仁爱版九年级英语上册Unit 2 Topic 1 Section A教案

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Unit 2 Saving the Earth

Topic 1 Section A



1.Master some new words and useful expressions:Words and phrases: bee, butterfly, mess, shame, several, pollute, waste, villager, destroy, cut down, goodness, pour, see sb./sth. do sth., see sb./sth. doing sth., cut down, my goodness

2. Sentences: What a shame! / What a mess!/ The flowers and grass have gone!/ What has happened here?/ There be sth./sb. doing sth./ There are several factories pouring waste water into the stream./ Everything has changed.

3. Grammar: differences between Simple Past and Present Perfect tense.


1. Some new words and useful phrases; the present perfect tense

2. The present perfect tense


Step 1 Review

1. Lead the Ss to discuss the right place for a picnic.

A: Where have you been/traveled?

B: I have been/ traveled to ...

2.go over the present perfect tense

Step 2 Presentation

1. Let the Ss discuss where to have a picnic. Encourage them to state the reasons.

T: Now work in groups, choose the best place for a picnic and tell the class why you choose that place.


T: OK, tell us where to have a picnic. Why?

S1: I think …is the best choice. The air there is fresh. We can fly kites on the grass.

T: Kangkang, Jane, Maria and Michael are planning a picnic for Sunday.

They will go to the West Hill.

2. Present two pictures of the West Hill and describe the changes. Teach the new words and some difficult sentences.

3. Point to the bees and butterflies, and then write down the words and phrases on the Bb

Step 3 Practice

1. …怎么样?What about…?

2. 看见某人正在做某事see sb doing sth

3. 真是一团糟!What a mess!

4. 味道很难闻。It smells terrible!

5. 真遗憾啊!What a shame!

6.把…倒进…里面pour into

7.废水waste water

8.砍倒cut down

Step 4 Project

1. Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and make up conversations similar to the example with your partner.

2. Work in groups and talk about pollution in a place you are familiar with. The following sentences may help you.

…ago, it was…

Now, …have/ has gone.

What has happened?

Everything has changed.

Oh, my goodness!

Step 5 Homework

1. Read 1a.

2. Write a passage according to Part 4.

3. Finish Section A in your workbook.

4. Preview Section B.

