高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选练131

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Dolphins (海豚) are not fish, but warm-blooded animals. They live in groups, and speak to each other in their own language. In this way they are like other animals, such as bees and birds. But dolphins are very different from almost all land animals. Their brain is nearly the same size as our own, and they live a long time --- at least twenty or thirty years.

Like some animals, dolphins use sound to help them find their way around. They also make these sounds to talk to each other and to help them find food. We now know they do not use their ears to receive these sounds, but the lower part of the mouth, called the jaw.

Strangely, dolphins seem to like man, and for thousands of years there have been stories about the dolphin and its friendship with people.

There is a story about sailors in the 19th century. In a dangerous part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand, they learnt to look for a dolphin called Jack. From 1871 to 1903 Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way. Then in 1903 a passenger on a boat called The Penguin shot and wounded Jack. He recovered and for nine years more continued to guide all ships through the area-except for The Penguin.

Today, some people continue to kill dolphins, but many countries of the world now protect them and in these places it is against the law to kill them.

1. By telling the story of Jack the writer wanted to show that _____. A. people are cruel to animals B. dolphins are friendly and clever C. Jack is different from other dolphins D. dolphins should be protected by law

2. Dolphins are different from many other animals in that they _____. A. live in groups B. have their own language C. are warm-blooded D. have large brains

3. Which of the following does the dolphin use to help it find its way around? A. Its mouth. B. Its ears. C. Its nose. D. Its eyes. 4. Why did the sailors off the coast of New Zealand look for Jack?


A. They wanted his help. B. They enjoyed playing with him. C. He was seriously wounded.

D. He was lonely and liked to be with people 参考答案1--4:BDAA

说理议论(阅读理解)由 (2011新课标全国,B)改编

While small may be beautiful,tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems,particularly when it comes to staying in hotels and eating in restaurants.

The Tall Persons Club Great Britain(TPCGB),which was formed six months ago to campaign for the needs of the tall,has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants.Beds that are too small,shower heads that are too low,and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room all make life difficult for those of above average height,it says.

But it is not just the extra-tall whose needs are not being met.The average height of the population has been increasing yet the standard size of beds,doorways,and chairs has remained unchanged.

“The bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it,so even a king-size bed at 6'6″(6 feet and 6 inches)is falling short for 25% of men,while the standard 6'3″ bed caters for less than half of the male population,”said TPCGB president Phil Heinricy,“Seven-foot beds would work fine.”

Similarly,restaurant tables can cause no end of problems.Small tables,which mean the long-legged have to sit a foot or so away from them,are enough to make tall customers go elsewhere.

Some have already taken note,however.At Queens Moat Houses’ Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh,6'6″ beds are now put in as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors,particularly Americans.

1.What is the purpose of the TPCGB campaign?( ) A.To provide better services. B.To rebuild hotels and restaurants.

C.To draw public attention to the needs of the tall. D.To attract more people to become its members.


2.Which of the following might be a bed of proper length according to Phil Heinricy?( ) A.7'2″.

B.7'. C.6'6″.


3.What may happen to restaurants with small tables?( ) A.They may lose some customers. B.They may start businesses elsewhere.

C.They have to find easy chairs to match the tables. D.They have to provide enough space for the long-legged.

4.What change has already been made in a hotel in Edinburgh?( ) A.Tall people pay more for larger beds.

B.6'6″ beds have taken the place of 6'3″ beds. C.Special rooms are kept for Americans. D.Guest rooms are standardized.


答案及剖析:1.C 事实细节题。由文中第二段第一句的to campaign for the needs of the tall可知此俱乐部的目的为C项。

2.B 事实细节题。第四段最后一句:七英尺的床就合适。故答案为B项。

3.A 事实细节题。根据第五段可知饭店里的小桌子足以把高个子顾客赶到别处去。

4.B 事实细节题。根据最后一段最后一句话可知在Edinburgh已安放6'6″ 的床作为标准床。 【长难句子分析】


小固然很美,可是大似乎的确让人感到不那么舒服,尤其是涉及住宾馆或者在饭店吃饭这样的事。 本句中有两个状语从句,第二个状语从句when it comes to为固定句式,译为“当涉及……”。

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 【黑龙江哈尔滨第六中学四模】

People living on parts of the south coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners


of a large hotel and of several houses discovered, to their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestone(石灰岩) cliffs on which they had been built. While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altoghter, sliding down the cliff into sea.

Erosion(侵蚀) of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recen years. Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people, forecasting the year in which their homes will be swallowed up by the hungry sea.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 【黑龙江哈尔滨第六中学四模】 Win a Week in England

You still don’t know what to do this summer? Well, here’s your chance to win a one week language course in Kent, England! Free4Fun and ETC(English Travel Connections) are giving away two trips to Rochester. This historic city is less than an hour’s drive from London and close to the sea resort of Herne Bay. It is also the home of one of England’s most famous writers, Charles Dickens. The town of Rochester is in Southeast England. Charles Dickens often wrote about it in his books. His home, Gad’s Hill, is there, too. A popular attraction is Rochester Castle, a large Norman fortress(堡垒). It was built in the 11th century and rebuilt during the 14th century. Other attractions are Rochester Cathedral, which was built during the 13th century, and Dickens Centre. It has got its name in honour of Dickens himself. The trip to England includes:

* travel by train (via the Eurotunnel) to and from any railway station in Germany * room and full board with a guest family for one week * language course in small groups * two trips to London

* large choice of sports and entertainment

* German-speaking advisors available 24 hours a day

Interested? All you have to do is to answer the following question: When was Charles Dickens born? So, take the chance and send your answer by May 1 to: Free4Fun “ Rochester ”

Free4Fun, 24 Elphinstone Road, Hastings, 2FQ6VJ fax: 089/85-763-103

e-mail: free4fun@netlight.com

The two winners will be contacted directly before May 5. They will also be announced in the June issue of Free4Fun. Good luck! For further information contact: phone: ( 03212 ) 144-43 fax: ( 03212 ) 144-42 e-mail: info@etc.com


