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Unit 6 单词拼写

1. I have been skating s I was seven years old.

2. I’m t to you from the Hilltop School Skating Marathon.

3. My English is poor. I need e English lessons. (额外的) 4. Thanks for w to tell us the news. 5. Are you i in your job here?

6. We have been TV for two hours. 7. What is your most (共同的) hobby?

8. He’s been (听) to the music since a week ago. 9. Alison has been skating for the (整个) five hours.

10. Who has been (收集)kites since he was ten years old? 单项选择

1 They have friends since they were yong.

A. turned B. reads C. been D. become 2. ---Have you finished that book? ---Sorry, I haven’t.

A. read B. made C. to read D. reading 3. I have been playing computer games two hours. A. since B. for C. by D. in 4. The actors are playing money for charity.

A. for raising B. to raise C. raising D. raise to 5. ---Here’s a flying kite for you .

---Great. Thanks for it for me.

A. make B. made C. to make D. making

6. ---I like skating very much. The way, what’s hobby? ---Oh, collecting stamps is my favorite. A. On B. In C. By D. At

7. Most of us are in skating, but it’s not easy.

A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interests 8. I know the boy in red. But I don't know . . somebody else B. else somebody . else anybody D. anybody else 9. I’d like kites. It’s interesting.

A. collecting B. to collecting C. to collect D. collect 10. My hobby is after class.

A. listening to music B. to listen music C. listen to music D. listening music

11. I didn’t finish my homework because I time.

A. ran out in B. ran out of C. ran out from D. ran out to 12. ---When he skating.

---Oh, this morning. He for five hours.

A. does, start; has been skating B. did, start; had been skating C. did, start; has been skating D. does, start; was skating 13. if you do that, you your family.

A. are missing B. missed C. are miss D. will miss 14. --- hours have you been working? --- about two hours.

A. How long, For B. How much, Since C. How many, For D. How often, Since 15. ---Do you like collecting shells?

---Yes, I collect shells they are beautiful. A. because B. where C. what D. which 用所给的词的正确形式填空

1. Bob has been (collect) kites since he was ten years old. 2. I think no one can finish (eat) these cakes in ten minutes. 3. What is your good friend (interest) in? 4. I’d like (fly) a kite in the park.

5. Did you see his cousin (study) in the room just now? 6.When he came back, his parents (watch) TV in the room. 7. We will go shopping if it (rain) this afternoon. 8. What (happen) on “Young Lives” last night? 9. I don’t know who (call) me tomorrow. 10. While the girl (shop), the alien got out.

Unit7 单词拼写

1.The (女服务员) is very kind.

2. I get (恼怒的) when someone talks to me while I’m reading. 3. He answered the teacher’s question (礼貌地)。

4. What will you do if you see someone breaking a rule of (礼节)? 5. Liam is a (正常的) child in every way. 6. Could you please not f me around?

7. Some people might feel u when you smoke. 8. People don't like to be c . 9. Dropping l is never allowed all over the world. 10. it’s i to talk loudly in public places. 单项选择

1. Would you mind so much noise?

A. not to make B. not make C. not making D. not to making 2. The baby is sleeping . would you mind your radio?

A. turning up B. turning down C. turning on D. turning over 3. I’ll finish the lunch . A. right now B. just now C. right away D. just away

4. I don’t like Jenny because she often complains her husband.

A. about B. with C. on D. in 5. I get angry when people in line. A. keep B. wait C. break D. cut

6. I my food half an hour ago and it arrived yet. A. ordered, hasn’t B. ordered, haven’t

C. will order, hasn’t D. will order, haven’t 7. China is a(n) country.

A. American B. Asian C. European D. African 8. My parents don’t allow me out at night. A. go B. going C. to going D. to go 9. Could you please that cigarette?

A. to put on B. to put out C. put on D. put out 10. ---What does the word ? ---Its is “好”.

A. mean, mean B. means, meaning

C. mean, meaning D. mean, means 选词填空

Polite normal public annoyed certain 1. It’s that the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. 2. It’s to give up our seats to the old.

3. When Andrea saw his team was beaten, he got . 4. Movie stars are afraid of media.

5. The working hour is from nine to five. 完形填空

We live in the 1 age. People use computers to do 2 of their work. 1. A. cell phone B. paper C. computer D. information 2. A. much B. many C. lot D. few But 3 people know to look after them.

3. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little

Remember the following when you use your computer: Keep your computer in a cool, 4 room. 4. A. clean B. nice C. good D. dry

Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Damp (潮湿) is bad for them.

Do not let people 5 near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer.

5. A. smoke B. drink C. play D. stay

Do not eat or drink when you are near your computer. Pieces of 6 and a little water in the keyboard are 7 bad for a computer. 6. A. thing B. foot C. food D. rubbish 7. A. also B. too C. as well D. as well as

Keep your 8 clean and do not have it to bright. They are bad for your eyes. 8. A. keyboard B. mouse C. computer D. screen.

Make sure the screen is not too 9 from or too near to your eyes. 9. A. quick B. far C. near D. slow

Some people use different 10 when they use a computer. 10. A. pens B. pencils C. glasses D coats


Mr Cooper is a middle school teacher in London. He has t many students. He has been t for 30 years. It’s Saturday morning, he is walking a the street. A man comes up and stops him. He says to Mr Cooper, “Do you r me? I was your students ten y ago. And now I am a teacher too, I am very happy now.” Mr Cooper is very h , too. He has hundreds of s . They all lik

Unit 8 单词拼写

1. I think the gift is too p .

2. The teacher gave us some s to help us learn English well. 3. what’s the best gift you’ve ever r ? 4. China will hold the 2008 O .

5. The t kind of pet these days is the pot-bellied pig. 6. it’s important to (选择)interesting subjects.

7. Doing something for someone is the best gift in (瑞典). 8. What are the (优点)of keeping a dog?

9. He has made (进步) in most of the subjects. 10. The (声调) is true. 单项选择

1. There are five in the film.

A. mouse B. mouses C. mice D. mices

2. My little brother is young go to school. A. too, to B. so, to C. so, that D. such, to 3. I would rather than . A. play basketball; to play tennis B. playing basketball; to play tennis C. play basketball; play tennis D. to play basketball; to play tennis 4. Nicole didn’t go out. , he watched TV at home. A But B. However C. When D. Instead 5. Harris the computer room after having a drink. A. entered in B. went in C. entered D. went on

6. The English teacher always us speak English after class. A. lets; to B. encourages; to C. asks; / D. makes; to 7. Little Celia a great in running.

A. is; interested B. is; interest C. takes; interested D. takes; interest 8. Danny said , “We need to keep our classroom .”

A. clearly; clear B. clearly; clean C. clean; clearly D. clear; cleanly 9. The kind rich man has much money to the charity. A. given away B. gave away C. given in D. gave in 10. Scott is a child. He can’t look after himself.

A. two-years-old B. two years old C. two-year-old D. two year old 根据短文内容和首字母填空

Mrs williams is very proud of her house b 1 it is always c 2 and tidy. But now she sees a little m 3 run across her dining-room floor! She always tells other people t mice are found only in dirty houses, so she is terribly ashamed w she sees a mouse in her o house. She quickly calls her daughter and says to her, “A terrible thing is h ! There is a mouse in our dining-room. We must c it at once! Go down to the village shop and b a mouse-trap.

Unit 9 单项选择

1.—Have you ever been to amusement park? A. a B. an C. the D. / 2.--- you to a water park? ---No, I haven’t.

A. Have; gone B. Have; been C. Has; gone D. Has; been 3. I don’t like those two coats because of them fits me. A. either B. neither C. none D. all

4. ---Would you like to a ride with me this weekend? ---Sure, I’d like to.

A. made B. get C. take D.took 5. is fun to play in Disneyland.

A. This B. That C. It D. These 6. Is China country?

A. an English-speaking B. a spoken English C. an English-spoken D. a speaking English 7. ---Where is Singapore? ---It’s in Asia.

A. Northeast B. Southeast C. Northwest D. Southwest 8. --- is the population of China? ---It’s about 1.3 billion.

A. How B. What C. How many D. How much 9. ---Tina, we are going to take a holiday in Europe. --- .

A. It’s wonderful B. With pleasure C. That’s ok D. Have a good time 10. When my mother came back home, I was still . A. wake B. wake up C. awake D. waking 单词拼写

1. Do you know the famous (角色) in the film? 2. Taiwan is the largest (岛屿) in China.

3..Harvey wants to be a (导游)in the future.

4..Three (四分之三) of the students are in the reading-room. 5. It is our duty to keep our (环境) clean and tidy. 句型转换

1. Linda has been to the aquarium.(改成一般疑问句)

Linda to the qquarium?

2. I have been studying English for two years.(就画线部分提问) Have you been studying English?

Unit 10 单词拼写

1. The e in the tall building is broken, so we have to go up to the tenth floor on foot.

2. The p of the shirts are really low, aren’t they? 3. ---It is great weather, isn’t it? ---It s is.

4. Jane lives s in London.

5. Thank you so much for i me to your party.

6. Though I am a new kid here, my classmates are all f to me. 7. The sweater c me 100 yuan yesterday.

8. We get a quite well because we both like music very much. 9. Spring is coming. Victor is looking t the newspaper for a trip.

10. It is dangerous to c the road where the traffic lights are red. 单项选择

1. ---The rain is really heavy, isn’t it? --- .

A. Yes, it isn’t B. No, it is C. Yes, it is D. No, it doesn’t 2. ---Are you free tomorrow? --- . A. I hope that B. I hope so C. I hope it D. I not hope so 3. ---What aare you doing now? --- . A. I am looking at a book B. I am watching a book

C. I am seeing a book D. I am looking through a book 4. Maria really enjoyed Sarah’s family.

A. to meet B. meets C. meeting D. met

5. The day after tomorrow Edward’s father will have his birthday party.

A. 41 B. 41th C. 41st D. 41nd

6. Before you a busy street, you must stop and have a look.

A. across B. go across C. run cross D. crossing 7. Vera had a great time Saturday afternoon. A. in B. on C. / D. at

8.--- are you getting along with your classmates? ---Very well.

A. Where B. When C. What D. How 9. Thanks for me to your party yesterday.

A. inviting B. invited C. to invite D. invite 10. This is film.

A. an excited B. an exciting C. excited D. exciting 完成下列反意疑问句。

1.Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are famous astronauts, 2. It’s a bad day, ?

3. There are a few apples on the tree, ? 4. Willam often helps his mother with cleaning, ? 5. Ann has been to Shanghai, ?

6. Liu Xiang will run in the 29th Olympic Games, ? ? 7. Jhon felt uncomfortable a moment ago, ? 8. You can’t speak loudly in a reading room, ? 9. Put out that cigarette, ? 单项选择

1. There is little juice in the bottle, ? A. is it B. isn’t there C. is there D. doesn’t it 2. The price of the dress is really . A. expensive B. cheap C. high D. dear 2. The dress is really . A. expensive B. high

3. I tried to make my cousin .

A. happy B. happily C. to happy D. to be happy 4. Ken had a wonderful time his friends in the park. A. playing B. playing with C. play with D. played 5. I found it hard Japanese well.

A. learn B. learned C. to learn D. learn 6. Can you play erhu?

A. a B. the C. / D. an 7. Leila does math.

A. well in B. good in C. well at D. good at 8. How much does the T-shirt ?

A. spend B. cost C. pay D. cost for 9. Which city are you ? A. going B. to go C. go to D. going to 10. I feel like anything.

A. not; to eat B. don’t; eating C. not; eating D. am; to eat 完形填空

Thank you very much 1 your letter. A. for B. of C. in D. because

We enjoyed having you and your sister here. We hope that you will able to come again 3 year.

2. A. all B. both C. either D. neither 3. A. last B. the last C. next D. the next A week is not very long enough, 4 ? 2 be 4. A. isn’t it B. is it C. doesn’t it D. aren’t it

If your school will have a five weeks’ holiday, perhaps you’ll 5 stay with us for two or three weeks.

5. A. can B. be able C. could D. be able to I cut my foot and couldn’t 8 very well. A. speak B. study C. walk D. see

That’s where fiveof us 9 the last day of our holiday. A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid We hope you soon.

A. to see B. that see C. seeing

