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TEM-4 听力(上课前最好把单词基础打好)

一、 试卷概况:听力30%;语法词汇25%;阅读20%;写作25%。 (难点:听写,语法) 二、 听力考题概况


1、 a.Full Dictation(15%) 4-time broadcasting

短句间隔8秒,长句间隔10秒 b.要求:

美:少些黑团、符号; 快:经常写错的单词记住;



对话 5% 2、a.Listening Comprehension 短文5%

新闻5% (5-6篇) b.听力选择题(15%)



3. When is Eric calling back? (2008) A. Thursday afternoon. B. Friday afternoon. C. Thursday morning. D. Friday morning. 原文:

M: Is that Anne Shore? W: Yes, speaking.

M: Hello, it's Eric from London. W: Hello, Eric, How can I help you?

M: I'm fixing up our next project team meeting, and I just want to cheek some possible dates with you.

W: Fine, let me just get my diary. Ok, which dates are you looking at?

M: I've spoken to the others, and they prefer either the third week of May or the second week of June (1).

W: Yes, both of those weeks are pretty clear at the moment except for the eleventh of June. M: Right, I've got that.

W: So where is the meeting taking place this time?

M: It was going to be in London. But I spoke to Carlos in Mexico City and he suggested Chicago (2). He thinks it would be more convenient for most of the team.

W: He's probably right. It would certainly be much easier for me as well. Because I can fly from Toronto, and I'm sure you could find a meeting room somewhere near the airport.

M: That's a good idea. I'll check up some hotels in that area and get back to you towards the end of the week.

W: Fine, but I'm not in the office on Friday.

M: Ok, I'll call you later in the afternoon on Thursday (3).

W: No problem. Bye.


11. According to the passage, the average age of the fleet of Delta/Northwest is _______ (2011) A. 10 years. B. 14 years. C. 16 years. D. 20 years. 原文:

Few people expect luxury while flying, but these days, even the basic seems to be in bad shape. It’s not our common to find your trade table broken, the in-flight entertainment system not working and your seat cushion worn. All of these can make you think how old this plane is anyway.

The reality for many US air travelers is the most of the journeys take place some planes that have been in service for a decade or more. The average age of the fleet of the seven large USA passenger airlines is about 14 years old according to the airline monitor. If found American and Delta Northwest have the oldest fleets at about 16 years on average.

At the end of 2008, a small percentage of the merged Delta Northwest planes dated back to the later 1960s. ―US. fleets are among the oldest in the world,‖ said Bridge Ablafare. And Adiation analyzed, ― I’m not really sure the people should read that much into that.‖ Ablafare said, ― For the safety’s fine point, a lot of the old planes will build tougher and with proper maintenance. There’s no reason why flying constant safe for 25 to 30 years. It’s also important to remember that the plane may be 20 years old, but its engines and another major systems could be recently manufactured and upgraded.‖ said Ablafare, ―There’s less pressure on the airlines to upgrade the interior unless the safety issue or redesign above save money.


23. Under the national oil law, the Iraqi government _______. (2008) A. will give more oil revenues to only a few provinces B. will let provinces distribute their oil revenues

C. will distribute oil revenues according to population size D. will distribute oil revenues according to security needs 24. The construction package is meant to _______. A. help build more houses

B. help improve the country's economy C. help more children to go to school

D. help more young people to get education


US President George W. Bush will lay out his new policy for Iraq Wednesday night in a TV speech. However, some details of the policy have been leaked to the media.

National oil law: a date is to be announced for the release of a national oil law in Iraq. The

law will give the Iraqi central government the power to distribute current and future oil revenues to provinces and regions based on the population size (23). The achievement of a fair distribution of oil revenue is seen as a comer stone of Iraqi security.

More troops: the US now has 132, 000 troops in Iraq. The number will be temporarily increased by 20, 000. A renewed construction package costing up to 1 billion US dollars is also to be announced. The money is to help create jobs and boost the Iraqi economy (24). Young Iraqis are to be encouraged to participate in the country's reconstruction by cleaning the streets and repairing schools.

C.package:后方是虚拟的名词形式,表示“计划”,例如economic package;后方是具体名词,表示“包裹”。

同义词替换:例如boost=improve 3、听力考点概况

a. 语速:专业四级语速110-120ws/m;

Although the Olympic torch relay in Europe encountered protests, the majority of Europeans say their support for Beijing Games has not changed

Advertising has already become a very specialized activity in modern times. In today's business world, supply is usually greater than demand.

Good morning. In today's lecture, we shall discuss what meaning is in literary works. When we read novels, poems, etc. , we invariably ask ourselves a question, that is, what does the writer mean here? In other words, we are interested in finding out the meaning. But meaning is a difficult issue in literature. How do we know what a work of literature is supposed to mean? Or what its real meaning is? I'd like to discuss three ways to explain what meaning is. (2006 tem8)

b. 语音:美式、英式、美英混合;(建议把一种口音说纯)

Early research has shown that the non-readers are generally low in education, low in income, either very young or very old. c. 单词:5000左右,注意新闻部分听力的单词(平时积累:从大二起关注中文新闻,之后关


Israel's army entered the West Bank area on Tuesday to evacuate the last 2 Jewish settlements there (21). This ended Israel's decades-long occupation in the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Conflicts between the Israelis and Palestinians have been called a major stumbling block to Middle East peace. Israel formally began the pull-out operation last Monday. The Israeli Prime Minister put forward the disengagement plan in 2003. It asked Israel to remove all 21 settlements in the Gaza Strip and 4 in the West Bank (22). (2007)


1、 1st.题目:没有题目要写上(首字母大写) 首句:大概写1/3







长句:先首尾,再中间 高频词、常用词缩写处理 4th.断句:确认标点和大小写 补全遗漏信息


判断标准 小错(两个合计0.5分):大小写,冠词,单复数,标点,1~2字母拼写错误(例如:过去分词形式没有写出来) 大错(一个计0.5分):漏、加、换、移(切勿用转移符号)、时态(时态扣0.5分) 总结:单复数靠听力

时态语态靠语法(一般听不清,靠检查) 2007年听写部分


Advertising has already become a very specialized activity in modern times. / In today's business world, supply is usually greater than demand. / There is great competition between manufacturers of the same kind of product/ because they want to persuade customers to buy their particular brand. / They always have to remind their customers / of the name and qualities of their products by advertising. / The manufacturer advertises in newspapers and on the radio. / He sometimes employs salesgirls to distribute samples of his product. / He sometimes advertises on the Internet as well. / In addition, he always has advertisements put into television programs that will accept them. / Manufacturers often spend huge sums of money on advertisements. / We buy a particular product because we think that is the best. / We usually think so because the advertisements say so. / People often don't ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth /when they buy advertised products from shops.


二:听力选择-题目可以提前看到 1、长对话:3段—Q1-Q10 5% 2、短文听力:3篇—Q11-Q20 5% 要求:注意细节 三: 题型分类:



NOT mentioned


特点:题干中有大写EXCEPT/NOT mentioned,选项短 2011-8. John has worked in all the following places EXCEPT

A. a book shop. B. a school.

C. a paper factory.

D. a fast food restaurant.

2006-2. Mark used to wear all the following EXCEPT____________. [A] short hair [B] glasses [C] moustache [D] beard

2008-15. The following have been significant in the area’s prosperity EXCEPT

A. the motorways. B. the Roman road. C. the canals. D. the railways.

2007-1. Which of the following is NOT needed for the Lost Property Form?

[A] Name. [B] Nationality. [C] Address. [D] Phone number

知识点:1:school和university不能替换 2:moustache络腮胡 beard八字胡 3:motorway=highway高速公路 4:vehicleline机动车道 5:canal运河 注意读法

6:Loat Property Form失物招领单 080945233

TRUE/NOT true 2.句式判断题


方法:排除法+速读选项(句子结构:宾语/谓语、表语) 特点:判断整句,选项长 知识点:1:对/不对做标记




4:price sensitive价格敏感 5:noon=at 12 6:ward病房

2010-3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A. The traveler is reluctant to buy travel insurance. B. The traveler is ready to buy travel insurance.

C. The wavelet doesn't have to buy travel insurance. D. Travel insurance is not mentioned in the conversation.

2008-9. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

