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英语词汇按其在句中的作用大致可分为十类,分属“实义词”和“虚词”两个范畴。 1.实义词:有一定意义,可独立充当句子成分。其中包括六类词,见下表:

词 类 名 词 代 词 实 义 词 形容词 副 词


范畴 虚 词 类 冠 词 介 词 英文句 Articles Prepositions 缩 写 art. prep. 例 词 a an the Adjectives adj. 定语、表语、补语、状语 good bad 数 词 动 词 Numerals num. 主语、表语、宾语、定语 eleven six 范畴 英文名 缩写 在句中的作用 例 词 Nouns n. 主语、表语、宾语、同位语、face dog 定语、补语 主语、表语、宾语、同位语、any some 定语 Pronouns pron. Verbs v. 谓语(非谓语动词可作其他各成分) begin call Adverbs adv. 表语、补语、状语、后置定语 ago so at across along 第 1 页,共 35页

词 to and but because which well hello oh 连 词 Conjunctions conj. 感叹词

Interjections interj. 公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总(二)名词



类 别 意 义 例词 Beijing the Great Wall student teacher family government water air 专有名词 表示人、地方、机构的专有名称 个体名词 可数 表示某类人或物中的个体名称 普通名词 集体名词 表示一群人或物的集合体 不可数 物质名词 表示无法分为个体的实物 表动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念 抽象名词 beauty youth


序号 构成方法 例词 1. 一般在词尾加-s 2. 以ce,se,ze,(d)ge结尾的词加-s student—students page—pages 第 2 页,共 35页

3. 在[s,z,F,V,tF]后加-es 4. 以辅音字母加o结尾的指人或食物的词加-es 5. 以辅音字母加o结尾的外来词或缩写词只加-s 6. 元音字母加o结尾的词加-s 7. 辅音字母加y结尾的改y为i再加-es 8. 词尾为f或fe的改f或fe为v,再加-es 9. 有些以f或fe结尾的只加-s 10.

watch—watches hero—heroes piano—pianos radio—radios factory—factories knife—knives belief—beliefs 有些单、复数同形 sheep fish deer Chinese Japanese 3.不可数名词:物质名词和抽象名词一般无法用数目来计算,没有复数形式,也不直接用数词或a/an,one等来修饰。要表示一定数量的“不可数名词”时,用表数量的名词短语来修饰。如:

a piece of bread three pieces of news a drop of water

4.名词的所有格:表示名词的“所有”或“从属”关系的形式,主要有“ ’s ”和“of”两种形式。

名 词 的 所 有 有 生 命 的 名 不以“s”结尾的复数名词 人名以“s”结尾 加-’s the children’s palace 情况 一般单数名词情况 以“s”结尾的复数名词 表示法 词尾加-’s 例词或例句 my father’s hat 只加-’ the students’ readingroom 加-’ 或-’s Engels’/Engels’s works 第 3 页,共 35页

格 词 以〔F,V,z、tF,dV〕结尾的 加-’s(读〔iz〕) 各名词后加-’s 最后的名词后加-’s Marx’s childhood 并列名词各自所有 Lily’s and Mary’s rooms 并列名词共有 LiLy and Mary’s room 时间 距离 地点 金钱价值 量度 词尾加-’(s) today’s newspaper 词尾加-’(s) three hours’ ride 词尾加-’(s) China’s population 词尾加-’(s) 2,000 dollars’ worth 词尾加-’(s) fifty pounds’ weight 用of所有格注意词序 无生命的词 其他 the windows of the room




数 序 号 人 种 一 称 类 1 主格 I you he she it we you they 单数 复数 二 三 一 二 三 人第 4 页,共 35页

称 代词 宾格 me you him her it us you them 物主 2 形容 my 词性 your his her its our your their 代名词词 性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 3 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves 4 指示代词 指代人 不事物 定代词 指代人或物事 this that these those somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one, everybody, everyone something, anything, nothing, everything 5 one, another, each, every, much, either, neither, ones, others, the others, both,few, a little, a little few, many, several some, any, no, all, other, the other, none, a lot(of), such each other, one another, each other’s,one another’s who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ever), which(ever), what(ever) who(ever), whom(ever), whose(ever), which(ever), what(ever) who, whom, whose, which, that, as 6 7 8 9

相互代词 疑问代词 连接代词 关系代词 2.人称代词用法表: 序作用 号 用法说明 例 句 第 5 页,共 35页

1 作主语 用主格 指主语用主格 Does he enjoy listening to music? Was it she who saw the white cat? I believe the writer to be him. These books belong to them. 2 作表语 指宾语用宾格 3 注意:

作宾语 用宾格 (1)代词并列时,排列顺序为“二,三,一”人称,如:“you,he and I”;“him and me”。 (2)人称代词常在名词后,但“you”在名词前,如:“you, Tom and I”。 (3)其他种类代词在“人称代词”后,如:“he and some others”。 (4)口语中,宾格作表语,如:“It’s me.”。 3.物主代词: 分 类 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词

注意:名词性物主代词可用于双重所有格中: She is a friend of mine. 4.反身代词: 序 号 在句中充当的成分 位于动词后 1 宾语 位于介词后 Take care of yourselves. 句法功能 作定语 作主语、表语、宾语 例 句 This is my pen. This bike is hers. 例 句 She could dress herself when she was six. 第 6 页,共 35页

“宾语+and”后 2 表 语 同 3 位 宾语同位语 语 并 列 4 主 nor之后 语 注意:


and之后 or之后 主语同位语 She invited Mike and myself to the party. He doesn’t seem himself today. He himself had to do it/He had to do it himself. You can ask the president himself. (Both)Mary and myself will go. (Either)Mary or yourself will go. (Neither)Mike nor yourself have anything to do with it. (2)oneself也是一个反身代词,用法与上面相同。One should not live for oneself alone. 5.指示代词:“this,that,these,those”,可作名词用也可作形容词用。见下表: 1 2 在句中的成分 作 名 词 3 用 作形容词用 作表语 His idea is this. 作主语 作宾语 例 句 This is Smith. I like this. 4 作定语 This way,please. 6.不定代词:

第 7 页,共 35页

序 分 功 用法 号 类 能 接可数单数 接可数复数 接三类名词 every“每个的”,只作定语 指三者或三者以上的“每个的”。 不定代词 例词或例句 说明 作 形 1 容 词 定语 every body other other boys no no people no=not a/any someone,somebody anyone,anybody everyone,everybody no one,nobody 作 主语、名 表代单数语、(物) 词 宾语 代单数(人) someone,somebody Someone is waiting for 用肯定句中或表Jack. 建议等的疑问句中; Is everyone here? anyone,anybody用Is there anybody out? 于否定条件句或疑问句中。 something用于肯定句或表建议等Something is wrong with 的句子里;my bike. anything用于否定句或疑问句中。 She likes to help others. the others其余的人/物。 2 something,anything nothing,everything 代复数 others,the others (人/物) Where are the others? 指三者或三者以上当中“没一个”。 little“几乎没有”,表否定。 few“几乎没有”表否定;both只用于两者“两者都”。 none None of us is afraid. 3 既可作名词又可主语、定语、表语、不可数 little,a little,much There’s little time left. 可数复数 few,a few,many,several, Both my sisters are good. both 第 8 页,共 35页

作宾语 形可数单数 容词 one each(二者或三者以上的“每一”) another,either,neither Each student has a pencil. either二者之中任一个;neither二者之中没一个。 接/代三类名词 all,some,any,such,the other some用于肯定句He has two sons.One is a 或表建议的句中;doctor. The other(one)is a any用于否定、疑teacher. 问句或条件句中。 He has lots of/a lot of friends. He has a lot to say. 可数复数或不可数 lots of, a lot of, a lot 注意:


The boys are all in the classroom. Both(of)my brothers like sports.

(2)every other+可数名词单数:指“每隔一?”。 They go to play basketball every other day.


(4)all/both/every及其复合词与否定词连用时,表部分否定。相应的全否定为none/neither/no one/nobody/nothing等。

Not all of us are teachers=All of us are not teachers. None of us are students.

(5)“another+数词+名词复数”表示“再来(数词)?”。 Another two coffees,please.

第 9 页,共 35页

(6)the other+单数可数名词或不可数名词或复数可数名词表示“其余的/所有剩下的?”。 The other boys are playing on the playground. the other后不接任何词时,指“二者中的另一个。” I have two skirts. One is red. The other is blue and white stripes.


在句中成分 主语 宾语 定语 补语 表语

例句 Who did it? What are you doing? Whose bike is it? What do you call it in Japanese? Whose is this book? 公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总(四)数词

(四)数词 1. 数词分类:

分类 基数词 序数词


在句中充当的成分 主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语 例词 one, eleven, fifty 主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、second, eighth, fortieth 状语 第 10 页,共 35页

类型 构成方法 例词 one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety 1-12 单独的词 13-19 在3-9的词尾加上“-teen” 20,30,40-90 以“-ty”结尾 100,1000,1000,000, 1000 000 000, 百,千,百万,十亿都有具体量词 one/a hundred, one/a thousand, one/a million, one/a billion 21-99 “几十”和“个位”之间用连字符“-” twenty-three,forty-eight 101-999 “百位”后“十位”前加“and” 826: eight hundred and twenty-six 先从右向左每三位数加一逗号,从右向左第一个逗号为thousand,第二个为million,第三个为billion,然后每三位为一单位从左向右读。 1,000以上 1,234,567,892: one billion, two hundred thirty-four million, five hundred sixty-seven thousand eight hund red and ninety-two


类 型 one, two, three four~nineteen 构成特点 单独记忆 在基数词尾加-th 例词及缩写式 first (1st), second (2nd), third (3rd) fifth (5th), ninth (9th), twelfth (12th) twentieth (20th), fiftieth (50th), fortieth (40th) twenty-first (21st), ninety-ninth (99th) -ty结尾的词 把y→ie,在基数词尾加-th 以1~9结尾的多位数 变个位数为序数词即可 第 11 页,共 35页

hundred, thousand, 在基数词尾加-th即可 million, billion hundredth (100th) thousandth (1,000th) millionth (1,000,000th) billionth (1,000,000,000th)


序号 1 2

用法特点 前面要加the 前面用a/an表“又一,再一” 举 例 He’s always the first to get to meeting-room. He’d better try a fourth time. 公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总(五)介词



分类 例 词 at, about, above, after, as, but, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, like, near, off, of, on, opposite, over, past, round, since, through, till, to, under, until, up, besides, between, beyond, with, across, against, along, among, around, before, behind, below, beside inside, outside, onto, into, toward(s), upon, within, without along with, together with, according to, ahead of, as for, as to, because of, due to, except for, owing to, out of, up to, by means of, by the side of, by way of, in front of, in spite of, as far as concluding, regarding, considering, save until after, until before, Saturday, except, on duty 简单介词 按 形 式 分 特殊介词 双重介词 复合介词 短语介词 第 12 页,共 35页

按 功 能 分 空间(地方、位置、方向、范围、界限、包括、排除) about, above, across, after, against, along, among, (a)round, at, before, behind, with, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, upon, save, beyond, but, by, concerning, down, on, out of, outside, over, past, through, throughout, towards, under, up after, before, as, between, by, during, for, from, in, on, over, past, till, until, up to, within, through, throughout 时间 原因理由根源(目的,内容等) about, according to, as, because of,due to,owing to,on acount of, from, of, on, with, regarding, concerning, considering, through, by, under, for


区别 讲解 例句 I get up at six o’clock. at表示“在几点几分”(单位最小);on表示“在具体的某一天或某天上午(下午晚上等)”; It happened on a spring morning. There are seven days in a week. at, on, in 表 时 间 的 介 词 in表示“在几天、周、月、年”。 in the morning / evening / afternoon;at noon / night / dawn / sunrise / sunset / lunch / dinner / supper, etc. She has lived here for six years. He was in English during the war. In those days he was poor. They waited till/until 10:00. They didn’t leave until/till 10:00. for后加一个“表时间段的具体during, for, 单位(常用复数)”;during强调in “持续”或“某活动”期间;in指在一段时间内。 till, until till/until构成的短语修饰“持续性动词”,“非持续性动词”要用“否定式”。 “after+时刻或时段”,“?以后”,终点时间在过去或将来;而“since+时间点”,“自从?以来”,终点在说话的时刻。 She’ll be back after eight o’clock. She’s lived here since 2002. after, since 第 13 页,共 35页

He’ll leave after 11:00. “in+时段”,“?以后”,用于将He left after 11:00. 来时;“after+时刻或时段”,“?以后”可用于将来时或过去时。 She left after a few hours. She’ll be back in half an hour. at指一个“点”或“小地方”; They arrived at the village at ten. at, on, in in指一个“地区”或“大地方”Your pencil is in the desk. 空间内;on在某一平面或线上Your pencil is on the desk. 面。 There’s a book on the desk and a pen beneath the book. on“与物体接触”反义词为on, above, “beneath”;over“在?正上方”There’s a lamp over the desk and a bag over 反义为“under”;above“在?under the table. 的上方”反义词为“below”。 Jack’s bedroom is above mine on the second floor. across“表面跨过”; over, across, through“从中间或从头至尾穿through 过”; over“从上空越过”。 at靠得“最近”; beside“在并排一条线上”; at, beside, by“在并排一条线上”; by, next to, near next to“在顺序上紧靠旁边”; near 靠得“最远”,不表明确方向或顺序。 about表示周围是随意的,不规则的;round或around(二者无多第 14 页,共 35页

in, after 表 空 间 位 置 及 方 向 方 位 的 介 词 He’s swimming across the river. They walked through the forest. A plane is flying over the city. Let’s meet at the school gate. The building beside the library is the shopping center. The boy standing by my side is from Shanghai. Who’s sitting next to/beside Mr.Steve? about, round, Don’t leave the toys about the

around. 大差别)的周围则是较完整的一个圈。 meeting-room. They are sitting round/around the table. to “运动的方向,目的地”; to, for, at for “动身出发的目的地”; at “有意攻击的目标”。 up指“往上,往北,大地方,靠拢”; up, down down指“向下,往南,向小地方,往开走”但在一市区,去中心区用down,去郊区等用up。 in表“在某地区内”; on, in, to on表“接壤”; to表“在某地区以外”。 between指“两者之间”; Throw it to me. He’ll leave for Shanghai. He threw the ball at that boy. They are going up the hill. They are going down river. I’m going down town shopping. Shanghai is in the south of China. Hunan lies on the north of Guangdong. Xichang lies to the south west of Chengdu. There’s a river between the two villages. between,among among指“在三者以上之间”。 There’s a small house among the trees. besides“除?之外还有,”实际不排除; except“除?外”表“排除”,不放在句首; except for表整体肯定补充细节,表除去整体中的一部分; except that“除了?外”,后接从句; I love music besides sports. The house is never used except in winter. The bus is empty except for an old woman. I don’t know Peter except that he’s an Japanese. There’s nothing but a chair in the room. besides except except for except that but but for But for your help,I wouldn’t have finished but通常与all, no, every, where, my homework. who what及有些它们的合成词连用;but for“要不是”,后面第 15 页,共 35页

句子常用虚拟语气。 of常与fond, proud, tired连用表情绪上的原因; for表奖惩痛苦出名的原因,或内在心里的原因; from/out of“出于某需要,动机,认识”等原因; from还可指自然,直接的原因; at常指感情上的原因。 by表“用交通工具”或表“发出某动作”; on/in表用某交通工具; with用具体的“工具、材料”或伴随“抽象事物”; in用原料或语言; through通过具体过程,途径,手段,中介。 表 of 原 for 因 from/out of 的 from 介 at 词 I’m proud of having you as a friend. He’s famous for his writing. They are suffering from starvation. She fell ill from drinking unclean water. His mother is angry at his laziness. 表 by 方 on/in 式 with 的 in 介 through 词 I go to school by bus. I go to school on a bike. I write with a pen. Can you say it in English? I learned it through a friend.




序号 1 功用 词类 位置用法 例词/例句 定形容在中心词前 He’s a small Japanese boy. 第 16 页,共 35页

语 词 副词 在中心词后 句首/中,表原因/时间 句末/中,表伴随/结果 I’ve got used to the life here. Tired and thirsty, we stopped to have a rest. He lay in bed, awake. You are quite right. Sometimes he goes to school on foot. He is tired. 系动词后 They are out. 形容词 2 状语 副词 在被修饰词前、后修饰全句,位置灵活 3 表语 形容词 副词 形容词 4 补语 副词 作主补在谓语后 作宾补在宾语后 作主补在谓语后 作宾补在宾语后 The little boy was found dead. He find it very useful. She was seen out. Let me show you out. 注意:

(1)the/these/those+形容词表示一类人/物;成对的形容词这样用时可省去the。 The rich are not always happy. High and low all like this flower.


We have enough food to eat. We have food enough to eat. It’s warm enough.

第 17 页,共 35页

(3)许多以前缀a-构成的形容词常作后置定语,这样的形容词有:awake, alone, alive, afraid, alike, asleep, ashamed等。 It is a book worth reading.

Do you know the man asleep over there?

(4)形容词修饰由some/any/no/every与one/body/thing构成的复合不定代词时,要后置。 I have something important to tell you.

(5)形容词(与其他词组/语构成的)短语作定语时要后置。 English is a language difficult to master.

(6)几个副词作状语并列时,位置一般按方式→地点→时间顺序排列。 He came here by air yesterday.

(7)几个形容词并列作表语时,并列的词之间用逗号隔开,最后两个词之间用and(but/yet)等连接,并列词的先后顺序较灵活(有时将强调的词放在最后)。 He is tall,dark and handsome.

2. 形容词、副词比较等级的构成及形式:

形 式 规 单音则 节词和少 数以-er, 变 -ow, -le, -y 结尾的双化 音节词 构 成 原级 一般 以不发音e结尾 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节 辅音字母加-y结尾的词 tall 比较级 加-er taller 最高级 加-est tallest noble 加-r nobler 加-st noblest wet big easy heavy 双写最后辅音字母再加-er wetter bigger easier heavier 双写最后辅音字母再加-est 改y为i再加-est wettest biggest easiest heaviest 改y为i再加-er 第 18 页,共 35页

delicious 多音节词,多数双音节词及部分加-ly等变来或由分词变来的词 slowly 词前加more tired tiresome more delicious more slowly 词前加most more tired more tiresome most delicious most slowly most tired most tiresome good better well 不 规 则 old 变 far 化 further later late latter 注意:



cruel, often, able, clear, clever, correct, dear, free, friendly, happy, handsome, likely, lively,

第 19 页,共 35页

best bad/ill worse badly many more much little less elder older farther least eldest oldest farthest furthest latest last most worst

pleasant, right, simple, quiet, solid, strange, strict, stupid, wrong, etc. 5. 形容词、副词比较等级常用的句型及用法:

类用法及意义 别 句型结构 例句 没有比较 very / so / quite / too, etc. +原级 as+原级+as+比较对象 ...times as+原级+as+比较对象 ...not as+原级+as+比较对象 ...not so+原级+as+比较对象 It was very warm yesterday. 二者比较程度相同 一方是另一方的几原倍 级 二者比,程度不同 You are as clever as Mike. This bridge is five times as long as that one. You are not as tall as he. 二者比,前者不如后者 二者比,一方比另一方更? Math isn’t so hard as physics. 比较级+than... You’re younger than Tom. 二者比,A比B?得多, 比 较 级 表“越?就越?” much / a lot /a little, rather, It’s much hotter today than it was yesterday. a great deal He’s still stronger than Jack. He’s far older than you. She’s getting fatter and fatter. The more you ask, the more you’ll understand. This line is four times longer than that one. A比B甚至还要?/一点 a bit/far/even/still/a little, etc.+比较级+than 表“越来越?” 比较级+and+同一比较级 the+比较级+?, the+比较级+?, A比B(高,长?)...times+比较级+than 多少倍 第 20 页,共 35页

在二者中哪个是更?的那个 哪个更?,A还是B? Which / Who is the+比较级+of the two? Who is the taller of the twins? Which/Who+谓+比较级,A Who runs faster, Lily or Mary? or B? 比较级and+另一比较级+than+? He’s getting healthier and stronger than his brother. Tom made less mistakes than Jack. 表“越来越?” 表“比?更少”或“不如?” less+原级或名词+than This story is less interesting than that one. She’s less rich than he. She is more hard-working than clever. Mr.Smith is more an artist than a teacher. She’s more than a teacher. more+原级+than 表“与其说”,“不如?”,“不止?” more+名词+than more+than+原级/名词 She’s more than tired. 表“并不比某某?”或“与某某一样no+比较级+than? 不?” 三者或三者以上比较“某某最?” She’s no taller than you. (the)+最高级+of+复数名词 He runs fastest of the boys. 最高级 “在三者或三者以上当中最?之一” 在某区域的“最?” (the)+最高级+in+单数集体名词或地点 one of the+最高级+复数名词+? the+序数词+最高级(+名词)+in+区域 He is the tallest in his class. She’s one of the best students in this class. It is the second longest river in the world. “第几大/长?” 第 21 页,共 35页


Which/Who+谓语+(the)最高级,A、B、C or D? Who jumps highest, Tom,Jack or Smith? 公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总(七)冠词



分类 含义 形式 a 不定冠词 表示“一”,强调类别 例词 a pen an Englishman 用于单数可数名词前,表泛指 说明 an this这 the bike that那 定冠词 these这些 the empty box those那些


用 法 用于单数可数名词前,指类别 用于单数可数名词前,泛指某人或物 用于指初次提到某人/物 指某类物或人中的“任何一个” 用在不可数名词前表“一次/场/”或“一个/种举 例 Joan is an English teacher. There’s a letter for you. She has a dog. A horse runs fast. I would like a coffee. the the water 用于各类名词前,表特指 第 22 页,共 35页

人或物” 用于时间、度量衡名词前表“每一” He has two meals a day. as a result(of),have a rest have a chat,in a hurry 用于某些习惯用语或固定词组中 have a word with sb. a little,a lot(of),a pair of a cup of,a great deal of


用法 用在序数词前 用在形容词最高级前 特指双方都知道的人/物 指前面出现的人/物 指世上独一无二的事物前 用在被修饰限定的人/物前 例 句 Tom is always the first to get to school. Is it the most difficult lesson in this term? Did you go to the hospital just now? He has a dog.The dog is named Huzi. The sun rises in the east. Do you know the boy talking with our teacher? She plays the piano. 乐器、文娱等名称前 注:play football (football前不加the) “年代”数词前 “方位、方向”名词前 用在姓氏复数前表一家人或夫妇 In the 1960’s China is in disorder. Please turn to the left. The Smiths are having dinner. 第 23 页,共 35页

用在某些形容词,表一类人/物 用在阶级、机构、党派的名词前 江河、海湖、海湾、海峡、群岛、山脉等的名词前 在固定搭配中

The English are friendly. America is a member of the United Nations. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. by the way,in the end 公共英语等级考试PETS二级语法资料汇总(八)动词


1.动词的概念及种类 动词是表示动作或状态的词,按在句中的功用分为以下四种:

类别 用法及意户 例词 例句与说明 She likes watching TV. Do you enjoy listening to music? That story happened last year. When did Tom arrive? be, stay, remain 表动作或状态,实 及物动有完整词义,后词(vt.) 接宾语,能单独作谓语 义 动 表动作或状态,有完整词义,后接宾语,能单独作谓语 表示“是”,“仍是” 本身有连词义,系但须与动表语一词 起构成谓语 表“变得” like, enjoy, watch, want 不及物动词词 (vi.) rise, come, arrive, happen She remains a teacher. become, get, grow, fall, It’s getting warm. go,turn That sounds a good idea. It tastes delicious. 表“听/看/闻/摸/尝 起来” sound / look / smell / feel / taste 表“似乎”,“好象” seem,appear He seems all right. 第 24 页,共 35页

Does he speak English? Yes, he does. Do, Does, Did(位于句首谓语动词是单独构成一般问句) 的行为动词,在一般现在时/过去时的句中帮助构成否定或疑问 don’t / doesn’t / didn’t(位于谓语动词前来表否定) 与doing连用构成进行时 与done连用构成被动语态 与done连用构成完成时 后接动词原形构成将来时 本身有意义,但不能单独作谓语,与主要情动词原态形一起动表示说词 话人的语气,情态,没有人称、数的变化。 No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t speak English. 本身无助意义不动单独作词 谓语 Jane didn’t go to school yesterday. be (not) doing She is doing homework now. her be done The tree was planed last year. have / has / had done She has gone back. will/ shall do I shall do it. can/could(没其他形式) 表“能够” be able to(有各种时态与形式) Jane could swim when she was six. I’ll be able to speak French next year. You may smoke here. “can’t”不可以;“may not”不可以 may(较正式) 表“许可” can(口语) can/could(用于一、二人称) 表“请求许可” may/might(用于第一人称) Can you help me? May I help you?=Can I help you? 第 25 页,共 35页

can/could 表“可能” may/might(不用于问句) “can’t”只用于否定 “may not / might not”不可能 “mustn’t”意为“不可以”,表禁止 “don’t/doesn’t have to”意为“不必” shouldn’t/oughtn’t to不应该 are not supposed to不应该 Tom must be late. 作情态动词时常用于否定句,疑问句或条件从句 作行为动词时,常用于肯定句 —“Shall I open the door”? —“Sure,please.” Where shall we meet? —“Will you please open the door?” —“Sure.” —“Would you like to try one more.” —“No,thank you.” must 表“必须” have to(可有各种时态) should,ought to有义务 表“应该” be supposed to 表“一定” must 表“需要” need 表“敢” dare 表“请求指示” shall I / we / he?? 表“向对方提出请求” Will / Would you please? 询问对方的意思 Would you like to?? 第 26 页,共 35页

表说话人的意愿 “命令、允诺、强制”等,用于二、三人称 表“意愿”,用于各人称 shall You shall be back at ten。 He shall obey the rules. will/would I will answer the phone. used to 表“过去常常习惯于” would 过去曾有的动作/状态;过去的习惯,此时相当于would;表次数时不用。 表过去动作的重复,有明确的时间状语;表过去的次数时不用。 May you succeed. 表“祝愿”

may 2.动词的基本形式及变化规则如下表:

情况/形式 原形 现在分词 加-ing 一般情况 talk talking 去e加-ing 以e结尾 remove removing 加-ing carry carrying 双写结尾辅音字母加-ing stopping carried 双写结尾辅音字母再加-ed stopped carried 双写结尾辅音字母再加-ed stopped removed removed talked 加-d talked 加-d 过去式 加-ed 过去分词 加-ed 以辅音字母加-y结尾 改y为i加-ed 改y为i再加-ed 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词 stop 第 27 页,共 35页

加-ing watch watching 改ie为y再加-ing tying 3.动词的时态

时 基本用法 态 习惯性或常发生的动作或存在的状态 常与之连用的时间状语 例句 watched watched 加-ed 加-ed 以s,x,sh,ch[tF]结尾的词 加-d tied 加-d tied 以ie结尾的词 tie He reads French every morning. 表能力,性格,特征等 in the morning / evening / Joan is a nice person. afternoon, The moon turns round the earth. 普遍真理的表述 every day / month/year / morning. 一般The scene changes back to the 剧本、图、文的解说 现park. 在时按时刻表,计划决定好sometimes, often, always, usually, The train leaves at 8:00. frequently, eldom, ever, never, 态 了的事 once,in a while, from time to time, today, these days, this week / I’ll call you as soon as I get the park. 在“时间,条件,方式,month / year, now, etc 让步状语从句”中表“将来”动作 You won’t be able to pass the exam unless you work hard. ...ago,just now,in 1976/1989, yesterday 过去常发生的动作或存在的状态,特征 在“虚拟语气”中表“现He often went to Shanghai last last Sunday / month / week / year, year. the day before yesterday, the other day,once, in those days / years,once He talks as if he were my 第 28 页,共 35页

一般过去时态 具体的过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态 Mary was here a moment ago.

在/将来”的情况 在“委婉”用语中表“现在/将来”,常与“could/would”连用在“时间,条件,让步”等状语从句中表“过去将来” upon a time, earlier, this month / teacher. week / year, then, sometimes, often, always, etc. I hoped you could help me. They planned to go out if it was fine the next day. shall(’ll)用于第一人称will(’ll)用于各人称,表示“将会”“意愿” I shall do it tomorrow morning. She’ll have to go there by herself. “am/is/are going to+v.原”表“即将发生,打一算做” 般将“is/am/are doing”表来“计划,安排” 时态 “is/am/are about to+v.原”“表即将就要发生/做” “is/am/are to+v.原” “表计划决定,要求,命令,传达命令指示等” “should+v.原/would+v.原”表过去预计将要发生的动作或存在的状态”。常用于从句或引语过中 去将“were/was going to+v.来原”表“过去即将发生时或打算要做” 态 “was/were+v.-ing”表“过去的计划,安排” “was/were about to+v.” tomorrow, in 2010, next morning / It looks as if it’s going to rain. year / week / month / time, in turn, soon, before long, in the year, to come, from now on,one day, He’s leaving for Guangdong some day, from now on, sometime tomorrow. in the future, in a few hours / days, the day after tomorrow, this evening, this afternoon, etc. She is about to go to school. You are to stay in the hotel. Your boyfriend told you. She said she would vote for me. She said she wouldn’t vote for me. 常用于状语从句、名词性从句或间接引语中。 She said it was going to rain soon. I wondered when the plane was arriving. I was about to go out when the 第 29 页,共 35页

原表“过去即将,就要” “was/were to+v.原”表“过去的计划决定,要求命令等” 说话时正进行的动作 现阶段正进行的动作 表“计划安排好的将来现动作” 在进表“反复经常”的动作,行常与always等连用,有时责备,高兴等较浓的感态 情色彩。 now, at present, these days, phone rang. He told us they were to hold a meeting the next day. He is playing basketball now. I’m writing a book these days. She’s flying to Paris tomorrow. this morning / week / month, during this season, Look! Listen! They are always talking in etc. meeting. always, constantly, frequently, all He is constantly leaving things the time about. 在here/there引起的句子中可用“一般现在时”表进行。 过去某一时刻正进行的过动作 去进过去某一阶段正进行的行动作 时态 在过去看来即将发生的动作 过去开始的动作/状态一直延续到现在 现在完成时态 在现在为止一个动作状态已多次发生 到现在为止时的一动作状态经历 过去完成的动作对现在Here comes the bus. this time yesterday, at that time, What were you doing at that moment? then, all morning, at that moment, the Last year we were building the whole library. night, during?, when I came in, He wondered whether she was etc leaving. since+时间点/?ago/从句;for+时段;in the past/last five years once, twice, three times, many times before, ever, never so far,by now, lately, recently, just, already, yet I have lived here for six years. I’ve seen the film four times. I’ve never been to America. He has just come back. 第 30 页,共 35页



动词的语态有主动语态(主语是动作的发出者)和被动语态(主语是动作的承受者)。被动语态由be/get(助动词)+过去分词构成,be/get体现时态变化。主动变被动时,时态保持不变;动作的执行者由“by短语”表示;get+过去分词侧重动作的效果,通常不与表示一段时间的状语连用,其一般现在时/一般过去时变否定式,疑问时要借助助动词。 They make bikes. Bikes are made by them. When did she get married? How did the window get broken? 注意:

(1)不及物动词一般没有被动语态。 The sun sets in the west.

易错的常见的不用被动语态的不及物动词有:rise, set, happen, break out, take place, fall, lie, die, etc.

(2)主动句带双宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)的句子,可将“间接宾语”或“直接宾语”变成被动语态的主语,还有一个宾语叫保留宾语。一般将“间接宾语”变为被动句的主语。当变直接宾语为被动句的主语时,要在保留宾语(间接宾语)前加一个介词to(给,表方向)或for(替)。 My mother gave me a book. I was given a book(by my mother). A book was given to me(by my mother).

(3)主动句带有复合宾语时,变为被动句时宾语补足语保留在谓语动词之后,改称为“主语补足语”即主补。当宾补是不带to的不定式时,被动句中原省略的to要加上。 The boss made us work ten hours a day. 第 31 页,共 35页

We were made to work ten hours a day(by the boss).

(4)含有“动-介/动-副/动-副-介”等短语动词的句子,变成被动语态时,要把这些短语看成一个整体(相当于一个动词),不能漏掉任何词。 The nurses look after the patients well. The patients are looked after well(by the nurses).


He paid much attention to his pronunciation. Much attention was paid to his pronunciation(by him). His pronunciation was paid much attention to(by him). (6)被动语态与系表结构的区别:

被动语态,表“动作”,用相应的时态,时态变化比较丰富。 系表结构,表“性质”,常用一般时态。 The glass was broken by Tom yesterday. The glass was broken.

That book was written by a teacher. That book is well written.


(九)构词法 1.概念及种类:


第 32 页,共 35页

种类 构成方法 例词 Classroom,newspaper,blackboard Schoolmate,newly-born,hard-working taste,answer,back,hand,empty 合成 由两个或两个以上的词合成为一个词 转化 由一词类转化为另一词类 care,careful,carefully 派生 在词根上加前缀或后缀 careless carelessness carelessly

2.高中阶段主要构词方法归纳:派生法和合成法 (1)派生法 ①常用前缀

un- 表“否定” in- dis- 表“重复”


类型 “动作的执行者” 变成了名词 加法 后缀意义 例词 unfair unable unlikely impossible incapable discover disagree dislike dishonest re- rewrite retell repeat reconsider 名 词 -er/or -tion teacher visitor inventor organization congratulation invention 第 33 页,共 35页

后 缀 -ese -ist -ing -ment -ness -ian “?地方的人” Chinese Japanese “人” 名词化 名词化 变为名词 pianist scientist violinist living greeting wedding movement treatment happiness illness sickness carelessness 变为“?的人” Australian beautify realise organise 使?变? sacrifice lengthen strengthen 可?的,能?的 suitable comfortable movable 充满?的 带有?的 有?特征的 属于?的 ?的 副词后缀 表“十三至十九” 表“二十、三十?七十” 表“第几” beautiful careful useful sunny,windy,cloudy,snowy,sleepy,salty active,instructive musical medical physical American European Australian carefully really certainly fourteen fifteen nineteen 动 词 后 缀 -ify -ice -ise -en -able 形 容 词 后 缀 -ful -y -ive -al -an -ly 数 词 后 缀

-teen -ty forty sixty eighty -th fourth sixtieth ninth 第 34 页,共 35页


police+man=policeman play+ground=playground birth+day=birthday after+noon=afternoon hand+bag=handbag every+where=everywhere bed+room=bedroom no+where=nowhere hand+writing=handwriting grand+parent=grandparent what+ever=whatever

any+where=anywhere how+ever=however 第 35 页,共 35页

