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6. Chappie (2015) 《超能查派》(2015)

Summary: A robot police warrior gains self-awareness after a programmer cracks the code for true AI.


What it gets right: Chappie is “born” with a very basic understanding of the world and his surroundings, but it learns through experience. Although the film might not be the most realistic portrayal of machine learning, it is accurate in the sense that many of our most advanced AI algorithms today require the robot to undergo a trial-and-error learning phase.


What it gets wrong: There are a lot of problems with this movie, according to the experts. For one, there’s a single rogue programmer who writes a program for AI by himself in his apartment. The experts agree this sort of breakthrough is highly unrealistic, and that the first true AI will be developed slowly over time by a large team of scientists.


Realism score: 1/10 现实指数:1分 A.I.

5. A.I. (2001)


Summary: After their son must be put into a hibernationlike stasis to save his life, a family adopts a robotic boy, David, which is programmed to love.


What it gets right: Throughout the film, David has one unchanging objective that is the direct result of his programming—to love and be loved. “This robot boy wants to be loved. If you design this robot child in such a way, it will have these desires and it will act in such a way,” says Marcus Hutter, a computer scientist at the Australian National University.


What it gets wrong: Like in Chappie, we see a single team of scientists create AI over a very short period of time.


Realism score: 3/10

现实指数:3分 Ex Machina

4. Ex Machina (2015)


Summary: A young programmer (Caleb) wins a trip to visit a computer genius’s (Nathan) compound where he will get to administer a Turing test (designed to test whether a machine is capable of humanlike intelligence) to a potentially sentient robot (Ava).


What it gets right: Nathan doesn’t suddenly “crack the AI problem.” He’s not sure if Ava is sentient or not; she needs to be tested. Ex Machina at least treats the subject as complicated—something that needs to be tested.


What it gets wrong: Yet again we see the “isolated genius” trope. Though Nathan runs the massive internet company BlueBook, it appears most of his work on AI has been done solo—alone in a high-tech house in the woods. 不合理的地方:在这部片中我们又再一次看到“独行天才”的把戏。虽然纳森开有一家大型网络公司BlueBook,但似乎他在人工智能项目上的大部分工作都是在深山中自己的高科技家中一个人完成的。

Realism score: 5/10 现实指数:5分 Transcendence

3. Transcendence (2014) 《超验骇客》(2014)

Summary: Computer scientist Will Caster becomes the first world’s first AI specimen when his consciousness is uploaded to a quantum computer after he dies.


What it gets right: Until the very end, Will Caster’s AI self is confined entirely to the digital world; he exists solely as a computer program.


What it gets wrong: The whole brain uploading/downloading thing. 不合理的地方:整个大脑植入/卸载的部分。

Realism score: 6/10 现实指数:6分 I, Robot

2. I, Robot (2004) 《我,机器人》(2004)

Summary: After an executive (Alfred Lanning) at USR robotics corporation is murdered, detective Del Spooner suspects one of the company’s own robots is the perpetrator.


What it gets right: Of any film on the list, I, Robot addresses Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics most directly: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; 2) A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law; 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. 合理的地方:在这份名单上的几部电影中,《我,机器人》最直接地处理了艾萨克·阿西莫夫的机器人三定律:1)机器人不能危害人, 或任人受伤而袖手旁观。2)除非违背第一定律,机器人必须服从人的命令。3)除非违背第一及第二定律,机器人必须保护自己。

What it gets wrong: All the experts are quick to point out that robots do not change their programming, and the notion that they could spontaneously develop new agendas is pure fiction.


Realism score: 6.5/10 现实指数:6.5分 2001: A Space Odyssey

1.2001: A Space Odyssey(1968) 《2001:太空漫游》(1968)

Summary: While investigating a strange signal emanating from a large black monolith on the moon, the crew of Discovery One discover that their onboard AI (HAL 9000) is malfunctioning.

总结:在调查月球上一块黑石发出的奇怪信号时,“探索者一号”上的宇航员发现随行的人工智能超级电脑(代号HAL 9000)出现功能失效。

What it gets right: The experts seem to agree that 2001’s treatment of AI is the most accurate of any of the movies on the list. HAL seems certainly sentient, but when asked whether the computer has feelings or emotions, one of the astronauts (Dave) responds that there’s really no way to know.

合理的地方: 专家们都同意《2001:太空漫游》在对人工智能上的处理是这份名单上所有电影中最为合理的。超级电脑HAL看起来是有意识的,但当被问及该电脑是否有感觉或情绪时,其中一名宇航员戴夫回答道,谁也没有办法知道答案。

What it gets wrong: Not too much. You don’t get to the top of this list by messing up too royally. We took a point off because there’s no explanation of how HAL works.


Realism score: 9/10 现实指数:9分

