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Newspaper Language Translation

English Language & Literature Graduate Studies SISU









1. 自编讲义(由课程班教学点统一印发)

2.张 健. 《报刊语言翻译》,北京:高等教育出版社,2008。


Class Schedule I. Getting Started: Translation Principles II. Digging into Headlines

1. Linguistic Features of English Headlines 2. Chinese Headlines vs. English Headlines 3. Tactics for Headline Translation

III. Affixed Words: a Lion in the Way IV. Compound Words: a Hard Nut to Crack V. Case Studies: How to Make Your Translation Stand & Talk

1. Use Four-Character Phraseologies 2. Make Your Translation More Readable 3. Avoid Misinterpretation

4. Semantic Translation vs. Pragmatic Translation 5. Proper Words in Proper Places

《时文翻译理论与实践》 第1页,共11页

■Getting Started

Try to work out some general rules or tactics in translating into Chinese the following news stories (including the headlines).

①Time-limited promos in shops banned after Carrefour stampede

Time-limited sales promotions in retail

outlets have been banned following a stampede at a Carrefour supermarket in Southwestern China?s Chongqing Municipality that killed three and injured 31 last Saturday, according to a government circular issued by authorities concerned after the stampede.

The Ministry of Commerce ordered local authorities across China to overhaul safety requirements in shops to prevent similar occurrences of time-limited sales

promotions, said a statement dated Monday on its website.

\order to eliminate hidden safety concerns, companies are required not to organize time-limited sales promotions which may lead to traffic congestion, bodily harm and disorderly conduct,\

In the Saturday stampede, victims were crushed as bargain-hunters rushed to get into the supermarket for a tenth anniversary sale.

''I rushed to the oil shelf with other four

people and grabbed four bottles,'' one shopper, who was a middle-aged laid-off woman, told reporters.

Some people had begun to queue at 4 am for the five-litre oil bottles, which had been discounted to 39.9 yuan from their usual price of 51.4 yuan.

The stampede injured 31 people who were ''recovering well'', Chongqing Television said.

Local authorities have closed the store and began an investigation.

② Murderers Caught Thanks to a Monkey

A monkey is being credited with a key

role in the capture of three murderers in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province.

On a June day, a PLA political instructor, identified as Zhang, and a soldier, identified as Liu, were driving through the mountains in Xishuangbanna when a monkey jumped on to the highway in front of their jeep and began to point to the south, all the while tugging at their arms.

The two men got out of the jeep and followed the monkey to a pit, where it

started to dig at the earth so hard that its paws began to bleed. Zhang and Liu were confused and took the monkey to the local Public Security Bureau.

Two bodies were dug out of the pit after the monkey led policemen to it. The monkey pointed to a nearby village when the policemen “asked” it who the murderers were.

That evening, an assembly was called in the village. The moment the monkey was brought in, it threw itself on a young man,

who tried to run away, as did two others, but they were caught.

The three men later confessed to murdering the monkey?s owners --- two traveling show people from inland. They had presented a show in the village. Then the three got them drunk, stabbed them to death and took all their money. They tried to kill the monkey too, but it escaped. They said it had been crying loudly as the murder


《时文翻译理论与实践》 第2页,共11页

■Dig into Headlines

I. Linguistic Features of Headlines

1. tenses

① ENT doctor dies at 86

② Ethiopia jails Jews escaping to Israel

③ Mount St. Helens erupts after 50 years? silence ④ Largest Chinese trade delegation to visit US in Nov. ⑤ Death toll in quake-hit Kobe growing

2. voices

① 37 killed in Italian plane crash

② Fed expected to cut key rates to lowest since early 60?s by a half-point ③ Nate Brazill Sentenced to Grow Up in Prison The Florida teen gets 28 years for shooting his teacher. Only time will tell if the judge was harsh enough

3. omissions

① Israel, Palestine to resume peace talks ② Great Wall at top of \ ③ US, Russia warned of repeat of Cold War

4. punctuations

① Political work vital to reform --- Party leader ③ World unity against terrorism needed --- Blair ③ French professor: Malaria still menaces quarter of humanity ④ Chinese cooks: masters at turning turnip into flower

5. short, dynamic wordings

① Allowance to be cut in 200,000 families ② Osaka-Kobe quake death toll may top 5,000 ③ Street battle in heavy shelling as peace talks proceed ④ Reshuffle slashes France's cabinet

6. abbreviations

① Epic control cuts death figures ② Yu elected CPPCC head ③ NPC Drafts New Law to Stem Corruption ④ PLO says big Israeli drive ahead

7. journalistic coinages

① Gold Sale Likely to Fall at Euroland ② US Strives to Ease Stagflation

《时文翻译理论与实践》 第3页,共11页

II. Chinese Headlines vs. English Headlines

中华民族的盛事 世界和平与正义事业的胜利

香 港 今 回 归 祖 国 怀 抱





China Daily, July 1, 1997

III. Tactics for Headline Translation

1. literal or semi-literal translation

① Looking Back to Look Ahead ② Olympics Begin in Style, Swimmer Takes 1st Gold ③ Financials, estates lead HK stocks in broad retreat

2. complementary translation

① Yu elected CPPCC head

② Lewis, Xie Voted World?s Top Two ③ Terror bombing kills 189 in Bali

高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜 把建设有中国特色社会主义事业全面推向二十一世纪


江泽民发表重要讲话 李鹏主持大会


《光明日报》1998年12月19日20 years’ achievements celebrated Reform, opening policy lauded

China Daily, Dec. 19, 1998

3. Standing out rhetorical devices

① After the Boom

Everything Is Gloom ② Soccer Kicks off with Violence

4. Bridging the rhetorical gap

① Older, wiser, calmer ② Japanese dash to US to say?I do?

《时文翻译理论与实践》 第4页,共11页

IV. Practice 1. Translate into Chinese the headlines in the list below: ①Richest get poorer in global economic depression ②Surgeon saves gorilla from the mist

③Shanghai index soars 9.29% as trading tax slashed ④Stocks sink to record lows amid growing inflation worries ⑤Refiners lead way higher as shares end losing streak

2. Translate the press clipping into Chinese, paying special attention to the headline.

Chinese stocks snapped a 10-day losing run yesterday as bargain-hunters moved in following a decline in oil prices.

The Shanghai Composite rose 5.2 per cent to 2,941.12 after falling more than 18 per cent from the beginning of this month.

The rise also marked the index's largest percentage gain since April 24, when it soared 9.3 per cent.

Refiners lead way higher as shares end losing streakOil refiners, whose margins have Dual-listed refiners Sinopec and been squeezed by surging crude PetroChina rose sharply, with the costs and government controls on the gains most notable in Hong Kong. fuel prices, led the way higher. Sinopec leapt 7.8 per cent to Domestic oil product prices are HK$8.32 while PetroChina gained 3.5 strictly controlled by Beijing, but per cent to HK$10.66. investors expect the government to The Hang Seng climbed 1.2 per ease controls as the Olympic Games cent to 23,325.80. begin this summer to narrow the gap Sun Hung Kai Properties, Hong between domestic and international Kong's biggest developer by market oil product prices. value, led local companies higher

after Goldman Sachs recommended

investors to buy the stock. The shares jumped 3.7 per cent to HK$118.50. Cheung Kong gained 2.2 per cent to HK$116.40 and Henderson Land rose 2.7 per cent to HK$52.75.

However, Shandong Chenming Paper suffered a miserable discount debut as it ended the session at HK$7.50 – a 17 per cent discount to its offer price.

《时文翻译理论与实践》 第5页,共11页

