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?break a?way (from sb/sth) 1. 突然挣脱;逃脱

? The prisoner broke away from his guards. 犯人挣脱了看守。

2. 脱离,背叛(政党、国家等,尤指再组建新的)

? The people of the province wished to break away and form a new state. 该省人民希望分离成立一个新国家。 3.(尤指速度竞赛中)甩掉

? She broke away from the pack and opened up a two-second lead. 她甩开所有其他赛跑者,以两秒领先。

?break ?down

1. (机器或车辆 ) 出故障;坏掉

? The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统瘫痪了。

? We (= the car) broke down on the freeway. 我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。 2. 失败

? Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. 双方谈判失败了。 3. 被搞垮;垮掉

? Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 她因工作压力身体垮掉了。 4. 情不自禁地哭起来

? He broke down and wept when he heard the news. 听到这个消息,他不禁失声痛哭。 5. 划成部分(以便分析)

? Expenditure on the project breaks down as follows: wages $10m, plant

$4m, raw materials $5m.


?break sth??down 1. 打倒,砸破(某物)

? Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. 消防队员不得不破门而入,解救困在里面的人。 2.破坏,消除(尤指某种感情或态度) ? to break down resistance/opposition 瓦解抵抗/反对

? to break down sb's reserve/shyness 驱除某人的矜持/胆怯

? Attempts must be made to break down the barriers of fear and hostility which divide the

two communities.

必须设法消除造成这两个团体不和的恐惧和敌意。 3. 把…分类;划分

? Break your expenditure down into bills, food and other. 把支出费用按账单、食物及其他分类列明。

? Each lesson is broken down into several units. 每一课都分成几部分。

4. 使分解(为);使变化(成)

? Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.



?break for sth(试图逃脱时)突然冲向;向…挣脱

? She had to hold him back as he tried to break for the door. 他试图向门口逃去,她只好拉住他。

?break ?in强行进入;破门而入

? Burglars had broken in while we were away. 我们不在家时,窃贼闯进屋里了。

?break sb/sth ?in

1. 训练某人/某物;培训 ? to break in new recruits 训练新成员

? The young horse was not yet broken in (= trained to carry a rider) . 那匹刚长成的马还没被驯服。

2. 把…穿得合身,使舒适自如(尤指新鞋)

?break ?in (on sth)打断;搅扰

? She longed to break in on their conversation but didn't want to appear rude. 她很想打断他们的谈话,但又不愿显得粗鲁。 ? ?I didn't do it!‘ she broke in. ―不是我干的!‖她插嘴说。

?break ?into sth

1. 强行闯入;撬开(汽车等)

? We had our car broken into last week. 我们的车上周被撬了。 2. 突然开始(笑、唱等)

? As the President's car drew up, the crowd broke into loud applause. 总统的座车停下时,人群中爆发出热烈的掌声。 3. 突然开始(跑);开始快跑

? He broke into a run when he saw the police. 他看见警察,撒腿就跑。

? Her horse broke into a trot. 她的马突然开始加速小跑。

4. 找开(大面值钞票买小额商品) ? I had to break into a £20 to pay the bus fare. 我只好找开一张20英镑的钞票买车票。 5. 启用(应急备用品)

? They had to break into the emergency food supplies. 他们不得不动用应急食物。 6. 成功参与;顺利打入

? The company is having difficulty breaking into new markets. 该公司在打入新市场时遇到困难。

?break ?off


1. 断开;折断

? The back section of the plane had broken off. 飞机尾部脱落了。 2.停顿;中断

? He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话说了一半就不说了。

?break sth??off 1. 使折断

? She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. 她掰了一块巧克力给我。 2. 突然终止

? Britain threatened to break off diplomatic relations. 英国威胁说要断绝外交关系。

? They've broken off their engagement. 他们突然解除了婚约。

?break ?out(战争、打斗等不愉快事件 ) 突然开始;爆发

? They had escaped to America shortly before war broke out in 1939. 1939年战争爆发前不久他们逃到了美国。

? Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans. 双方球迷发生了打斗。

? Fire broke out during the night. 夜间突然发生了火灾。

?break ?out (of sth)逃离(某地);摆脱(某状况) ? Several prisoners broke out of the jail. 几名囚犯越狱了。

? She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting. 她需要从日常事务中解脱出来,找点有意思的事做。

?break ?out in sth突被布满某物 ? Her face broke out in a rash. 她脸上突然长出一片红疹。

? He broke out in a cold sweat (= for example, through fear) . 他突然冒出一身冷汗。

?break ?through作出新的重大发现;取得突破

? Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. 科学家认为他们在对抗癌症的研究中开始有所突破。

?break ?through | ?break ?through sth 1.冲破;突破

? Demonstrators broke through the police cordon. 示威群众冲破了警方的警戒线。 2. (太阳或月亮 ) 从云层后露出

? The sun broke through at last in the afternoon. 下午太阳终于拨云而出。

?break ?through sth克服;战胜


He had finally managed to break through her reserve. 他终于设法战胜了她的矜持。


?break ?up 1.粉碎;破碎

? The ship broke up on the rocks. 船触礁撞碎了。 2.结束

? Their marriage has broken up. 他们的婚姻已经破裂。 3. 散开;解散

? The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock. 会议在十一点散会。 4. (学校)期终放假

? When do you break up for Christmas? 你们什么时候放假过圣诞节? 5. 变得虚弱;垮掉

? He was breaking up under the strain. 过度的劳累使他快要垮了。 6. 捧腹大笑

? Woody Allen makes me just break up. 伍迪?艾伦令我几乎笑破肚皮。


?break sth??up 1. 拆开;打散

? The ship was broken up for scrap metal. 船被拆解成为废铁。

? Sentences can be broken up into clauses. 句子可以分成从句。

2. 结束(关系等);关闭(公司等)

? They decided to break up the partnership. 他们决定拆伙。


? Police were called in to break up the fight. 有人叫来了警察制止打斗。

?break ?up (with sb)(同某人)绝交

? She's just broken up with her boyfriend. 她刚刚和男朋友分手。

?break with sth和某事终止关联;破除

? to break with tradition/old habits/the past 破除传统/旧习惯/过去的东西


?bring sth?a?bout导致;引起

? What brought about the change in his attitude? 是什么使他改变了态度?

?bring sb/sth??back把…送回;归还


Please bring back all library books by the end of the week. 请在周末前把图书馆的书全部归还。

? He brought me back (= gave me a ride home) in his car. 他用车把我送回家。


?bring sth??back 1. 使回忆起;使想起

? The photographs brought back many pleasant memories. 那些照片给人带来很多美好的回忆。 2. 恢复;重新使用

? Most people are against bringing back the death penalty. 大多数人反对恢复死刑。

?bring sb/ sth??back (for sb)(给…)带回 ? What did you bring the kids back from Italy? 你从意大利回来给孩子们带了什么? ? I brought a T-shirt back for Mark. 我给马克带回来一件T恤衫。

?bring sb/sth before sb 将…提交讨论(或审判等) ? The matter will be brought before the committee. 这件事将交给委员会讨论。

? He was brought before the court and found guilty. 他被送交法庭审判,并被裁定有罪。

?bring sb??down 1.打垮;击败

? The scandal may bring down the government. 那件丑闻可能使政府垮台。 2. (体育运动 ) 使跌倒

? He was brought down in the penalty area. 他在禁区被绊倒。

?bring sth??down 1. 减少;降低

? We aim to bring down prices on all our computers. 我们打算降低我们所有计算机的价格。 2. 使(飞机)着陆

? The pilot managed to bring the plane down in a field. 飞行员设法将飞机降落在一处田里。 3. 击落

? Twelve enemy fighters had been brought down. 有十二架敌方的战斗机被击落。 4 打倒(动物);打落(鸟)

? He brought down the bear with a single shot. 他一枪就撂倒了那头熊。

bring sth??down 1. 减少;降低

? We aim to bring down prices on all our computers. 我们打算降低我们所有计算机的价格。 2. 使(飞机)着陆

? The pilot managed to bring the plane down in a field. 飞行员设法将飞机降落在一处田里。 3. 击落


Twelve enemy fighters had been brought down. 有十二架敌方的战斗机被击落。 4. 打倒(动物);打落(鸟)

? He brought down the bear with a single shot. 他一枪就撂倒了那头熊。


?bring sb/sth??forth 生产;产出 ? She brought forth a son. 她生了个儿子。

? trees bringing forth fruit 结果实的树木

?bring sth??forward

1. 将(…的日期或时间)提前

? The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May. 会议已由5月10号提前到5月3号。 2. 提议;提出讨论

? Please bring the matter forward at the next meeting. 请将这事在下次会议上提出。 3. 把账目转入次页;承前页

? A credit balance of $50 was brought forward from his September account. 50元的贷方余额是从他九月份的账上转来的。

?bring sb??in

1. 请…做;让…参与

? Local residents were angry at not being brought in on (= asked for their opinion about)

the new housing proposal.

新的住房方案未征求当地居民的意见,对此他们感到愤怒。 ? Experts were brought in to advise the government. 政府请来专家们出谋划策。

2. (警方 ) 将(某人)带到警察局讯问;逮捕 ? Two men were brought in for questioning. 有两名男子被带到警察局进行讯问。

?bring sb/sth??in 1.提出(新法案)

? They want to bring in a bill to limit arms exports. 他们想提出一项限制武器出口的议案。 2. 吸引;引入

? We need to bring in a lot more new business. 我们得吸引更多的新业务。 3. 宣布,作出(裁决)

? The jury brought in a verdict of guilty. 陪审团作出裁决宣判有罪。

?bring( sb) ?in sth赚得;挣

His freelance work brings him in about $20?000 a year. 他做自由职业每年可赚2万元。

? How much does she bring in now? 她现在挣多少钱?



?bring sth??off完成,做完(艰难的工作) ? It was a difficult task but we brought it off. 那是一项艰难的工作,但我们还是完成了。 ? The goalie brought off a superb save. 守门员作出了一次精彩的扑救。

?bring sb??on帮助(学习者)进步;促使提高

?bring sth??on

1. 使发展,导致(通常指坏事)

? He was suffering from stress brought on by overwork. 他正苦于超负荷工作带来的压力。 2. 促使(作物、水果等)成长

?bring sth on yourself/sb使(自己/他人)遭受… ? I have no sympathy—you brought it all on yourself. 我根本不同情你—这都怪你自己。

?bring sb??out使罢工

?bring sb ?out of himself, herself, etc. 使更加自信

? She's a shy girl who needs friends to bring her out of herself. 她是个腼腆的女孩,需要朋友帮助克服羞怯心理。

?bring sth??out 1.使显现;使表现出

? A crisis brings out the best in her . 危机促使她表现出她最好的一面。 2.使显出;阐明

? That dress really brings out the colour of your eyes. 那件衣服果真能衬托出你眼睛的颜色。 3. 生产;出版

? The band have just brought out their second album. 这个乐队刚刚推出了他们的第二张专辑。

?bring sb ?out in sth使(某人的)皮肤长出(斑点等) ? The heat brought him out in a rash. 炎热的天气使他浑身长满了痱子。

?bring sb ?round (to…) 带某人串门 ; 使苏醒

? Bring the family round one evening; we'd love to meet them. 哪天晚上带全家人来坐坐,我们很想见见他们。

?bring sb ?round (to sth)说服某人同意(某事)

? He didn't like the plan at first, but we managed to bring him round. 他起初并不喜欢这个计划,但我们最终使他回心转意了。

?bring sth ?round to sth 将(话题)导向…

?bring A and B to?gether使双方言和;使双方和好


The loss of their son brought the two of them together. 丧子使他们两人重归于好。


?bring sb??up

1. 抚养;养育;教养

? She brought up five children. 她抚育了五个孩子。

? He was brought up by his aunt. 他是由姨妈带大的。

? a well/badly brought up child 有教养/缺乏教养的孩子

? They were brought up to (= taught as children to) respect authority. 他们从小就被教导尊敬权威。 ? I was brought up a Catholic. 我从小就受教养成为天主教徒。 2.使出庭受审;传讯

? He was brought up on a charge of drunken driving. 他因酒后开车而受到传讯。

?bring sth??up 1. 提出(讨论等)

? Bring it up at the meeting. 请将此事在会议上提出。 2.呕吐

? to bring up your lunch 把午饭吐出来

3. 使显示在计算机屏幕上;调出

? Click with the right mouse button to bring up a new menu. 单击鼠标的右键,调出另一新菜单。

?bring sb ?up against sth(使)面临,面对

? Working in the slums brought her up against the realities of poverty. 在贫民窟工作使她直面了解贫困的现实。


?carry sb ?back (to sth)使回想起;使回忆

? The smell of the sea carried her back to her childhood. 大海的气息勾起了她童年的回忆。

?carry sth??forward(carry sth??over ) 把总金额转入次栏(或次页);过账;结转

?carry sth??off 1. 赢得;获得

? He carried off most of the prizes. 他赢得了大多数的奖项。

2.成功地对付,不费劲地处理(大多数人认为难以应付的事) ? She's had her hair cut really short, but she can carry it off . 她的头发剪得太短了,不过她还是若无其事的样子。

?carry ?on


1. 继续移动

? Carry on until you get to the junction, then turn left. 继续往前走到交叉路口,然后向左转。 2. 争吵;吵闹;吵闹地抱怨

? He was shouting and carrying on. 他在大吵大闹。

?carry ?on (with sth) | ?carry sth??on继续做;坚持干 ? Carry on with your work while I'm away. 我不在时你要接着干。

? After he left I just tried to carry on as normal (= do the things I usually do) . 他离开后,我只管尽力像往常一样继续干。 ? Carry on the good work! 干得不错,继续努力吧! ? [+ -ing]

? He carried on peeling the potatoes. 他不停地削土豆皮。

?carry ?on (with sb) (与…)有不正当的男女关系

? His wife found out he'd been carrying on with another woman. 他的妻子发现他和另一个女人勾勾搭搭。

?carry sth??out


? to carry out a promise/a threat/a plan/an order 把承诺/威胁/计划/命令付诸行动 2. 完成(任务)

? to carry out an inquiry/an investigation/a survey 进行查询/调查/考察

? Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient. 已对患者进行了全面检查。

?carry ?over(在不同情况下)继续存在,保持下去

? Attitudes learned at home carry over into the playground. 家里养成的作风会表现在学校的运动场上。

?carry sth??over 1.运用;应用 2.延迟;延期

? The match had to be carried over until Sunday. 比赛不得不推迟到星期天。 3. = carry sth forward

?carry sb ?through( sth) 帮助…渡过难关

? His determination carried him through the ordeal. 他靠坚强的信心渡过了难关。

?carry sth ?through成功完成;顺利实现

? It's a difficult job but she's the person to carry it through. 这是一项艰巨的工作,但她这个人是能够顺利完成的。


?carry ?through (on/with sth) 履行(承诺)

? He has proved he can carry through on his promises. 他已证明他能履行自己的诺言。


?come a?bout (that…)发生

? Can you tell me how the accident came about? 你能告诉我事故是怎样发生的吗?

?come a?cross(come ?over ) 1.被理解;被弄懂

? He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't really come across. 他讲了很久,但并没有人真正理解他的意思。 2. 给人以…印象;使产生…印象

? She comes across well in interviews. 她在面试中常给人留下很好的印象。

? He came over as a sympathetic person. 他给人的印象是一个富有同情心的人。

?come across sb/sth (偶然)遇见,碰见,发现 ? I came across children sleeping under bridges. 我偶然发现睡在桥下的孩子。

? She came across some old photographs in a drawer. 她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。

?come across (with sth) (需要时)提供,供给,给予 ? I hoped she'd come across with some more information. 我希望她能再提供更多的信息。

?come ?after sb 追赶;追逐;追随

?come along

1. 到达;抵达;出现

? When the right opportunity comes along, she'll take it. 适当的机会来临时,她会抓住的。 2 跟随;跟着来

? I'm glad you came along. 有你跟我一起来,我很高兴。 3. t 进步;进展

? Your French has come along a lot recently. 你的法语最近进步很大。

4. (用于命令)赶快,加把劲 ? Come along! We're late. 快点!我们迟到了。

? Come along! It's easy! 再加把劲!这很容易!


?come a?part破碎;破裂

? The book just came apart in my hands. 这本书就在我手中散开了。

? My whole life had come apart at the seams . 我的整个生活都崩溃了。

?come around/?round 1. (come ?to ) 恢复知觉;苏醒

? Your mother hasn't yet come round from the anaesthetic. 你的母亲麻醉后还没有苏醒过来。

2. (日期或有规律的事 ) 再度发生;再次出现

? My birthday seems to come around quicker every year. 我的生日似乎一年比一年来得快。

?come a?round/?round (to…)短暂访问(尤指某人的家) ? Do come around and see us some time. 务必抽空来看看我们。

?come a?round/?round (to sth)改变心态;改变观点 ? He'll never come round to our way of thinking. 他绝不会改变观点与我们的想法一致。

?come at sb 扑向(某人)

? She came at me with a knife. 她拿着刀子向我扑过来。

? The noise came at us from all sides. 噪音从四面八方向我们袭来。

?come at sth(用某方法)考虑,思考

? We're getting nowhere—let's come at it from another angle. 我们这样会毫无进展,还是换个角度考虑一下吧。

?come a?way (from sth)分离;脱离

? The plaster had started to come away from the wall. 灰泥已开始从墙上剥落。

?come a?way with sth (带着某种感觉或印象)离开

? We came away with the impression that all was not well with their marriage. 我们离开时有一种印象:他们的婚姻并不十分美满。

?come ?back 1. 回来;返回

? You came back (= came home) very late last night. 你昨晚回来得很晚。

? The colour was coming back to her cheeks. 她的双颊又泛起了红晕。

? United came back from being two goals down to win 3–2. 联队在先失两球的情况下将比分扳回,最终以3:2取胜。 2. 再度流行;再次成功

? Long hair for men seems to be coming back in. 男子留长发好像又在流行了。


?come ?back (at sb) (with sth)强有力地(或愤怒地)答复;反驳 ? She came back at the speaker with some sharp questions. 她用一些尖锐的提问来反驳讲话人。

?come ?back (to sb)恢复记忆;回想起 ? It's all coming back to me now. 现在我全都回想起来了。

? Once you've been in France a few days, your French will soon come back. 只要在法国待上几天,你的法语就会很快恢复起来。 ?come ?back to sth 回到(主题、想法等)上来 ? Let's come back to the point at issue. 咱们还是回到问题的焦点吧。

? It all comes back to a question of money. 一切又回到钱的问题上来了。

?come ?by (为看望某人)作短暂拜访 ? She came by the house. 她来住所看了一下。

?come by sth

1. 设法得到(或获得)

? Jobs are hard to come by these days. 如今找工作很难。 2.收到;得到

? How did you come by that scratch on your cheek? 你脸颊上的抓伤是怎么来的?

?come ?down 1. 崩塌;坍塌

? The ceiling came down with a terrific crash. 随着一声可怕的巨响,天花板塌了下来。 2. 雨、雪等 ) 落下;降落

? The rain came down in torrents. 大雨滂沱。

3. (飞机 ) 着陆;降落;从空中坠落

? We were forced to come down in a field. 我们被迫降落在田野里。

4.(价格、温度、比率等)下降,降低 ? The price of gas is coming down. 煤气价格在下跌。

? Gas is coming down in price. 煤气价格在下跌。

5. 决定并宣布(支持或反对)

? The committee came down in support of his application. 委员会决定并宣布支持他的申请。 6. 下垂,向下延伸(到某一点)

? Her hair comes down to her waist. 她的头发垂至腰部。

?come ?down on sb 斥责;训斥;惩罚 ? Don't come down too hard on her. 不要太严厉地责备她。

? The courts are coming down heavily on young offenders.



?come ?down (to sb)(从很久以前)流传下来

? The name has come down from the last century. 这名称是从上个世纪流传下来的。

?come ?down to sth 可归结为;可归纳为

? What it comes down to is, either I get more money or I leave. 归结起来就是:不给我加薪,我就辞职。

?come ?down with sth 患,得,染上(小病) ? I think I'm coming down with flu. 我想我得了流感。

?come ?forward主动提供(帮助或服务等)

? Several people came forward with information. 有几个人自动站出来提供了信息。

? Police have asked witnesses of the accident to come forward. 警方呼吁事故的目击者出来提供线索。

?come from…(不用于进行时 )出生于;来自 ? She comes from London. 她是伦敦人。

? Where do you come from? 你是什么地方的人?

?come from sth 1.始于;产自;来自

? Much of our butter comes from New Zealand. 我们的黄油大多产自新西兰。

? This wool comes from goats, not sheep. 这种羊毛是山羊毛,不是绵羊毛。

? This poem comes from his new book. 这首诗出自他的新书。

? Where does her attitude come from? 她的态度因何而起?

? Where's that smell coming from? 那种气味是哪里来的?

? He comes from a family of actors. 他出身于演员世家。

? ?She doesn't try hard enough.‘ ?That's rich, coming from you (= you do not try hard

either) .‘

―她没有竭尽全力。‖―你自己也没尽力,还说别人。‖ 2. = come of sth

?come ?in

1. (潮水)上涨;涨潮

2.(赛跑等比赛中)取得(名次) ? My horse came in last. 我的马跑了最后一名。



? Long hair for men came in in the sixties. 男子留长发在60年代流行开来。 4. 可提供;可利用

? We're still waiting for copies of the book to come in. 我们仍然在等这本书进货。 5. 在…中起作用;参与

? I understand the plan perfectly, but I can't see where I come in. 我完全了解这项计划,可是不明白我能起什么作用。 6.到达;被收到

? The train is coming in now. 火车现在进站。

? News is coming in of a serious plane crash in France. 刚收到的消息说法国发生了一起严重的飞机坠毁事故。

? She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. 她每月从自己的投资中得到超过一千英镑的收入。 7. 参加讨论

? Would you like to come in at this point, Susan? 苏珊,你愿意在此刻发表意见吗? 8. (法律或规则 ) 被推行;开始被采用

?come ?in for sth 遭到;受到

? The government's economic policies have come in for a lot of criticism. 政府的经济政策遭到了很多批评。

?come ?in (on sth)卷入;陷入

? If you want to come in on the deal, you need to decide now. 如果你要做这笔交易,你得现在作出决定。

?come ?into sth


? She came into a fortune when her uncle died. 她在叔叔去世后继承了一大笔财产。 2. (在某种情形下)是重要的

? I've worked very hard to pass this exam—luck doesn't come into it. 我为通过这次考试下了很大的苦功,运气不是主要的。

?come of/from sth是…的结果

? I made a few enquiries, but nothing came of it in the end. 我做过一些查询,但到头来却毫无结果。 ? That comes of eating too much! 那是吃得太多的结果!

?come ?off

1. 能被去掉(或除去)

? Does this hood come off? 这风帽能卸下来吗?

? That mark won't come off. 那污点去不掉。 2. 举行;发生

? Did the trip to Rome ever come off? 去罗马的事最后成了吗?

3. (计划等 ) 成功;达到预期效果(或结果)

? They had wanted it to be a surprise but the plan didn't come off.



4. ~ well, badly, etc.(搏斗、比赛等)成功,不成功 ? I thought they came off very well in the debate. 我认为他们在辩论中表现非常出色。

?come ?off (sth)

1. 从…掉下(或落下)

? to come off your bicycle/horse 从自行车/马上跌下

2. 与…分离(或分开)

? When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand. 我刚想提起水壶,壶把子就掉在我的手中了。 ? A button had come off my coat. 我的外套掉了一颗纽扣。

?come ?off it (粗鲁地表示不同意)别胡扯,别胡说,住口 ? Come off it! We don't have a chance. 别胡扯了!我们没机会。

?come ?off sth 停止(服药、吸毒、饮酒等)

? I've tried to get him to come off the tranquillizers. 我试图说服他停止服用镇静剂。

?come ?on

1. (演员 ) 登台;出场;上场 2. (运动员 ) (比赛中)上场

? Owen came on for Brown ten minutes before the end of the game. 终场前十分钟,欧文上场替换了布朗。 3. 改进;改善;发展;完善

? The project is coming on fine. 这项工程进展顺利。


? Come on! We don't have much time. 快点!我们时间不多了。

? Come on! Try once more. 加把劲!再试一次。

5.(表示知道某人所说的话不正确)得了吧 ? Oh, come on—you know that isn't true! 咳,得了吧,你知道那不是真的!

6. (通常用于进行时 )( 疾病或某种心情 ) 开始 ? I can feel a cold coming on. 我觉得要感冒了。

? I think there's rain coming on. 我看要下雨了。

? It came on to rain. 天下起雨来了。

7. (电视节目等 )开始

? What time does the news come on? 新闻报道什么时候开始? 8. 开始运转(或运行)

? Set the oven to come on at six. 把烤箱设定在六点钟开始烘烤。


