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篇一:Simple choices-2017必修五单选

Simple choices

I. 单项选择 (15分)

1. The judging committee (评委会) _______ three women and four men.

A. is consisted of B. makes upC. consists of D. is make up

2. He divided the tools __________ the children, who were __________ three groups.

A. between; separated from B. among; divided into

C. between; divided into D. among; separated from 3. ---Do you smoke?

--- No, but I __________.

A. was used to B. used toC. am used to D. don’t

4. The _____ boy wondered why fish soon went _____ in hot weather. He went to ask his teacher.

A. puzzled; badly B. puzzling; bad C. puzzling; badly D. puzzled; bad

5. Mrs White found her husband surrounded by letters and papers and________ very worried.

A. to look B. lookedC. looksD. looking

6. A quarrel ________ last Sunday, and he ________ his family.

A. was broken out; broke awayB. broke out; broke away

C. was broke out; broke away from D. broke out; broke away from

7. In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the ________ in personality.

A. contactB. contrastC. connectionD. conflict

8. My interests include football, bowling and surfing the web _____ studying my favorite subjects.

A. as well as B. instead ofC. less than D. rather than

9. The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ______ as the plane was making a landing.

A. seat B. seating C. seatedD. to be seating

10. ---Is this the computer you ________last week?

---That’ s________.

A. had it repaired; the one B. repaired it; it

C. had repaired; it D. had repaired; the one

11. John is _______ London tomorrow and I will ________ at the Beijing Airport.

A. leaving for; meet him B. leaving for; see him off

C. leaving; see him off D. leaving; say good-bye to him

12. The plan ______ just because people were willing to cooperate (合作).

A. broke down B. pulled down C. turned downD. put down

13. The boy said _____ couldn’t he work out the problem but his teacher didn’t know how to do it.

A. though B. never C. hardlyD. not only

14. ---We are anxious about you.

--- ___________.

A. It doesn’t matterB. There is no need to be worried

C. No, please don’t D. Yes, that’s kind of you

15. _________ be sent to work there?

A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should

C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should

16. — Could you do me a favor?

—It___________ what it is.

A. concentrates onB. decides on C. depends on D. insists on

17. _________ is smoking allowed in public places.

A. At no time B. In no timeC. At all timesD. All the time

18. His stomach began to ___________ because he ate too much for lunch. A. ache B. injure C. harm D. pain

19. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours ___ in my room.

A. locked B. locking C. to lock D. being locked

20. Keeling takes a (an)___________view of his future even if he has suffered great misfortune.

A. happy B. optimisticC. pessimisticD. negative

21. After studying hard in a medical college for five years, Johnson ___________ his job as a surgery doctor in a famous hospital.

A. took over B. put up C. set up D. took up

22. The old photo suddenly reminded him ________ those days ever spent in the countryside. A. ofB. on C. to D. off

23. When we deal with a problem, you’d better consider ___________ of it.

A. every aspectB. all aspect C. both aspectsD. each aspect

24. It’s said that the laid-off worker has given up receiving any treatment due to the lack _______money.

A. in B. on C. atD. of

25. His classmates are enthusiastic about________ him in adjusting to the new study environment.

A. assisting B. guiding C. instructing D. leading

26. _________ after a whole day’s work, he slid into bed and fell fast asleep.

A. Having exhausted B. Exhausted C. Exhausting D. to be exhausted

27. When I found the door broken into, a frightened feeling _______like lightening across my mind.

A. truck B. flashed C. hit D. switched

28. We can only____________ within the limited speed for the sake of safety even in a hurry.

A. come up B. go up C. speed up D. turn up

29. When _______help, one often say “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.”

A. offering B. to offerC. to be offeredD. offered

30. The prize of the game show is$30000 and an all expenses _____ vacation to China.

A. paying B. paid C. to be paidD. being paid

31. Inflation goes up and down ________ the state of the economy.

A. depends onB. depend on C. depended on D. depending on

32. --- How long are staying?

--- I don’t know. _____________________.

A. That’s OkB. Never mind C. It depends D. It doesn’t matter

33. In this lecture I shall ________ the early years of Charles’s Regin.

A. concentrate on B. devote to C. apply toD. occupy in

34. He is interested in farming and is _________ to know everything about the farm. A. eager B. anxious C. worried D. busy

35. With Shanghai World Expo drawing near, volunteers are making use of every minute to __________ their foreign language because volunteers must pass a written test and an interview.

A. polish upB. take up C. put up D. make up

36. —Mary told me she would _____ computer studies.

—Really? I’ll try my best to ask her to ______ such foolish ideas.

A. pick up; give upB. put away; give up

C. give up; put awayD. give up; pick up

37. --- How wise of you to come round, but why?

--- _____________that all is right.

A. See B. To seeC. SeeingD. For seeing

38. ---What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter,





2016年印度国际激光、光电技术展 LASER.World of PHOTONICS INDIA 2016年俄罗斯军警及安防设备展览会 INTERPOLITEX

2017年美国西部光电展 Photonics West

2017年俄罗斯莫斯科光电激光展 PHOTONICS 2017美国光通信展 OFC

9.21-23 一年一届 10.18-21 一年一届

地 点



1.31-2.2 一年一届 2.28-3.3 一年一届 3.21-23 一年一届 4.5-7 一年一届 4.5-7 一年一届 4.19-21 一年一届 5月 一年一届 6月





2017年韩国首尔国际光电展 PHOTONIS Seoul


2017年日本东京国际光电展 PHOTONIX



Laser Expo

2017年美国旧金山显示周 DISPLAY WEEK 2017年台北国际光电周 Optics Taiwan





6月 两年一届


中展集团-北京中展海外展览有限公司 联系人:宋秋爽 孟琳 韩芳

电 话:010-84600568,84600384 84600395 传 真:010-64671381

电 邮:songqiushuang@ciec.com.cn


2017年印度孟买国际专业音响、灯光、乐器及技术展览会 (PALM EXPO INDIA 2017)

★ 英文名称:PALM EXPO INDIA 2017

★ 展览时间:2017年6月1-3日

★ 展览地点:印度 孟买 Bombay Exhibition Center

★ 展览周期:一年一届


★ 展品范围:


●灯光音响:专业音响、音频、DJ设备、载声设备、功放、卡拉 OK系统、麦克风与配件、公共广播系统、录音与重制设备、混音桌与箱架、配件等、舞台工程技术、舞台灯光、激光技术、投影及 LED显示屏技术、相关机构及媒体等。

★ 展会简介:

PALM Expo是印度甚至是南亚最大且最专业的行业盛会,已经成






★ 市场介绍:

中印经贸合作潜力巨大,同为“金砖国家”,中国和印度战略合作伙伴关系取得长足发展。在世界经济普遍疲软的情况下,强劲的中国经济成为印度提升其经济活力的希望。中印双边贸易增长迅速,双方已完成中印区域贸易安排联合可行性研究,经济合作领域不断拓展。在进口贸易中为印度第一大进口来源地。自2013年“一带一路”战略的提出,中印两国在诸多可以合作的领域已经建立起各种机制,经贸更是有蓬勃发展的势头,这客观上为双方建立互信创造了条件。南亚的地理位置正处于“一带一路”发展路径之间,北上与中亚相连,南下接通广袤的印度洋,历史上南亚亦因这个特殊的地理位置而在古丝绸之路的交集中发挥重要的影响。印度作为南亚次大陆最大的国家,其LED市场潜力无限,此次印度PALM EXPO INDIA展览会对于旨在开发印度舞台灯光音响及乐器行业的企业来说是个不容错过的商机。



