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航海图书资料管理规定 Nautical Books/Information Management Regulations

1. 目的Objective


This regulations is for the purpose of making sure the ships can get all kinds of necessary nautical books and documents, and keep all the information updated. 2. 适用范围Scope of Application


It is for ship’s nautical book and document management . 3. 职责Obligation

3.1. 安监部是船舶航海图书资料的管理部门,负责各类航海图书资料的订购、发放,并对


Safety Supervision Department, the ships nautical books and documents control section, is responsible for ordering and providing each kind of nautical books and documents, besides, carry on the correction of nautical charts preserved. 3.2. 二副负责船上航海图书资料的管理。

Second officer is responsible for the management of the nautical books and document on board. 4. 航海图书资料的订购和领用

Ordering and usage of the nautical books and documents

4.1. 航海图书资料的订购Nautical books/informations ordering

4.1.1. 安监部应在每年年底前拟制船舶各类航海图书资料的订购和发放计划并实施;代管


At the end of each year, Safety Supervision Department should make a plan for ordering and distributing nautical books and documents and make it implemented; to the chartering ship, all of such things should be done by the original ship owners, and report to the safety supervision department and make a record.

4.1.2. 在航海技术管理过程中及通过对各类航海图书及参考资料信息的评审,如认为需要


In the process of navigation technology management and through various types of nautical books and reference materials review, such as the need for extra nautical books, the Safety Supervision Department could give an order and distribution, and complete information transfer records form.

4.1.3. 船舶根据航线情况,临时提出所需必要的航海图书资料,应由二副提出经船长核准,


Based on sailing conditions of the ship, if need for extra and necessary nautical documents temporarily, applied to captain for approval by second officer and then report to the manager of the safety supervision department for approval. If the ship is outside the port, through SSB, telephone or all other effective means to report safety supervision department manager, the local agent or second officer purchases by themselves if agreed, after purchasing, report to the Safety Supervision Department.

4.2. 航海图书资料的领用Usage of the nautical books

4.2.1. 船舶抵船籍港时,二副(或委托他人)应及时与公司安监部联系航海通告及有关航


The ship arrived in port of registry, second officer (or commission) shall contact Safety Supervision Department promptly for notices to mariners and relevant nautical information to ship.

4.2.2. 若公司安监部将海图、航海通告等资料送船时,二副应及时领取、签收。

When Safety Supervision Department transfers the information such as nautical charts, notices to mariners to ship, second officer should promptly receive and sign.

4.2.3. 船舶在当地港口购买或航海图书资料领回船后,二副应交船长审阅并在《航海图书


Purchasing nautical books in local port or bringing back nautical information to ship, second officer should transfer them to captain reviewing, and register in the “Inventory of nautical books and information”.

5. 航用海图的管理和改正。Nautical charts management and revision.

5.1. 船舶应根据行驶的航区,配齐航用海图、参考图和《航海图书目录》。定线船舶应

配备定线航区内的海图、港口图。非定航线船舶应配备本航次航区的海图、港口图。 In accordance with sailing areas, ship should complete with nautical charts for navigation, reference maps and “Navigation library Catalog”. Ships with fixed route should be equipped with area navigation charts alignment, the port map. Otherwise, ships with non-fixed route should be equipped with area navigation charts of the voyage and the port map.

5.2. 船存海图应定期清点整理。二副应按出版的海图图号顺序排列,存放固定地点,并填写


Nautical charts on board should be count regularly and be put away very well. The second officer should put all the nautical charts in order as the drawing number, and store them in fixed location, then fill out the “Nautical charts registration form”.

5.3. 出航前,二副应根据航行计划,将本航次所需的海图(经校核改正后的最新出版、最


Before sailing, all the necessary charts in voyage including latest publication, the largest scale charts and port maps, which have been revised, should be put on the top of drawer of the charts table as the order of use by second officer. By the end of the voyage, the charts that are not used any more should be clean up and set free in situ after permitted by captain. 5.4. 《航海通告》和《航海警告》的改正。

Correction for Navigation Announcement and Navigation Caution. 5.4.1. 《航海通告》:二副应将收到日期、期数和有关海图和改正项数分别登记在《船舶海


Navigation Announcement: the second officer should record such correction information as date, the time number, related charts and the correction number of terms, all of winch should be registered separately in “Ships Chart Correction Log”, and then hands over captain to read. Navigation Announcement should be corrected one by one. After correcting each chart, the correction year and announcement number should be indicated at the bottom left corner of the chart for reference. The announcement related to this voyage should be corrected before sailing. 5.4.2. 《航海警告》:收到《航海警告》后,对直接有碍航行安全的,二副应立即在值班中


Navigation Caution: After received the Navigation Caution, the second officer on duty should timely correct the places on the using nautical charts which directly impede safe navigation, and report them to captain as well, and then record them in the navigation shift content. Meanwhile, relevant nautical charts should be rectified based on the Navigation Caution, in which the word of “Rectified” should be marked. At the same time, keep good records and preserve the Navigation Caution well. Captain and the navigator should read the Navigation Caution carefully. 5.5. 改正海图时应注意:Pay attention when correcting the nautical charts:

5.5.1. 不论海图的比例尺大小,常用与否,一律应按《航海通告》上指定的图号改正; No matter how large the scale of charts, whether they are often used, all the correction should be done as the charts number of the Navigation Announcement.

5.5.2. 改正海图时填入的内容,注意不能掩盖图上其它的符号和水深;

If some correction would be filled on the charts, be careful not to cover up the other symbols and water depth.

5.5.3. 《航海通告》必须用不裉色的红水笔进行改正,字迹应端正清晰,内容正确完整,


Navigation Announcement should be rectified as stimulated scheme and abbreviation with a unfading and red pen, ensuring that the handwriting clear, the correction right and integrated.

5.5.4. 《航海通告》须同时改正几张海图时,应先改正大比例尺的海图然后按顺序改正小


If several nautical charts need correcting at the same moment as the Navigation Announcement, the large scale one should be corrected first and then correct the smaller one in proper order.

5.5.5. 《航海通告》改正以后,须用红水笔在通告上将改正内容勾去,然后归档妥善保存,


After correction, the contents corrected should be hooked out in red pen on the Navigation Announcement, and then put on the Navigation Caution on file properly for future reference, be careful not be lost.

5.5.6. 《航海通告》中规定剪贴改正部分,必须及时按规定剪贴到指定的海图和航海书、


If some places need clipping and pasting to appointed charts, books and sheets as the Navigation Announcement regulations, which should be done timely to ensure all the nautical information accurate.

5.6. 海图必须珍惜爱护,注意保持整洁,严禁受潮、烤晒。作业时要使用2B铅笔和软质


The nautical charts should be cherished well and kept clean, preventing from wetting and solarized. Use 2B pencil and soft eraser to draw and erase lightly when operating on the charts. If compasses will be used, should keep it oblique light surface of charts to prevent from damage. 5.7. 作废海图由安监部加盖“作废”章后,由船长统一保管三年,不得移作它用。二副应


The void nautical chart should be stamped the “void” chapter by the Safety Supervision Department, and preserved for three years by captain. During the preservation, the charts cannot be used to do anything. The Second Officer needs filling in the “Inventory of Nautical Books and Information” clearly.

5.8. 二副调动时,交接双方必须将海图和《航海通告》改正记录交接清楚,在《航海图书


If the Second Officer will transfer with another one, the new Second Officer should clearly know the correction records of nautical charts and Navigation Announcement. Besides, both of them should give signatures in the Inventory of Nautical Books and Information and Ship’s Chart Correction Record Book.

5.9. 安监部应按上述“5.4”、“5.5”的要求对公司岸基所存海图进行修改。

Safety Supervision Department should modify the preserved nautical charts in company as the regulations 5.4, 5.5 above.

6. 船舶航海图书资料的管理。Ship’s nautical books and reference management

6.1. 船舶必备的航海图书资料由二副负责保管和及时改正(无线电信号表属于电台使用的


Second Officer takes charge of preserving the nautical books and reference necessary on board and do correction promptly (GMDSS operator is responsible for correcting the radio signal table if necessary)

6.2. 各种航海参考书(包括公司发放的航海书籍),由二副负责妥善保管,均应登记在《航


All the nautical reference including nautical books from company should be preserved very well by Second Officer and recorded in the Inventory of Nautical Books and Information.

6.3. 船长应督促二副定期整理和检查上述各类航海图书资料及参考书籍,如有遗失,二副


Captain should urge Second Officer to sort and check the various types of nautical books and reference, if lost, Second Officer should report to captain and identify the cause which will be recorded in the Inventory of Nautical Books and Information. After confirmed with the captain’s signature on the Inventory, apply for a replacement from Safety Supervision Department.

6.4. 船长有责督促和检查二副对航海图书进行正确管理和严格执行海图改正规定,经常检


The captain has the responsibility to supervise and check whether the Second Officer managed the nautical books very well and strictly implemented the provisions of chart corrections, and often checks the correct situation of the Navigation Caution, which is considered as one of the technical assessment for Second Officer. 7. 记录Records

7.1. 航海图书资料清册/船用海图登记表/船舶海图改正记录簿

Inventory of Nautical Books and Information/Nautical Chart Registration Form/Ship Chart Correction Record Book 7.2. 表格信息传递记录表 The record of info delivery

8.相关文件 Relevant Document 安全管理体系信息交流程序

Transmitting Procedure for SMS Information

