
更新时间:2024-06-25 22:38:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载




( )1.You can see the Little Mermaid in_______.

A. Britain B. China C. Denmark D. America

( )2. --- Where Are We Going Dad has become one of China's most popular TV shows. --- Yes._______ film with the same name as_______ TV show will hit screens in 2014.

A. The;/ B. A; a C. The; a D. A; the

( )3. ---When did your father ____ your mother? --- In 1972.

A. marry B. marry to C. marry with D. get married

( )4.The__________singer made us___________. A.excited,excited B.excited,exciting C.exciting,excited D.exciting,exciting

( )5. ---When did your father come back home from Shanghai? --- ________ A.Since two days ago B.For two days C.In two days D.Two days ago

( )6.Echo_______for half a month.She’ll come back in two months A.left B.1eave C.has 1eft D.has been away

( )7. She_______ this book for nearly three weeks.

A. has borrowed B has lent C. has bought D. has kept

( )8. I_______ to Rongjiang last year, but I_______ never_______ to Chongjiang. A went; have; been B. will go; have; been C. went; have; gone D. go; have; gone ( )9. It was such a funny show that people couldn't help_______ again and again.

A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed ( )10.--- _______is Nanjing from Xuzhou? --- About five hours’ride. A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How far ( )11.--- What's your hobby, Andy?

---Well, I have many hobbies, _______ travelling, singing and collecting stamps.

A for example B. as C. such as D. instead of ( )12.Father__________while he__________last night.

A.fell asleep,watched TV B.was failing asleep,was watching TV C.fell asleep,was watching TV D.was falling asleep,watched TV ( )13.--- That must be a mistake. --- No,it_________.I’ve done it many times. A.may not be B.needn’t be C.can’t be D.wouldn’t be

( )14. --- Are you a soccer player in your school?

--- Yes, I_______ the team two years ago. I_______ in the team for two years. A. have joined; have been B. was joined; am C. joined; was D. joined; have been

( )15. --- Where is your father? --- He_______ Australia and he_______ Sydney for two weeks.

A. has been to; has been in B. has gone to; will stay in C. has been in; has been to D. has gone to; has stayed to

( )16.一I am going to Hong Kong on holiday this weekend. 一Really?_________.


A.You’re welcome B.Be back soon C.It’s nothing D.Wish you a good trip 二、词汇检测

1. Hainan is famous for its ____________________ (美妙的,极好的) beach and delicious fruits.

2. That young man is good at doing much wonderful ___________________ (魔法). 3. Can you tell me more __________________ (细节) about this fashion show? 4. I bought some gifts for my friends and ______________ (亲戚) that day.

5. When we write about a thing, we can put our ideas into five main ________________ (要点).

6. How many _______________ (人物) are there in the YV play?

7. Most people have to go to work every day _______________ (除了) on weekends. 8. It’s about 30 minutes’ bus ______________ (短途旅行) from my home to school. 9. The roller coaster moved at high s_________, and each child was very excited. 10. At the end of the day, we watched the fireworks in front of Sleeping Beauty C____________.

11. They are going to take a d______________ flight to Shanghai next week. 12. It’s excitng to go s____________ in the hot summer of Hawaii. 13. I hear about that ________________ is 3500 metres high. 14. I like places of natural ___________ , like Mount Huang.

15. I’m sorry to hear that your dog has been _____________ for about one week. 16. --- People tell me that you will go to Japan this Sunday. --- Yes, I go there on ____________.

17. --- I heard you are ______________ for Hong Kong? --- Yes, I will go there by plane tomorrow morning.

18. --- You’d better hurry to the ____________. --- Take it easy. The plane will take off in 3 hours. 三、翻译句子

1. 据说他的堂哥离开家乡已经20多年了。

________________________________________________________________________________ 2. 顺便问问,从上海飞往香港要多久?


________________________________________________________________________________ 3. 参观中国园林最好的时间是在春天。

________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 听到这个笑话之后,我们忍不住大笑起来。

________________________________________________________________________________ 5. 他的父亲去北京出席一个会议。他直到下个月才会回来。



