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目 录

一、引言 ....................................................... 1 二、企业内部会计控制概述 ....................................... 1 (一)企业内部会计控制概念 ...................................................................................... 1 (二)企业内部会计控制的目标 ................................................................................. 1 (三)内部会计控制失效的主要表现形式 .............................................................. 2 1.内部会计控制制度体系不完善 .......................................................................... 2 2.忽视企业内部会计控制制度,理解不深刻 .................................................. 2 3、财务会计报告造假问题突出 ............................................................................... 3 4、内外部监督力度不够 ............................................................................................. 4 三、企业内部会计控制失效案例分析 ............................... 1 (一)新华制药内部会计控制失效事件 ................................................................... 1 (二)中国西电内部会计控制存在漏洞 ................................................................... 2 1.企业内部会计控制失效,极端集权化 ............................................................ 2 2.企业会计信息披露制度的缺陷 .......................................................................... 3 3.企业内部会计控制制度不完善,监督不到位 ................................................ 3 4.企业内部控制制度职责划分不明确,部门之间信息不流通.................... 4 5.企业相关人员的素质较低 ...................................................................................... 4 四、完善我国企业内部会计控制体系构建的建议 ..................... 1 (一)完善企业内部会计控制制度 ................................ 1 (二)完善内部会计流程,建立切实可行的应急机制 ................ 2 (三)加大企业信息化建设,畅通信息沟通集道 .................... 3 (四)加强企业内外监督 ........................................ 3 (五)构建现代化的财务管理机制 ................................ 4 结 论 ......................................................... 1 参考文献 ....................................................... 1 致谢 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。

摘 要



关键词:内部控制 内部会计控制 内部会计控制失效


Study on Problems and measures of enterprise

internal control in China


Under the background of global economic integration, the main content of economic activities of accounting information, a proclaimed to the world the financial status of languages has become the. With the development of economy, the more important accounting, accounting information as the economic product, a true reflection of China's economic situation. In the economic development





information and globalization, control issues related to accounting is facing new challenges.

In the modern enterprise management system, most of the enterprises have been aware of the necessity of the internal accounting control of enterprise management, understand the internal accounting control for the sustainable development of enterprises have a great impact. The internal accounting control can guarantee the authenticity and reliability of accounting information of enterprises to collect, protect the integrity of enterprise assets, urges the enterprise law-abiding, let the business efficiency and efficiency is improving quickly. But at present, China's enterprises, how to control is the real difficulties. This paper introduces the related theory

foundation of internal accounting control in China, from the current situation of our country enterprise internal accounting control, in order to Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd and internal Chinese XD electric Limited by Share Ltd the two enterprise accounting control failure event as an example, discussed the our country enterprise internal accounting control system study on the reasons for the current situation, problems, accounting control failure of the enterprises of our country, the research on information mining of China's internal accounting control failure management and improvement strategies.

Keywords: Internal control The internal accounting control Internal accounting control failure Research






