P∧(¥0.351)).

≥150 W** and ≤250 W..................Indoor..................480 V......................0.880.

≥150 W** and ≤250 W..................Indoor..................All others.................For ≥150 W and ≤200 W: 0.880.

For >200 W and ≤250 W:


≥150 W** and ≤250 W..................Outdoor...............480 V......................0.880.

7748 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations T ABLE I.1—E NERGY C ONSERVATION S TANDARDS FOR MHLF S—Continued

Designed to be operated with lamps of the following rated lamp

wattage Indoor/outdoor Test input voltage? Minimum standard equation?


≥150 W** and ≤250 W..................Outdoor...............All others.................For ≥150 W and ≤200 W: 0.88.

For >200 W and ≤250 W:


>250 W and ≤500 W.....................Indoor..................480 V......................For >250 W and <265 W: 0.880.

For ≥265 W and ≤500 W: (1/(1+0.876×P∧(¥0.351))) ¥ 0.0100. >250 W and ≤500 W.....................Indoor..................All others.................1/(1+0.876×P∧(¥0.351)).

>250 W and ≤500 W.....................Outdoor...............480 V......................For >250 W and <265 W: 0.880.

For ≥265 W and ≤500 W: (1/(1+0.876×P∧(¥0.351))) ¥ 0.0100. >250 W and ≤500 W.....................Outdoor...............All others.................1/(1+0.876×P∧(¥0.351)).

>500 W and ≤1000 W...................Indoor..................480 V......................>500 W and ≤750 W: 0.900.

>750 W and ≤1000 W:

0.000104×P + 0.822.

For >500 W and ≤1000 W: may not utilize a probe-start ballast. >500 W and ≤1000 W...................Indoor..................All others.................For >500 W and ≤750 W: 0.910.

For >750 W and ≤1000 W: 0.000104×P+0.832.

For >500 W and ≤1000 W: may not utilize a probe-start ballast. >500 W and ≤1000 W...................Outdoor...............480 V......................>500 W and ≤750 W: 0.900.

>750 W and ≤1000 W:

0.000104×P + 0.822.

For >500 W and ≤1000 W: may not utilize a probe-start ballast. >500 W and ≤1000 W...................Outdoor...............All others.................For >500 W and ≤750 W: 0.910.

For >750 W and ≤1000 W: 0.000104×P+0.832.

For >500 W and ≤1000 W: may not utilize a probe-start ballast. *Includes 150 W fixtures specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, which are fixtures rated only for 150 watt lamps; rated for use in wet lo-cations, as specified by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified by UL 1029–2007.

**Excludes 150 W fixtures specified in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, which are fixtures rated only for 150 watt lamps; rated for use in wet lo-cations, as specified by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified by UL 1029–2007.

?Tested input voltage is specified in 10 CFR 431.324.

?P is defined as the rated wattage of the lamp the fixture is designed to operate.

A. Benefits and Costs to Customers

Table I.2 presents DOE’s evaluation of the economic impacts of today’s standards on customers of MHLFs, as measured by the

average life-cycle cost (LCC) savings and the

median payback period. The average LCC

savings are positive for a majority of users for

all equipment classes.


Representative equipment class Representative

wattage Average LCC







≥50 W and ≤100 W (indoor, magnetic baseline)...............................70 W.......................................................27.00 4.5 ≥50 W and ≤100 W (outdoor, magnetic baseline).............................70 W.......................................................34.88 4.5 >100 W and <150 W** (indoor).........................................................150 W.....................................................24.63 7.3 >100 W and <150 W** (outdoor).......................................................150 W.....................................................30.70 8.1 ≥150 W? and ≤250 W (indoor)..........................................................250 W..................................................... 4.51 14.2 ≥150 W? and ≤250 W (outdoor)........................................................250 W..................................................... 6.74 17.4 >250 W and ≤500 W (indoor)............................................................400 W.....................................................7.95 15.0 >250 W and ≤500 W (outdoor)..........................................................400 W.....................................................13.15 18.4 >500 W and ≤1000 W (indoor)..........................................................1000 W...................................................1221.54 0.8 >500 W and ≤1000 W (outdoor)........................................................1000 W...................................................1631.94 0.8 *On average, indoor and outdoor fixtures have 20- and 25-year lifetimes, respectively.

**Includes 150 W MHLFs exempted by EISA 2007, which are MHLFs rated only for 150 W lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as specified

by the National Electrical Code 2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C,

as specified by UL 1029–2001.

?Excludes 150 W MHLFs exempted by EISA 2007, which are MHLFs rated only for 150 W lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as specified

by the National Electrical Code 2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C,

as specified by UL 1029–2001.

B. Impact on Manufacturers

The industry net present value (INPV) is the sum of the discounted cash flows to the industry from the base year through the end of the analysis period (2014 to 2046). Using a real discount rate of 8.9 percent, DOE estimates that the base case INPV for

manufacturers of MH ballasts ranges from

$67 million in the low-shipment scenario to

$74 million in the high-shipment scenario in

2012$. Under today’s standards, DOE expects

that ballast manufacturers may lose up to

26.7 percent of their INPV, which is

approximately $17.9 million, in the low-

shipment, preservation of operating profit

markup scenario.

For MHLF, using a real discount rate of 9.5

percent, DOE estimates that the base case

INPV for manufacturers of MHLFs ranges

from $346 million in the low-shipment

7749 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

5All monetary values in this section are expressed in 2012 dollars and are discounted to 2013. Value ranges correspond with estimates for the low and high shipment scenarios.

6A metric ton is equivalent to 1.1 short tons. Results for NO X and Hg are presented in short tons. 3DOE calculated emissions reductions relative to the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) 2013 Reference case, which generally represents current legislation

and environmental regulations for which

implementing regulations were available as of

December 31, 2012.

7Technical Support Document: Technical Update

of the Social Cost of Carbon for Regulatory Impact

Analysis Under Executive Order 12866. Interagency

Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon, United

States Government. May 2013 (Revised November

2013). 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475/sites/default/files/omb/



8DOE is currently investigating valuation of

avoided Hg and SO2emissions.

scenario to $379 million in the high- shipment scenario in 2012$. Under today’s standards, DOE expects that MHLF manufacturers may lose up to 1.0 percent of their INPV, which is approximately $3.6 million, in the low-shipment, preservation of operating profit markup scenario.

When adding these two MH industries together (MHLF and MH ballast), DOE estimates that the combined base case INPV for manufacturers of MHLFs and MH ballasts ranges from $413 million in the low- shipment scenario to $453 million in the high-shipment scenario in 2012$. Under today’s standards, DOE expects that all MH manufacturers (MHLF and MH ballast manufacturers) may lose up to 5.2 percent of their INPV, which is approximately $21.5 million, in the low-shipment, preservation of operating profit markup scenario. Additionally, based on DOE’s interviews with manufacturers of MHLFs and ballasts, DOE does not expect any plant closings or significant loss of employment. C. National Benefits5

DOE’s analyses indicate that today’s

standards would save a significant amount of

energy. The lifetime savings for MHLFs

purchased in the 30-year period that begins

in the year of compliance with new and

amended standards (2017–2046) amount to

0.39–0.49 quads.

The cumulative net present value (NPV) of

total customer costs and savings of today’s

standards for MHLFs ranges from $0.29

billion (at a 7-percent discount rate, low

shipments scenario) to $1.1 billion (at a 3-

percent discount rate, high shipments

scenario). This NPV expresses the estimated

total value of future operating cost savings

minus the estimated increased equipment

costs for equipment purchased in 2017–2046.

In addition, today’s standards would have

significant environmental benefits. The

energy savings would result in cumulative

greenhouse gas emission reductions of

approximately 22.5–27.8 million metric tons

(Mt)6of carbon dioxide (CO2), 105.9–132.4

thousand tons of methane, 0.5–0.6 thousand

tons of nitrous oxide (N2O), 37.5–47.2

thousand tons of sulfur dioxide (SO2), 28.2–

35.0 tons of nitrogen oxides (NO X) and 0.05–

0.06 tons of mercury (Hg).3Through 2030,

the estimated energy savings would result in

cumulative emissions reductions of 6.3–6.8

Mt of CO2.

The value of the CO2reductions is

calculated using a range of values per metric

ton of CO2(otherwise known as the Social

Cost of Carbon or SCC) developed by a recent

interagency process.7The derivation of the

SCC values is discussed in section V.M.

Using discount rates appropriate for each set

of SCC values, DOE estimates that the net

present monetary value of the CO2emissions

reductions is between $0.15 billion and $2.55

billion. DOE also estimates that the net

present monetary value of the NO X emissions

reductions is $17.34 million at a 7-percent

discount rate, and $44.20 million at a 3-

percent discount rate.8

Table I.3 summarizes the national

economic costs and benefits expected to

result from today’s standards for MHLFs.


Category Present value

million 2012$ Discount rate



Operating Cost Savings...............................................................................................................................754 7

1,636 3 CO2Reduction Monetized Value ($11.8/t case)**......................................................................................146 5 CO2Reduction Monetized Value ($39.7/t case)**......................................................................................682 3 CO2Reduction Monetized Value ($61.2/t case)**......................................................................................1,088 2.5 CO2Reduction Monetized Value ($117/t case)**.......................................................................................2,106 3 NO X Reduction Monetized Value (at $2639/ton)**.....................................................................................17 7

37 3

Total Benefits?.....................................................................................................................................1,453 7

2,355 3


Incremental Installed Costs.........................................................................................................................465 7

721 3

Net Benefits

Including CO2and NO X? Reduction Monetized Value...............................................................................988 7

1,634 3 *This table presents the primary (low shipments scenario) estimate of costs and benefits associated with fixtures shipped in 2017–2046. These

results include benefits to customers which accrue after 2047 from the equipment purchased in 2017–2046. The results account for the incre-

mental variable and fixed costs incurred by manufacturers due to the standard, some of which may be incurred in preparation for the rule.

**The CO2values represent global monetized values of the SCC, in 2012$, in 2015 under several scenarios of the updated SCC values. The

first three cases use the averages of SCC distributions calculated using 5%, 3%, and 2.5% discount rates, respectively. The fourth case rep-

resents the 95th percentile of the SCC distribution calculated using a 3% discount rate. The SCC time series used by DOE incorporate an esca-

lation factor. The value for NO X is the average of the low and high values used in DOE’s analysis.

?Total Benefits for both the 3% and 7% cases are derived using the series corresponding to average SCC with a 3-percent discount rate.

The benefits and costs of today’s standards, for equipment sold in 2017–2046, can also be expressed in terms of annualized values. The annualized monetary values are the sum of

(1) the annualized national economic value

of the benefits from operating the equipment

(consisting primarily of operating cost

savings from using less energy, minus

increases in equipment purchase and

7750 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

9DOE used a two-step calculation process to convert the time-series of costs and benefits into annualized values. First, DOE calculated a present value in 2013, the year used for discounting the NPV of total customer costs and savings, for the time-series of costs and benefits using discount rates of 3 and 7 percent for all costs and benefits

except for the value of CO2reductions. For the

latter, DOE used a range of discount rates, as shown

in Table I.3. From the present value, DOE then

calculated the fixed annual payment over a 30-year

period (2017 through 2046) that yields the same

present value. The fixed annual payment is the

annualized value. Although DOE calculated

annualized values, this does not imply that the

time-series of cost and benefits from which the

annualized values were determined is a steady

stream of payments.

installation costs, which is another way of representing customer NPV), plus (2) the annualized monetary value of the benefits of emission reductions, including CO2emission reductions.9

Although adding the value of customer savings to the values of emission reductions provides a valuable perspective, two issues should be considered. First, the national operating cost savings are domestic U.S. customer monetary savings that occur as a result of market transactions, while the value of CO2reductions is based on a global value. Second, the assessments of operating cost savings and CO2savings are performed with different methods that use different time frames for analysis. The national operating

cost savings is measured for the lifetime of

MHLFs shipped in 2017–2046. The SCC

values, on the other hand, reflect the present

value of all future climate-related impacts

resulting from the emission of one metric ton

of carbon dioxide in each year. These

impacts continue well beyond 2100.

Estimates of annualized benefits and costs

of today’s standards are shown in Table I.4.

The results under the primary estimate are as

follows. Using a 7-percent discount rate for

benefits and costs other than CO2reduction,

for which DOE used a 3-percent discount rate

along with the average SCC series that uses

a 3-percent discount rate, the cost of the

standards in today’s rule is $46 million per

year in increased equipment costs, while the

benefits are $74 million per year in reduced

equipment operating costs, $38 million in

CO2reductions, and $1.71 million in reduced

NO X emissions. In this case, the net benefit

amounts to $68 million per year. Using a 3-

percent discount rate for all benefits and

costs and the average SCC series, the cost of

the standards in today’s rule is $40 million

per year in increased equipment costs, while

the benefits are $91 million per year in

reduced operating costs, $38 million in CO2

reductions, and $2.07 million in reduced

NO X emissions. In this case, the net benefit

amounts to $91 million per year.


Discount rate Primary (low) net

benefits estimate*

Million 2012$/year

High net benefits


Million 2012$/year


Operating Cost Savings...........................................................................7%.............................74 (92)

3%.............................91 (119)

CO2Reduction at ($11.8 case)**............................................................5%.............................11 (13)

CO2Reduction at ($39.7/t case)**..........................................................3%.............................38 (46)

CO2Reduction at ($61.2/t case)**.......................................................... 2.5%..........................56 (68)

CO2Reduction at ($117.0/t case)**........................................................3%.............................117. (142)

NO X Reduction at ($2639/ton)**.............................................................7%............................. 1.71........................... 1.95

3%............................. 2.07........................... 2.46 Total Benefits?..................................................................................7% plus CO2range...87 to 194...................107 to 236

7%.............................114. (140)

3%.............................131. (168)

3% plus CO2range...104 to 211.................135 to 264


Incremental Product Costs......................................................................7%.............................46 (52)

3%.............................40 (48)

Net Benefits

Total?...............................................................................................7% plus CO2range...41 to 148...................54 to 184

7%.............................68 (87)

3%.............................91 (120)

3% plus CO2range...64 to 171...................87 to 216

*This table presents the annualized costs and benefits associated with fixtures shipped in 2017–2046. These results include benefits to con-sumers which accrue after 2046 from the fixtures purchased from 2017–2046. The results account for the incremental variable and fixed costs in-curred by manufacturers due to the standard, some of which may be incurred in preparation for the rule. The Primary (Low) and High Benefits Estimates utilize projections of energy prices from the AEO2013 Reference case and High Estimate, respectively. The Primary (Low) and High Benefits Estimates are also based on projected fixture shipments in the Low Shipments, Roll-up and High Shipments, Roll-up scenarios, respec-tively. In addition, the Primary (Low) estimate uses incremental equipment costs that assume fixed equipment prices throughout the analysis pe-riod. The High estimate uses incremental equipment costs that reflect a declining trend for equipment prices, using AEO price trends (deflators). The methods used to derive projected price trends are explained in section V.F.1.

**The CO2values represent global monetized values of the SCC, in 2012$, in 2015 under several scenarios of the updated SCC values. The first three cases use the averages of SCC distributions calculated using 5-percent, 3-percent, and 2.5-percent discount rates, respectively. The fourth case represents the 95th percentile of the SCC distribution calculated using a 3-percent discount rate. The SCC time series used by DOE incorporate an escalation factor. The value for NO X is the average of the low and high values used in DOE’s analysis.

? Total Benefits for both the 3-percent and 7-percent cases are derived using the series corresponding to average SCC with 3-percent dis-count rate. In the rows labeled ‘‘7% plus CO2range’’ and ‘‘3% plus CO2range,’’ the operating cost and NO X benefits are calculated using the la-beled discount rate, and those values are added to the full range of CO2values.

D. Conclusion

Based on the analyses culminating in this final rule, DOE found the benefits to the nation of the standards (energy savings,

customer LCC savings, positive NPV of

customer benefit, and emission reductions)

outweigh the burdens (loss of INPV and LCC

increases for some users of this equipment).

DOE has concluded that the standards in


Federal Register /Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

10For editorial reasons, upon codification in the U.S. Code, Part B was redesignated Part A.

11All references to EPCA in this document refer to the statute as amended through the American Energy Manufacturing Technical Corrections Act (AEMTCA), Public Law 112–210 (Dec. 18, 2012).

today’s final rule represent the maximum improvement in energy efficiency that is technologically feasible and economically justified, and would result in significant conservation of energy.

II. Introduction

The following section briefly discusses the statutory authority underlying today’s final rule, as well as some of the relevant historical background related to the establishment of standards for MHLFs.

A. Authority

Title III, Part B 10of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (EPCA or the Act), Public Law 94–163 (42 U.S.C. 6291–6309, as codified) established the Energy

Conservation Program for Consumer Products Other Than Automobiles, a program covering most major household appliances (collectively referred to as ‘‘covered

equipment’’),11which includes the types of MHLFs that are the subject of this

rulemaking. (42 U.S.C. 6292(a)(19)) EPCA, as amended by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007) prescribes energy conservation standards for this equipment (42 U.S.C. 6295(hh)(1)), and directs DOE to conduct a rulemaking to

determine whether to amend these standards. (42 U.S.C. 6295(hh)(2)(A)) DOE notes that under 42 U.S.C. 6295(hh)(3)(A), the agency must conduct a second review of energy conservation standards for MHLFs and publish a final rule no later than January 1, 2019.

Pursuant to EPCA, DOE’s energy

conservation program for covered equipment consists essentially of four parts: (1) Testing; (2) labeling; (3) the establishment of federal energy conservation standards; and (4) certification and enforcement procedures. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is primarily responsible for labeling, and DOE implements the remainder of the program. Subject to certain criteria and conditions, DOE is required to develop test procedures to measure the energy efficiency, energy use, or estimated annual operating cost of covered equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6293) Manufacturers of covered equipment must use the

prescribed DOE test procedure as the basis for certifying to DOE that their equipment complies with the applicable energy

conservation standards adopted under EPCA and when making representations to the public regarding the energy use or efficiency of that equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6293(c) and 6295(s)) Similarly, DOE must use these test procedures to determine whether the

equipment complies with standards adopted pursuant to EPCA. Id. DOE test procedures for MHLFs currently appear at title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) section 431.324.

DOE must follow specific statutory criteria for prescribing new or amended standards for covered equipment. As indicated above, any new or amended standard for covered

equipment must be designed to achieve the maximum improvement in energy efficiency that is technologically feasible and economically justified. (42 U.S.C.

6295(o)(2)(A)) Furthermore, DOE may not adopt any standard that would not result in the significant conservation of energy. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)) Moreover, DOE may not prescribe a standard: (1) For certain equipment, including MHLFs, if no test procedure has been established for the

equipment, or (2) if DOE determines by rule that the new or amended standard is not technologically feasible or economically justified. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(3)(A)–(B)) In deciding whether a new or amended

standard is economically justified, DOE must determine whether the benefits of the standard exceed its burdens. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) DOE must make this

determination after receiving comments on the proposed standard, and by considering, to the greatest extent practicable, the following seven factors:

1. The economic impact of the standard on manufacturers and customers of the equipment subject to the standard;

2. The savings in operating costs

throughout the estimated average life of the covered equipment in the type (or class)

compared to any increase in the price, initial charges, or maintenance expenses for the covered equipment that are likely to result from the imposition of the standard;

3. The total projected amount of energy, or as applicable, water, savings likely to result directly from the imposition of the standard;

4. Any lessening of the utility or the

performance of the covered equipment likely to result from the imposition of the standard; 5. The impact of any lessening of

competition, as determined in writing by the Attorney General, that is likely to result from the imposition of the standard;

6. The need for national energy and water conservation; and

7. Other factors the Secretary of Energy (Secretary) considers relevant. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(I)–(VII))

EPCA, as codified, also contains what is known as an ‘‘anti-backsliding’’ provision, which prevents the Secretary from

prescribing any new or amended standard that either increases the maximum allowable energy use or decreases the minimum required energy efficiency of covered

equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(1)) Also, the Secretary may not prescribe an amended or new standard if interested persons have established by a preponderance of the

evidence that the standard is likely to result in the unavailability in the United States of any covered equipment type (or class) of performance characteristics (including reliability), features, sizes, capacities, and volumes that are substantially the same as those generally available in the United States. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(4))

Further, EPCA, as codified, establishes a rebuttable presumption that a standard is economically justified if the Secretary finds that the additional cost to the customer of purchasing equipment complying with an energy conservation standard level will be less than three times the value of the energy savings during the first year that the

customer will receive as a result of the

standard, as calculated under the applicable test procedure. See 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(iii).

Additionally, 42 U.S.C. 6295(q)(1) specifies requirements when promulgating a standard for a type or class of covered equipment that has two or more subcategories. DOE must specify a different standard level than that which applies generally to such type or class of equipment for any group of covered equipment that has the same function or intended use if DOE determines that

equipment within such group (A) consumes a different kind of energy from that consumed by other covered equipment within such type (or class); or (B) has a

capacity or other performance-related feature that other equipment within such type (or class) does not have and such feature justifies a higher or lower standard. (42 U.S.C. 6295(q)(1)) In determining whether a performance-related feature justifies a

different standard for a group of equipment, DOE must consider such factors as the utility to the customer of such a feature and other factors DOE deems appropriate. Id. Any rule prescribing such a standard must include an explanation of the basis on which such higher or lower level was established. (42 U.S.C. 6295(q)(2))

Federal energy conservation requirements generally supersede state laws or regulations concerning energy conservation testing, labeling, and standards. (42 U.S.C. 6297(a)– (c)) DOE may, however, grant waivers of federal preemption for particular state laws or regulations, in accordance with the procedures and other provisions set forth under 42 U.S.C. 6297(d)).

Finally, pursuant to the amendments

contained in section 310(3) of EISA 2007, any final rule for new or amended energy

conservation standards promulgated after July 1, 2010, are required to address standby mode and off mode energy use. (42 U.S.C. 6295(gg)(3)) Specifically, when DOE adopts a standard for covered equipment after that date, it must, if justified by the criteria for adoption of standards under EPCA (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)), incorporate standby mode and off mode energy use into the standard, or, if that is not feasible, adopt a separate standard for such energy use for that equipment. (42

U.S.C. 6295(gg)(3)(A)–(B)) DOE’s current test procedures and standards for MHLFs address standby mode and off mode energy use. However, in this rulemaking, DOE only addresses active mode energy consumption as the equipment included in the scope of coverage only consumes energy in active mode.

B. Background

1. Current Standards

EISA 2007 prescribed the current energy conservation standards for MHLFs

manufactured on or after January 1, 2009. (42 U.S.C. 6295(hh)(1)) The current standards are set forth in Table II.1. EISA 2007 excludes from the standards: MHLFs with regulated- lag ballasts, MHLFs with electronic ballasts that operate at 480 volts (V); and MHLFs that (1) are rated only for 150 watt (W) lamps; (2) are rated for use in wet locations; and (3) contain a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures higher than 50 °C.

7752 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

12All the spreadsheets models developed for this rulemaking proceeding are available at: 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475/buildings/appliance_ standards/rulemaking.aspx/ruleid/16.


Ballast type Operated lamp rated wattage range Minimum ballast efficiency


Pulse-start........................................................................................................≥150 and ≤500 W. (88)

Magnetic Probe-start........................................................................................≥150 and ≤500 W. (94)

Nonpulse-start Electronic.................................................................................≥150 and ≤250 W. (90)

Nonpulse-start Electronic.................................................................................≥250 and ≤500 W. (92)

*(42 U.S.C. 6295(hh)(1)).

2. History of Standards Rulemaking for MHLFs

DOE is conducting this rulemaking to review and consider amendments to the energy conservation standards in effect for MHLFs, as required under 42 U.S.C.

6295(hh)(2) and (4). On December 30, 2009, DOE published a notice announcing the availability of the framework document,

‘‘Energy Conservation Standards Rulemaking Framework Document for Metal Halide Lamp Fixtures,’’ and a public meeting to discuss the proposed analytical framework for the rulemaking. 74 FR 69036. DOE also posted the framework document on its Web site; this document is available at http://

6385ab3e0242a8956aece475/buildings/appliance_ standards/rulemaking.aspx/ruleid/16. The framework document described the procedural and analytical approaches that DOE anticipated using to evaluate energy conservation standards for MHLFs, and identified various issues to be resolved in conducting this rulemaking.

DOE held a public meeting on January 26, 2010, during which it presented the contents of the framework document, described the analyses it planned to conduct during the rulemaking, sought comments from interested parties on these subjects, and in general, sought to inform interested parties about, and facilitate their involvement in, the rulemaking. At the meeting and during the period for commenting on the framework document, DOE received comments that helped identify and resolve issues involved in this rulemaking.

DOE then gathered additional information

and performed preliminary analyses to help

develop potential energy conservation

standards for MHLFs. On April 1, 2011, DOE

published in the Federal Register an

announcement (the preliminary analysis

notice) of the availability of the preliminary

technical support document (the preliminary

TSD) and of another public meeting to

discuss and receive comments on the

following matters: (1) The equipment classes

DOE planned to analyze; (2) the analytical

framework, models, and tools that DOE was

using to evaluate standards; (3) the results of

the preliminary analyses performed by DOE;

and (4) potential standard levels that DOE

could consider. 76 FR 1812 (April 1, 2011).

In the preliminary analysis notice, DOE

requested comment on these issues. The

preliminary TSD is available at http://



The preliminary TSD summarized the

activities DOE undertook in developing

standards for MHLFs, and discussed the

comments DOE received in response to the

framework document. It also described the

analytical framework that DOE uses in this

rulemaking, including a description of the

methodology, the analytical tools, and the

relationships among the various analyses that

are part of the rulemaking. The preliminary

TSD presented and described in detail each

analysis DOE performed up to that point,

including descriptions of inputs, sources,

methodologies, and results.

The public meeting announced in the

preliminary analysis notice took place on

April 18, 2011. At this meeting, DOE

presented the methodologies and results of

the analyses set forth in the preliminary TSD.

Interested parties discussed the following

major issues at the public meeting: (1)

Alternative approaches to performance

requirements and the various related

efficiency metrics; (2) the possibility of

including design standards; (3) amendments

to the test procedures for metal halide (MH)

ballasts to account for multiple input

voltages; (4) the cost and feasibility of

utilizing electronic ballasts in MHLFs; (5)

equipment class pisions; (6) overall pricing

methodology; (7) lamp lifetimes; (8)

cumulative regulatory burden; (9) shipments;

and (10) the possibility of merging the MHLF

and the high-intensity discharge (HID) lamp


In August 2013, DOE published a notice of

proposed rulemaking (NOPR) in the Federal

Register proposing new and amended energy

conservation standards for MHLFs. In

conjunction with the NOPR, DOE also

published on its Web site the complete TSD

for the proposed rule, which incorporated the

analyses DOE conducted and technical

documentation for each analysis. The NOPR

TSD was accompanied by the LCC

spreadsheet, the national impact analysis

spreadsheet, and the manufacturer impact

analysis (MIA) spreadsheet—all of which are

available on DOE’s Web site.12The proposed

standards were as shown in Table II.2.78 FR

51463 (August 20, 2013).


Designed to be operated with lamps of

the following rated lamp wattage Indoor/outdoor? Test input voltage??Minimum standard equation?


≥50 W and ≤100 W.............................Indoor............................480 V.............................99.4/(1+2.5×P∧(¥0.55)).?

≥50 W and ≤100 W.............................Indoor............................All others.......................100/(1+2.5×P∧(¥0.55)).

≥50 W and ≤100 W.............................Outdoor..........................480 V.............................99.4/(1+2.5×P∧(¥0.55)).

≥50 W and ≤100 W.............................Outdoor..........................All others.......................100/(1+2.5×P∧(¥0.55)).

>100 W and <150 W*.........................Indoor............................480 V.............................99.4/(1+0.36×P∧(¥0.30)).

>100 W and <150 W*.........................Indoor............................All others.......................100/(1+0.36×P∧(¥0.30)).

>100 W and <150 W*.........................Outdoor..........................480 V.............................99.4/(1+0.36×P∧(¥0.30)).

>100 W and <150 W*.........................Outdoor..........................All others.......................100/(1+0.36×P∧(¥0.30)).

≥150 W**and ≤250 W........................Indoor............................480 V.............................For ≥150 W and ≤200 W: 88.0.

For >200 W and ≤250 W: 0.06×P + 76.0. ≥150 W**and ≤250 W........................Indoor............................All others.......................For ≥150 W and ≤200 W: 88.0.

For >200 W and ≤250 W: 0.07×P + 74.0. ≥150 W**and ≤250 W........................Outdoor..........................480 V.............................For ≥150 W and ≤200 W: 88.0

For >200 W and ≤250 W: 0.06×P + 76.0. ≥150 W**and ≤250 W........................Outdoor..........................All others.......................For ≥150 W and ≤200 W: 88.0.

For >200 W and ≤250 W: 0.07×P + 74.0.

7753 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

13As a point of reference, 50 °C is equivalent to 122°F.

14A notation in the form ‘‘EEI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at pp. 14–15, 67–69’’ identifies a comment that DOE has received and included in the docket of this rulemaking. This particular notation refers to a comment: (1) Submitted by EEI;

(2) in the transcript of the MHLF NOPR public meeting, document number 48 in the docket of this rulemaking; and (3) appearing on pages 14–15 and 67–69 of that transcript.


Designed to be operated with lamps of

the following rated lamp wattage Indoor/outdoor? Test input voltage??Minimum standard equation?


>250 W and ≤500 W...........................Indoor............................480 V.............................91.0.

>250 W and ≤500 W...........................Indoor............................All others.......................91.5.

>250 W and ≤500 W...........................Outdoor..........................480 V.............................91.0.

>250 W and ≤500 W...........................Outdoor..........................All others.......................91.5.

>500 W and ≤2000 W.........................Indoor............................480 V.............................For >500 W to <1000 W: 0.994×(0.0032×P +


For ≥1000 W to ≤2000 W: 92.5 and may not uti-

lize a probe-start ballast.

>500 W and ≤2000 W.........................Indoor............................All others.......................For >500 W to <1000 W: 0.0032×P + 89.9.

For ≥1000 W to ≤2000 W: 93.1 and may not uti-

lize a probe-start ballast.

>500 W and ≤2000 W.........................Outdoor..........................480 V.............................For >500 W to <1000 W: 0.994×(0.0032×P +


For ≥1000 W to ≤2000 W: 92.5 and may not uti-

lize a probe-start ballast.

>500 W and ≤2000 W.........................Outdoor..........................All others.......................For >500 W to <1000 W: 0.0032×P + 89.9.

For ≥1000 W to ≤2000 W: 93.1 and may not uti-

lize a probe-start ballast.

*Includes 150 W MHLFs exempted by EISA 2007, which are MHLFs rated only for 150 W lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as specified by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified by UL 1029–2007.

**Excludes 150 W MHLFs exempted by EISA 2007, which are MHLFs rated only for 150 W lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as specified by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified by UL 1029–2007.

?DOE’s proposed definitions for ‘‘indoor’’ and ‘‘outdoor’’ MHLFs are described in section V.A.2.

??Input voltage for testing would be specified by the test procedures. Ballasts rated to operate lamps less than 150 W would be tested at 120 V, and ballasts rated to operate lamps ≥150 W would be tested at 277 V. Ballasts not designed to operate at either of these voltages would be tested at the highest voltage for which the ballast is designed to operate.

?P is defined as the rated wattage of the lamp that the MHLF is designed to operate.

In the NOPR DOE invited comment, particularly on the following issues: (1) The expanded scope of coverage, (2) the proposed amendments to the test procedure, (3) equipment class pisions, (4) the efficiency levels (ELs) analyzed, (5) the method of estimating magnetically ballasted system input power, (6) the determination to include a design standard that would prohibit the sale of probe-start ballasts in newly sold MHLFs for certain wattages, (7) the derived manufacturer selling prices (MSPs), (8) the equipment class scaling factor for tested input voltage, and (9) the proposed trial standard level (TSL 3). 78 FR 51463 (August 20, 2013).

DOE held a NOPR public meeting on September 27, 2013, to hear oral comments on and solicit information relevant to the proposed rule (hereafter the NOPR public meeting). Interested parties in attendance discussed the following major issues: (1) The compliance date, (2) amendments to the test procedure, (3) scope of the rulemaking, (4) equipment class pisions, (5) impacts on the magnetic ballast footprint, (6) impacts on fixture design, (7) testing and manufacturing variation, and (8) impacts of solid-state lighting market penetration on MHLF shipments.

DOE considered the comments received in response to the NOPR after its publication and at the NOPR public meeting when developing this final rule, and responds to these comments in this notice.

3. Compliance Date

EPCA, as amended by EISA 2007, contains guidelines for the compliance date of the standards amended by this rulemaking. EPCA requires DOE to determine whether to amend the standards in effect for MHLFs and

whether any amended standards should

apply to additional MHLFs. The Secretary

was directed to publish a final rule no later

than January 1, 2012 to determine whether

the energy conservation standards

established by EISA 2007 for MHLFs should

be amended, with any amendment applicable

to equipment manufactured after January 1,

2015. (42 U.S.C. 6295(hh)(2)(B)) As discussed

in section VI.C, DOE has determined it will

maintain the three-year interval between the

publication date of the final rule in the

Federal Register and the compliance date.

III. Issues Affecting the Scope of This


A. Additional MHLFs for Which DOE Is

Setting Standards

The existing energy conservation standards

for MHLFs are established in EPCA through

amendments made by EISA 2007. (42 U.S.C.

6295(hh)(1)(A)) The statute excludes from

coverage MHLFs with regulated-lag ballasts;

electronic ballasts that operate at 480 V; and

ballasts that are rated only for (1) use with

150 W lamps, (2) use in wet locations, and

(3) operation in ambient air temperatures

higher than 50 °C.13DOE considered

expanding the coverage of its energy

conservation standards to include these

exempted MHLF types and additional rated

lamp wattages. For each previously exempted

MHLF type and for all expansions of the

covered wattage range, DOE considered

potential energy savings, technological

feasibility, and economic justification when

determining whether to include them in the

scope of coverage.

Some stakeholders expressed confusion at

the NOPR public meeting, stating that they

interpreted this rulemaking as establishing

efficiency standards for all metal halide

ballasts rather than just ballasts in new metal

halide lamp fixtures. The Edison Electric

Institute (EEI) contended that the rule is

misleading because the title indicates it is a

rule for metal halide lamp fixtures when it

actually establishes standards for all metal

halide ballasts, including replacement

ballasts. (EEI, Public Meeting Transcript, No.

48 at pp. 14–15, 67–69)14DOE clarifies that

the scope of this rulemaking affects all new

MHLFs. Ballasts sold with new fixtures after

the compliance date must meet or exceed the

standards promulgated by this rulemaking.

Any ballasts sold on the replacement market

do not need to comply with these standards.

Regarding the additional fixtures that DOE

proposed including in the scope of coverage,

the California Energy Commission (CEC)

generally supported the expanded scope for

MHLFs DOE proposed in the NOPR. (CEC,

No. 52 at p. 3) DOE received no other

comment regarding the general approach to

expand the scope of coverage and considers

specific scope comments in the following


7754 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

1. EISA 2007 Exempted MHLFs

a. MHLFs With Regulated-Lag Ballasts Regulated-lag ballasts are mainly used for specialty applications where line voltage variation is large. Regulated-lag ballasts are designed to withstand significant line voltage variation with minimum wattage variation to the lamp, which results in an efficiency penalty compared to ballasts whose output changes more significantly with line voltage variation. The power regulation provided by regulated-lag ballasts is higher than any other magnetic ballast. To be able to withstand large variations, regulated-lag ballasts are designed to be significantly larger than standard ballasts. Through manufacturer interviews and market research, DOE determined that the size and weight of regulated-lag ballasts limit their use as substitutes in traditional applications. Manufacturers and market research confirmed that their exemption did not lead to a significant market shift to regulated-lag ballasts. Furthermore, DOE’s market research found none of this equipment available in major manufacturers’ catalogs. The absence of regulated-lag ballasts from catalogs indicates a very small market share and therefore limited potential for significant energy savings. Thus, in the NOPR DOE proposed continuing to exempt MHLFs with regulated-lag ballasts from energy conservation standards.

Universal Lighting Technologies (ULT) and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) agreed with DOE’s proposal to continue exempting regulated-lag ballasts from the scope of this rulemaking. NEMA further added that this higher cost technology is used in limited and specific applications, such as heavy industrial, security, and street and tunnel lighting, in order to avoid lamp failures caused by severe voltage dips. (ULT, No. 50 at p. 2; NEMA, No.

56 at p. 5; NEMA, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 48) Agreeing with this description of a limited, niche market and receiving no comments to the contrary, in this final rule DOE exempts regulated-lag ballasts from energy conservation standards.

b. MHLFs With 480 V Electronic Ballasts

In the NOPR, DOE concluded that 480 V electronic ballasts have a very small market share as they are only manufactured by one company and have limited availability from distributors. As a result, DOE determined that there is limited potential for significant energy savings, and in the NOPR proposed continuing to exempt MHLFs with 480 V electronic ballasts from energy conservation standards.

Philips Lighting (Philips), ULT, and NEMA agreed with DOE’s decision to exclude 480 V electronic ballasts in the scope of this rulemaking. ULT noted that very few 480 V electronic ballasts are in the market, while Philips commented that 480 V electronic ballasts do not exist at any wattage. (Philips, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 130; ULT, No. 50 at p. 2; NEMA, No. 56 at p. 5) Having received no comments in disagreement, DOE continues to exempt 480 V electronic ballasts from energy conservation standards in this final rule. c. Exempted 150 W MHLFs

After receiving exemption from energy

conservation standards in EISA 2007,

shipments of 150 W outdoor MHLFs rated for

wet and high-temperature locations

increased. Further, some indoor applications

use the exempted outdoor MHLFs, negating

possible energy savings for indoor 150 W

MHLFs. Therefore, in the NOPR DOE

concluded that including the currently

exempt 150 W MHLFs in the scope of

coverage has the potential for significant

energy savings. Additionally, as a range of

ballast efficiencies exists in commercially

available ballasts, DOE found that improving

the efficiencies of the ballasts included in

these fixtures is technologically feasible and

economically justified. Accordingly, in the

NOPR DOE proposed including 150 W

MHLFs in wet locations and ambient

temperatures greater than 50 °C in the scope

of this rulemaking.

NEMA, ULT, CEC, and the Southern

Company disagreed with DOE’s decision to

include all 150 W ballasts in the scope of this

rulemaking. (NEMA, No. 56 at pp. 5, 12;

ULT, No. 50 at pp. 2–3; CEC, No. 52 at p. 3;

Southern Company, No. 64 at p. 2; No. 64 at

p. 2) NEMA commented that while DOE does

have the authority to include this equipment,

it must be done in a technologically and

economically feasible manner. NEMA stated

that the efficiencies adopted in the final rule

must be substantially lowered from those

proposed in the NOPR to be technologically

feasible. (NEMA, No. 56 at pp. 5, 24) In

support of this point, ULT and NEMA noted

that the industry has not yet been able to

create a 150 W MHLF with a magnetic ballast

that achieves 88 percent efficiency, which is

the minimum efficiency requirement

proposed in the NOPR for previously exempt

150 W MHLFs. (ULT, Public Meeting

Transcript, No. 48 at pp. 108–109; ULT, No.

50 at pp. 5–6, 23–24; NEMA, No. 56 at p. 13)

In contrast, in a joint comment the Pacific

Gas and Electric Company, Southern

California Gas Company, San Diego Gas and

Electric, and Southern California Edison

(hereafter referred to as the California

investor-owned utilities or the ‘‘CA IOUs’’)

supported DOE’s proposal to include

previously exempt 150 W MHLFs in the

scope of coverage. CA IOUs were unaware of

any specific attributes that limit 150 W

ballasts from reaching greater efficiency, and

believe the lower efficiencies of these ballasts

are more likely due to their prior exemption

from standards, as there is significant room

for improvement. Therefore, CA IOUs

supported the inclusion of these ballasts. (CA

IOUs, No. 54 at pp. 1–2) Also, in a joint

comment the Appliance Standards

Awareness Project, American Council for an

Energy-Efficient Economy, National

Consumer Law Center, Natural Resources

Defense Council, Northwest Energy

Efficiency Alliance, and Northwest Power

and Conservation Council (hereafter referred

to as the ‘‘Joint Comment’’) supported

including 150 W MHLFs previously

exempted by EISA 2007 in the scope of this

final rule. (Joint Comment, No. 62 at p. 9)

DOE agrees that commercially available

magnetic ballasts cannot meet the EISA 2007

specified 88 percent efficiency. However, the

150 W fixtures exempted by EISA 2007 have

a range of magnetic ballast efficiencies

available below 88 percent and therefore

energy conservation standards are

technologically feasible. These fixtures can

be considered separately from those 150 W

fixtures covered by EISA 2007 by separating

them into different equipment classes and

DOE therefore finds no reason the previously

exempt 150 W fixtures should not be covered

by this rulemaking. Therefore in this final

rule, DOE has included 150 W fixtures rated

for use in wet locations and ambient

temperatures greater than 50 °C in the scope

of coverage.

NEMA, ULT, and Southern Company

commented that the inclusion of 150 W

ballast efficiency requirements would

practically prohibit usage of 150 W magnetic

ballasts, thereby forcing the usage of

electronic ballasts in new fixtures. (NEMA,

No. 56 at p. 6; ULT, No. 50 at pp. 2–3;

Southern Company, No. 64 at p. 2) ULT and

Southern Company expressed concerns that

electronic ballasts for MH lamps are not

proven in outdoor applications and are

vulnerable to failures due to moisture,

temperatures higher than 50 °C, and voltage

variations and surges caused by lightning and

other natural events. (ULT, No. 50 at pp. 2–

3; Southern Company, No. 64 at p. 2)

DOE considered both more efficient

magnetic and more efficient electronic

ballasts as replacements for ballasts in the

previously exempt 150 W fixtures. DOE has

determined that, with the proper fixture

adjustments, electronic ballasts can be used

in the same applications as magnetic ballasts.

For detailed discussion of this decision, see

section V.A. DOE has concluded that the

standard levels adopted in this final rule are

economically justified.

General Electric (GE) commented that

energy conservation standards for previously

exempt 150 W MHLFs could actually

increase rather than decrease national energy

consumption. GE noted that the purpose of

the 150 W exemption from EISA 2007 was to

shift the market from 175 W fixtures to 150

W fixtures, thereby saving energy. Thus, GE

disagreed with the way DOE analyzed 150 W

fixtures and noted that the previously exempt

fixtures should not be subject to standards

higher than max tech. (GE, Public Meeting

Transcript, No. 48 at pp. 135–136)

CA IOUs acknowledged that 150 W ballasts

can be a low-wattage replacement for 175 W

applications. Accordingly, CA IOUs

encouraged increasing efficiency standards

for both wattage levels equally, so as not to

inadvertently push customers to the higher-

wattage alternatives. (CA IOUs, No. 54 at pp.

1–2) CEC agreed, stating that by incentivizing

150 W fixtures through minimal efficiency

standards, the market would be driven

toward purchasing these lower-wattage

fixtures instead of 175 W or 200 W fixtures.

(CEC, No. 52 at p. 3)

The Joint Comment noted that while

customers may choose to shift between

different wattage MHLFs, continuing to

exempt 150 W MHLFs is not the best

solution. For example, a continued

exemption might create market distortions

and hinder the transitions to more efficient

light-emitting diode (LED) lamps in this

7755 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

15DOE uses this shorthand to refer to MHLFs

with ballasts designed to operate lamps rated

greater than or equal to 50 W and less than 150 W,

MHLFs with ballasts designed to operate lamps rated greater than 500 W and less than or equal to 2000 W, and MHLFs with ballasts designed to operate lamps rated greater than or equal to 150 W and less than or equal to 500 W, respectively.

16U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. 2010 U.S. Lighting Market Characterization. 2010. Available at 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475/buildings/ publications/pdfs/ssl/2010-lmc-final-jan-2012.pdf.

wattage category. (Joint Comment, No. 62 at p. 9) The Joint Comment also stated that even if the inclusion of 150 W fixtures leads to the use of more 175 W or 200 W fixtures, it might not result in more energy consumption as switching to higher-wattage fixtures could also reduce the number of fixtures installed. In situations where the number of fixtures installed is not reduced, additional energy use could be offset by increased ballast efficiency in this wattage bin. In addition, the increased price of the 175 W fixtures provides more disincentive to purchase them over 150 W fixtures. Finally, the Joint Comment argued that if the standards apply to all wattage ranges from 50 W to 500 W, switching from 150 W to a higher-wattage fixture would not be a concern because all fixtures would be subject to the same standards. (Joint Comment, No. 62 at p. 9) DOE notes that the exemption of certain 150 W fixtures from EISA 2007 resulted in

a shift from 175 W to the exempted 150 W fixtures, which resulted in energy savings. In the shipments analysis, DOE considers how different standards for 150 W and 175 W MHLFs may impact customer choices. For example, when the initial first cost for 150

W fixtures exceeds that of 175 W fixtures, the shipments analysis models a shift to 175 W MHLFs. Even with some customers shifting to higher wattage MHLFs, energy conservation standards for 150 W fixtures still result in energy savings due to increased ballast efficiency. In this final rule, DOE has determined that standards for previously exempt 150 W MHLFs are technologically feasible, economically justified, and would result in significant energy savings (see section VII.C for details). Therefore, DOE has included previously exempt 150 W fixtures in the scope of coverage of this rulemaking.

2. Additional Wattages

Based on equipment testing and market research, DOE found in the NOPR that energy conservation standards for MHLFs rated for wattages greater than 50 W and less than 150 W, and MHLFs rated for wattages greater than 500 W, are technologically feasible, economically justified, and would result in significant energy savings. DOE determined that MHLFs rated for wattages greater than 2000 W only served small-market-share applications like graphic arts, ultraviolet (UV) curing, and scanners. Therefore, in the NOPR DOE proposed to include in the scope of coverage 50 W–150 W MHLFs and 501 W– 2000 W MHLFs, in addition to the 150 W– 500 W MHLFs15covered by EISA 2007. NEMA and ULT opposed the expansion of coverage of this rulemaking to include 50 W– 150 W MHLFs. They further commented that coverage of 50 W–100 W MHLFs would require redesign of all magnetic ballasts in that range, which would be nearly equivalent to banning magnetic ballasts. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 6; ULT, No. 50 at pp. 2–3)

DOE has found MHLFs with a variety of

ballast efficiencies in the 50 W–150 W range,

including the 50 W–100 W range specifically

cited by NEMA and ULT. Therefore, DOE

believes energy conservation standards for 50

W–150 W MHLFs are technologically

feasible. DOE considered both more efficient

magnetic and more efficient electronic

ballasts as replacements for ballasts in this

rulemaking. DOE has determined that, with

the proper fixture adjustments, electronic

ballasts can be used in the same applications

as magnetic ballasts. For detailed discussion

of this decision, see section V.A. Economic

impacts of standard levels on inpidual

customers, manufacturers, and the nation are

discussed in section VII.B. DOE has

concluded that the standard levels adopted

in this final rule for 50 W–150 W MHLFs are

economically justified and would result in

significant energy savings. Therefore, DOE

has included 50 W–150 W MHLFs in the

scope of coverage for this final rule.

DOE received several comments regarding

the inclusion of MHLFs greater than 500 W

in the scope of coverage. CA IOUs and

Earthjustice supported the expansion of the

scope of coverage to include 50 W–2000 W

fixtures. (CA IOUs, No. 54 at pp. 1–2;

Earthjustice, Public Meeting Transcript, No.

48 at p. 171) CA IOUs commented that

because 18 percent of MH ballasts are

designed to operate lamps greater than 500

W, there exists an opportunity for significant

energy savings. (CA IOUs, No. 54 at pp. 1–


In contrast, NEMA and ULT disagreed with

the inclusion of MHLFs greater than 500 W,

noting that coverage of the 501 W–2000 W

range would require redesign of the 750 W

fixture family and this would come with

significant cost increase. (NEMA, No. 56 at

pp. 6–7; ULT, No. 50 at pp. 2–3)

DOE believes that standards for 500 W–

1000 W MHLFs are technologically feasible

because MHLFs in this wattage range contain

ballasts that exhibit a range of efficiencies,

indicating it is possible for a standard to

improve the efficiency of ballasts already on

the market. Specifically, DOE has found 750

W MHLFs with ballasts at multiple

efficiencies that span both EL1 and EL2.

Furthermore, DOE has analyzed MHLFs in

this wattage range and concluded that

standards for these MHLFs are economically

justified and result in significant energy

savings (see section VII.B of this notice for

more details). Therefore, DOE includes 500

W–1000 W MHLFs in the scope of coverage

for this rulemaking.

NEMA, GE, ULT, Musco Sports Lighting,

LLC (Musco Lighting), Venture Lighting

International, Inc. (Venture), and OSRAM

SYLVANIA Inc. (OSI) all asserted that

fixtures greater than 1000 W should not be

covered by this rulemaking, as they are only

operated in ‘‘specialty lighting’’ applications.

They stated that the lamps’ limited

applications and low hours of operation do

not result in appreciable savings

opportunities, provide little energy gains at a

significant cost, and pose an unjustified

burden on manufacturers. (NEMA, Public

Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 114; NEMA,

No. 56 at pp. 6–7; GE, Public Meeting

Transcript, No. 48 at pp. 115, 172; ULT, No.

50 at pp. 2–3; Musco Lighting, Public

Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at pp. 118, 180;

Musco Lighting, No. 55 at pp. 3–4; Venture,

Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 170;

OSI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p.

172) Further, NEMA cited the 2010 U.S.

Lighting Market Characterization (2010

LMC),16as evidence that stadium and sports

lighting, the most common application for

fixtures greater than 1000 W, is a niche

market, unsuitable for energy savings

exploration. Specifically, NEMA noted that

in the 2010 LMC, the 839,000 MH lamps in

stadium applications represent 2.8 percent of

outdoor MH lamps (0.4 percent of all outdoor

lamps) and only 1.2 percent of all installed

MH lamps (see Table 4.1 in the 2010 LMC).

For MH lamps in stadium applications, the

average wattage is 1554 W (see Table 4.28 in

the 2010 LMC) with an average usage of just

1 hour per day (see Table 4.29 in the 2010

LMC). NEMA agreed with the 2010 LMC that

this is a reasonable average usage profile for

MH lamps greater than 1000 W. In contrast,

typical outdoor MH lamps average 12.1 hours

per day ranging from 8.8 hours on building

exteriors to 15 hours in parking areas.

(NEMA, No. 56 at pp. 6–7)

Musco Lighting pointed out that DOE’s

decision to not directly analyze 480 V

magnetic ballasts due to low shipment

volume supported their assertion that 1500

W fixtures should be exempt from energy

conservation standards. Musco Lighting

specified that as more than 50 percent of

their shipments of 1500 W MHLFs contained

a 480 V ballast, both MHLF types should be

exempt. (Musco Lighting, Public Meeting

Transcript, No. 48 at p. 129)

DOE determined that sports lighting,

which is the predominant application for

lamps above 1000 W, fits the definition of

general lighting and is therefore included in

the scope of this rulemaking (see the

following section III.A.3 for additional

discussion). Although these higher wattage

MHLFs do not comprise a large percentage of

the market, their high wattage could

potentially result in significant energy

savings. DOE notes that MHLFs greater than

1000 W exist in a variety of efficiencies and

therefore standards for these MHLFs are

technologically feasible. DOE acknowledges,

however, that MHLFs greater than 1000 W

have a different cost-efficiency relationship

than 501 W to 1000 W MHLFs. Therefore, in

this final rule, DOE created a separate

equipment class to analyze these MHLFs. See

section V.A.2 for additional detail. After

considering the economic impacts of

standards for MHLFs greater than 1000 W on

inpidual customers, manufacturers, and the

nation, DOE has concluded that standards for

these MHLFs are not economically justified.

Therefore, in this final rule, DOE has not

included MHLFs greater than 1000 W in the

scope of coverage and has not adopted energy

conservation standards for these MHLFs. See

section VII for a discussion of the economic


7756 Federal Register /Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

17The general lighting application definition

prescribed by EISA 2007 was previously

incorporated into the consumer products section (10 CFR Part 430), but has not yet been added to the commercial and industrial equipment section (10 CFR Part 431).

3. General Lighting

EISA 2007 defines the scope of this

rulemaking as applying to MHLFs used in general lighting applications. (42 U.S.C. 6291(64)) In section 2 of 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart A, a general lighting application is defined as lighting that provides an interior or exterior area with overall illumination. In the NOPR, DOE proposed to add this

definition to 10 CFR Part 431.2,17the section of the CFR that relates to commercial and industrial equipment, such as MHLFs. DOE’s research indicated that there are a number of applications, such as outdoor sports lighting and airfield lighting, which commonly use MH ballasts of 1000 W to 2000 W and

provide general illumination to an exterior area. In the NOPR, DOE proposed that such applications are general lighting applications and are covered by this rulemaking.

ULT, NEMA, GE, Musco Lighting stated that all MHLFs above 1000 W have limited operating hours and are for specialty

applications, not general lighting. (ULT, No. 50 at pp. 2–3; NEMA, No. 56 at pp. 6–7; GE, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 115; Musco Lighting, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 118) Earthjustice commented that the definition of ‘‘general lighting’’ refers to overall illumination of an interior or exterior area, not to the hours of use of an

application. Therefore, Earthjustice stated that these higher-wattage lamps that serve applications such as sports lighting, parks, and airfields that provide overall

illumination to exterior areas should not be considered niche equipment. (Earthjustice, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at pp. 171, 174)

DOE agrees that the higher wattages fall under the CFR definition of general lighting. As mentioned previously, DOE also

acknowledges that these lamps have limited operating hours and used these hours of use to calculate their energy savings potential. However, DOE does not believe that low operating hours impacts whether high

wattage MHLFs are used in general lighting applications. DOE has determined that sports lighting is a general lighting application because it is ‘‘lighting that provides an interior or exterior area with overall

illumination.’’ In this final rule, DOE adopts this definition for general lighting application in 10 CFR 431.2.

4. High-Frequency Electronic Ballasts

Electronic ballasts can be separated into two main types, low-frequency electronic (LFE) and high-frequency electronic (HFE). HFE ballasts are electronic ballasts with frequencies greater than or equal to 1000 hertz (Hz). DOE received comment that HFE ballasts should not be included in the scope of coverage based on compatibility issues and the lack of test procedure (DOE’s proposed test procedure is discussed in section IV.A). Venture and NEMA commented that there are no ANSI standards for the HFE ballasts that may be required to meet the analyzed

standard levels, and therefore there will be limited MH lamps for use with these ballasts for a substantial period of time. (Venture, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 29; NEMA, No. 56 at p. 9) NEMA elaborated that many MH lamps are not compatible with existing HFE ballasts because of variation in arc tube size and shape. Due to this variation, HFE acoustic resonances can cause arc

instability or even lamp failure. (NEMA, No. 44 at p. 6) NEMA specifically noted that high-frequency electronic ballasts are

incompatible with the most efficacious lamps (ceramic metal halide). A standard that requires high frequency electronic ballasts could reduce overall energy savings because these ballasts are not compatible with the most efficacious MH lamps. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 9) Furthermore, a standard that eliminates ballasts capable of operating ceramic metal halide lamps would be a violation of EPCA section 325(o)(4) which prohibits DOE from adopting a standard that interested parties have demonstrated results in the elimination of product features from the market. (NEMA, No. 44 at pp. 6–7) NEMA stated that industry standards for high

frequency ballasts and lamps have only just begun to be developed and without these standards there will continue to be limited compatibility between high frequency

ballasts and lamps (NEMA, No. 44 at p. 7). Even when acceptable frequency ranges are found, NEMA commented that HFE ballasts can also cause electrode back arcing, leading to shortened lamp life. (NEMA, No. 44 at p. 6)

As in the NOPR, DOE recognizes there are compatibility issues associated with HFE ballasts and some MH lamps, in particular ceramic metal halide (CMH) lamps. A standard that requires HFE ballasts could result in a full or partial elimination of CMH lamps from the market due to these

compatibility issues. The elimination of CMH lamps could increase energy usage, as CMH lamps are some of the most efficacious MH lamps on the market. In the NOPR, DOE indicated it would take compatibility issues with HFE ballasts into account when

selecting the eventual adopted standard of today’s final rule. However, as detailed in section IV.A of this notice, DOE has not adopted a test procedure for HFE ballast, based on the lack of an industry consensus test method for this ballast type. DOE has found that in the absence of an applicable test method for these lamps, HFE ballasts cannot be subject to energy conservation standards. Therefore, DOE has not included HFE ballasts in the scope of coverage of this rulemaking.

5. Outdoor Fixtures

In the NOPR, DOE included both indoor and outdoor MHLFs in the scope of coverage because DOE determined that standards for both types of fixtures were technologically feasible, economically justified, and would result in significant energy savings. Because DOE concluded that indoor and outdoor fixtures had different cost-efficiency

relationships, DOE analyzed them in separate equipment classes.

The American Public Power Association (APPA) noted that separating the outdoor and indoor lamps or exempting outdoor lamps is

necessary because the usage patterns of

outdoor lamps differ immensely from indoor. As the circumstances are different when considering both classes, APPA furthered, it is difficult to understand the effects of

proposed efficiency standards on each group. APPA also noted that it may make sense to exempt outdoor fixtures from energy conservation standards because the

electronic ballasts will have difficulty in

extreme weather conditions. APPA, No. 51 at p. 4; APPA, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 103)

As mentioned previously, in the NOPR DOE determined that standards for both types of fixtures were technologically

feasible, economically justified, and would result in significant energy savings. This conclusion is reaffirmed by the analysis in the final rule and DOE therefore includes both indoor and outdoor fixtures in the scope of coverage for this rulemaking. DOE agrees with analyzing outdoor and indoor fixtures separately by placing indoor and outdoor MHLFs into separate equipment classes. While the efficiencies achievable by indoor and outdoor fixtures are the same, the different costs affect the resultant cost- efficiency curves. See section V.A.2 of this notice for details on the equipment classes. 6. Hazardous Locations

Although DOE did not consider exempting fixtures designed for use in hazardous

locations in the NOPR, NEMA commented that these fixtures need to be exempt from energy conservation standards. As these fixtures are used in potentially explosive atmospheres and listed to Underwriters Laboratories Inc. standard (UL) 844, any change in ballast size would require the fixture to be redesigned and re-tested, creating a tremendous burden on

manufacturers. This is because the redesign, retesting, and relisting of these MHLFs would take significantly longer than three years, and leave this equipment type unavailable for an extended period of time. This would result in serious safety concerns until these fixture types were available again. NEMA also finds it would be very difficult for manufacturers to recoup the investment in standards- induced efficiency improvement for these types of MHLFs due to their limited market. Therefore, NEMA suggested that hazardous location fixtures should be granted an

exemption from the rulemaking. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 14)

As discussed in section V.C.8, the standard levels analyzed in this rulemaking do not require an increase in ballast size. Therefore, DOE does not believe hazardous location fixtures would need to be modified due to a change in ballast size. DOE notes that the vast majority of hazardous location fixtures are specified for use with magnetic ballasts. Therefore, DOE investigated existing fixtures, and the requirements of UL 844, to determine whether higher standards for ballasts, specifically those that require electronic ballast technology, would cause existing hazardous location fixtures to be redesigned and/or retested. After reviewing the UL 844 requirements, DOE found no constraints that would specifically or effectively preclude the use of electronic ballasts. Instead, UL 844 contains explosion protection requirements


Federal Register /Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

18While not comprehensive, DOE identified

hazardous location fixtures certified for use with

magnetic ballasts that operate lamps with rated

wattages between 150 W and 750 W.

for a luminaire, including requirements that no part of the fixture reach the thermal

ignition temperature of a particulate or gas in the environment. DOE’s survey of existing hazardous location fixtures found that these fixtures are commonly rated for use with a type of MH ballast and specific wattage. For example, a hazardous location fixture may be rated for use with a magnetic MH ballast of a given wattage (e.g., a 750 W magnetic MH ballast). Most hazardous location fixtures that are currently available are certified for use with magnetic ballasts, with offerings at a variety of wattages.18DOE only identified one hazardous location fixture that was rated for use with electronic ballasts (in this case, a 150 W electronic ballast). DOE was unable to confirm that hazardous location fixtures compatible with electronic ballasts were available at the same wattages as hazardous location fixtures compatible with magnetic ballasts that are currently offered on the market. However, as discussed in section VII.C, DOE is not adopting standards that are expected to require the use of electronic ballast technology. Therefore, DOE does not believe the adopted standards in this

rulemaking will require hazardous location fixtures to be redesigned and retested and does not exempt them from the standards adopted in this final rule.

7. Summary of MHLFs for Which DOE Is Setting Standards

EISA 2007 established energy conservation standards for MHLFs with ballasts designed to operate lamps with rated wattages between 150 W and 500 W. As previously discussed, EISA 2007 also exempted three types of fixtures within the covered wattage range from energy conservation standards. In this final rule, DOE extends coverage to MHLFs with ballasts designed to operate lamps rated 50 W–150 W and 501 W–1000 W. DOE also includes one type of previously exempt fixture in the scope of coverage: 150 W MHLFs rated for use in wet locations and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures greater than 50 °C. DOE continues to exempt regulated-lag ballasts and 480 V electronic ballasts. For all ballasts included in the scope of coverage, DOE has determined that energy

conservation standards are technologically feasible, economically justified, and would result in significant energy savings. As such, DOE adopts standards for these MHLFs in this final rule.

B. Alternative Approaches to Energy

Conservation Standards: System Approaches As discussed in the NOPR, DOE considered several alternatives to establishing energy conservation standards for MHLFs by regulating the efficiency of the ballast contained within the fixture. Specifically, DOE considered a lamp-and- ballast system metric, fixture-level metrics, and the compliance paths specified in California’s Title 20 regulations (which are now preempted by federal energy conservation standards in 10 CFR 431.326, 74

FR 12058; March 23, 2009). DOE concluded that, after considering all of these alternate approaches, maintaining the EISA 2007

approach of regulating MHLFs by specifying a minimum ballast efficiency was the most widely accepted, least burdensome approach that would ensure energy conservation standards resulted in energy savings. Therefore, in the NOPR DOE proposed standards for MHLFs by requiring that MHLFs contain ballasts that comply with minimum specified efficiencies. NEMA agreed, citing the increased testing burden associated with testing every combination of lamp and ballast sold in a fixture, and

recognizing that the majority of MHLFs are not shipped with a lamp. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 8) Receiving no comment to the contrary, DOE maintains this approach in this final rule.

C. Standby Mode and Off Mode Energy Consumption EPCA requires energy conservation

standards adopted for covered equipment

after July 1, 2010 to address standby mode

and off mode energy use. (42 U.S.C.

6295(gg)(3)) The requirement to incorporate

standby mode and off mode energy use into

the energy conservation standards analysis is therefore applicable in this rulemaking.

DOE determined that it is not possible for

MHLFs to meet off mode criteria because there is no condition in which the components of an MHLF are connected to the

main power source and are not already in a

mode accounted for in either active or

standby mode. DOE recognizes that MHLFs

could be designed with auxiliary control

devices that could consume energy in

standby mode. However, DOE has yet to

encounter such a control device design, or

other type of MHLF that uses energy in

standby mode, on the market. Therefore, in

the NOPR DOE concluded that it cannot

establish a standard that incorporates

standby mode or off mode energy

consumption. Receiving no comment to the

contrary, DOE maintains this conclusion in

the final rule and does not include standby mode or off mode energy consumption in the standards adopted in this final rule. IV. General Discussion

A. Test Procedures 1. Current Test Procedures

The current test procedures for MH ballasts and MHLFs are outlined in Subpart S of 10

CFR Part 431. The test conditions, setup, and methodology generally follow the guidance of ANSI C82.6–2005. Testing requires the use of a reference lamp, which is to be driven by the ballast under test conditions until the

ballast reaches operational stability. Ballast

efficiency for the fixture is then calculated as

the measured ballast output power pided

by the ballast input power. In the NOPR,

DOE considered changes to the test

procedure regarding input voltage, the testing of HFE ballasts, and rounding requirements.

2. Test Input Voltage MH ballasts can be operated at a variety of voltages. The most common voltages are 120 V, 208 V, 240 V, 277 V, and 480 V. Ballasts will also commonly be rated for more than one voltage, such as dual-input-voltage

ballasts that can be operated at 120 V or 277 V, or quad-input-voltage ballasts that can be operated at 120 V, 208 V, 240 V, or 277 V. Through manufacturer feedback and testing, DOE found that the specific design of a

ballast and the voltage of the lamp operated by the ballast can affect the trend between input voltage and efficiency.

The existing test procedures do not specify the voltage at which a ballast is to be tested, and the majority of ballasts sold are capable of operating at multiple input voltages. Therefore, to ensure consistency among testing and reported efficiencies, DOE considered methods of standardizing this aspect of testing in the NOPR.

a. Average of Tested Efficiency at All Possible Voltages

One method analyzed in the NOPR was

testing ballasts at each input voltage at which they are able to operate, and then having a

standard for the average of these efficiencies. As averaging the efficiencies could misrepresent the performance of the ballast in its common uses and could increase the testing burden, in the NOPR, DOE did not propose this method. Having received no comments to the contrary, DOE continues to

reject using the average of tested efficiency at all possible voltages in this final rule. b. Posting the Highest and Lowest Efficiencies A second approach considered in the NOPR was requiring testing at each input voltage and listing the best and worst efficiencies on the MHLF label. DOE found that, similar to averaging efficiencies, this approach would increase the compliance testing burden for manufacturers compared to a requirement to test ballasts only at a single voltage. Therefore, DOE did not propose this method. Having received no comments to the contrary, DOE continues to reject the posting of the highest and lowest efficiencies on an MHLF label in this final rule. c. Test at Single Manufacturer-Declared Voltage A third approach considered in the NOPR

was that the test procedures should allow testing at a single voltage determined by the

manufacturer and declared in the test report.

DOE concluded that this approach would not be favorable as the efficiency at the

manufacturer-declared voltage and the efficiency at the more commonly used

voltages may not be the same, and as such could potentially reduce the energy savings of this rulemaking. Thus, DOE did not

propose to test ballast efficiency at a single manufacturer-declared voltage. GE agreed that a multi-tap ballast should be tested at just one input voltage. Rather than testing at the designated highest voltage, GE stated that it should be up to the manufacturer to choose the voltage at which

the ballast was optimally designed for purposes of reporting efficiencies. (GE, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 83)

DOE agrees with testing multi-tap ballasts at a single voltage. DOE’s position against allowing manufacturers to declare their testing input voltage stems from concerns

7758 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

that manufacturers could optimize efficiency at a voltage that is most convenient or least expensive, rather than the voltage most commonly used by customers. If optimal efficiency is achieved at a less commonly used voltage, the reported ballast efficiency would not be representative of the ballast efficiency in the ballast’s more common applications. If the efficiency at the tested voltage and at the most commonly used voltage are not directly correlated, energy savings could potentially be reduced. For these reasons, DOE rejects the proposal to allow manufacturers to select the voltage at which ballasts are tested in this final rule. d. Test at Highest Rated Voltage

Another input voltage specification that DOE considered was testing the ballast at the highest voltage possible. However, DOE concluded that a ballast’s highest rated voltage is not always its most common input voltage, and therefore testing and enforcing standards at the highest voltage could reduce the potential energy savings of this rulemaking. Accordingly, in the NOPR DOE did not propose to test ballast efficiency at the highest rated voltage. Having received no comments to the contrary, DOE continues to reject testing at the highest rated voltage in this final rule.

e. Test on Input Voltage Based on Wattage and Available Voltages

The final approach analyzed was testing the most common input voltages for each wattage range. This meant, when possible, ballasts less than 150 W are tested at 120 V, ballasts greater than or equal to 150 W are tested at 277 V, and if those specified voltages are unavailable, the ballast is tested at the highest available voltage. DOE concluded that because this proposal only requires testing at one input voltage, it minimizes testing burden. In addition, because the input voltage specification matches the most commonly used voltage, the requirement encourages optimization of efficiency around an input voltage commonly used in practice.

NEMA and ULT agreed with DOE’s NOPR proposals regarding the input voltage for testing. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 8; ULT, No. 50 at p. 4) Having received no comments to the contrary, in this final rule, DOE amends the test procedure to require that ballasts be tested at the following input voltages:

?For ballasts less than 150 W with an available voltage of 120 V, ballasts will be tested at 120 V.

?For ballasts less than 150 W that lack 120 V as an available voltage, ballasts will be tested at the highest available input voltage. ?For ballasts operated at 150 W–2000 W that also have 277 V as an available input voltage, ballasts will be tested at 277 V. ?For ballasts operated at 150 W–2000 W that lack 277 V as an available input voltage, ballasts will be tested at the highest available input voltage.

3. Testing High-frequency Electronic Ballasts MHLF test procedures reference the 2005 version of ANSI C82.6 for testing both electronic and magnetic MH ballasts. However, ANSI C82.6–2005 does not provide a method for testing HFE ballasts. In the NOPR, DOE found that the instrumentation

commonly used for HFE MH ballast testing

is the same instrumentation used for

electronic fluorescent lamp ballast testing.

Therefore, DOE proposed the same

instrumentation used in electronic

fluorescent lamp ballast testing be used for

testing HFE MH ballasts. These proposed

requirements specified that once the output

frequency of a MH ballast is determined to

be greater than or equal to 1000 Hz (the

frequency at which DOE defines HFE

ballasts) the test procedure instrumentation

would be required to include a power

analyzer that conforms to ANSI C82.6–2005

with a maximum of 100 picofarads (pF)

capacitance to ground and a frequency

response between 40 Hz and 1 MHz. The test

procedures would also require a current

probe compliant with ANSI C82.6–2005 that

is galvanically isolated and has a frequency

response between 40 Hz and 20 MHz, and

lamp current measurement where the full

transducer ratio is set in the power analyzer

to match the current to the analyzer. The full

transducer ratio would be required to satisfy

the following equation:


I in is current through the current transducer;

V out is the voltage out of the transducer;

R in is the power analyzer impedance; and

R s is the current probe output impedance.

DOE received comment on the lack of

compatibility standards between HFE

ballasts and MH lamps. NEMA

commented that no work has begun on

the ANSI C82.6 test procedure standard

for HFE ballasts. (NEMA, No. 44 at p. 7)

Philips noted that as HFE ballasts do not

have testing standards, measurement

errors and testing differences could lead

to false efficiency values. (Philips,

Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p.

70) Similarly, NEMA stated that lack of

industry testing standard meant

efficiencies are computed using internal

test procedures. Therefore, using catalog

data gathered from more than one

manufacturer combines different test

procedures. (NEMA, Public Meeting

Transcript, No. 48 at p. 31; NEMA, No.

44 at p. 8) NEMA also noted that labs

cannot be accredited by the National

Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation

Program (NVLAP) to submit HFE ballast

testing to DOE without a test procedure

to accredit to. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 9)

Further, NEMA noted that it is difficult

to precisely measure the power of these

HFE ballasts at frequencies over 100

kHz, which experience a 2–5 percent

measurement uncertainty. With a tenth

of a percentage precision on ballast

efficiency, it will be very difficult to

attain these levels of measurement.

(NEMA, Public Meeting Transcript, No.

48 at p. 30; NEMA, No. 44 at p. 8)

DOE agrees that there are no industry

test procedures for HFE ballasts. While

the addition of instrumentation

requirements addresses some concerns,

specifications for lamps to be paired

with the ballast during testing and a

complete test method specific to HFE

ballasts (an equivalent document to

ANSI C82.6—which covers magnetic

ballasts and LFE ballasts, but not HFE

ballasts) are not currently available.

Therefore, in this final rule, DOE is not

adopting any changes to the test

procedure for HFE ballasts. As

discussed in section III.A.4 of this

notice, DOE is not considering

standards for HFE ballasts because a test

procedure for HFE ballasts does not


4. Rounding Requirements

Through testing, DOE found that

testing multiple samples of the same

ballast yielded a range of ballast

efficiencies typically differing by less

than one percent. Because this data

introduces both test measurement and

sample to sample variation, the test

measurement itself should be at least

this accurate. Therefore, DOE came to

the conclusion that test procedures can

resolve differences of less than one

percent and rounding to the tenths of a

percent would be reasonable. In the

NOPR, DOE proposed amending the MH

ballast test procedure for measuring and

recording input wattage and output

wattage to require rounding to the

nearest tenth of a watt, and the resulting

calculation of efficiency to the nearest

tenth of a percent.

ULT, EEI, and NEMA commented that

most test equipment for MHLFs is not

calibrated to the proposed level of

precision. ANSI standards require

wattmeters to have 0.5 percent accuracy.

(ULT, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48

at p. 82; EEI, Public Meeting Transcript,

No. 48 at p. 85; NEMA, No. 44 at p. 13).

Further, NEMA noted that white paper

NEMA LSD–63–2012 on variability

estimated the tolerance for a sample of

four magnetic ballasts to be 4.7 percent

when 99 percent confidence factor is

required. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 8) On the

contrary, CA IOUs commented that

efficiency measurement equipment

accurate to plus or minus 0.5 percent is

already capable of measuring efficiency

to the nearest watt for lamps of 100 W

and above, and the nearest tenth of a

watt for lamps below 100 W. CA IOUs

argued this supports tenths place

rounding of an efficiency figure and

setting of standards to the tenth of a

percent. (CA IOUs, No. 54 at pp. 2–3).

Finally, EEI commented that if the

difference between EL1 and EL2 is 0.6

percent, and there is a testing tolerance

7759 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

19The American Iron and Steel Institute type numbers and AK Steel designations for electrical steel grades consist of the letter M followed by a number. The M stands for magnetic material; the number is representative of the core loss of that grade.

20In the past DOE presented energy savings

results for only the 30-year period that begins in the

year of compliance. In the calculation of economic

impacts, however, DOE considered operating cost

savings measured over the entire lifetime of

equipment purchased in the 30-year period. DOE

has chosen to modify its presentation of national

energy savings to be consistent with the approach

used for its national economic analysis.

of plus or minus 1 percent, there could be a classing issue. (EEI, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 159).

DOE reviewed ANSI C82.6–2005 and found that the instrumentation requirements stipulate that watts be measured with 3.5 digits of resolution, with basic accuracy of 0.5 percent. For an efficiency calculation that involves output power pided by input power, 3.5 digits of resolution allows for rounding efficiency to three significant figures (e.g., 0.895 or 89.5 percent) using only three digits. DOE also notes that some manufacturers have submitted compliance data to DOE’s certification, compliance, and enforcement (CCE) database rounded to three significant figures and, in response to the NOPR, manufacturers had responded to certain issues using efficiency data rounded to three significant figures. Both of these suggest that manufacturers already have the capability to accomplish these measurements. DOE also considered LSD–63, as suggested by NEMA, but found that it details the population distribution from all sources of variation and did not find that it provides any information regarding the ability to measure the efficiency of an inpidual ballast to three significant figures. For these reasons, this final rule amends the test procedure to require measuring and calculating ballast efficiency to three significant figures. DOE also adopts energy conservation standards that are

specified to three significant figures.

B. Technological Feasibility

1. General

In each standards rulemaking, DOE

conducts a screening analysis based on

information gathered on all current

technology options and prototype

designs that could improve the

efficiency of the equipment that is the

subject of the rulemaking. As the first

step in such an analysis, DOE develops

a list of technology options for

consideration in consultation with

manufacturers, design engineers, and

other interested parties. DOE then

determines which of those means for

improving efficiency are technologically

feasible. DOE considers technologies

incorporated in commercially available

equipment or in working prototypes to

be technologically feasible. 10 CFR 430,

subpart C, appendix A, section 4(a)(4)(i).

After DOE has determined that

particular technology options are

technologically feasible, it further

evaluates each technology option in

light of the following additional

screening criteria: (1) Practicability to

manufacture, install, or service; (2)

adverse impacts on equipment utility or

availability; and (3) adverse impacts on

health or safety. Section V.B of this

notice discusses the results of the

screening analysis for MHLFs,

particularly the designs DOE

considered, those it screened out, and

those that are the basis for the TSLs in

this rulemaking. For further details on

the screening analysis for this

rulemaking, see chapter 4 of the final

rule TSD.

2. Maximum Technologically Feasible


When DOE adopts a new or amended

standard for a type or class of covered

equipment, it must determine the

maximum improvement in energy

efficiency or maximum reduction in

energy use that is technologically

feasible for such equipment. (42 U.S.C.

6295(p)(1)) Accordingly, in the

engineering analysis, DOE determined

the maximum technologically feasible

(‘‘max-tech’’) improvements in energy

efficiency for MHLFs, using the design

parameters for the most efficient

equipment available on the market or in

working prototypes. For MHLFs from

50–500 W, the max-tech fixtures use

high-grade electronic ballasts. For

MHLFs from 501–2000 W, the max-tech

fixtures use magnetic ballasts that

incorporate high-grade, grain-oriented

steel (M619). (See chapter 5 of the final

rule TSD for additional detail.) The

max-tech levels that DOE determined

for this rulemaking are listed in Table



Equipment class wattage range Efficiency level* Efficiency-level equation?


≥50 and ≤100............................................................EL4..........................................................1/(1+0.360×P∧(¥0.297))

>100 and <150*........................................................EL4..........................................................1/(1+0.360×P∧(¥0.297))

≥150** and ≤250.......................................................EL4..........................................................1/(1+0.360×P∧(¥0.297))

>250 and ≤500..........................................................EL4..........................................................1/(1+0.360×P∧(¥0.297))

>500 and ≤1000........................................................EL2..........................................................For >500 W and ≤750 W: 0.910

For >750 W and ≤1000 W: 0.000104×P+0.832 >1000 and ≤2000......................................................EL2..........................................................0.936

*Includes 150 W fixtures exempted by EISA 2007, which are fixtures rated only for 150 watt lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as specified by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified by UL 1029–2007.

**Excludes 150 W fixtures exempted by EISA 2007, which are fixtures rated only for 150 watt lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as speci-fied by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as speci-fied by UL 1029–2007.

?P is defined as the rated wattage of the lamp that the fixture is designed to operate.

C. Energy Savings

1. Determination of Savings

For each TSL, DOE projected energy savings from the products that are the subject of this rulemaking purchased in the 30-year period that begins in the year of compliance with new and

amended standards (2017–2046). The

savings are measured over the entire

lifetime of equipment purchased in the

30-year period.20DOE quantified the

energy savings attributable to each TSL

as the difference in energy consumption

between each standards case and the

base case. The base case represents a

projection of energy consumption in the

absence of new or amended mandatory

efficiency standards, and considers

7760 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

21‘‘Review of Site (Point-of-Use) and Full-Fuel-

Cycle Measurement Approaches to DOE/EERE

Building ApplianceEnergy-Efficiency Standards,’’

(Academy report) was completed in May 2009 and

included five recommendations. A copy of the study can be downloaded at: 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475/ catalog.php?record_id=12670.

22DOE also presents a sensitivity analysis that considers impacts for products shipped in a 9-year period.

market forces and policies that affect demand for more efficient equipment. For example, in the base case, DOE models a migration from covered metal halide lamp fixtures to higher efficiency technologies such as high-intensity fluorescent (HIF), induction lights, and LEDs. DOE also models a move to other HID fixtures such as high-pressure sodium, based on data given by manufacturers during the 2010 Framework public meeting. (Philips, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 8 at p. 91)

DOE used its NIA spreadsheet model to estimate energy savings from new and amended standards for the metal halide lamp fixtures that are the subject of this rulemaking. The NIA spreadsheet model (described in section V.G of this notice) calculates energy savings in site energy, which is the energy directly consumed by products at the locations where they are used. For electricity, DOE reports national energy savings in terms of the savings in the energy that is used to generate and transmit the site electricity. To calculate this quantity, DOE derives annual conversion factors from the model used to prepare the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook 2013 (AEO2013).

DOE has begun to also estimate full- fuel-cycle energy savings. 76 FR 51282 (August 18, 2011), as amended at 77 FR 49701 (August 17, 2012). The full-fuel- cycle (FFC) metric includes the energy consumed in extracting, processing, and transporting primary fuels, and thus presents a more complete picture of the impacts of energy efficiency standards. DOE’s evaluation of FFC savings is driven in part by the National Academy of Science’s (NAS) report on FFC measurement approaches for DOE’s Appliance Standards Program.21The NAS report discusses that FFC was primarily intended for energy efficiency standards rulemakings where multiple fuels may be used by a particular product. In the case of this rulemaking pertaining to metal halide lamp fixtures, only a single fuel—electricity—is consumed by the equipment. DOE’s approach is based on the calculation of an FFC multiplier for each of the energy types used by covered equipment. Although the addition of FFC energy savings in the rulemakings is consistent with the recommendations, the methodology for estimating FFC does not project how fuel markets would

respond to this particular standards

rulemaking. The FFC methodology

simply estimates how much additional

energy, and in turn how many tons of

emissions, may be displaced if the

estimated fuel were not consumed by

the equipment covered in this

rulemaking. It is also important to note

that inclusion of FFC savings does not

affect DOE’s choice of adopted


2. Significance of Savings

As noted above, 42 U.S.C.

6295(o)(3)(B) prevents DOE from

adopting a standard for covered

equipment unless such standard would

result in ‘‘significant’’ energy savings.

Although the term ‘‘significant’’ is not

defined in the Act, the U.S. Court of

Appeals, in Natural Resources Defense

Council v. Herrington, 768 F.2d 1355,

1373 (D.C. Cir. 1985), indicated that

Congress intended ‘‘significant’’ energy

savings in this context to be savings that

were not ‘‘genuinely trivial.’’ The energy

savings for all of the TSLs considered in

this rulemaking (presented in section

VII.B.3.a) are nontrivial, and, therefore,

DOE considers them ‘‘significant’’

within the meaning of section 325 of


D. Economic Justification

1. Specific Criteria

EPCA provides seven factors to be

evaluated in determining whether a

potential energy conservation standard

is economically justified. (42 U.S.C.

6295(o)(2)(B)(i)) The following sections

discuss how DOE has addressed each of

those seven factors in this rulemaking.

a. Economic Impact on Manufacturers

and Customers

In determining the impacts of an

amended standard on manufacturers,

DOE first uses an annual cash-flow

approach to determine the quantitative

impacts. This step includes both a short-

term assessment—based on the cost and

capital requirements during the period

between when a regulation is issued and

when entities must comply with the

regulation—and a long-term assessment

over a 30-year period.22The industry-

wide impacts analyzed include INPV,

which values the industry on the basis

of expected future cash flows; cash

flows by year; changes in revenue and

income; and other measures of impact,

as appropriate. Second, DOE analyzes

and reports the impacts on different

types of manufacturers, including

impacts on small manufacturers. Third,

DOE considers the impact of standards

on domestic manufacturer employment

and manufacturing capacity, as well as

the potential for standards to result in

plant closures and loss of capital

investment. Finally, DOE takes into

account cumulative impacts of various

DOE regulations and other regulatory

requirements on manufacturers.

For inpidual customers, measures of

economic impact include the changes in

LCC and payback period (PBP)

associated with new or amended

standards. These measures are

discussed further in the following

section. For customers in the aggregate,

DOE also calculates the national net

present value of the economic impacts

applicable to a particular rulemaking.

DOE also evaluates the LCC impacts of

potential standards on identifiable

subgroups of customers that may be

affected disproportionately by a national


b. Savings in Operating Costs Compared

to Increase in Price

EPCA requires DOE to consider the

savings in operating costs throughout

the estimated average life of the covered

equipment compared to any increase in

the price of the covered equipment that

are likely to result from the imposition

of the standard (42 U.S.C.

6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(II)) DOE conducts this

comparison in its LCC and PBP analysis.

The LCC is the sum of the purchase

price of equipment (including its

installation) and the operating expense

(including energy, maintenance, and

repair expenditures) discounted over

the lifetime of the equipment. To

account for uncertainty and variability

in specific inputs, such as equipment

lifetime and discount rate, DOE uses a

distribution of values, with probabilities

attached to each value. For its analysis,

DOE assumes that consumers will

purchase the covered products in the

first year of compliance with amended


The LCC savings and the PBP for the

considered ELs are calculated relative to

a base case that reflects projected market

trends in the absence of amended

standards. DOE identifies the percentage

of customers estimated to receive LCC

savings or experience an LCC increase,

in addition to the average LCC savings

associated with a particular standard


c. Energy Savings

Although significant conservation of

energy is a separate statutory

requirement for imposing an energy

conservation standard, EPCA requires

DOE, in determining the economic


Federal Register /Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

23The EIA does not approve use of the name

‘‘NEMS’’ unless it describes an AEO version of the model without any modification to code or data. Because the present analysis entails some minor code modifications and runs the model under various policy scenarios that deviate from AEO assumptions, the name ‘‘NEMS–BT’’ refers to the model as used here.

justification of a standard, to consider the total projected energy savings that are expected to result directly from the standard. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(III)) As discussed in section V.G, DOE uses the NIA spreadsheet to project national site energy savings.

d. Lessening of Utility or Performance of Equipment

In establishing classes of equipment,

and in evaluating design options and

the impact of potential standard levels, DOE evaluates standards that would not lessen the utility or performance of the

considered equipment. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(IV)) The standards adopted in today’s final rule will not reduce the utility or performance of the equipment under consideration in this rulemaking. One piece of evidence for this claim includes that magnetic ballast ELs are allowed for every covered MHLF wattage and application,

meaning that manufacturers are not

required to change the electronic

configuration of their current offerings.

A second piece of evidence is that

commercially available stack height and footprint is being maintained for all

ballasts, resulting in no required change from current MHLF size. Another piece of evidence is that no standards were adopted for MHLFs greater than 1000

W, so that all commercially available

MHLFs at such wattages are subjected to no mandatory adjustments. Overall, the adopted standards were selected to

protect the interest of customers and do not lessen MHLF performance or utility. e. Impact of Any Lessening of


EPCA directs DOE to consider the impact of any lessening of competition, as determined in writing by the Attorney General, that is likely to result from the imposition of a standard. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(V)) It also directs the Attorney General to determine the impact, if any, of any lessening of competition likely to result from a

standard and to transmit such

determination to the Secretary within 60

days of the publication of a proposed

rule, together with an analysis of the

nature and extent of the impact. (42

U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(ii)) DOE

transmitted a copy of its proposed rule

to the Attorney General with a request

that the Department of Justice (DOJ)

provide its determination on this issue. DOE addresses the Attorney General’s

determination in this final rule.

f. Need for National Energy Conservation The energy savings from new and

amended standards are likely to provide improvements to the security and

reliability of the nation’s energy system. Reductions in the demand for electricity also may result in reduced costs for maintaining the reliability of the nation’s electricity system. DOE conducts a utility impact analysis to

estimate how standards may affect the

nation’s needed power generation capacity.

The new and amended standards also are likely to result in environmental benefits in the form of reduced

emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases associated with energy production. DOE reports the emissions impacts from today’s standards, and from each TSL it considered, in section VII.B.6 of this notice. DOE also reports estimates of the economic value of

emissions reductions resulting from the considered TSLs. g. Other Factors EPCA allows the Secretary of Energy,

in determining whether a standard is

economically justified, to consider any

other factors that the Secretary deems to be relevant. (42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i)(VII)) 2. Rebuttable Presumption As set forth in 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(iii), EPCA creates a

rebuttable presumption that an energy

conservation standard is economically justified if the additional cost to the customer of equipment that meets the

standard is less than three times the value of the first year’s energy savings resulting from the standard, as

calculated under the applicable DOE test procedure. DOE’s LCC and PBP analyses generate values used to

calculate the effect potential amended energy conservation standards would have on the payback period for customers. These analyses include, but are not limited to, the 3-year payback period contemplated under the

rebuttable-presumption test. In addition,

DOE routinely conducts an economic

analysis that considers the full range of

impacts to customers, manufacturers,

the nation, and the environment, as required under 42 U.S.C. 6295(o)(2)(B)(i). The results of this analysis serve as the basis for DOE’s evaluation of the economic justification

for a potential standard level (thereby supporting or rebutting the results of any preliminary determination of

economic justification). The rebuttable- presumption payback calculation is

discussed in section VII.B.1 of this final rule. V. Methodology and Discussion

DOE used two spreadsheets to estimate the impact of the adopted standards. The first spreadsheet

calculates LCCs and PBPs of potential new energy conservation standards. The second provides shipments forecasts and then calculates national energy

savings and NPV impacts of new energy conservation standards. The Department also assessed manufacturer impacts, largely through use of the Government Regulatory Impact Model (GRIM). Additionally, DOE uses a version of EIA’s National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) to estimate the impacts of

energy efficiency standards on electric utilities and the environment. The NEMS model simulates the energy

sector of the U.S. economy. The version of NEMS used for appliance standards analysis is called NEMS–BT (BT stands for DOE’s Building Technologies

Program), and is based on the AEO2013 version of NEMS with minor modifications.23The NEMS–BT

accounts for the interactions between the various energy supply and demand sectors and the economy as a whole. For more information on NEMS, refer to The National Energy Modeling System: An Overview, DOE/EIA–0581 (98) (Feb. 1998), available at: 6385ab3e0242a8956aece475/FTPROOT/forecasting/058198.pdf .

As a basis for this final rule, DOE has continued to use the approaches

explained in the NOPR. DOE used the same general methodology as applied in the NOPR, but revised some of the assumptions and inputs for the final rule in response to public comments. The following sections discuss these revisions.

A. Market and Technology Assessment 1. General

When completing an energy

conservation standards rulemaking,

DOE develops information that provides an overall picture of the market for the equipment concerned, including the purpose of the equipment, the industry structure, and the market

characteristics. This activity includes both quantitative and qualitative

assessments based on publicly available information. The subjects addressed in the market and technology assessment for this rulemaking include: equipment classes and manufacturers; historical

7762 Federal Register /Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

24DOE uses this shorthand to refer to MHLFs

designed to operate lamps rated at equal to or

greater than 50 W and equal to or less than 100 W, greater than 100 W and less than 150 W (however, including MHLFs designed to operate lamps rated at 150 W and exempted from EISA 2007), equal to or greater than 150 W and less than or equal to 250 W, greater than 250 W and less than or equal to 500 W, and greater than 500 W and less than or equal to 2000 W, respectively.

shipments; market trends; regulatory

and non-regulatory programs; and technologies or design options that could improve the energy efficiency of the equipment under examination. See chapter 3 of the final rule TSD for further discussion of the market and technology assessment.

2. Equipment Classes When evaluating and establishing energy conservation standards, DOE pides covered equipment into equipment classes by the type of energy used or by capacity or other performance-related features that justifies a different standard. In making a determination whether a performance- related feature justifies a different standard, DOE must consider such factors as the utility to the customer of the feature and other factors DOE determines are appropriate. (42 U.S.C. 6295(q)) DOE then considers separate standard levels for each equipment class based on the criteria set forth in 42 U.S.C. 6295(o). In the NOPR, DOE proposed to pide equipment classes by input voltage, rated lamp wattage, and designation for indoor versus outdoor applications. a. Input Voltage

MHLFs are available in a variety of input voltages (most commonly 120 V, 208 V, 240 V, 277 V, and 480 V), and the majority of fixtures are equipped with ballasts that are capable of

operating at multiple input voltages (for example, quad-input-voltage ballasts are able to operate at 120 V, 208 V, 240 V, and 277 V). DOE determined that input voltage represents a feature affecting

consumer utility as certain applications demand specific input voltages. DOE’s

ballast testing did not indicate a

prevailing relationship (e.g., higher

voltages are not always more efficient)

between discrete input voltages and

ballast efficiencies, with one exception. In the NOPR, DOE found that ballasts

tested at 480 V were less efficient on

average than ballasts tested at 120 V or

277 V.

As discussed in section IV.A of this

final rule, MH ballasts will be tested at

a single input voltage based on the lamp wattage operated by the ballast. Ballasts that operate lamps less than 150 W shall be tested at 120 V, and all others shall

be tested at 277 V, unless the ballast is

incapable of operating at the specified

input voltage; in that case, the ballast

shall be tested at the highest input

voltage possible. Because dedicated 480 V ballasts have a distinct utility in that

certain applications require 480 V

operation and a difference in efficiency relative to ballasts tested at 120 V and 277 V, in the NOPR DOE proposed separate equipment classes for ballasts tested at 480 V (in accordance with the test procedure).

Philips noted that when

manufacturing multi-tap magnetic ballasts, each tap must be precisely

placed. The voltage variation in each tap makes it more difficult for multi-tap

ballasts to meet efficiency requirements than ballasts with dedicated voltage. (Philips, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 99) NEMA, ULT, and Southern Company supported a separate equipment class for dedicated 480 V ballasts. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 12; ULT, No. 50 at p. 5; Southern Company, No. 64 at p. 2) DOE acknowledges that the existence of multiple voltage taps could cause multi-tap ballasts to be less efficient than dedicated voltage ballasts. However, DOE’s testing of commercially available ballasts did not identify this trend. Rather, DOE’s test results indicated that the only obvious relationship between input voltage and ballast efficiency is that ballasts tested at 480 V were less efficient on average than ballasts tested at 120 V or 277 V. As stated above, DOE believes that input

voltage offers unique utility because

certain applications require specific

input voltages. Therefore, in this final rule, DOE creates a separate equipment class for ballasts that are tested at 480 V. b. Lamp Wattage As lamp wattage increases, lamp-and- ballast systems generally produce increasing amounts of light (lumens).

Because certain applications require more light than others, wattage often

varies by application. For example, low- wattage (less than 150 W) lamps are typically used in commercial applications for general lighting. Medium-wattage (150 W–500 W) lamps are commonly used in warehouse,

street, and general commercial lighting. High-wattage (greater than 500 W) lamps are used in searchlights, stadiums, and other applications that require powerful white light. Because different applications require different amounts of light and the light output of lamp-and-ballast systems is typically reflected by the wattage, wattage affects

consumer utility. Additionally, the wattage of a lamp operated by a ballast is correlated with the ballast efficiency; ballast efficiency generally increases as lamp wattage increase. Because wattage affects consumer utility and has a strong

correlation to efficiency, DOE determined in the NOPR that separate equipment classes based on wattage

were warranted. DOE found that even within a

designated wattage range (such as 101 W–150 W), the potential efficiencies ballasts can achieve is not constant, but rather varies with wattage. Thus for certain wattage bins, instead of setting a constant efficiency standard, DOE used an equation-based energy conservation standard (see section V.C). DOE combined the wattage bins and

equations rather than using a single equation spanning all covered wattages for two reasons. First, the range of

ballast efficiencies considered can differ significantly by lamp wattage, making it difficult to construct a single continuous equation for ballast efficiency from 50 W to 2000 W. This efficiency difference can be attributed to the varying cost of increasing ballast efficiency for different wattages and the impact of legislated (EISA 2007) standards that affect only some wattage ranges. Second, different wattages often serve different

applications and have unique cost- efficiency relationships. Analyzing certain wattage ranges as separate equipment classes allows DOE to establish the energy conservation standards that are cost-effective for every wattage.

In the NOPR, DOE proposed to define MHLF equipment classes by the

following rated lamp wattage ranges: 50 W–100 W, 101 W–150 W, 150 W–250 W, 251 W–500 W, and 501 W–2000 W.24 As discussed previously in section III.A.1, there is an existing EISA 2007 exemption for ballasts rated for only 150 W lamps, used in wet locations, and that operate in ambient air temperatures higher than 50 °C. This exemption has led to a difference in the commercially available efficiencies for ballasts that are contained within fixtures exempted versus not exempted from EISA 2007. The exempted fixtures have ballasts with a range of efficiencies similar to ballasts that operate lamps less than 150 W. Fixtures not exempted by EISA 2007 have ballasts that follow efficiency trends representative of ballasts greater than 150 W. As a result, DOE proposed that 150 W MHLFs previously exempted by EISA 2007 be included in the 101 W– 150 W range, while 150 W MHLFs

subject to EISA 2007 standards continue to be included in the 150 W–250 W range.

7763 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

25DOE uses this shorthand to refer to MHLFs designed to operate with lamps rated at greater than 500 W and less than or equal to 1000 W, and greater than 1000 W and less than or equal to 2000 W, respectively.

26The NFPA 70–2002 states that fixtures installed in wet or damp locations shall be installed such that water cannot enter or accumulate in wiring components, lampholders, or other electrical parts. All fixtures installed in wet locations shall be marked, ‘‘Suitable for Wet Locations.’’ All fixtures installed in damp locations shall be marked


ULT and NEMA stated that industry data shows ballast losses are significantly higher in 150 W ballasts relative to 175 W to 500 W ballasts due to the increased lamp current in 150 W MHLFs. (ULT, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 108; ULT, No. 50 at pp. 5–6, 23; NEMA, No. 56 at p. 13) ULT explained that for 150 W–175 W fixtures, the lower the wattage, the larger the ballast needed to maintain efficiency. ULT noted that this relationship is the net effect of three main factors: (1) Higher lamp current, (2) increased impedance, and (3) decreased wire cross-section. In conjunction, these factors make it impossible to have an 88 percent efficient 150 W ballast on a 3.25 inch by 3.75 inch (commonly referred to as a

‘‘3x4’’) frame. (ULT, No. 50 at pp. 23– 24) ULT believed that 150 W fixtures could belong to the lower wattage bin; otherwise, the proposed standards would result in a ban of magnetic autotransformer 150 W ballasts. (ULT, No. 50 at p. 5)

DOE agrees with ULT and NEMA that 150 W ballasts have a lower maximum achievable efficiency relative to 175 W ballasts because of the resistive losses characteristic to ballasts at 150 W. Commercially, DOE also found that 150 W ballasts have a range of efficiencies similar to wattages below 150 W. Both of these trends support 150 W fixtures being categorized in separate equipment classes than 175 W fixtures. While DOE continues to group 150 W fixtures covered by EISA 2007 in the 150 W–250 W equipment class, in this final rule DOE maintains the NOPR approach to group 150 W fixtures previously exempt by EISA 2007 in the 101 W–150 W equipment class.

NEMA proposed that DOE establish a separate equipment class for 575 W ballasts but did not provide supporting detail for this proposal. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 17) DOE examined the efficiency distribution of 575 W ballasts and found that efficiency varied in a manner similar to that of other ballasts within the 500 W to 1000 W wattage range. DOE is unaware of significant differences in the cost-efficiency relationship, consumer utility, or application of 575W fixtures relative to 1000 W fixtures, and therefore is not establishing a separate equipment class for these MHLFs. DOE continues to group all 501 W–1000 W MHLFs in one wattage bin, using 1000 W fixtures as representative of the entire class. Musco Lighting disagreed with the grouping of fixtures in the 501 W–2000 W range. Musco Lighting stated that there are significant differences between the markets and applications of 1500 W and 1000 W MHLFs, and, accordingly,

they should not be grouped together.

(Musco Lighting, Public Meeting

Transcript, No. 48 at p. 107) Musco

Lighting commented that 1500 W

fixtures should not be in the same

equipment class as 1000 W fixtures.

Musco Lighting commented that a

majority of 1500 W fixtures operate at

480 V input, which distinguishes them

from other equipment classes. (Musco

Lighting, Public Meeting Transcript, No.

48 at p. 129) Musco Lighting further

commented that annual operating hours

should be taken into account so that

MHLFs used in applications with very

different operating hours would not be

included in the same equipment class.

Musco Lighting gave the example of

sports lighting having much fewer

operating hours than indoor warehouse

lighting. (Musco Lighting, Public

Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 161)

Upon further review, DOE agrees that

there are differences between 1500 W

and 1000 W fixtures. DOE determined

that the trend between increasing

wattage and increasing efficiency found

from 501 W–1000 W did not continue

above 1000 W. DOE found that above

1000 W, efficiency increased to a lesser

extent with increased wattage. This is

consistent with the NOPR analysis, in

which different equations were used

above and below 1000 W. DOE also

found that lamp lifetime and annual

operating hours are much shorter for

1500 W fixtures relative to 1000 W

fixtures because 1500 W fixtures are

predominantly used in sports lighting.

This causes 1500 W fixtures to have

different cost-efficiency relationships

relative to 1000 W fixtures. There is also

a different cost-efficiency relationship

based on the MSP of the fixtures

themselves, representing a different

portfolio of applications used from 501–

1000 W and above 1000 W. Therefore,

DOE determined that separate

equipment classes should be established

for 501 W–1000 W and 1001 W–2000 W


In summary, DOE established MHLF

equipment classes by the following

rated lamp wattage bins: 50 W–100 W,

101 W–150 W, 150 W–250 W, 251 W–

500 W, 501 W–1000 W, and 1001 W–

2000 W. DOE maintained that 150 W

fixtures previously exempted by EISA

2007 are included in the 101 W–150 W

range, while 150 W fixtures subject to

EISA 2007 standards are included in the

150 W–250 W range.

c. Fixture Application

MHLFs are used in a variety of

applications such as parking lots,

roadways, warehouses, big-box retail,

and flood lighting. Although the fixture

size, shape, and optics are often tailored

to the application, generally the same

type of ballast is utilized for most of the

applications. DOE found in the NOPR,

however, that indoor and outdoor

MHLFs are subject to separate cost-

efficiency relationships, specifically at

the electronic ballast levels.

As outdoor applications can be

subject to large voltage transients,

MHLFs in such applications require 10

kV voltage transient protection.

Magnetic MH ballasts are typically

resistant to voltage variations of this

magnitude, while electronic MH ballasts

are generally not as resilient. Therefore,

in order to meet this requirement,

electronic ballasts in outdoor MHLFs

would need either (1) an external surge

protection device or (2) internal

transient protection of the ballast using

metal-oxide varistors (MOVs) in

conjunction with other inductors and


DOE also noted that indoor fixtures

can require the inclusion of a 120 V

auxiliary tap. This output is used to

operate an emergency incandescent

lamp after a temporary loss of power

while the MH lamp is still too hot to

restart. These taps are generally required

for only one out of every ten indoor

lamp fixtures. A 120 V tap is easily

incorporated into a magnetic ballast due

to its traditional core and coil design,

and incurs a negligible incremental cost.

Electronic ballasts, though, require

additional design to add this 120 V

auxiliary power functionality.

These added features impose an

incremental cost to the ballast or fixture

(further discussed in section V.C.12 of

this notice). As these incremental costs

could affect the cost-effectiveness of

fixtures for indoor versus outdoor

applications, in the NOPR DOE

proposed separate equipment classes for

indoor and outdoor fixtures.

DOE proposed that outdoor fixtures

be defined as those that (1) are rated for

use in wet locations and (2) have 10 kV

of voltage transient protection. DOE

proposed to define the wet location

rating as specified by the National Fire

Protection Association (NFPA) 70–

2002,26section 410.10(A) or UL 1598

7764 Federal Register /Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

‘‘Suitable for Wet Locations’’ or ‘‘Suitable for Damp Locations.’’

27UL Standard Publication 1598 defines a wet location is one in which water or other liquid can drip, splash, or flow on or against electrical equipment. A wet location fixture shall be

constructed to prevent the accumulation of water on live parts, electrical components, or conductors not identified for use in contact with water. A fixture that permits water to enter the fixture shall be provided with a drain hole.

Wet Location Listed.27Providing two possible definitions will reduce the compliance burden as many

manufacturers are already familiar with one or both of these ratings (the NFPA 70–2002 definition was included in EISA 2007 and both are used in

California energy efficiency regulations). For 10 kV voltage transient protection, DOE proposed to use the 10 kV voltage pulse withstand requirement from ANSI C136.2–2004.

APPA agreed with separating equipment classes for indoor and

outdoor fixtures, as they have separate uses that create differences in the frequency and length of use. APPA stated that because the circumstances are different when considering both classes, it is difficult to understand the effects of proposed efficiency standards on each group. (APPA, No. 51 at p. 4; APPA, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 103) Conversely, NEMA noted that separate equipment classes for indoor and outdoor fixtures could be problematic as, at the ballast level, there is no way of knowing whether equipment will be used indoors or outdoors. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 14) Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. (Acuity) commented that fixture application should also take into account the probability of transient voltages and extreme conditions, even in indoor applications. (Acuity, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 162) NEMA and ULT suggested combining indoor and outdoor equipment classes, except for electronic ballasts, as fewer classes will mean fewer reporting requirements. NEMA acknowledged that this will conflict with DOE’s desire to encourage electronic ballasts in outdoor

applications. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 9; ULT, No. 50 at p. 4)

DOE believes that indoor and outdoor MHLFs should be placed into separate equipment classes. While the

efficiencies achievable indoors and outdoors are the same, the different costs between indoor and outdoor fixtures result in different cost- efficiency curves. When electronic ballasts are used in outdoor

applications, they require additional transient protection because of the potential for voltage surges in outdoor locations. Indoor fixtures with

electronic ballasts also have an added cost to provide 120 V auxiliary power functionality for use in the event of a power outage. Both of these cost adders are discussed in more detail in section V.C.12. As these costs adders differ

based on a fixture being used indoors or outdoors, the cost-efficiency

relationships differ based on indoor or outdoor application, and therefore separate equipment classes are

warranted. Thus, in this final rule DOE establishes separate equipment classes for indoor and outdoor fixtures. DOE defines outdoor fixtures as those that (1) are rated for use in wet locations and (2) have 10 kV of voltage transient

protection. Conversely, fixtures that do not meet these requirements will be defined as indoor fixtures. DOE

continues to use the wet location rating definition from the National Fire

Protection Association 70–2002, section 410.10(A) or UL 1598 Wet Location listing.

d. Electronic Configuration Of the two MH ballast types

(electronic and magnetic), magnetic ballasts are currently more common, making up more than 90 percent of MH ballast shipments. Magnetic ballasts typically use transformer-like copper or aluminum windings on a steel or iron core. The newer electronic ballasts, which are more efficient but less common, rely on integrated circuits, switches, and capacitors or inductors to control current and voltage to the lamp. Both electronic and magnetic ballasts are capable of producing the same light output and, with certain modifications (e.g., thermal management, transient protection, 120 V auxiliary power functionality), can be used

interchangeably in all applications. In the NOPR, DOE concluded that

electronic configuration and circuit type do not affect consumer utility. With the necessary design alterations, electronic ballasts can provide the same utility as any magnetic ballast circuit type.

Because electronic ballasts are typically more efficient than magnetic ballasts, utility is not lost with increasing efficiency. Therefore, DOE did not propose to define equipment classes based on electronic configuration. ULT stated that electronic HID ballasts were originally intended for indoor, niche purposes. Therefore, automatically expecting that electronic MH ballasts would be able to perform in outdoor conditions, including

applications subjected to wind, extreme temperature, and transient surges, is not reasonable. ULT noted that electronic ballasts’ vulnerability in outdoor

applications is known throughout the

industry. (ULT, Public Meeting Transcript, No. 48 at p. 52)

NEMA also disagreed with DOE not piding equipment classes by

electronic configuration. NEMA stated that performance requirements should be separated for electronic and magnetic ballasts to avoid an enormous burden on the industry. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 12, 24) NEMA commented that they

disagreed with DOE’s suggestion that an electronic ballast is a design option for a magnetic ballast, as they are

completely different technologies. (NEMA, No. 56 at p. 14).

DOE has determined that these electronic ballasts, when fitted in an appropriate fixture, can be used in the same applications as magnetic ballasts. As mentioned in the previous section, various protections will be required for electronic ballasts in these applications. See section V.C.8.b for more detail about the feasibility of electronic ballasts as more efficient replacements for magnetic ballasts. After adjusting

outdoor fixture prices to account for the modifications necessary to incorporate electronic ballasts, DOE has found that electronic ballasts can be reliably used in the same outdoor applications as magnetic ballasts. Therefore, DOE did not find that magnetic ballasts provided a unique utility over electronic ballasts. Thus, in this final rule, DOE included electronic and magnetic ballasts in the same equipment class.

e. Circuit Type

NEMA disagreed with DOE not piding equipment classes by circuit type, citing the fluorescent lamp ballast rule as precedent. (NEMA, No. 56 at pp. 12, 24) ULT and NEMA proposed three different technology classes; magnetic series reactors, magnetic

autotransformers, and electronic. (ULT, No. 50 at p. 5; NEMA, No. 44 at p. 17) NEMA explained the need for piding equipment classes in this way by describing the technologies’ different utilities and relationships to efficiency. Specifically, NEMA stated that series reactors circuits are the most efficient, although they do not offer any power regulation. Power factor correction is weak with this ballast type, and high power factor increases total harmonic distortion. This circuit type only works for lamps that require an open circuit voltage lower than the mains. It results in an increased inrush and current, and reduced maximum number of lamps per circuit. (NEMA, No. 44 at p. 18)

Autotransformer ballasts may be used on various mains voltages, and the ballast open circuit voltage may be

higher than the mains voltage. Constant- wattage autotransformer (CWA) designs

7765 Federal Register/Vol. 79, No. 27/Monday, February 10, 2014/Rules and Regulations

include a secondary coil and operate

with lower harmonic distortion. They offer better power regulation than series

reactors and are highly reliable. (NEMA, No. 44 at p. 19) Electronic circuits are

typically less reliable than autotransformer circuits, but operate with similar energy efficiency to series reactors. (NEMA, No. 44 at p. 20)

DOE agrees that within magnetic ballasts there are multiple circuit types, such as reactor and autotransformer. However, DOE has found that electronic ballasts can provide the same utility as

any magnetic circuit type and can be

substituted in all applications, while

being generally more efficient than all

magnetic ballasts. DOE also notes that

all of the magnetic ELs in this final rule

are determined by autotransformer

magnetic ballasts, as autotransformer

ballasts are the most common type on

the market. Because reactor ballasts are

typically more efficient than

autotransformer ballasts, DOE found

that setting a magnetic ballast EL based

on autotransformer efficiency would not

prohibit reactor ballasts. For these

reasons, DOE did not find it necessary

in this final rule to separate equipment

classes by circuit type.

f. Summary

DOE developed equipment classes in

this final rule using three class-setting

factors: input voltage, rated lamp

wattage, and fixture application. DOE

presents the resulting equipment classes

in Table V.1


Designed to be operated with lamps of the following

rated lamp wattage Indoor/outdoor? Input voltage


≥50 W and ≤100 W...............................................................................Indoor.......................................................................Tested at 480 V.

≥50 W and ≤100 W...............................................................................Indoor.......................................................................All others.

≥50 W and ≤100 W...............................................................................Outdoor....................................................................Tested at 480 V.

≥50 W and ≤100 W...............................................................................Outdoor....................................................................All others.

>100 W and <150 W*...........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>100 W and <150 W*...........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................All others.

>100 W and <150 W*...........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>100 W and <150 W*...........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................All others.

≥150 W** and ≤250 W..........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................Tested at 480 V.

≥150 W** and ≤250 W..........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................All others.

≥150 W** and ≤250 W..........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................Tested at 480 V.

≥150 W** and ≤250 W..........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................All others.

>250 W and ≤500 W.............................................................................Indoor.......................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>250 W and ≤500 W.............................................................................Indoor.......................................................................All others.

>250 W and ≤500 W.............................................................................Outdoor....................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>250 W and ≤500 W.............................................................................Outdoor....................................................................All others.

>500 W and ≤1000 W...........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>500 W and ≤1000 W...........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................All others.

>500 W and ≤1000 W...........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>500 W and ≤1000 W...........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................All others.

>1000 W and ≤2000 W.........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>1000 W and ≤2000 W.........................................................................Indoor.......................................................................All others.

>1000 W and ≤2000 W.........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................Tested at 480 V.

>1000 W and ≤2000 W.........................................................................Outdoor....................................................................All others.

*Includes 150 W MHLFs exempted by EISA 2007, which are MHLFs rated only for 150 W lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as specified by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A);); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified by UL 1029–2007.

**Excludes 150 W MHLFs exempted by EISA 2007, which are MHLFs rated only for 150 W lamps; rated for use in wet locations, as specified by the NFPA 70–2002, section 410.4(A);); and containing a ballast that is rated to operate at ambient air temperatures above 50 °C, as specified by UL 1029–2007.

?DOE’s proposed definitions for ‘‘indoor’’ and ‘‘outdoor’’ MHLFs are described in section V.A.2.c.

?Input voltage for testing would be specified by the test procedures. Ballasts rated to operate lamps less than 150 W would be tested at 120 V, and ballasts rated to operate lamps ≥150 W would be tested at 277 V. Ballasts not designed to operate at either of these voltages would be tested at the highest voltage the ballast is designed to operate. See section IV.A for further detail.

B. Screening Analysis

For the screening analysis, DOE consults with industry, technical experts, and other interested parties to determine which technology options to consider further and which to screen out. Appendix A to subpart C of 10 CFR Part 430, ‘‘Procedures, Interpretations, and Policies for Consideration of New or Revised Energy Conservation Standards for Consumer Products’’ (the Process Rule), sets forth procedures to guide DOE in its consideration and promulgation of new or revised energy conservation standards. These procedures elaborate on the statutory criteria provided in 42 U.S.C. 6295(o) and, in part, eliminate problematic

technologies early in the process of

prescribing or amending an energy

conservation standard. In particular,

sections 4(b)(4) and 5(b) of the Process

Rule provide guidance to DOE for

determining which design options are

unsuitable for further consideration:

Technological feasibility. DOE will

consider technologies incorporated in

commercial products or in working

prototypes to be technologically


Practicability to manufacture, install,

and service. If mass production and

reliable installation and servicing of a

technology in commercial products

could be achieved on the scale

necessary to serve the relevant market at

the time the standard comes into effect,

then DOE will consider that technology

practicable to manufacture, install, and


Adverse impacts on product utility or

product availability. If DOE determines

a technology would have significant

adverse impacts on the utility of the

product to significant subgroups of

consumers, or would result in the

unavailability of any covered equipment

type with performance characteristics

(including reliability), features, sizes,

capacities, and volumes that are

substantially the same as equipment

generally available in the United States

