日常英语口语 接待篇

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Daily English

1.Greetings 招呼

Hello. 您好。 ——Hello.


How do you do? 您好。

——How do you do? 您好。

Pleased to meet you. 见到您真高兴。

Good morning. 早上好。

——Good morning. 早上好。

Good afternoon. 下午好

——Good afternoon. 下午好

Good evening. 晚上好。

——Good evening. 晚上好。


(1) Hello. 招呼用语,语气较随便。

(2) How do you do?不是疑问句,而是初次相识时致意的用语,意为“您好”。对方也说How do you do?作为相应的致意。这是很正式的招呼用语。 (3) Peleased to meet you.初次认识一个人,常用这句套语。

(4) Good morning. Good afternoon. 和 Good evening. 都是招呼用语,往往用于比较客气的场合。接待人员可以用这样的招呼用语去迎接宾客。

2.Modes of Address 称呼

Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。

Welcome to our hotel,madam. 夫人,欢迎您来我们的旅馆。

Nice to see you again,madam. 又见到您真高兴,夫人。

You must be Professor Smith. 我想您就是史密斯教授吧!

Excuse me. Are you Mrs. Best? 请原谅,您是贝斯特夫人吗?

Hello,Mr. Best.


Yes, sir. 是,先生。

Have some coffee, please, General Ford. 请喝咖啡,福特将军。

You’re wanted on the phone, Captain Scott. 斯科特船长,您的电话。

Here are some letters for you, Your Royal Highness. 殿下,您的信。

After you,your Excellency. 阁下,您先请。


(1) 接待人员,对于年长的和不知名的客人,通常称他(或她)为sir或madam。 (2) Mrs. Best中的Mrs.是Mistress的缩写形式,一般用于已婚女子的夫姓或名字


(3) Mr.是Mister的缩写,一般用于姓名前,有时也用于职位的名称之前,如

Mr.President, Mr. Editor和 Mr. Chairman。

3. Getting Acquainted 相识

Allow me to introduce myself. 请让我自我介绍一下。

My name is__,the attendant here. 我叫__,是这儿的服务员。

Excuse me,but may I ask your name? 对不起,请问尊姓大名?

May I introduce Mr. C? 请让我介绍C先生。

Welcome to Shanghai. 欢迎您到上海来。

Is this your first visit to China? 这是您第一次来中国吗?

Are you British? 您是英国人吗?

How long are you going to stay here? 您打算在这儿住多久?

Please sit down and make yourself at home. 请坐,别拘束。

We hope you’ll have a good time in our hotel. 希望您在宾馆生活愉快。

We hope you’ll enjoy your visit here. 祝您在这儿过得愉快。

I know a little English, but not much. 我懂一点英语,但不多。

I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch what you said. 对不起,您讲的话我没听清。

Could you speak a little slower, please? 请稍微讲慢点。

It’s a nice day, isn’t it? 天气真好,是不是?

Did you sleep well last night? 您昨晚睡得好吗?

How do you like the weather here? 您觉得这儿的天气怎么样?

Have you done any sightseeing yet? 您游览过了吗?

Would you mind waiting a moment, please? 请等一等

This work is a pleasure. 这工作对我是件乐事。

Any comments and suggestions are welcome. 请提宝贵意见。

You are welcome. 不必客气。 Notes

(1) 接待人员在接待宾客时不仅应热情主动,而且还需注意各国宾客的礼貌习


(2) 为他人作介绍,一般是先将男子介绍给妇女,将年轻者介绍给年长者,将


(3) 接待人员见到宾客时应向对方招呼问好。可以说Good morning. Good

evening. Hello.等;也可以谈论一下天气,如:It’s a fine day, isn’t it?;还可以问问宾客睡得如何,如:Did you sleep well last night?这样宾客会感到亲切愉快,气氛便活跃了。

4. Offering Help 提供帮助 A. Offering Help

May I help you? 要我帮忙吗?

Is there anything I can do for you? 有什么我能为您做吗?

Can I do anything for you? 我能不能为您做些什么?

What can I do for you? 我能为您做些什么吗?

Let me give you a hand. 让我帮您一下吧!

Can I give you a lift to your hotel? 要不要搭我的车到您的旅馆去?

Would you like me to call a taxi for you, Mrs. White? 怀特夫人,要不要我帮您雇一辆出租车?

Shall I carry this for you? 要不要我帮您拿件东西?

I chould arrange for you to visit a school if you’d like to see one. 如果您有兴趣的话,我可以为您安排去访问一所学校。

Whould you like to have a look at this map? 您要查看一下地图吗?

May I give you a btief run-down of the services provided by our hotel? 要我把我们旅馆的服务项目给您介绍一下吗?

Would you like me to get you something? What about some tea? 给您弄点什东西呢?喝点茶好吗?

Won’t you have a bit of this cake? 请尝一点蛋糕吧! B. Responses to Specific Offers 回答

Oh, thank you. 噢,谢谢了。

Would you, please?


Thank you, if it’s not too much bother? 谢谢了,如果不是太麻烦的话。

Whouldn’t that be too much bother? 不会太麻烦吧?

Please don’e bother. Thank you just the same. 请不要麻烦了,谢谢。

No, thank you. But it was very kind of you to offer. 不用了,谢谢。承蒙您好意提出。

I can manage. But thank you, anyway. 我自己行了,但还是要谢谢您。

Notes 注解

(1) May I help you? 也可以说Can I help you? 但前者比后者更正式、更委婉。


(2) What can I do for you? 无论哪一行的接待人员都可以用这一套语来接待

宾客。另外,还有些表示同样意思的套语,如:May I be of any pervice to you? Is anybody looking after you? Are you being served(attended to)?等。 (3) Would you like me to…?这个句型主要在询问对方的意愿。如果估计不必询

问时,可以用Let me…的句型。例如:某宾客手里拿着东西不能开门,但他要出房门,这时你可以说Let me give you a hand.不说Would you like me to give you a hand?

(4) Shall I…?这个句型用于征求对方的意见。如有老年宾客拿着很重的东西进

旅馆时,你可以走上前问:Shall I carry it for you?

5.Requests and Responses 请求和回答

May I ask you a question? 我可以向您提个问题吗? ——Cerainly. 当然可以。

Can you do me a favour? 您能帮我个忙吗? ——I will if I can.


I wonder if you could lend me your pen? 我不知您是否能把笔借给我用一下。 ——I’ll be glad to. 很乐意。

——I’d very much like to, but I am afraid I can’t. I’m using it now. 我很愿意,但恐怕不行,我现在正用着呢。

Would you speak a little louder? 请稍微说大声点。 ——All right. 行。

Would you ming handing me that cup?

请把那个杯子递给我,好吗? ——Not at all. Go ahead. 好,请吧。

Do you mind if I turn off the light? 我把灯关了,好吗? ——I’d rather you didn’t. 我倒希望您不要关。

Could you spare me some matches? 您能让给我几根火柴吗? ——Certainly. Here you are.

May I borrow some books? 我可以借几本书吗?

——Sure. Just help yourself. 可以,自己拿吧。


(1) ming 原意为“介意”。这句话的直译是:把那个杯子递给我,您介意吗? (2) Not at all. 是 I don’t mind at all. (我一点儿不介意。)的简式。 (3) 此句中的opened是英语虚拟语气的表达法。

6.Thanks and Aswers 感谢和回答 A. Thanks

Thank you. 谢谢您。

Thanks a lot. 多谢。

Thank you for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。

Thank you. It was very kind of you. 谢谢。您太好了。

I’m very much boliged to you. 非常感谢您。

I don’t know what I should have done without your help. 要不是您的帮助,我真不知道该怎么办

You’ve done me a great favour. 您帮了我大忙。

I don’t know how I can thank you enough. 我不知道怎样谢您才好。

B. Answers 回答

You’re welcome. 别客气。

Not at all. 没什么。

Don’t mention it. 不必谢。

It was a pleasure for me to do it. 我很乐意这样做。

No trouble at all. 一点也不麻烦。

Glad to have been of help. 我很高兴能给您帮了个忙。

There is nothing to thank me for. 没有什么可谢我的。


(1) Thank you. 在西方,人们的日常生活中常常使用,几乎成了一种口头语。

当别人为你帮忙或让路,为你做事或向你问好时,你得说一句Thank you.或Thanks.以示谢意。

(2) You’re welcome. 是客人向你说了Thank you.以后通常用的回答语。 (3) 通常用It’s a please. 或 With pleasure.来回答宾客向你道谢,比啊是非常愿


7. Apologies, Regrets and Responses 道歉,遗憾和回答

Excuse me. 对不起。 ——Certainly. 请。

Oh, pardon me. 请原谅。

——That’s quite all right. 没关系。

Sorry. 对不起。

——It’s nothing. 没什么。

I’m awfully sorry. 我很抱歉。 ——That doesn’t matter. 没关系。

I’m afraid I have taken up too much of your time. 恐怕占用您的时间太多了。 ——Not at all. 没什么。

It was terribly clumsy of me. 我太笨手笨脚了。 ——No harm. 不要紧。

Please excuse me for a moment. I won’t be long. 请原谅,我要走开一下,我马上回来。

Excuse me for interrupting you. 请原谅我打断您了。

I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. 对不起,但没有办法。

I hope I’m not disturbing you. 希望我没打扰您。


(1) 使用Excuse me. 的场合很多。从拥挤的人群中穿过时,你得说Excuse me.

对方回答Certainly. 无意中碰到了人,你也说声Excuse me. 但此时的回答却是That’s all right.

(2) 接待人员在与宾客的交往过程中,如果有些过失或冒犯人家,应立即向对


8. Affirmative Expressions 表示肯定用语

Yes. 是的。

Of course. 当然。

Certainly. 是这样。

Right. 对的。

Surely. 肯定是。

Oh, yes. 噢,是的。

Very well. 很好。

Exactly. 完全正确。

O.K. 行。

Fine. 好。

Splendid. 很好。

Excellent. 好极了

Marvellous. 妙极了。

That’s true. 那是真的。

Yes, to be sure. 是的,没错。

Quite so. 的确是这样。

Yes, I think so. 是的,我想是的。

Yes, indeed. 是的,确实如此。

By all means. 当然,一定。


(1) 接待人员对于宾客的询问,一般用Yes. 来表示肯定回答,最好不用点头


(2) 为了避免老是用一个呆板的单词yes,接待人员还可以用诸如:Of course.

If you please. Quite right. Exactly等等。表达的多样化,既能体现业务素质又能提高服务质量。

9. Negative Expressions. 表示否定用语。

No, thank you. 不,谢谢您。

Certainly not. 一定不是

I’m afraid not. 我想不是。

Not quite. 不完全如此。

I don’t think so. 我想不是。

Impossible. 绝不会是那样。

I haven’t the least idea. 我一点也不知道。

Not in the least. 一点也不。

By no means. 绝不。

Not yet. 还没有。

I can’t believe it. 我不相信。

Just the other way round. 正相反。


接待人员应该谨慎使用表示否定或异议的用语,若使用不当会使宾客不悦或发怒,直接影响接待效果。值得一提的是,有些表示否定的用语语气比较强烈,如:Certainly not. Of course not. Impossible. You must be mistaken.等,因此要注意使用场合。另外接待人员还可以使用一些套语来表示否定或异议的语气有所减弱。如:Well,… Oh,… Personally,… To tell the truth,… As a matter of fact,… As I see it,… I would say,… Oh, I don’t know. It seems to me that…, There’s something in what you say, but… But don’t you think…? 等。

10. General Responses 一般应对

I hope so. 我希望是这样。

I believe so. 我相信是这样。

I suppose so. 我想是这样。

I think so. 我想是这样。

If you like. 如果你喜欢。

Perhaps (not) so. 也许(不)这样。

I expect so. 我料想是这样。

I guess it is. 我猜是这样。

It’s rather doubtful. 完全有可能。

Very likely. 很有可能。

So I’ve heard. 我听说是这样。

He’s probably here. 他可能在这儿。

Perhaps he isn’t here. 也许他不在这儿。

It’s unlikely he’s here. 他可能不在这儿。

I can’t believe it. 我不相信。

I’m afraid it’s a misunderstanding. 我想这是个误会。

I’m afraid you are mistaken. 我想您错了。


回答对方问话时,不十分确定的答语常用Perhaps. I think so. It’s quite probable. 等等。答话的含义不是十分明确的,比较含糊。

11.Congratulations and Good Wishes 祝贺和祝愿

A.Congratulations and Replies 祝贺和回答


Please accept my congratulations on your promotion. 请接受我对您提升的祝贺。

I hear that you have won. Congratulations. 听说你们赢了,祝贺你们!

Let me congratulate you on your success. 祝贺您的成功。 ——Thank you. 谢谢

B. Festival Greetings and Replies 节日祝愿和回答

Happy New Year!

——Happy New Year to you, too!

Happy Spring Festival!

Merry Christmas!

Best wishes!

——The same to you.

C. Birthday Greetings and Reply 生日祝福和回答

Happy birthday!

Many happy returns of the day. 祝您长寿。 ——Thank you.

D.Good Wishes 祝愿

Good luck to you.

I wish you happiness.

I wish you the best of health. 祝您健康。

Have a good time.

I hope you enjoy the film.

Take care (of yourself).

Sleep well.

Pleasant dreams! 愿您睡得香甜!

I hope you have a pleasant journey home. 祝您一路顺风。


(1) Thank you. 别人祝贺后,要表示感谢,这是礼貌。注意这一点与中国习惯有不同之处。中国人常以自己做的不够或难以称职等言语来表示客气或谦虚。 (2) Many happy returns of the day.这也是结婚周年祝贺用语,意为:敬祝佳节。

12. Parting Expressions 告别用语。



Good night.

——Good night.

So long. 再见 ——So long. 再见

Bye. ——Bye.

See you later.

Take care.

I’ll be seeing you. 再见。

Keep well. 祝您健康。

I’m got to be going now. Good-bye. 我得走了,再见

Come and see me when you have time. 有空时再来。

——Thanks. I’ll certainly do that. 谢谢了,我一定会的。

Happy landing. 祝您早安。

Bon voyage! 祝您一路平安。

I hope to see you again. 希望能再见到您。

It’s very nice of you to come and see me off. 您来给我送行,真是太客气了。


(1) Good-bye. 是分手时最常用的一句话,只适用于送别时。

(2) Good night. 是晚间分别估计不再见面时的客套语。晚间见面时应该说Good evening.

(3) So long. 用于彼此熟悉的人之间,是比较随便的告别语,对接待人员来说,以不用为宜。

(4) Bye. 等于 Bye-bye. 也是比较随便的告别语。

(5) See you later. 常用在平时暂别下次见面没有约定的时间。 (6) I’ll be seeing you. 是美国人喜欢使用的告别语。 (7) Happy landing. 是送行者向上飞机的人说的告别语。 (8) Bon voyage. 是法语,意为:一路平安。

