American literature produced only one female poet during the

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1. _______ usually was regarded as the first American writer. a. Willian Bradford b. Anne Bradstreet

c. Emily Dickinson d. Captain John Smith

2. “God help those who help themselves” is a citation from the work of _______ .

a. Paine b. Franklin c. Freneau d. Jefferson 3. Which poem is not written by Freneau?

a. The British Prison Ship b. The Wild Honey Suckle

c. The Indian Burying Ground d. The Flood of Years 4. Thomas Jefferson?s atitude, that is, a firm belief in progress, and the pursuit of happiness, is typical of the period we now call _______ .

a. Age of Evolution b. Age of Reason

c. Age of romanticism d. Age of Regionalism

5. American literature produced only one female poet during the 19 th century. This was______.

a. Anne Bradsteet b. Jane Austen c. Emily Dickinson d. Harriet Beecher

6. In early 19 th century,Washington Irving wrote _______which became the first work by an Amcrican writer to earn an intenational reputation.

a. Nature b. The Sketch Book c. The Scarlet Letter d. Harriet Beecher

7. The American Transcendentalists formed a club called “_______”.

a. the Transcendental Club b. the Sentimental Club c. the Romantic Club d. the Symbolic Club 8. _____and other Transcendentalists believed that there should


be an emotional communication between an individual soul and the universal “oversoul”.

a. Haethorne b. Melville c. Whitman d. Emerson 9. _______ tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a Puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of adultery in different ways. a. You Goodman Brown b. Moby Dick c. The Scarlet Letter d. Daisy Miller 10. In his essay, ______ clearly expresses the main principles of his Transcendentalist pursuit and his love for nature.

a. Hawthorne b. Melville c. Whitman d. Emerson 11. Irviing was best known for his famous short stories such as________.

a. Legends of the Alhambra b. Life of Goldsmith c. Life of Washington d. Rip Van Winkle 12. _______ was one of the first American writers to earn an international reputation.

a. Washington Irving b. Mark Twain c. Ezzra Pound d. Walt Whitman 13. Hester Prynne is the heroine _______?s novel The Scarlet Letter.

a. Fitgerald b. Hemingway c. Ezzra Pound d. Walt Whitman 14. ________?s famous metaphor of “a transparent eyeball” is employed to illustrate his philosophical discussions.

a. Hawthorne b. Hemingway c. Emerson d. Melville 15. _______ has always been considered a monunental work which commands great attention because of its unique poetic embodiment of American democratic ideals. a. Leaves of Grass b. Nature


c. “In a Station of the Metro” d. “After Apple-Picking” 16. Which of the following is NOT one part of The Leather Stocking Tales by Cooper?

a. The Spy b. The Pathfinder c. The Pioneers d. The Deerslayer

17. Which of the following has been called “the manifesto of American transcendentalism”?

a. Divinity School Address b. Self-Reliance

c. Nature d. The American Scholar

18. The period before the American Civil War is geneally referred to as_________.

a. the Modern Period b. the Realistic Period

c. the Romantic Period d. the Naturalist Period 19. Which of the following is not a work of Emily Dickinson?s? a. I Hear a Fly Buzz When I Died b. The Raven

c. This is My Letter to the world d. I Like to See it Lap the Miles

20. Which book is not written by Emerson?

a. The American Scholar b. Self-Reliance c. Nature d. Civil Disobedience 21. Captain, My Captain is written for ________.

a. Lincoln b. Whitman c. Washington d. Hemingway

22.Whih of the following books is a tremendous of an appalling

voyage in pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale? a. The Scarlet Letter b. Moby Dick

c. The Marble Faun d. Moses from an old Manse

23. Edgar Allan Poe occupies an important position in American literature as a poet and a_______.

a. short story writer b. novelist c. dramatist d. translator


24. The Last of the Mohicans written by ________by in 1826 is

quite bloody but full of images of the beauty of nature. a. James Cooper b. Washington Irving c. William Cullen Bryant d. Nathaniel Hawthorne 25. Samuel Langhorne Clemens is better known by the pen name____________.

a. Theodore Dreiser b. Herman Melville

c. Eugene O? Neill d. Mark Twain

26. While Mark Twain and William Dean Howells satirized

European manners at times, _______ was an admirer of ancient European civilization.

a. O? Henry b. Heny James c. Walt Whitman d.

Jack London

27. “The Way of the Beaten:A Harp in the Wind”, this is the title

of one chapter in Dreiser?s novel_______. a. An American Tragedy b. Sister Carrie

c. Dreiser Looks at Russia d. Jannie Gerhardt

28. The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to

as ______ in the literary histroy of the United States.

a. the Age of Realism b. the Age of Romanticism

c. the Age of Renaissance d. the Age of Transcendentalism

29._______ is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20 th

century “stream-of-consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism.

a. Henry James b. Mark Twain c. Theodore Dreiser d. Walt Whitman

30. Mark Twain?s full literacy career began to blossom in 1869

with a travel book ________, an account of American tourists in Europe.


a. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn b. Melville

c. Innocents Abroad d. An American Tragedy

31. In his realistic fiction, Henry Jame?s primary concern is to present the_______.

a. inner life of human beings b. American Civil War and its effects

c. life one the Mississippi River d. Galvinistic view of original sin

32. With the puvlication of ________, Henry Jame?s reputation

was firmly established on both sides of the Atlantics.

a. The Portrait of a Lady b. Sister Carrie c. Daisy Miller d. Jane Eyre

33. ______ was Mark Twain?s masterpiece from which “all modern American literature comes”.

a.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer b. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

c. Innocents Abroad d. The Gilded Age 34. _______ shaped the world?s view of American and made a

more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had ever done. a. Henry James b. Washington Irving

c. Theodore Dreiser d. Mark Twain

35. In 1915 _______ has vecome a naturalized British citizen,

Iargely in protest against America?s failure to join England in the First World War.

a. T. S. Eliot b. Henry James c. W. D. Howells d. Modern

36. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of

Huckleverry Finn, proved themselves to be the milestone in ________ literature.


a. English b.American c. Realistic d. Modern

37. ________ ?s fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with the international theme.

a. Mark Twain b. Theodore Dreiser

c. Henry James d. Ernest Hemingway

38. With the publication of Sister Carrie, ________ was launcing himself upon a long career that would ultimately make him one of the most significant American writers of the school later known as literary naturalism. a. Theodore Dreiser b. Henry James

c. Herman Melville d. Washington Irving

39. The Age of Realism in the literary history of the United States refers to the period from _______ to _______ .

a. 1861 / 1920 b. 1865 / 1920 c. 1861 / 1914 d. 1865 / 1914

40. Theodore Dreiser and Jack London are among the best representative writers of literary _______, which is greatly influenced by Darwin.

a. naturalism b. sentimentalism c. romanticism d. transcendentalism

41. The book that gives a fairly accurate picture of southern plantation life is _______ .

a. An American Tragedy b. The Call of the Wild

c. Uncle Tom’s Cabin d. Transcendentalism

42. _______ expresses Jack London?s view that success means an adaptation to circumstances-acoordination of inner energy and external force.

a. Martin Eden b. The Call of the Wild c. White Fang


d. The Sea Wolf

43. Jack London wrote _______ as “an attack on individualism”.

a. Martin Eden b. The Call of the Wild c. White Fang d. The Sea Wolf

44. Which of the following statements is not true of the American naturalists?

a. They stressed the possible trimph of human will

b. They ventured the forbidden subjects such as sex, death, and violence.

c. They wrote in a daring, open and direct manner.

d. They see human beings no more than a physical object

under the control of biological and enviromental forces. 45. _______ is regarded as one of the finest “psychological” fiction writers in America because he explored the motivations and frustration of his fictional characters in terms of Freudianism.

a. Jack London b. Mark Twain c. Stephen Crane d. Sherwood Anderson

46. the novel that “touched off the American Civil War” refers to _______ .

a. Gone With the Wind b. Uncle Tom’s Cabin c. Farewell to Arms d. The Grapes of Wrath 47. Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is an example of naturalist fiction, written by _______.

a. Stephen Crane b. Edith Wharton c. Edgar Allan Poe d. Eugene Debs

48. _______ made his name as a leading naturalistic writer with his masterwork, Winesburg, Ohio, a picture of life in a typically small Midwestern town.

a. Frank Norris b. Upton Sinclair c. Sherwood


Anderson d. John Steinbeck

49. American author _______ ?s book The Red Badge of Courage published in 1895 brought him international fame. a. Stephen Crane b. Alex Haley c. Norman Mailer d. John Steinbeck

50. American writer Harriet Stowewas best-known for the anti-slavery novel _______, which was written in reation to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850.

a. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man b. After Many a Summer

c. Uncle Tom’s Cabin d. Gulliver’s Travels

51. Modernism is, in many aspects, a reation against _______. It rejects rationalism, which is the theoretical base of realism. a. romanticism b. humanism c. symbolism d. realism

52. “After Apple-picking” is a well-known poem written by _______ .

a. Rovert Lee Frost b. Ezra Pound c. Walt Whitman d. T. S. Eliot

53. “The apparition of these faces in the crowd; petals on a wet,

black bough.” This is the shortest poem written by_________.

a. T. S. Eliot b. Robert Frost c. Ezra Pound d.

Emily Dickinson

54. Typical of this “iceberg” nanlogy is _______ ?s style.

a. T. S. Eliot b. Ernest Hemingway c. John Steinbeck

d. Willian Faulkner

55. Pound?s Famous one-image poem “_______” would serve as

a typical example of the Imagist ideas.

a. The Cantos b. In a Station of the Metro


c. after Apple-picking d. The Road Not Taken 56. a masterpiece in American literature, _______, evokes a

haunting mood of a glamorous, wild time that seemingly will never come again

a. This side of Paradise b. Tender Is the


c. The American Dream d. The Great Gatsby 57. Hemingway?s second success is _______, which wrote the

epitaph to a decade and to the whole generation is the 1920s in telling us a story about the tragic love affair of a wounded american soldier with a British nurse.

a. The Old Man and the Sea b. For

Whom the Bell Tolls

c. The Sun also Rises d. A Farewell to Arms

58. Most of _______?s works are set in the American South,

with his emphasis on the southern subject and consciousness.

a. Faulkner b. Fitzgerald c. Hemingway d.


59. _______ is the first book to present a Hemingway

hero—Nick Adams.

a. The Sun also Rises b. A Farewell to Arms

c. In Our Time d. The Old Man and the Sea 60. In _______, Robert Frost compares life to journey, and he is

doubtful whether he will regret his choice or not when he is old, because the choice has made all the difference.

a. After Apple-picking b. The

Road Not Taken

c. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening d. Fire and Ice


61. Fitzgerald wrote one novel _______, in which he traces the decline of a young american psychiatrist whose marriage to a beautiful and wealthy patient drains his personal energies and corrodes his professional career.

a. Tender Is the Night b. The Great Gatsby

c. This side of Paradise d. The Last Tycoon

62. Chinese poetry and philosophy have exerted great influence on _______.

a. Robert Frost b. Ralph waldo emerson c. Ezra Pound d. Emily Dickinson

63. _______ was a leading spokesman of the “Imagist Movement” and one of the most important poets in his time. a. Robert Lee Frost b. Ezra Pound c. Ralph waldo emerson d. Walt Whitman

64. _______ is widely acclaimed “founder of the American drama” and recognized even more as a major figure in world literature.

a. Ernest Hemingway b. William Faulkner c. Washington Irving d. Eugene O?Neill

65. T. S. Eliot was born in _______in 1888,but in 1927, he became aBritish subject.

a. Britain b. America c. German d. France

66. _______ was a most representative figure of the 1920s, and he is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.

a. Ernest Hemingway b. F. Scott Fitzgerald

c. William Faulkner d. Ezra Pound

67. William Faulkner makes best use of the Gothic devices in narration in _______.


a. The Bear b. The Sound and the Fury

b. Light in August d. A Rose for Emily

68. The great dividing line between the nineteenth century and the contemporary American literature is _______. a. the Civil War b. the First World War b. The Second World War d. the Great Depression

69. _______wrote about the disintergration of the old social system in the American Southern States.

a. Jerome David Salinger b. John Updike c. William Faulkner d. F. Scott Fitzgerald

70. _______ is often acclaimed as the literary spokesman of the Jazz Age.

a. Ernest Hemingway b. F. Scott Fitzgerald

c. William Faulkner d. Ezra Pound 71. Robert Frost is a regional poet in the sense that his poems depict mostly _______.

a. the frontier life b. the sea adventure

c. the puritan community d. New England landscape 72. _______ is John Steinbeck?s masterpiece.

a. An American Tragety b. The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn

c. A Farewell to Arms d. The Grapes of Wrath

73. In the novel The Old Man and the Sea, Hemingway portrayed an old frisherman named _______, who shows triumphant even in defeat

a. Santiago b. Jack Barnes c. Martin Eden d. Tom



74. The Rabbits Series were written by _______.

a. John Updike b. Jerome David Salinger c. Mark Twain d. Ezra Pound

75. Catch-22 was written by American writer _______ and the phrase “catch-22” has entered the English language to signify a no-win situation, particularly one created by a law, regulation or circumstance.

a. Joseph Conrad b. Upton Sinclair c. Joseph Heller d. Mark Twain

76. Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American Novelist, short writer and essayist, whose simple prose style in the works like _______ have influenced wide range of writers.

a. All the King’s Men b. The Sun Also Rises c. The Color Purple d. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

77. Sinclair Lewis, the author of _______, is an American novelist, playwright, and social critic who has gained popularity with satirical novels.

a. Tom Jones b. Main Street c. Moby Dick d. The Bluest Eye

78. _______?s best-known novel is The Catcher in the Rye, a story about a rebellious teenage schoolboy and his quixotic experiences in New York.

a. Jerome David Salinger b. Robert Frost

c. F. Scott Fitzgerald d. John Steinbeck

79. _______ received the Nobel Prize for literature in 1962, and

he is best remembnered for TheGrapes of Wrath, a novel widely considered to be a 20th century classic.


a. Sinclair Lewis b. Jerome David Salinger c. John Steinbeck d. F. Scott Fitzgerald 80. Pearl S. buck, who won the Nobel Prize in 1938, wrote

many novels about China, and the bestknown is _______. a. The Good Earth b. The Caine Mutiny c. A New Life d. the Portait of a Lady

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