
更新时间:2024-05-09 08:14:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1I couldn’t afford to rent such an expensive car, ______ own it myself.

? A) let alone

2The reason I did not go abroad was ____ a job in my home town.

? C) that I got

3Measles (麻疹) ____ a long time to get over.

? D) takes

4He ____ lives in the house where he was born.

? C) still

5Tom is so talkative. I’m sure you’ll soon get tired ____ him.

? A) of

I have no objection ______your design for the new type of machine this time.

? B) to adopting

________ a few spelling mistakes, this composition is well-written.

? D) Except for

When I heard that my mother would come to see me this weekend, I _____ for her to arrive.

? C) couldn’t help but wait

The top of the Great Wall is ____ for five horses to go side by side.

? C) wide enough

Tom ____ more than twenty pounds on the novel.

? A) spent

She _______ tell white lies to make people feel better, to smooth things over.

? A) is prone to

It’s ____ that he was wrong.

? C) clear

It is urgent that the seriously wounded soldier ________ to the war hospital at once.

? D) be sent

The whole day’s hard work in the field gave him a good ______.

? A) appetite

You had better ____ a doctor as soon as possible.

? C) see

Each car sold in this specialized(专门的) shop comes with a one-year ________.

? A) guarantee

He asked the waiter ____ the bill.

? C) for

He ____ driving me home, even though I told him I lived nearby.

? A) insisted on

Of more than three hundred people in the airplane that crashed last week, only five ________ miraculously.

? C) survived

This travel agency ______ $360 for a single adult with a child under 12 for a round trip to the Great Valley.

? C) charges

