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A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assista t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photogra phs of the moun tains that lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, a nd then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more m oney was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at wha t he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been blocked by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and meta l that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I pa id him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped down hill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help you, mada m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the window of an expensive sho p. Thou gh she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. The assistant who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was sold. The woman walk ed out of the shop angrily and decided to punish the assistant next day. She returned to the shop the follow ing morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in o ne hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seeking o ut the rude assistant she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing who she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a lighthou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk thro ugh one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a square to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a sna e-charmer with two large bask ets at the o ther side of the sq uare, so we went to have a loo k at him. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened one of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It rose ou t of the basket and began to follow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the snak e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesson43 Over the Sout h Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Po le for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many phot ographs of the mountains that lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one po int, it seemed certain that their plane wou ld crash. It could o nly get over the mountains if it ro se to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw ou t two heavy food sack s. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the So uth Pole wh ich was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sight. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless wh ite plain s with out d ifficulty. Lesson44 Thro ugh t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did not th in of the risk she was taking when she ran through a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tried to steal her handbag. In the struggle, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their po ssession, bo th men started runnin g throug h the trees. Mrs Sterlin g got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon ou t of breath, bu t she continued to run. When she caught up w ith them, she saw that they had sat down and were goin g throug h the contents of the bag, so she ran straigh t at them. The men got such a frigh t that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'Th e strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did not steal any thing.' Lesson45 A clear conscience 问心无愧 The whole village soon learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local bu tcher, had lost h is wallet while ta king h is savin gs to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been found by one of the villagers, but it was no t returned to h im. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet o utside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note which said: 'A th ief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two m onths later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in this way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive a nd unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 When a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to unload a number of wooden boxes w hich contained clothing. No one cou ld account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at w hat he found. A man was ly ing in the box on to p of a pile of woo llen go ods. He was so surprised at being discovered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man admitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and u ncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for o ver ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty gho st 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house wh ich was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr Th ompson is going to sell it because it is hau nted. He told me that he could no t go to sleep one nig ht because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the do ors had been bloc ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr T hompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he ha d found five empty whisk bottles wh ich the gho st must have drun k the night before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompso n shoo k his head. The villagers have to ld h im that they will no t accept the inn even if he g ives it away. Lesson48 Did yo u wa nt to tell me so mething ? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask question s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out o ne of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected birds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Londo n. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the h ole where the tooth had been. I suddenly felt very worried, but could n ot say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell h im that he had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a dream 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house. He slep t very well for the first two n ights, but on the third night, a storm blew up. A gust of win d swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up un til the bed had struc the ground. A ltho ugh the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancing at the bits of wo od and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pick ed up the mattress and carried it in to his hou se. After he had put it on the floor, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesson50 Ta en for a ride 乘车兜风I love travelling in the country , but I don't lik e lo sing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me longer than I expected. ' I'm going to Woodford Green,' I said to the conductor as I got on the bus,' bu t I don't no w where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a goo d view of the coun try side. After some time, the bus stopped. Loo ing round, I reali zed with a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bus. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Wo odford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the conductor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 M friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go o n a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote ou t a long list of all the foo ds which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert loves: butter, potatoes, rice, beer, milk , chocolate, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very emb arrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doin g, he smiled guiltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He explained that his diet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the contents of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesson52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor in g hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has not been easy because I own over a thousand boo ks. To ma e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A short w hile ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old book cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those b oo s o n the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You do n't need boo cases at all. Yo u can sit here in y our sp are time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna e 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest fire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find o ut how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which people carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any bro en glass. T hey were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a firema n accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a snak e which was w ound rou nd the electric wires of a 16,000-volt p ower line. In th is way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple bu t very unusual. A bird had snatched up the sna e from the ground and then dropped it on to the wires. The sna e then wound itself round the wires. When it did so, i t sent sparks down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic ky fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at work and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where --it is said--pirates used to
项目可行性研究报告项目建议书资金申请报告XX 工程咨询公司
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 2
第一章 总 论 ........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1 项目概况..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.2 可行性研究报告编制依据及原则错误!未定义书签。
1.3 可行性研究报告的内容 (3)
第二章 项目背景与建设的必要性 ........ 错误!未定义书签。
2.1 项目建设的背景 ........................ 错误!未定义书签。
2.2 项目建设的必要性 (5)
2.3 结论 (5)
第三章 效益分析 (7)
3.1 社会效益 (7)
3.2 经济效益 (8)
3.3 环境效益 (8)
3.4 评价结论 (9)
第四章 项目选址及建设条件 ................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.1 项目选址..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.2 项目建设地点 ............................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.3 项目建设条件 ............................ 错误!未定义书签。
第五章 项目建设方案 ............................ 错误!未定义书签。
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 3 5.1方案设计原则 (17)
5.2 总体方案设计 (17)
5.3 道路工程 (17)
5.4 平面交叉口设计 (22)
5.5路灯布设 (23)
第六章 投资估算与资金筹措 (24)
6.1 投资估算 (24)
6.2 资金筹措 (25)
第七章 环境影响分析 (26)
7.1 编制依据 (26)
7.2 项目建设与运营对环境影响及治理措施 (27)
7.3环境影响结论 (30)
第八章 劳动安全 (32)
8.1 影响劳动安全的因素分析 (32)
8.2 防护及监控措施 (33)
第九章 建设管理 (34)
9.1 建设期项目管理 (34)
9.2 建设期组织机构 (34)
9.3项目运营期管理 (35)
第十章 可行性研究结论与建议 (36)
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu
nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna
e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in
sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h
is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo
llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink
, Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y
ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it
is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into
his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at
it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark
s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 4 10.1结论 (36)
10.2建议 (36)
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 5
第一章 总论
1.1 项目名称
1.2 项目概况
1.2.1 项目建设内容
(4)购买“东风”145(4.5T )厢式配货车5辆
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 6 1.2.2建设地点:沙洋金古工业园
1.3 承办单位及负责人
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 7 (8)网点数量:公司现有5家连锁店,乡镇直营超市6
(4)个人简历:柳期万 籍贯福建沙洋,现任三河万隆
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 8 群众买难卖难的问题。
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 9 算与资金筹措;经济效益、社会效益分析与评价;风险分析;项目管理办法,为项目决策提供依据。
1.6 结论
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 10
第二章 项目提出的背景
2.1 项目提出的政策背景
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 11 通过示范引导、自愿进入的方式,逐步以连锁经营、统一配送
2.2 项目提出的现实背景
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 12 元。流通业在促进生产、扩大消费、提高人民群众的生活水平、提高国民经济运行的质量和效率方面起到了突出的作用。
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 13 2.2.2万隆参与生活日用消费品和农付产品配送网络建
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 14
第三章 项目建设的必要性和可行性
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 15 通环节,保证商品质量;统一管理,就是公司对连锁店负有
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 16 销售业务。跨区域、跨行业开展物流运输业务,收购、运输农副产品,最大限度降低车辆空载率,少绕路,降低成本,提高盈利率。
3.2.3 县委、政府的高度重视
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 17 店当中,沙洋万隆超市是最大的企业,现拥有员工500多名。安臵下岗职工50多名,年销售额由创业初期的几百万发展
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 18 领导班子是一个非常具有凝聚力和战斗力的领导集体,决策
a 、电力条件
b 、通讯条件
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 19 第四章 市场分析及营销方案
4.1 市场分析
4.2 项目的运营特色
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to s top it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and ask ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed in a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the pa rcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the carpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to s ign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treasure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to
A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of fort miles an hour--much faster than any of its rivals. It sped d ownhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lo t of troub le try ing to stop it. The race gave every one a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting. Lesson57 Ca n I help yo u, ma da m? 你要买什么,夫人? A woman in blue jeans stood at the win dow of an expensive shop. Th ough she hesitated for a moment, she finally went in and as ed to see a dress that was in the window. T he assistan t who served her did not lik e the way she was dressed. Glancing at her scornfully , he told her that the dress was so ld. The woman walk ed out of the sho p angrily and decided to pu nish the assistant next day. She returned to the sh op the followin g morning dressed i n a fur coat, with a handbag in one hand and a long umbrella in the other. After seek ing out the rude assistan t she ask ed for the same dress. Not realizing w ho she was, the assistant was eager to
serve her this time with great d ifficulty , he climbed into the shop w indow to get the dress. As so on as she saw it, the woman said s many ties.' 'And a woman can't have too man hats,' she answered. Ten minutes later we walk ed out of the sho p together. My wife was wearing a hat that loo ed lik e a ligh thou se ! Lesso n42 Not very musical 并非很懂音乐 As we had had a long walk through one of the mark ets of Old Delhi, we stopped at a sq uare to have a rest. After a time, we noticed a snak e-charmer with two large bask ets at the other side of the square, so we went to have a loo at h im. As soon as he saw us, he pic ed up a long pipe which was covered with coins and opened o ne of the bask ets. When he began to play a tune, we had our first g limpse of the sna e. It ro se out of the bask et and began to fo llow the movements of the pipe. We were very much surprised when the sna e charmer suddenly began to play jazz tu nes and modern pop son gs. The sna e, h owever, continued to 'dance' slowly. It obviously could n ot tell the
difference between Indian music and jazz! Lesso n43 Over the So uth Pole 飞越南极 In 1929, three y ears after his flight over the North Po le, the American explorer, R. E. By rd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. Though, at first, By rd and his men were able to ta e a great many photographs of the moun tains tha t lay below, they soon ran in to seriou s troub le. At one point, it seemed certain that their plane would crash. It could only get over the mountains if it rose to 10,000 feet. By rd at once ordered his men to throw out two heavy food sacks. The plane was then able to rise and it cleared the mountains by 400 feet. By rd now knew that he wou ld be able to reach the Sou th Pole which was 300 miles away , for there were no more mountains in sigh t. The aircraft was able to fly over the endless w hite p lains w ithou t difficulty. Lesso n44 Throug h t he forest 穿过森林 Mrs Anne Sterling did no t th in of the risk she was ta ing when she ran throu gh a forest after two men. They had rushed up to her while
she was having a p icnic at the edge of a forest with her children and tr ied to steal her handbag. In the strugg le, the strap bro e and, with the bag in their possession , both men started running throu gh the trees. Mrs Sterling got so angry that she ran after them. She was soon o ut of breath, but she contin ued to run. When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down and were going thro ugh the contents of the bag, so she ran straight at them. The men got such a frig ht that they dropped the bag and ran away. 'The strap needs mending,' said Mrs Sterling later, 'but they did n ot steal any thing.' Lesso n45 A clear co nscience 问心无愧 The whole village so on learnt that a large sum of money had been lost. Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lo st h is wallet while taking his savings to the post-office. Sam was sure that the wallet must have been foun d by one of the v illagers, bu t it was not returned to him. Three months passed, and then one morning, Sam found his wallet outside his front door. It had been wrapped up in
newspaper and it contained half the money he had lost, together with a note wh ich said: 'A thief, y es, 'but only 5o per cent a thief!' Two months later, some more money was sent to Sam with another note:' Only 25 per cent a thief now!' In time, all Sam's money was paid back in th is way. The last note said:' I am 100 per cent honest now!' lesso n46 Expe nsive and unco mfortable 既昂贵又受罪 Wh en a plane from London arrived at Sy dney airport, work ers began to un load a number of wooden boxes wh ich contained clo thing. No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was extremely heav y. It suddenly occurred to one of the work ers to open up the box. He was astonished at what he foun d. A man was ly ing in the box on top of a pile of woo llen goo ds. He was so surprised at bein g disco vered that he did n ot even try to run away. After he was arrested, the man ad mitted hiding in the box before the plane left London. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten
hours. The man was ordered to pay &345 for the cost of the trip. The normal price of a tic et is &230 ! Lesson47 A thirsty ghost 嗜酒的鬼魂 A public house which was recently bought by Mr Ian Thompson is up for sale. Mr T hompson is goin g to sell it because it is haunted. He to ld me that he could n ot go to sleep one night because he heard a strange noise coming from the bar. The next morning, he found that the doors had been block ed by chairs and the furniture had been moved. Though Mr Thompson had turned the lights off before he went to bed, they were on in the morning. He also said that he h ad found five empty whisk bottles which the ghost must have drun the nigh t before. When I suggested that some villagers must have come in for a free drink , Mr Thompson shoo his head. The v illagers have to ld him that they will no t accept the inn even if he gives it away. Lesso n48 D id yo u want to tell me so met hing? 你想对我说什么吗? Dentists alway s ask q uestion s when it is impossib le for y ou to answer. My
dentist had just pulled out one of my teeth and had told me to rest for a while. I tried to say something, but my mouth was full of cotton-woo l. He new I collected b irds' eggs and ask ed me whether my collection was growing. He then ask ed me how my brother was and whether I lik ed my new job in Lond on. In answer to these q uestion s I either nodded or made strange noises. Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the too th had been. I sud denly felt very worried, but could not say any thing. When the dentist at last removed the cotton-woo l from my mouth, I was able to tell him that e had pulled ou t the wrong tooth. Lesso n49 The end of a drea m 美梦告终 Tired of sleeping on the floor, a y oung man in Teheran saved up for y ears to buy a real bed. For the first time in h is life, he became the proud owner of a bed which had spring s and a mattress. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of h is ho use. He slept very well for the first two n ights, bu t on the third n ight, a storm
blew up. A g ust of w ind swep t the bed off the roof and sent it crashin g in to the courty ard below. The y oung man did not wa e up until the bed had struc the ground. Alth ough the bed was smashed to pieces, the man was miraculously unhurt. When he wo e up, he was still on the mattress. Glancin g at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him, the man sadly pic ed up the mattress and carried it in to h is hou se. After he had put it on the flo or, he promptly went to sleep again. Lesso n50 Ta n for a ride 乘车兜风 I love travelling in the coun try , but I don't lik e losing my way. I went on an excursion recently , but my trip took me lo nger than I expected. ' I'm going to Woo dford Green,' I said to the con ductor as I go t on the bus,' bu t I don't know where it is.' ' I'll tell y ou where to get off,' answered the conductor. I sat in the front of the bus to get a good v iew of the coun try side. After some time, the bu s stopped. Loo king round , I realized w ith a shoc that I was the only passenger left on the bu s. ' You'll have to get off
here,' the conductor said. 'This is as far as we go.' ' Is this Woodford Green ?' I ask ed. 'Oh dear,' said the conductor suddenly.' I forgot to pu t y ou off.' 'It doesn't matter,' I said. 'I'll get off here.' 'We are going back now,' said the cond uctor. 'Well, in that case, I prefer to stay on the bus,' I answered. Lesso n51 Reward for virtue 对美德的奖赏 My friend, Herbert, has alway s been fat, but things go t so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet. He began his diet a wee ago. First of all, he wrote o ut a lon g list of all the foods which were forbidden. The list included most of the th ings Herbert lo ves: bu tter, pota toes, rice, beer, milk , choco late, and sweets. Yesterday I paid him a visit. I rang the bell an d was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. He led me into his room and h urriedly hid a large parcel under his desk . It was obvio us that he was very embarrassed. When I ask ed him what he was doing, he smiled gu iltily and then put the parcel on the desk . He exp lained that his d iet was so strict that he had to reward
himself occasionally. Then he showed me the conten ts of the parcel. It contained five large bars of chocolate and three bags of sweets! Lesso n52 A pretty carpet 漂亮的地毯 We have just moved into a new house and I have been wor ing hard all morning. I have been try ing to get my new room in order. This has n ot been easy because I own over a thousand boo To mak e matters worse, the room is rather small, so I have temporarily put my book s on the floor. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk o n them to get in or out of the room. A sh ort while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old boo cases up the stairs. She went into my room and got a big surprise when she saw all those boo ks on the floor. 'This is the prettiest carpet I have ever seen,' she said. She gazed at it for some time then added, 'You don't need b oo cases at all. You can sit here in our spare time and read the c arpet!' Lesson53 Hot sna ke 触电的蛇 At last firemen have put out a big forest f ire in
California. Since then, they have been try ing to find out how the fire began. Forest fire are often caused by brok en glass or by cigarette ends which peop le carelessly throw away. Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully , but were not able to find any brok en g lass. They were also quite sure that a cigarette end did not start the fire. This morning, however, a fireman accidentally discovered the cause. He noticed the remains of a sna e which was wou nd round the electric wires of a 16,000-v olt power line. In this way , he was able to solve the my stery. The explanation was simple but very unusual. A bird had snatched u p the sna e from the ground an d then drop ped it on to the wires. The snak e then wound itself rou nd the w ires. When it did so, it sent spark s down to the grou nd and these immediately started a fire. Lesson54 Stic fingers 粘糊的手指 After break fast, I sent the children to school and then I went to mark et. It was still early when I returned home. The childr en were at school, my husband was at wor k
and the house was qu iet. So I decided to mak e some tarts for tea. In a short time I was busy mixing bu tter and flour and my hands were soon covered with stick pastry. At exactly that moment, the telephone rang. Noth ing could have been more annoy ing. I pick ed up the receiver between two stick fingers and was dismay ed when I recognized the vo ice of Mrs Bates. I t too k me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I h ung up the receiver. What a mess! There was pastry on my fingers, on the telephone, and on the door-nob s. I had no sooner got bac to the itchen than the d oor-bell rang lou d enough to wa e the dead. Th is time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter ! Lesson55 Not a g old mine 并非金矿 Dreams of finding lost treas ure almost came true recentl y. A new machine called 'The Revealer' has been invented and it has been used to detect g old wh ich has been buried in the groun d. The machine was used in a cave near the seashore where--it is said--pirates used to 20 和农村市场,以配送中心和中心店为龙头,以乡镇村连锁店、便民店为主体,带动和辐射周边农村,建成社会主义新农村
4.3 日用消费品和农付产品配送实施方案
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- 2018版中国光热发电行业深度研究报告目录
- (通用)2019年中考数学总复习 第一章 第四节 数的开方与二次根式课件
- 2017_2018学年高中语文第二单元第4课说数课件粤教版
- 上市新药Lumateperone(卢美哌隆)合成检索总结报告
- 沙洋
- 万隆
- 可行性研究
- 分析报告
- 消费品
- 日用
- 配送
- 项目
- 中心
- 新目标八年级英语上册全册导学案
- 奢侈品品牌网络推广策划方案(完整版)
- 公司发展中存在的问题
- (完整版)出入口管理系统方案设计-海康
- 秘书处秘书工作总结范文.doc
- 化学实验操作考试评分细则
- 采尔马特安尼利斯小屋公寓酒店(Chalet Annelis Apartments)
- ZXA10 T600(V1.0.1)_硬件手册
- 工厂企业车间岗位职责合集
- (英语)英语主谓一致试题(有答案和解析)
- 国际金融形势与中国经济转型——中国资本市场十二五规划 证监会研究中心主任 祁斌
- 车辆安全部位失效事故的防范措施(正式)
- 大学生自我鉴定锦集6篇
- 视频监控系统的几大故障及解决方法
- 2013年_公司元旦联欢晚会策划及主持词
- 全国信息化计算机应用技术水平教育考试试卷
- 不锈钢雕塑的制作方法步骤
- 电子商务实验室设备说明
- 大学生户外拓展活动方案
- 备战2016高考圆锥曲线最新难题汇编