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【摘 要】本文从翻译方式中的解释特性入手,分析翻译是建立在理解与解释基础上的语言交流活动,是译者与原文作者进行语言思想及文化对话与交流,也是读者了解异域风土人情与文化,了解作者心声的平台,由此引出翻译中的译文是基于忠实上的解释。然而解释也受到种种限制。文中,笔者以解释的局限性为出发点,论述了翻译并非畅所欲言,而是受到了种种限制如社会权利语言,翻译受众者及译者第三文化的限制。通过上述局限性的论述,笔者得出翻译并非是随心所欲,而是在一定范围之下的自由驰骋,那就是终于原文的基础上,很好地准确地将文中所述展现给读者,才会让读者准确地了解文中思想。由此才会是一篇很好地译文。这对于英语学习者来说特别是大学生们将会有很好的帮助。

【关键词】解释性;社会权利话语;译者的第三文化;译著受众者;译者风格;忠实性 【Abstract】In this passage, the author talks about the translation on the basis of the

explanation , points out translation is a kind of explanation in fact . Most translation is on the basis of understanding and explaining. Translation is a dialogue between the translator and the author. It is a kind of communication between the translator and the author, the author and the reader .It is a bridge for readers to understand and learn different culture, language, customs and society etc. Of course, explanation is limited by some factors, such as the translator himself, different readers ,and the society and its authority .Through analysis, the author think, a good translation will be on the basis of loyalty , this is a good way to spread the other countries? culture delicately to readers, a good way to communicate with authors ,the heroes . So loyalty is very essential . This is beneficial for the English learners especially college students in translation.

【Key words】Explanation;Social power discourse;The third culture;Translation styles;Translators;Folk cultures 0 引言


