
更新时间:2023-04-18 13:30:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



( )1.A. bathroom B. bedroom


( )2.A. breakfast B. lunch

C. dinner

( )3.A. brought B. bought C. bring

( )4. A. tomatoes B. photos C. potatoes

( )5.A. 7:30 B. 5:15 C. 4:45 ( )6.A. There are four. B. It ’s 8:00. (每小题2分,共10分)

II 、听录音,为问句选择合适的答语。(每2分,共10分)

C. In the morning.

( )7.A. I ’m from Beijing. B.I ’m going to Beijing.

C.I ’m in Beijing.

( )8.A.Yes, they are. B. No, they aren ’t.

C.They are dirty.

( )9.A.I have five classes. B. It ’s five.

C. I ’m five.

( )10.A. He ’s singing. B.He ’s going to sing.

C. He likes singing

11. ( ) 12.( ) 13.( ) 14.( )

15.( )

There are four seasons in a year. This is 16 . It ’s cold.

There is ice and snow. This is 17 . It ’s warm and rainy. There are new leaves and flowers. The 18 sun is hot. I like to 19 . 20 is cool. The leaves turn red and yellow. III 、听音,判断你所听到的句子是否与图片相符,相符请写T ,不相符请写F 。(每小题2分,共10分) IV.听录音,完成短文(每小题2分,共10分)







( )6. There ____ two sweaters on the bed.

A. is

B. are



( )7. We ______ English, math, science, art.

A. is having

B. has

C. have

( )8. I _______ shopping with my father yesterday.

A. am going to

B. went

C. go ( )9. It ’s 7:30. Time _____ school.


II.选择填空。(每小题1分,共10分) The _______ is in the bathroom. Christmas is a Western __________. Ms. Scott is the school bus _________. They are playing ________ in the living room. I make lunch in the _______.

A . I ’m from China. B. Yes, he can. C. On June 25. D.It ’s 15 degrees.

E. It ’s hot and rainy. A. for B. to C. in ( )10. The cat _____ TV with me now.

A. watch

B. watched

C. is watching

( )11. These are many _______.

A. tomato

B. tomatos

C. tomatoes

( )12. Santa is a merry man ______ red clothes.

A. in

B. with

C. of ( )13. That is _____ gift.

A. she

B. her

C. he

( )14. _______Danny _______ on the ice?

A. Is, skate

B. Is, skating

C. Are, skating

( )15. I ______ a Christmas tree to my family last Sunday.

A. bring

B. brings

C. brought

( )16.What ’s the temperature outside ?

( )17.How ’s the weather in July?

( )18.Can Li Ming stand up on the ice?


()19.When will Li Ming go home?

IV.连词成句。(每小题2分,共10分)21. you a trip Did good have ?

__________________________________________ 22. show in you the rooms I’ll my house .

___________________________________________ 23. in is Jenny a chair sitting .

___________________________________________ 24. the on table potatoes are the .

___________________________________________ 25. put on am my coat I to going .

A man is going to see his friend. He takes some sandwiches with him because his friend ’s home is very far. On his way, he says to himself, “ My friend is going to give me a very good lunch.”

Then he throws the sandwiches away. He goes on and comes to a river. There ’s no boat on the river. He can ’t cross it. He starts to go home. He is hungry now. And he tries to find his sandwiches. “Oh, my god. A dog is eating them.” He quickly goes up, but the dog runs away. He is still hungry and he goes back home.

( )26. His friend ’s home is not far.

( )27. He takes only one sandwich on his way. ( )28. He can ’t find a boat on the river.

( )29. The man catches the dog at last.

V.阅读理解。正确的写T ,错误的写F 。(每小题2分,共10分)

VI 写作。(共10分)


31. Jenny __________ ___________ books.

32. Li Ming __________ ___________ TV.

33. Danny __________ __________ rice.

34. Kim ___________________________.

35. ________________________________.





1.There is a bedroom on the second floor.

2.What would you like for breakfast?

3.I brought a Christmas card to my teacher


4.There are some potatoes in the fridge.

5.I will arrive in Beijing at half past seven.


6.What time is it?

7.Where are you going ?

8.Are these dishes clean or dirty?

9.How many classes do you have each school


10.What is he doing?


11.The potatoes and carrots are on the table.

12.They are making a snowman.

13.It’s half past four.

14.Mr. Smith is washing his hands in the


15.We have English, Chinese, math and music

in the morning.

IV.听录音,完成短文(每小题2分,共10分)There are four seasons in a year. This is winter. It’s cold. There is ice and snow. This is spring. It’s warm and rainy. There are new leaves and flowers.

The summer sun is hot. I like to swim. Autumn is cool. The leaves turn red and yellow.




1——5 B A A C A


6——10 B B C A A

III、听音,判断你所听到的句子是否与图片相符,相符请写T,不相符请写F。(每小题2分,共10分)11——15 T T F F F

IV.听录音,完成短文(每小题2分,共10分)16.winter 17. spring 18. summer 19. swim 20. Autunm




2. holiday

3. driver

4. cards

5. kitchen


6——10 B C B A C

11——15 C A B B C


16——20 D E B C A


21. Did you have a good trip?

22. I’ll show you the rooms in my house.

23. Jenny is sitting in a chair.

24.The potatoes are on the table.

25. I am going to put on my coat.


26——30 F F T F T


