
更新时间:2023-09-11 00:23:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载






摘 要








With the advent of mobile Internet with reference to online shopping, price competition has become the general trend of the development of China's retailing, suning Tesco puts the O2O mode of online interaction, fusion. O2O run mode in recent years with the rise of China's retail industry reshuffling, many new retailers have no offline mode of fused lead O2O enormous problems have arisen in the course of the run.

O2O mode also known as offline business model, O2O discount, reservation service, the provision of goods such as mode, offline push messages to Internet users, such as: food, fitness, beauty, movies such as the need to store consumer services and products are run by O2O mode. O2O mode users can get richer, more comprehensive product or service information; more efficient online services to merchants and make a reservation; to get a cheaper price online. For merchants to get more publicity and attract even more new customers to shop for consumer experience promote queryable, each order can be tracked through online booking arrangement operating cost savings; significantly reduces the cost of rent and shop maintenance.

Suningyigou O2O do so successfully, Tesco just because SUNY suning this strong brand support, or under wired store link. Paper introduced has O2O run mode in both at home and abroad of development, described suning easy purchased proposed this mode of background; O2O run mode including four species mode, on this mode of different listed example description various mode of features and the advantage, and analysis suning easy purchased O2O run mode of features, and used SWOT analysis method analysis suning O2O run mode, for analysis out of pros and cons potential, proposed reasonable of recommends and description specific operation



process. Tesco finally summarizes the suning O2O mode of meaning, and make a reasonable external prospects.

Key words: O2O;suningyigou;online;offline



目 录

摘 要 ...................................................... I Abstract????????????????????????? II 第一章 绪论 .........................................1

1.1 国内外O2O运行模式的发展历程 .................................................. 1

1.2 苏宁易购O2O运行模式提出的背景 .............................................. 2 第二章 苏宁易购O2O模式的分析.......................4 2.1 苏宁易购O2O模式的概述 ................................ 4 2.2 采用SWOT分析法探讨苏宁易购O2O模式

2.1.1 先线上后线下模式(腾讯) .................................................. 8 2.1.2 先线下后线上模式(苏宁) .................................................. 9 2.1.3 先线上后线下再线上模式(京东) ...................................... 9 2.1.4 先线下后线上再线下模式(必胜客) ................................ 10 2.3 O2O四种运行模式的对比分析 ...................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2.2 苏宁易购O2O运行模式的特点 ......................... 错误!未定义书签。

第三章 苏宁易购O2O运行模式存在的问题

3.1 线上系统与线下系统对接不协调 ......................................................... 12 3.2 自建支付渠道的支付能力及安全性能低 ...................................... 13 3.3 品牌扩张与供应链管理能力提升不协调 ...................................... 14 3.4 不发达地区物流配送服务质量差 .................................................. 14 3.5 流量不稳,引流压力大 .................................................................. 15

第四章 苏宁易购O2O运营模式的改善建议 ............. 16

4.1 着力突破线上、线下对接难题 ...................................................... 16

4.1.1 发挥门店体验优势,稳定线上、线下流量 ........................ 16 4.1.2 加快信息同步建设,保证线上、线下同价 ........................ 16 4.1.3 重视线上、线下互补性 ........................................................ 17 4.2 强化易付宝的安全性能及支付能力 .............................................. 18 4.3 完善上下游供应链,降低O2O运行成本 .................................... 18 4.4 做好“最后一公里”,提升配送物流水平 .................................... 19 4.5 开展增值业务,提高O2O运行附加值 ........................................ 19

第五章 结论 ....................................... 22 致谢


