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3B Unit1 In class


1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇open, the, door, close, window。 2. 能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window,come in,please.listen to,I’m sorry,in class.

3. 能听懂,会说,会读、会写open,the,door,window,book 4. 学诵读歌谣:Open the window.

5. 能听懂,会说,发音准确字母b在单词中的读音

教学重点 1.词汇Mr,door,window,open,close,blackboard,rubber, ruler,please,parrot,don’t=do not

2.句型stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window Come in,please.listen to,I’m sorry,in class. 3.语音字母b在单词中的读音

教学难点1.stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window,comein,please的正确读法和在情景下的读音 2.词汇;open,close的用法 3.字母b在单词中的读音

教学准备 Multi-media and cards

Period 1



2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window 3.学会使用礼貌用语:please 教学重点:


2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window 3.学会使用礼貌用语:please 教学难点


2.能听懂,会说,会读stand up,sit down.open the door,close the window 教学过程: Step1:warm up Greeting

2.sing a song :follow me T:I can sing.Can you sing? S:Yes, I can. 3.Free talk. Step2 Presentation:

1.听歌曲Follow me,并且教授词组stand up和sit down.

T:You can sing,and you can sing very well.Let’s enjoy a sing now. T:What can you learn from it? 让学生说说从歌曲里听到了什么? (1)教授词组:stand up 个别读 小组读 全班读

(2)教授词组:sit down 个别读 小组读 全班读 2.Play a game:

Act and say:看ppt提示单词,做动作,并且大声读出来。 Look at me: 根据教师说的词组,做动作,说词组 Guessing game:图片遮去部分,猜是什么。 3.Story time教学

(1)导题——Unit1 In class

出示story time图片,让学生猜他们在哪里。 Where are the students and the teacher?

They are...

出示课题Unit1 In class

T:Today,let’s learn unit1 In class In class 在上课

Let’s read it together. (2)课文教学 Learning tips 1:

T:Who is their new teacher?

Let’s watch the cartoon together. T出示Mr Green 的图片Who is he? T:He’s Mr Green. 出示Mr并且教授 姓氏 Green格林

Mr先生 Miss小姐 Mrs夫人 T:How do they begin their class? Let’s watch the cartoon again. 出示第一幅图片:说句子

Learning tips: Be a poltie,use‘please’ 出示Mike的图片:Who is at the door(在门外)? 教授单词door 拼读 At the door. 在门外。 Ss:He’s Mike.

T:Yes,Mike is late for school. 出示课文图片2

教师出示词组open the door,并且教授 Open,open,open the door做动作

T:You should answer like this:Yes,all right,OK? T:Mike is late for school.

T:Let’s listen to the tape,What are they saying? Mike: I’m sorry,Mr Green.

