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IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters.

1. c_______ v. to exchange information or conversation with other people ,using words,


2. r_______ ad not long ago

3. c_______ v. to press a button on a computer MOUSE to choose something from the

screen that you want the computer to do,or to press a button on a REMOTE CONTROL 4. i_______ n.. facts or details that tell you something about a situation ,person ,event,etc. 5. c_______ a. useful to you because it saves your time ,or does not spoil your plans or

cause you problems ; close and easy to reach 6. p_______ a. able to be seen ,touched ,or felt

7. i_______ a. giving a lot of information in a helpful way 8. v_______ a. having many different uses

9. f_______ a. a person ,plan ,etc . that is flexible can change or be be changed easily to

suit any new situation

10. l_______ a. the most recent or the newest

V.Complete each of the following statements with words you have learned in the text . 1. People are interested in i________education with audio and visual effects . 2. In a silver f_________on the table there is photograph of her boyfriend . 3. Living in the big city is c________.

4. The youth like to follow the l________trends in fashion . 5. I cant?t say for ________when he will arrive .

VI.Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below ,changing the form if necessary. recently to some extent log in communicate indeed stick to convenient provide…with… latest live 1. The landing on the moon was telecast__________. 2. Sheep __________us__________wool.

3. He has an apartment that is__________to shopping and transportation .

4. The Minister for Foreign Affairs has already __________on this event with the American


President .

5. When you __________, you should enter into a computer the information required to begin a

session .

6. __________ , you are correct about this matter .

7. This toy robot is the _________thing all over the world . 8. I was __________very glad to hear the news .

9. Reporters should __________investigating the facts .

10. Things got so bad __________that he decided to go on a diet .

VII.Word building . 根据构词法,英语的词可分为简单词,复合词,派生词。其中,派生词是由 词根加派生词缀(前缀和后缀)构成的。词根是派生词的基础,同一词根加不同 词缀可表示不同的意义和不同的词性。大多数前缀不影响词根的词性,而仅对词 根的意义加以修饰,表示否定、相反、向背、贬低、程度、时间、方位等意义。 大多数前缀不改变词根的基本意义,而是改变词性。 前缀im- 和 in- 可以加在形容词之前使原来的词意相反的变化,例如: poper(合适的) → improper(不合适的) efficient (有效率的) → inefficient (没有效率的) Now add im- or in- to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

patient________ direct_______ polite _______valuable _______possible _______ convenient _______mature_______active _______perfect_______experienced_______ 1. The children were __________to start.

2. It is __________to have no telephone in the kitchen . 3. This is an __________mission .

4. We went to the house by an __________road . 5. He is retired but not __________.

6. This painting is an __________treasure of our human beings . 7. He pretends he?s been around but he?s really very __________. 8. We live in an __________society.

9. We don?t want to hire __________workers.

10. It is __________for children to cut in when their seniors are talking .

VIII.Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1. Surfing on the Internet is no longer something strange . He no longer indulged himself in smoking . Now you try:

留声机(phonograph) 现在已经不使用了。

___________________________________________________________________________ 这个小岛不再是美国的属地。


___________________________________________________________________________ 2.We can do a lot of things online ,such as searching for information and communicating with friends no matter how far .

No mater how hard I work , there is always more to do . Now you try:


_____________________________________________________________________________ 无论他说什么,都别相信他。


3.But recently another useful online service has become very popular .

The company has recently acquired a new office building in central Boston . Now you try:


______________________________________________________________________________ 这家公司最近在北京市中心建了一幢新的办公楼。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4.The reasons why online education is so popular within such a short period of time are as follows .

My house is within walking distance of my university . Now you try:


______________________________________________________________________________ 现在成功已经在望(within one?s grasp )。

______________________________________________________________________________ 5.This new form of education is indeed more successful than the traditional education . I was indeed very glad to hear the news . Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 这些问题固然是些难题,但我相信是够解决的。


IX.Translate the following sentences into English .

1. 他是个不爱说话(communicative)的人,与他交流可不容易。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 一定程度上我同意他的意见,但不全是这样。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 不管你说什么,我都会坚持我的计划。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 在线教育最近很流行,因为它的信息量大,又十分有趣。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 它可以为不同的工人提供更加灵活多样的工作方式。



X.Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1.We can just click our way into education ,communication ,and information without leaving the house .

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.Some classes may require students to all log in at the same time so they can attend live lectures by a professor.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.It can provide different learners with more flexible and versatile ways of learning ,and at the same time allows some learners to stick to their present jobs while studying the latest knowledge online .

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4.The classes are highly interactive ,where students communicate with each other and their teachers .

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.It helps students who take classes by computer over the Internet to learn certain courses and earn a degree.


Unit 2 (P40)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters .

1. c________ n. something you decide after considering all the information you have . 2. t________ ad. as a result of something that has just been mentioned .

3. m_______ v. to be very good at doing something because you have done it a lot . 4. i________ a. having a high degree of intelligence ;mentally acute .

5. d________v. to find out something that you did not know about before .

6. i________ a. confident and able to do things by yourself in your own way ,without needing

help or advice from other people .

7. p________n. something that is intended to achieve ;a paln or aim 8. r________ad. at the same time each day ,week , month ,etc.

9. o________v. to describe something in a general way,giving the main points but not the


10. p________ad. with considerable certainty;without much doubt

V. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text . 1. The student gave an i________answer .

2. Take the medicine r________ three times a day . 3. She seems to do these things on p________ .

4. Columbus is said to have d________ America in 1492 .

5. The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and t________ won?t do any work .

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below,changing the form if necessary .


first of all take alook at depend on discover master independent outline regularly conclusion probably 1. ________,let me tell you the news . 2. Take the medicine ________,three times a day . 3. What ________ did you come to ? 4. I?ll no longer ________ my father .

5. Columbus is said to have ________ America in 1492 . 6. It?s not easy to ________ a foreign language . 7. ________ your price list again .

8. She is so ________ that she refused all help .

9. The new president ________ plans to deal with crimes . 10. That hotel ________ costs no less than 20 dollars a night .

VII. Word building . 前缀 ir-和 il- 可以加在形容词之前,使原来的词意发生相反的变化,例如: responsible (负责任的)→irresponsible (不负责任的) literate (识字的)→illiterate (不识字的)

Now add ir- or il- to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

regular________ legal________ rational________ logical________ relevant________

legible________ religious________ legitimate________ reparable________ liberal________

1. The coastline in this area is quite ________ . 2. Extensive mining will cause damage to the area . 3. It?s ________ to kill a panda .

4. It seems ________ to change the timetable so often . 5. He?s becoming increasingly ________ .

6. That is another issue and ________ to our discussion . 7. He is father of an ________ child . 8. He is ________ with his money .

9. She is ________ and never goes to church .

10. The sign was ________ because much of the lettering had worn away .

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain,they try to find the patterns and the rules for

themselves .

I made this cake specially,with brown sugar instead of white . Now you try:



___________________________________________________________________________ 经济正在萎缩(shrink)而不是正在增长。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. If you are a successful learner,you have probably been learning independently,actively,and

purposefully .

We?re going on holiday soon,probably next month . Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 嗯,你大概是对的。

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. On the other hand,if your language learning has been less than successful,you might do well

to try some of the techniques outlined above .

On the other hand,natural gas is still ncheaper than other energy sources . Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 另一方面,我必须工作。

__________________________________________________________________________ 4. They find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it .

I find it pleasant to work with him . Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 汤姆发现用汉语写信不难。

___________________________________________________________________________ Some people seem to have their own ability in learning language .

The children seem unaffected emotionally by their parent?s divorce . Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 他似乎什么都懂。


IX. Translate the following sentences into English .

1. 首先,凡是学语言学的成功的人都是独立自学的人。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. 应该这样做工作,所以你的结论是错的。

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. 从下午四点钟到现在,她一直在写信。

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 这个项目的成功依赖于每位相关人士的支持。



5. 最后,凡是会学习语言的人都有一个明确的学习目的。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1. If you are a successful learner, you have probably been learning independently,actively,and

pueposefully .

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. On the other hand,if your language learning has been less than successful,youmight do well to

try some of the techniques outlined above .

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Therefore successful for a chance to use the language,but they ask these people to correct

them when they make a mistake .

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusion .

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. It is more important for them to learn to think in the language than to know the meaning of

every word .


Unit3 (P64)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters.

1. l__________n. time when you are not working or studring and can relax and do things you


2. r__________n. an activity that you do for pleasure ir amusement .

3. e__________n. things such as films ,television,performances ,etc. that are intended to amuse

or interest people .

4. p__________n. someon?s character ,especially the way they behave towards other people . 5. p__________n. a feeling of likeing or wanting someone or something more than someone or

something else .

6. p__________n. the process of trying to achieve something

7. b__________ad. used for saying that you are talking about the most important aspects of

something and not mentioning the specific details

8. o__________ad. in a way that is clear for almost anyone to see or understand 9. c__________v. to help to make something happen

10. r__________a. giving you satisfaction ,pleasure ,or profit

V.Complete each of the following statements with words you have learned in the text . 1. As you get older ,your a ____________towards death changes .

2. The f______________of an adjective is so describe or add to the meaning of a noun. 3. Television provides universial e____________. 4. He exercises everday in p_____________of health .

5. O____________he is interested in music as well as (in )painting .


VI.Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below ,changing the form if necessary.

lead to contribute to individual basically take part in

pursuit according to carry out preference leisure

1. All roads __________________Rome.

2. The teo cars are _________________the same .

3. How do you usually spend your _______________time ? 4. I expect they can ________________these instructions . 5. He was chosen to _________________the discussion .

6. Each __________________receives genes from his own parents .

7. _________________expect opinions ,they gave up the experiment immediately . 8. His life is spend in the __________________of pleasure.

9. I don?t know your ________________, so please help yourself . 10. Honesty and hard work ________________success and happiness.\\

VII.Word building .

前缀un- 和 dis-可以加在形容词.动词或名词之前,是原来的词意发生相反的变化, 例如:un- +fortunate (幸运的)→unfortunate(不幸的) dis- +like (喜欢) →dislike(不喜欢) Now add un- or dis- to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

able_________agree__________certain___________appear__________easy____________ order_________lucky__________obey___________usual___________close___________ 1. I?m _____________whether to go or not . 2. My wallet has ______________from the able .

3. It?s considered _______________to walk under a ladder. 4. I__________with you on this point .

5. Snow is an _____________sight in this warm place .

6. I am _____________to cycle to school because my bicycle is broken . 7. The authorities finally __________the truth to the press .

8. The capital is calm ,but continuing ____________has been reported elsewhere. 9. I feel ______________to make you injured .

10. He ___________his mother and went to the party .

VIII.Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1. With the working hours becoming shorter and shorter and holidays becoming longer and

longer ,how to spend the leisure time has become a hot topic. The teacher came into the classroom with a book under his arm. Noe you try :







___________________________________________________________________________ 随着科技的发展,中国变得越来越强大。


The important of these factors changes according to the nature of one?s job and one?s life-style .

You will be paid according to the amount of work you do . Noew you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 根据专家(expert)的意见,他们马上放弃了这项实验。

___________________________________________________________________________ Bacically , such attitudes mean a belief that leisure is an important area of life and that leisure can and should be put to good use.

Basically ,it was because of weal leadership. Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 在日程问题上,我们基本上意见一致了。

___________________________________________________________________________ Obviously ,all things people do in leisure hours enable them to satisfy theor wishes . I gave him full directions to enable him to find the houde . Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 这本词典使你能理解英语词汇。

___________________________________________________________________________ Some may choose literature ,magic ,art,or they might be interested in movies and television .Others take part in sports ,politics,charities or hobbies at home . Some of us like singing and dancing ;others go in for sports . Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 有些人经常来,另外一些人偶尔(occasionally)才来。


IX.Translate the following sentences into English .

1. 结果基本上是令人满意的,他们按照我们的工作量(amount)付了钱。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 适当(proper)的休息和足够的睡眠有助于长寿。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 园艺劳动是非常有益的消遣。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 一个人的品味、价值、兴趣和个性与他的社会环境和学习经验有关。


_______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 休闲具有以下功能:放松、消遣和娱乐,以及个人发展。


X.Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1.The use of leisure time is different from individual to individual.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.We find interests in a lot of things and subjects from our families ,schools ,jobs ,and the mass media .


3.The importance of these factors changes according to the nature of one?s job and one?s life-style. _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.The use of leisure time often shows much about one?s tastes ,values ,interesrs ,and personality. _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.Obviously,all things people do in leisure hours enable them to satisfy their wishes .


Unit 4 (P95)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters . 1. a___________ad. out of one?s own country .

2. i____________n. an authoritative direction to be obeyed ;an order 3. a____________v. to stay clear of ;to shun ; to keep from happening 4. f____________a. of ,in ,from ,another country ,not one?s own 5. d____________n. deduction or subtraction from a cost or price 6. a____________n. room and board ;lodgings

7. v____________n. a period of time devoted to pleasure ,rest ,or relaxation 8. m___________ ad . beyond what has been stated;besides

9. d____________n. the place to which one is going or derected 10. d____________n. a business transaction

V. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text . 1. If you warn me in a________,I will have your order ready for you . 2. The tourists eventually arrived at their d________ . 3. I don?t like skating,m________,the ice is too thin . 4. The train is a safe means of t________ .

5. They a________ punishment by running away .

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expression give below,changing the form if necessary . at least in advance exciting disaster involve compare stay up discount sense till


1. People do not know the value of health ________ they lose it . 2. They give 10% ________ for cash payment . 3. You must pay for the book ________ . 4. I ________ reading until midnight . 5. He?s going away for ________ a week .

6. The poet ________ his lover to a rose in his poems . 7. All the children were ________ in the school play . 8. It was an ________ hunt,but the fox escaped .

9. A ________ of humor is a great asset for a person . 10. These difficulties are caused by natural ________ .

VII. Word building . 后缀-ous 和 –al 可以加在一些名词后面构成形容词,意为“……的”,例如: poison (毒药,毒害)→poisonous (有毒的,含毒药的) magic (魔法) →magical (魔法的,魔术的,神秘的) Now add –ous or –al to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

fame______ occasion______ origin______ nature______ danger______ nerve______ courage______ emotion______ person______ courtesy______ 1. Who was the ________ owner of this house ? 2. Milk is the ________ food for young babies . 3. There will be ________ rains during the day . 4. This town is ________ for its beautiful buildings . 5. I felt very ________ when I went into his office . 6. This lake is ________ for swimmers .

7. He fought a ________ battle against cancer .

8. Choosing a new car is a matter of ________ preference . 9. Hotel staff must be ________ at all times . 10. We are in need of ________ support .

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences . 1. Planning for a trip is not the most enjoyable part of a vacation . Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good . Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 集邮是他的一个个人爱好。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 2. But you shouldn?t wait until the night before you leave to start packing . He did not remember to do his homework until it is time to go to bed . Now you try :



_____________________________________________________________________________ 我将一直在这儿等到音乐会结束。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Moreover,you should also find out the best time of year to go .

The composition is a not well written,and moreover,there are many spelling mistakes in it . Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 房价太高,而且房屋的地点也不太合适。

____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Do not book the first flight you find .

Find out more information about your traveling destination . Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 不要在那条河上滑冰,因为那的冰太薄了。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 5. Bad weather can quickly turn your exciting vacation into a week spent indoors watching foreign television .

He doesn?t spend much time on his homework . Now you try :


_____________________________________________________________________________ 她每天晚上都花两个小时看电视。


IX. Translate the following sentences into English . 1. 你花费许多时间在各字典中寻找要用的字吗?

_____________________________________________________________________________ 2. 听说可以上大学的消息时,他心里充满了喜悦和激动。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. 警察直到一年后才查明事实的真相。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. 如果温度达到0摄氏度,水会结成冰。

_____________________________________________________________________________ 5. 许多学生喜欢熬夜复习迎考。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1. Travel planning involves hours and hours of searching for airfare,arranging

transportation,accommodations and packing .

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. The Internet is filled with airfare discounts and cheap air tickets .


___________________________________________________________________________ 3. If you don?t,you could end up spending hundreds of dollars more than you should have .

____________________________________________________________________________ 4. Because you don?t want to stay up all night packing and wear yourself out before you even

leave for the trip .

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Bad weather can quickly turn your exciting vacation into a week spent indoors watching

foreign television .

___________________________________________________________________________ Unit5 (P121)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters . 1. s________ ad. to some extent or degree;rather 2. o________ v. to present for sale .

3. s________ a. not involved or complicated;easy

4. o________ n. a favorable or appropriate time or juncture;an opportunity 5. a________ a. having knowledge or cognizance 6. w________ prep. in the inner part or parts of;inside 7. o________ ad. now and then;form time to time 8. h________ v. to be slow to act,speak,or decide

9. m________ n. one who receives or entertains guests in a social or an official capacity

V. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text . 1. We are invited to a small s________ gathering . 2. He listened with p________ to the beautiful music . 3. I?ve met her on several o________ recently .

4. The price was s________ higher than I?d expected . 5. All passengers are r________ to show their tickets .

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below , changing the form if necessary.

hesitate vary somewhat aware simply

pleasure offer tend to attend in general

1. It gives me _________________to see you looking happy . 2. Everybody is __________________of the important of the Four Modernizations . 3. I must _______________them an apology for not going to attend their party. 4. I am glad to find myself ______________accord with your opinions .

5. Some people _______________believe that everthing will turn out all right by itself. 6. I am ________________tired of this work.

7. As a head of the company ,he has to _______________many meertings every week. 8. He ________________before he answered because he didn?t know what to say. 9. He is _________________a workman .

10. The temperature __________________from time to time . VII.Word building .


后缀-ment 可以加在一些动词后面构成名词,表示“结果、手段、方法、状态”等意 义,例如: develop→development 后缀-ness 可以加在一些形容词后面构成名词,表示“性质、状态、精神、程序”等意 义,例如: ill→illness Now add -ment or -ness to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

busy__________arrange___________kind_____________employ____________happy________ excite__________tired ___________good_____________move____________achieve_________

1.______________does not always go with money. 2.______________has been bad this year . 3.He left his home to look for _____________.

4.She is busy making _______________for a party . 5.The _____________of the games has made them tired. 6.You must thank him for his _______________.

7.There have been several civil rights ________________over the last century. 8.He acted out of the _________________of his heart .

9.It is hard work ,but the sense of __________________is huge .

10.Stress and ________________often result in a lack of concentration .

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1. In the United States ,you can feel free to visit in people ?s homes ,share their holidays ,enjoy

their children and their lives without having to continue a lifetime relationship . He left the room without waiting for any reply . Now you try :


___________________________________________________________________________ 他们一见面就要吵嘴。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Occasionally ,for a formal party or dinner ,an invitation requires an answer ,either in writing

or by telephone .

You can select either this blue jacket or that green one as a present to your father . Now you try :


___________________________________________________________________________ 要么我们现在走,要么我们永远在这待下去。

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. In the United States ,whether for business or pleasure ,people are very aware of the time and

as a result are usually on time for business meeting and social activities . Whether we go or stay ,the result is the same . Now you try :



___________________________________________________________________________ 无论是对是错,在争论中获胜的通常总是他。

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. Occasionally ,for a formal party or dinner ,an invitation requires an answer ,either in writing

or by telephone .

We all make mistakes occasionally . Now you try :


________________________________________________________________________ 他们偶尔顺便来看望我们。

________________________________________________________________________ 5. You will notice that American use more ice than those in other countries .

The stadium in our school is much larger than that in their school. Now you try :


_______________________________________________________________________ 中国的人口比日本的多。

________________________________________________________________________ IX. Translate the following sentences into English . 1. 那个经理亲自调查产品的质量问题。

_________________________________________________________________________ 2. 大致看来,他的计划是成功的。

_________________________________________________________________________ 3. 植物若在炎热的天气下不浇水就容易枯死。

__________________________________________________________________________ 4. 服务员过来时他要了一杯咖啡和一块面包。

__________________________________________________________________________ 5. 饮食习惯在不同的地方可能会有很大的差异。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1. Do not hesitate to accept invitations from American simply because you cannot invite them to your home in return .

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Social customs vary somewhat aross the country ,but in general ,people tend to be friendlier and more information as they invite you as a guest .

_____________________________________________________________________________ 3. In the United States ,whether for business or pleasure ,people are very aware of the time and as a result are usually on time for business meeting and social activities .

_____________________________________________________________________________ 4. If you do not get used to American cocktails ,you can ask for something else .



5. Occasionally ,for a formal party or dinner ,an invitation requires an answer ,either in writing or by telephone .


Unit 6 ( P145)

IV. Spell the following words with the help.

1 c__________ n. a test of skill or ability ; a contest 2 n__________ a. amounting to a large number ; many

3 c__________ n. a group of people having common interests 4 a__________ n. one who has attained maturity or legal age

5 n__________ a. in agreement with what is representative , usual , or regular

6 a__________ v. to take and follow (a course of action , for example) by choice or


7 p__________ a. widely liked or appreciated 8 p__________ ad. to a greet degree ; especially

9 l__________ n. an ardent follower and admirer ; a couple in love with each other 10. f__________ a. causing laughter or amusement

V. Complete each of the following statements with the the words you have learned in the text. 1. He is very interested in what are called p__________ songs.

2. Politicians should not e__________ in business affairs that might affect their political


3. The story is based m__________ on trsdition. 4. She a__________ happiness with having money. 5. These films are suitable for a__________ only.

VI. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below . changing the form

if necessary.

adopt take place claim fond desirable

competitive care about engage associate bet

1. The old lady likes all her grandchildren ,but she?s especially __________ of Helen. 2. She thinks only of herself ; she doesn?t __________ other people. 3. The concert will __________ next Friday evening at the city center.

4. I have no time to___________in gossip (闲谈),so please don?t come to me with your rumors

and complaints.

5. Did you _________on the insurance after your house fire.

6. The girls __________the boys a big fancy cake on their winning the game. 7. Foreigners usually ___________America with the Statue of Liberty.

8. The resolution was ___________by a vote of 180 in favor to 10 against it.

9. In teaching it is highly ___________to know exactly what one is hoping to achieve. 10. An athlete (运动员)must have a __________spirit. VII.Wording building.

后缀-less可以加在一些名词后面构成形容词,意为“没有……的”,例如: tree→treeless meaning →meaningless



care→careful meaning→meaningful

Now add –less or –ful to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words.

care_______ tire______ beauty______ power______ peace______ color______ fault______ hand______ fruit______ land______ 1. She was ___________in her attempts to help the poor. 2. It?s __________at home when the children are at school.

3. The car went out of control,and the driver was ___________to stop it. 4. He failed his math examination because of his ___________work.. 5. We are now living in a __________new house in the country. 6. Mary always likes wearing some __________clothes. 7. Their performance was___________.

8. They have had a friendly and very ___________disussion. 9. The ___________people are poor and do not own any land. 10. Only a ___________of people attended the party yesterday.

VIII. Pay attention to the italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the

Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

1. Boys usually play soccer in winter and cricket in summer as a normal school activity ,while

girls play tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and hockey in winner. While their country has plenty of oil,ours has none. Now you try:




___________________________________________________________________________ 2. They not only like playing or watching games,but also like talking about them,or even

thinking about them.

She is not only good at mathematics,but (also) interested in English as well. Now you try:





3. The game particularly associated with England is cricket.

The bridge completed a few days ago is the largest one in our city. Now you try:

该交响乐团(symphony orchestra)举行的音乐会大获成功。





4. For example ,it is very desirable for bank managers to play golf. It is desirable that you should be there by two o?clock. . Now you try:





5. Cricket is only popular in the countries which were once the British colonies such as Australia and India.

This is the most beautiful place which I have ever been to . Now you try:





IX. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 每一个公民均可要求法律的保护。


2. 他很小的时候开始就对音乐感兴趣了。


3. 他正忙于处理一个棘手的问题。



4. 因为她喜欢读书,渴求知识,所以经常去图书馆。

______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 他从不关心周围发生的一切。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. The English cannot claim that they have excellent skills in any form of sport when they

engage in international competition,but they care strongly about the “sporting spirit”.


2. The game particularly associated with England is cricket.


3. Many other games too are English in origin ,but have been popularly adopted in other



4. The more social adult games of golf and tennis are played by a great number of people.


5. Boys usually play soccer in winner and cricket in summer as a normal school activity ,while

girls play tennis and a sort of baseball in summer and hockey in winter.


Unit 7 (P179)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters. 1. t______ v. to change from one form to another. 2. d______ v. to give completely to;to set apart for 3. s______ n. a degree of succeeding ;a good result

4. p______ a. concerning ,belonging to ,or for the use of a particular person ;private

5. e______ v. to use the services of (a person or group );to perform work in return for pay;to give a job to 6. a______ v. to let (someone) do something without opposing them or trying to prevent them ;to let (something )be done;to permit 7. f______ n.. a great amount of money,possessions,etc.


8. i______ v. to believe or have an idea about something ;to form (a picture or idea) in the mind

9. p______ v. to cause or arrange for (someone)to have or use (something needed or useful);to supply

10. b______ v. to gain advantage ;to receive benefit (as a result of something )

V. Complete each of the following statements with the words you have lesrned in the taxt. 1. Scientists have already u______the secrets of the atom. 2. Human beings are much more i________than animals .

3.Men must wear a jacket and tie ;s_______,women must wear a skirt or dress,not trousers . 4.Don?t play with that gun ;it?s not a t_______.

5.The company is an international one and has got a s________of about one thousand .

VI.Fill in the fill blanks with the proper words and expressions given below ,changing the form if necessary .

translate bennefit imagine provide grow up discourage employ devote drop out of such as

1. We?ve planted lots of different flowers ,__________roses ,carnations ,and tulips . 2. I leave a light on when I?m out to _________burglars from breaking in . 3. As we all know ,we will _________from daily exercises . 4. What do you want to be when you are ________? 5. He was ________politics because of tiredness .

6. The new contract will enable us to _________about 50 extra people . 7. I don?t speak Greek so Diana offered to __________for me .

8. The hospital has a commitment to __________the best possible medical care . 9. Can you _________what it will be like to lose your job after 20 years . 10. I don?t think we should _________any more time to this question . VII.Word building .

后缀-tion 和-ation 可以加在某些动词后面构成名词,表示“动作,状



found→ foundation

Now add –tion or –ation to each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

consider_________intive__________indicate_________imagine_________produce__________ apply________combine________inform__________celebrate __________interrupt_________

1. Can you give me any _______of how I did in the test ?

2. Your teacher will take your recent illness into ________when judging your examination . 3. When will the new range of computers go into full_________? 4. Have you filled in the ________form for a new passport ?

5. Their ambassador has accepted an ________to meet with the president and discuss this


issuse .

6. She was no longer able to distinguish between________and reality. 7. A________of factors may be responsible for the increase in cancer . 8. They all showed up for the anniversary ____________.

9. Let?s go somewhere where we can talk without __________. 10. For futher _________,phone the number below .

VIII.Pay attention to italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese

sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1.Imagine finding that your school has just got the best toy possible ,and that you are allowed to pay with it in your sapre time .

Imagine that you could live in such a splendid apartment . Now you try :


___________________________________________________________________________ 想象你能在国外生活并且能够在那样的环境里学习英语。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2.These dreams have all come true for Bill Gates ,who is the most famous in the world of computers .

The people who called yesterday want to buy the house . Now you try:


_______________________________________________________________________________ 你认识住在这儿的那些人吗?

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.But it takes more than luck to take one young man from a small ,stuffy room with a noisy computer to the headquarters of a company that employs more than 20,000people in 56 countries . It takes us more than 2 hours to walk there . Now you try:


_______________________________________________________________________________ 她用了整个下午才完成这项工作。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 4.By missing classes at school ——and later dropping out of university ——he devoted himself to computer programming .

You can switch it on by pressing this button . Now you try :


_______________________________________________________________________________ 凭借日日夜夜辛勤的工作,他终于取得了成功。

______________________________________________________________________________ 5.Later decisions ,such as the move to devote all of Microsoft?s staff,money and time into developing Windows ,provide similarly good results.

She has a lot of good virtues ,such as diligent ,warm-hearted ,kind and brave . Now you try:



_______________________________________________________________________________ 媒体,比如电视、网络、报纸等在人们生活中起到越来越中重要的作用。

_______________________________________________________________________________IX.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. 作为父亲,他有责任给他的孩子提供良好的教育。

______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 大厅内不准吸烟。

______________________________________________________________________________ 3. 小企业因利率下降而得到了很大的好处。

______________________________________________________________________________ 4. 你能想象得出他们告诉我那个消息时我是多么惊奇吗?

______________________________________________________________________________ 5. 他的父母试图阻止他成为一名演员。

______________________________________________________________________________ X.Translate the following sentences into Chinese .

1.Imagine finding that your school has just got the best toy possible ,and that you are allowed to play with it in your spare time .

_______________________________________________________________________________ 2.Bill Gates is a skillful and intelligent businessman ,and the huge success of Microsoft has made him a powerful person .

_______________________________________________________________________________ 3.Bill Gates has taken risks throughout his life and has usually benefited from these decisions . _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.But even Gates himself would discourage young people nowadays from gambling too much with their education.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 5.True ,he did take those risks ,but in the end ,it was the hard work that translated those risks into his fortune and success.


Unit 8 (P198)

IV.Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters . 1. a________ v. to (cause to )move faster

2. i_________v. to have as a part ;to contain in addition to other parts 3. o________ n. a sudden appearance or beginning of something

4. p________ v. to make known generally ;to bring to the knowledge of yhe public 5. i_________ad. at once

6. t_________v. to change completely in form ,appearance ,or nature

7. p________ n. something that must exist or happen before something else can happen or be


8. c________ n. (a )written or spoken opinion ,explanation ,or judgment made zhout an

event ,person ,situation ,etc

9. l_________v. to join or connect


10. d________ a. of or favoring democracy

V.Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text. 1.He made several favorable c_________about their candidate . 2.International terrorism is not just a recent p_________. 3.He is t_________Japanese.

4.His plans were t_________overnight into reality .

5.The company has a n________of supermarkets all over the country .

VI.Fill in the blanks with the proper words and expressions given below ,changing the form if necessary.

publish link instantly according to pop up

transform out break include depend on for short

1.__________Mick ,the new film is a great one .

2.The diver of the car was killed _________in this traffic accident. 3.The menu ___________when you click twice on the mouse . 4.The video cameras are _________to a powerful computer .

5.The duties of the secretary ___________typing letters and answering the telephone . 6.It is reported that _________of rain are expected in the telephone . 7.He was the sort of person you could _________.

8.I?m sure it will be an event that will __________my whole life . 9.His name is Benjamin ,but he is usually calleed Ben_________. 10.Pictures of the murderer were _________in all the daily papers . VII.Word building .





Now add –sion or –ion each of the words below and then complete each of the following sentences with one of the finished words .

erode________expand_________rebel__________suspect_________invade____________ explode__________discuss_________admit__________act_________permit____________ 1. It was reported that the workers?__________against unfair working hours had succeeded. 2. The new factory is large ,to allow room for _________. 3. The behavior of the stranger aroused our ___________.

4. Soil ___________by rain and wind is a serious problem here. 5. When she lit the gas there was a loud __________.

6. Opening my letter was an inexcusable ___________of privacy. 7. The police took firm ___________to deal with crime .

8. We had a heated ___________about how to improve environment . 9. He finally got ________to visit his wife in US.

10 . Not all those who applied gained __________to the university.85

VIII.Pay attention to italicized parts in the English sentences and translate the Chinese


sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences .

1. In this period of accelerating change ,blogs are not a business elective any more ,they are a


He does not live here any more. Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 明年她再也不必出去工作了。

___________________________________________________________________________ 2. There are millions of blogs out there,with 40,000 new ones popping up each day.

There are already forty thousand people in the stadium ,with another ten thousand waiting outside.

Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 她站在马路边,马路上汽车飞驰。

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. It’s an interesting experience ,getting comments about new stories,within hours ,and

sometimes even minutes ,after the story breaks.

It’s an exciting experience being invited to the local celebrations of Christmas. Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 得到这么好的一个机会对他来说是巨大的鼓舞。

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. But when the World Wide Web was pioneered by Tim Berners-Lee ,it was said that the

readers were now freed.

It is reported that over one hundred thousand people have visited the exhibition. Now you try:


___________________________________________________________________________ 据报道,人造卫星已经被成功送入轨道(orbit)。

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Accroding to Business Week and others ,Web logs are the most explosive outbreak in the

information world since the Internet itself.

The work was done accroding to her instructions. Now you try:


__________________________________________________________________________ 根据我们的记录,你已经缺席6次了。

__________________________________________________________________________ IX. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 他知道可以依靠她来应付这种局面。



2. 数以千计的计算机已经把整个校园连成了一个信息网络。

__________________________________________________________________________ 3. 她还没有决定走不走。

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. 在不到一个小时的时间里我就顺利地通过了考试。

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. 对这件事我不想发表任何评论。

___________________________________________________________________________ X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. These days ,a new phenomenon is transforming politics ,business ,and society –Web logs,or “blogs”,for short.

____________________________________________________________________________ 2. These millions of online journals ,published almost instantly,link together into a vast network

of individuals and businesses ,hobbyists ,and political organizations.

___________________________________________________________________________ 3. The interesting thing about blogs is one doesn?t have to wait for days,or even weeks,to get

published ;most blogs appear right away , typically within less than an hour ,depending on whether they are monitored or not.

___________________________________________________________________________ 4. The age of the Internet has given unprecedented power to the reader by creating one of the

most democratic and accessible forms of publishing yet – the blog .

___________________________________________________________________________ 5. The Internet – and more specifically blogging on the Internet – means that ordinary readers

more than ever before are themselves turning into publishers and journalists.


Unit 9 (P221)

IV. Spell the following words with the help of their meanings and first letters. 1. d______ v. to stop including ;to leave out

2. r______ v. to know again (someone or something one has seen,heard or experienced before) 3. m______ v. to take (a person) in marriage

4. i______ v. to make known for the first time to each other or someone else ,esp. by telling two people each other?s names.

5. b______ a. showing hope or signs of future success 6. g______ a. of or concerning the whole world

7. t______ n. a word or expression that has a particular meaning or is used in a particular activity , job , profession , etc. 8. f_____ a.. of an earlier period

9. t______ n. a journey , esp . a short one for pleasure or for a particular purpose

10. e______ n. a person with special skill or knowledge which comes from experience or training

V.Complete each of the following statements with the words you have learned in the text. 1. People all believe that this young musician has a b_____________future.

2. In their geography class ,the children are doing a special p_____________on North American


________________________________________________________________________ 5. 我放弃劝他继续求学的努力。


X. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. When you wait until the last minute to clean your room ,practice the piano or do your

homework,you have to rush through the job.


2. Make a list of all your jobs,starting with the most important .Check them off one by one

as they?re done.

_______________________________________________________________________ 3. Set goals you can accomplish .You don?t have to be first chair in band or leadoff hitter on

your baseball team.

_______________________________________________________________________ 4. Make it fun ! Compose a poem or pantomime a scence if you?re not good at writing book


_______________________________________________________________________ 5. Ask for help .You don?t have to do everything yourself.Don?t just sit back and say,”I

don?t know.”



