中山市七年级下学期期中考试英语试题(含答案) - 图文

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I、听力理解(本大题共有20小题,每题1分,共20分) A. 听句子。根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题。每小题听一遍。 ()1. What can Jennydo verywell?


()2. What doesNOTthe speaker’s brother like?


()3. Which pictureisRIGHT ?


()4.How does the speaker’smother usuallygo to work?


()5. What is Susandoingnow?


B.听对话。每段对话听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第6 小题。 (

)6. What time does Amygo to bedatnight? A.At 10:30B. At 9:45 C. At 10:45 听第二段对话,回答第7 小题。 (

)7.Which familyrule doesNOT theboylike? A. Hemust get up at 6:00 am. B. Hecan’tgo out on school nights. C. Hecan’t playbasketballafterschool. 听第三段对话,回答第8 小题。 (

)8. Which club does Jim want to join?

A.Themusicclub. B. Thesports club.C. Theartclub. 听第四段对话,回答第9 小题。 (

)9. How doesFrank get to school today? A.Bybike.B. On foot.C. Bybus. 听第五段对话,回答第10 小题。 (

)10. Who likesdogs? A.Linda. (

)11. What is Doradoing?

A.Seeing amovie.B.WatchingTV.C. ReadingChinese.( does Dorathink ofChinese ?

A.Difficult. B.Easy.C.Boring. 听第七段对话,回答第13-15小题。 (

)13. Whereis Faith now ? A.InLondon. What is Faith doingnow ?



C.听短文。短文听两遍。 (

)16.Zhu Yingcomes from.

A.Shenzhen.B.HangzhouC. Shanghai( Yingdoesn’t go to school todaybecause it’s.

A.the DragonBoatFestivalB. Children’sDay

) 17.Zhu

B.PlayingcomputergamesC. Sleeping(B.It’s a littlehot

C. It’s snowing.

)15.Howis theweatherin Guangzhounow?

B.InGuangzhou.C.InMoscow.( )14.

)12. What

B.Gina’sbrother.C.Linda’s brother.


C. NationalDay (

)18.Zhu Yinglikes the festivalbecause she hasdaysoff. A.twoB. three

C. four(

)19. C.

What areZhuYing’sparents doingnow ?

A.WatchingTV.B.Listeningto music. Makingzongzi.( Ying’sfamily?


)20. Howmanypeople arethereinZhu B. Four.

C. Five.

II、单项填空(本大题共有25小题,每题1分,共25分) (

)21.DaShan isatChinese. HecanspeakChinese very.

B.well;wellC. good;well


A. good;good

)22.Itmeabout an hourto clean the room.

A.tookB.paidC.costD.spent (

)23.IusuallyreadEnglishsixo’clocksixthirtyin the morning.

B.from; to

C. at;atD. at; to()24. His

A. from;at

fatheras an engineer in thebigcompany. A.jobB.workC. works D.jobs( A. takes the subwayB.take the subway C.bysubway

D. bythe subways(

)25. Hetoschool everyweek.


B. sing

C. speaksD. speak()27.-

A. sings

doesittakeyou to walk to school?–About tenminutes. A.How far


C. HowsoonD.Howmuch(


Kate isan_girl.She’s veryhappyat school. A. eighteen-year-oldB.eighteen-year-old

C.eighteen-years-oldD.eighteen-years-old()29.Don’tlate for school. A.isB.be

C. arrives


()30.-What’s that inthe park?-It’sababyelephant.It’sinteresting. A.littleB.akind of

C. kinds ofD.kind of

()31. –Ihearyou haveto get up earlyeverymorning.

-Right.It’s oneof theofmyfamily.

A. plansB.jobsC. programs stayat homeSundaymorning. A.inB.on

C. at

D.rules()32. –Nobodylikesto

D.to()33. Hehaswork to do. C. too much


A. much tooB. too many manytoo( A.also friend.

A.beB.to beB.areD.being( veryfriendly.

A. For theyareB.Because theyare C.Andit isD.Because it is

)34.Idon’t like this book,. B.too C. either


)36.—Whydoyoulike dogs?—

()37.Don’tforget_the windows whenyou leavethe room.

A.to closeB.closeC. closingD. closes()38.— What doyou think of myshirt ?Itcotton.

—It looks nice onyou.

A.is made inB. is made for C.is made ofD.is made by

()39.—What doyou thinkmynew clothes? —Verybeautiful. A.ofB.atC. inD.on()40.Myfatherme to have agod job. A. hopes

B.makesC. wishes

D. lets

()41.It is aphotomyfamily. There are four peoplemy family. A.in; ofB.of; of

C. of; inD.o

()42.Tonyoften helps her motherthehousework on Saturdaymorning. A.toB.with A.speak

C. forD.of()43.Canyoume astory? B.say

C. talkD.tell

( )44.It’s verywarm.Youto wear the coat.

A.has toB.needC. have toD.don’t haveto()45.—Let’sgo and watch the football match. —.

A. Yes,Let’sgoB.That’srightC. OK


III. 完型填空(本大题共有10小题,每题1分,共10分)

IamLily.I am a schoolgirl. TodayisSunday.My46 don’tgoto work.,sotheygotovisittheirfriends.Iamathomealone(独自地).AfterIfinishmy homework,I’m47 .SoIask someof myfriendstomy48 and havefun. It’shalfpast ten 49 themorningnow. Weare50 different things.Look!Jackisplayingcomputergames.Someonemaythinkit’s51 butJacklikesplayingthem.Iam52 somemusiconmyMP5. 53 isLisadoing now?Oh,sheis 54 tothemusic.Shecandanceverywell.Shewantstobeadancerwhenshegrowsup(长大).AsforAlice,sheis 55 anewspaperonthesofa. We areall havingagood time. ( )46.A.parents B.teachersC. classmatesD.friends( )47.A. earlyB.freeC. lazy house on

D.happy( )48.A. village D. school( )49.A. at D.in

B.parkC. B. for C.

()50.A.practicingB. taking C. doingD. making()51.A.boringB.interestingC. easy D. relaxing

()52.A.talkingtoB. listeningto


C. lookingatC. WhatD. How C. B. using


()54.A.swimmingB. drawing singingD.dancing()55.A.cutting buyingD. reading



Hi, We are LucyandLily.Weare sisters. Wearestudyingin a high school. We arealways wantingthe weekends to come.Because on weekends there aredifferentkindsofoutdoor activities, such asgoingto thepark,goingshopping,playing ball gamesand so on.

Weusuallygo to thepark on Saturdays.Weoftentake some bread, meat, waterand milk with us.It’s Saturdaytoday.We arein the parkagain. Fatheris fishingin a

boat on the lake.(湖)Mother is sittingand reading under thetree.Weareflyinga kite. Nowwearedrinkingsome water. Doyou thinkwearehappy? ( )56.LucyandLilyare._

A. studentsB. teachers C. nursesD.

cousins()57.What doLucyandLilyusuallydo on Saturdays ?

A.Playballgames B. Go to the park. C.Go for apicnic D.Go

shopping()58 Howmanypeople can weknow from the passage?

A.Three B.FourC.FiveD.

Six()59.WhatareLucyandLilydoingnow ?

A.Theyare fishing. B.Theyarereading. C.Theyareflyinga kite.D.Theyare drinkingsomewater.(

)60.Which ofthe followingis NOTtrue?

A. LucyandLilylikethe weekends.

B. LucyandLilyoften takesome food with them. C. It’s Sundaytoday.

D. LucyandLily’sfatheris in the park, too.

( B)

Babypandasare small,blind andhelpless at birth.Theyweighonly85gto140gwhentheyareborn.Thatislighterthananapple.Likenewbornhumanbabies,babypandascrywhentheyarehungryor needcare from theirmothers.Theireyesopenafter 6 to 7weeks.Theystarttoeatbambooatabout6monthsold.Theygrowveryslowly,sotheystaywith theirmothersfor oneto twoyears. Theyarefullygrown in2 to 4years.( )61.Babypandas arewhen theyareborn.

A. bigB.helpfulC.blindD. heavy

( )62.Babypandas’eyesopenafter theyare .

A.6 to 7 days B.6 to 7months C.6 to 7yearsD.6 to 7 weeks(

)63.Theyeat bamboo at.

A.about 6years oldB.about 5 months old C. about 6 days oldD.about 6 months old( )64.Which

ofthe followingsentences is right?

A. Babypandas areverylightwhentheyareborn. B. Babypandas don’tcry.

C. Babypandasgrowvery quickly.

D. Babypandas staywith their mothers onlyfor half amonth(

)65.Which is the best title ofthe passage?

A. Babypandas’lifeB.What dobabypandas eat? C.Babypandas.D.When do babypandasgrow?


( ( ( (

)66. I’m Grace from the USA. I like singing very much and I am good at it. I want to join a music club.

)67. I am Anna. I am twenty-seven years old. I can sing and dance. I can also speak English very well. Now I want to find a new job.

)68. I am Tom. I often get up at half past six every morning, but these days, I often get up late. It usually makes my teachers angry. What should I do ? )69. I am Zhang Jian from Shandong Province. I like animals very much. My


father says he will take me to a zoo this weekend. But we don’t know where to go.

)70. As a student, I am always very busy. My mother asks me to brush my teeth twice(两次) a day. I don’t like to do that. I don’t think brushing teeth once a day is OK.

A. Welcome to the Red Star zoo. There are many kinds of animals in it. Take your children here. And you can enjoy half price on weekends. I am sure you’ll have a good time.

B. I think you should buy a clock. Put it on your desk. It can wake you up(叫醒你)in the morning. Or you can ask your parents to wake you up. And you also should go to bed early at night.

C. I think you are wrong. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day. You should brush them in the morning and before your bed-time. It is good for your health. And it can make you nice if you have healthy teeth.

D. We need a teacher who can sing and dance. If you can speak English , it is better. Please call Joy at 780-4362.

E. Welcome to Xuehai Bookstore! All the books are on sale. If you are lucky(幸运 的), you can get one for free.

F. Hi, girls ! All kinds of beautiful clothes, shoes, and hats are on sale at Lisa’s Clothes Store. Come to buy one for you !

G. Hi, boys and schoolgirls. Please come here and join the music club. In the club, you can learn popular songs, listen to them and make some new friends. Please call Jack Smith at 567-0429. V.短文填词。(本大题共有10小题,每题1.5分,共15分)

LindaisastudentinHappySchool.Shehasabrother.His 71 isBob.Everymorning,Bob72 upatsixtwenty.Thenheruns73halfanhour.Ataboutseveno’clock,hehasbreakfast.Heusuallyeatssomesaladand74eggforbreakfast.Afterthat,he 75 toschoolateighto’clock..Heoften76 hisbiketoschool.Hehasthreelessonsinthemorningandthreelessonsinthe

77 .Atnoon,healwayshaslunchatschool 78 hisclassmates.Hecanplaysoccer, 79hecan’tplayitwell.Look!Heandhisclassmatesareplayground. 80_ itonthe




Joe Huangis from China.Heis a 14-year–old boy. Hestudied in Australia.Helives in the Greens’ home. TheGreens haveason. His name is Jack. Heis 14, too. Heis Joe’s classmate.Itis about two kilometersfromthe Greens’ home to their school.Joe rides abike to school with Jack.Ittakes themabout 30 minutes. Theyget toschool at8:50 in the morning.Schoolstarts at 9:00 in the morning.Theyhavelunchat school. Theyleaveschool at 4:00 in the afternoon. Theyhave dinner at 6:00. And

then theydo their homework.It takes them about an hourto do theirhomework.Afterthat, Joeplayschess withJack. SometimesJoeplaystheguitarand Jack dances. Theyhave togo to bed before 10:00. That’s oneof theirfamilyrules. Joe likeshis lifehere.

InformationCard Jack’s family name 81 How far is it from the Greens’ home to Joe’s 82 school How Joe and Jack get to school Where Joe and Jack have lunch 83 84 What is one of the Greens’ family rules for 85 . Jack and Joe. B、书面表达。(共15分) 假设你是Meimei,你现在正在英国做交换生,今天你给你的朋友Mingming写一封信。请根据表格中所提供的信息,给你的朋友写信并详细描述一下这三张照片。60词左右;信件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Photo Activity Place Play volleyball On the beach Read books In the library Have classes In the classroom DearMingming, Howareyou?Thesedays,I’mstudyingintheUK.Lifehereisgreat.Herearethree photos.You can know somethingaboutmylifefrom thesephotos.

Imissyou so much.





1-5 CBACC 6-10 BCABC 11-15 CACBB 16-20 BABCC


21-25 CABCA 26-30 BBBBD 31-35 DBCCB 36-40 BACAC 41-45 CBDDC


46-50 ABCDC 51-55 ABCDD


56-60 ABBDC 66-70 GDBAC

61-65 CDDAC


71. name72. gets73. for74. an 75. goes 76. rides77. afternoon 78. with79.but80. playing



81. Green.82. About 2/two kilometers. 83. By bike.84. At school. 85. Go to bed before 10:00.

A、 书面表达。(共15分)略



1-5 CBACC 6-10 BCABC 11-15 CACBB 16-20 BABCC


21-25 CABCA 26-30 BBBBD 31-35 DBCCB 36-40 BACAC 41-45 CBDDC


46-50 ABCDC 51-55 ABCDD


56-60 ABBDC 66-70 GDBAC

61-65 CDDAC


71. name72. gets73. for74. an 75. goes 76. rides77. afternoon 78. with79.but80. playing



81. Green.82. About 2/two kilometers. 83. By bike.84. At school. 85. Go to bed before 10:00.

A、 书面表达。(共15分)略

