四年级 - Were - going - to - go - to - Hainan.教学设计

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四年级M7U1 We’re going to go to Hainan .教学设计



(1)大部分学生能听懂、会读、会说单词plane, sea, swim, China, tomorrow, get up, visit, from.


(3)多数学生能运用本课所学句型I‘m going to …/We’re going to … 与朋友谈论自己将要做的事情。 2、情感态度目标:

学生通过观察祖国的美景,扩展视野,增强爱国情感。 二、教学重难点

重点:1、单词:plane, sea, swim, China, tomorrow, get up, visit, from.的认读及运用。

2.句型I’m going to …/We’re going to … 的运用 难点:be going to句型的理解与运用。 三、教具准备:

多媒体课件、录音机、单词卡片 四、教学过程: 1、Warming up

1)、Greetings to each other .

2)、Sing the song :I can’t do it .and do the actions.一首好听的歌曲和活泼的动作表演将孩子们引入了快乐的英语世界。 2、Learn new words and new sentences.

T: Boys and girls ,we have known: We have 4 old friends in our English class .They are Sam、Amy、Daming and Lingling .Sam is from England .Amy is from England ,too .(出示课件及单词卡教学from ,师领读、分组读、各人读)Daming is from China .Lingling is from China ,too .(教学China) In China there are lots of beautiful places .So I like travelling .Do you like travelling (旅行) ? And where are you going to go ?(出示课件,指名回答) 引导学生用I’m going to go to ? 句型回答。

这个环节,学生在欣赏海南、长城、世博会等美景的同时,练习了 I’m going to go to…句型,学生在轻松愉快的旅游过程中灵活运用了所学知识。

T:I’m going to go to Hainan .Are you going to go to Hainan ?(问学生,如果有学生回答Yes教师就可以说)Oh, we’re going to go to Hainan .(板书并领读几遍)

T:Boys and girls ,today I’m here ,but tomorrow I’m going to go to Hainan .(教学tomorrow)I’m going to get up at 6 o’clock .(教学get up)And I’m going to visit my grandpa .(教学visit) But Hainan is very far .How can I go there ? Who can help me ?(出示课件引导学生by car、 by bus、 by plane or by train ,学生考虑后回答:坐飞机) T:I think it’s a good idea .I’m going to go by plane .(教学短语by plane) Hainan is a beautiful city .It’s next to the sea .Look ! What a beautiful sea! (出示课件及单词卡教学sea ) 出示课件T:Look ! Some children are swimming in the sea .(教学children 和swim) 本环节采用多媒体、单词卡片、动作表演等多种方式让每一个单词在学生脑海中多维重现。分组读、个人读、表演读等多种形式练习单词,提高了学生的学习兴趣,避免枯燥。 3、练习及巩固单词

A、Read after the teacher .

B、Read the new words in small groups .

C、Show time :Point and read .(对表现好的学生给予奖励) 在本环节中我注重发挥评价的激励作用,对每个小组的评价不仅激发了学生的集体荣誉感,而且培养了小组成员团结合作的精神。 4、Learn the text

T: Boys and girls , I’m going to go to Hainan tomorrow .And the Smart family are going to go to Hainan ,too .Let’s have a look (出示课件显示问题)。 (1)Listen and point .

(2)Listen, point and answer.(听录音然后回答问题) 1. Where are Sam’s family going to go ? 2. How are they going to go to hainan? ①Where are Sam’s family going to go? ②When are they going to go to Hainan? ③How do they go there? ④What is Sam going to do?

⑤What is Xiaoyong going to do in Hainnan?


1、 We’re going to go to Hainan . 2、 We’re going to go by .

3、 We’re going to at 5 o’clock. 4、 I’m going to swim in the . (3) Listen and repeat . (4)Act it out.


本环节在每次听录音或跟读之前都提出任务,让孩子们带着任务学习,培养孩子边听边思考、边读边想的好习惯,孩子们在完成任务的过程中学习了课文;同时,将对孩子们的情感教育寓于其中。小组表演让每一个学生都有展示的机会,使同学们都体会到了成功的快乐。 5:拓展

出示课件Make a plan :Travel around China .(游遍中国) For example : I’m going to go to Shanghai (地点) I’m going to go by plane (交通工具)

I’m going to visit my friend (做什么事)

Work in small groups then show .(玩中学习,寓教于乐,我注重发挥评价的激励作用,对每个小组的评价不仅激发了学生的集体荣誉感,而且培养了小组成员团结合作的精神。)

(幻灯片出示踢足球、游泳、看电视、听音乐、打篮球、做作业等图片)学生利用所学句型结构练习巩固句型。I’m going to listen to music after school. What are you going to do? Talk to your friends, please.(学生小组内活动。) Homework :

1、Listen and read the text for 10 minutes.

2、用“I’m going to?”谈一下周末的打算,每人说2-3句。


M7U1 We’re going to go to Hainan .

from by plane I’m going to swim in the sea. China sea visit my grandpa. tomorrow swim We’re going to go to Hainan. get up children go by plane . visit get up at 5 o’clock

Homework :Make a travel plan .

I’m going to go to----------. (地点) I’m going to go ------------. (交通工具) I’m going to get up -----------. (几点钟) I’m going to -----------(做什么事)

3.学习新单词:tomorrow,get up,by plane,swim,sea,visit I’m going to 其中get up,swim学生已经接触过,不重点操练。 学习tomorrow,get up,by plane,swim,sea,visit。老师按音节读出单词,训练学生按照音节来书空,练习记忆单词。 4.巩固单词:小游戏 师生互动—— 看嘴型说单词,大小声替换说单词 4. 句型学习。老师重复引入环节中的句子,边板书

I’m going to go to Hainan tomorrow.

I’m going to go by plane

I’m going to get up at 5 o’clock. I’m going to swim in the sea.

I’m going to visit my friend. 让学生观察句子:有什么共同点?What do you find? (每个句子都有I’m going to) 这些句子表达的是什么时候的事情?(明天,将来)也就是说:表达自己打算做某事,就要运用I’m going to。这个词组的含义是——我打算,我将要 领学生反复朗读这些句子。(课文重点句型,课文难句学习)。学生齐读,分小组读,请个人试读。 7.句型运用。(让学生设想自己明天打算去某地旅行,说说选用的交通工具,起床的时间,打算看望谁,以及其他打算做的事情。) 老师:I’m going to go to Hainan tomoroow. What about you ? 学生练习造句I’m going to go to… 老师:I’m going to go to Hainan tomoroow. I’m going to go by plane. What about you ? 学生必须尝试说出两个句子:I’m going to go to…

I’m going to go by… 老师:I’m going to go to Hainan tomoroow. I’m going to go by plane. I’m going to get up at 5o’clock. What about you 学生必须尝试说出三个句子:I’m going to go to…

I’m going to go by… I’m going to get up at… (此环节的设计既为巩固句型,学生初步运用,又为后面学生的拓展会话打下基础) 8.拓展学习句型的人称变化,引进课文学习。 请学生理解下面的词组:we’re going to …, He’s going to She’s going to …They ’re going to… 9.课文学习: Today, we’re going to learn Module 7, Travel. Open your books! Do you know travel? (引生理解travel的含义——旅行,领读几次) 让学生尝试读第一单元课题。请生说说课题意思。 播放录音,请生勾画出新单词。 着重请生勾画出其他新单词:bedtime, children, from, swimsuit. 请生读出拼写,利用单词卡和板书教学单词。 着重学习from。老师举例,I’ m from Hebei. Where are you from? 请生说说自己的故乡:I’m from…(布置同桌两人练习,互相介绍) 老师领读课文,学生尝试集体读。 10. 练习:《英语课堂作业》。第四题。当堂完成,检查答案。 11. 拓展运用:给出任务布置(小黑板) 假设你在跟一个陌生的朋友谈论明天的旅行。(提示句型) Hello! I’m …What’s your name? I’m from … I’m going to … 老师先请一个学生做会话范例,布置同桌合作。展示。 12. 结束。

课外作业布置。 板书设计: Module 7 Travel Unit 1 We’re going to go to Hainan. I’m going to go to Hainan tomorrow. go by plane. get up at 5o’clock. swim in the sea. visit my friend.

