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Lesson 1 China Customs


I. Oral work

1. What are the major functions of the Customs General Administration?

1. To draft and enact the policies and principles on Customs work; to participate in drawing up and amending the Customs Import and Export Tariff;to enact other statutes on Customs operation;and to 1nspect,supervise and direct the enforcement of them by the Customs offices throughout the country; 2. To participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs affairs; 3. To conduct the unified handling of tariff reductions and exemptions;

4. To organize and guide the preventive work of the Customs offices throughout the country; 5. To examine applications for reviewing disputes on duty payments and applications for reviewing Customs decisions on penalties:

6. To compile Customs statistics;

7. To administer organizations,staffing,vocational training and appointments and removals of directors of Customs Offices throughout the country;and to exercise leadership in Customs schools and colleges;

8. To organize the work of research and development, introduction and management of Customs technological facilities; 9. To administer,audit and supervise all Customs financial affairs,equipments,fixed assets and capital construction;

10.To strengthen ties and co-operation and external exchanges with overseas Customs Services,international Customs organization and other international organizations concerned.

2. Why does Customs General Administration set up its sub-office in Guangzhou?

Considering there are so many Customs offices and its heavy workload in Guangdong Province,the Customs General Administration has set up its sub-office in Guangzhou to assist it in administering the Customs Offices in that province.This sub-office is named Guangdong Regional Customs Office.

3. Where are the Customs establishments set up?

Besides the Customs General Administration in Beijing,the State sets up Customs establishments at ports opening to foreign countries and at places which call for concentrated Customs operation.

4.Do the Customs establishments exercise their functions independently?

The customs establishments exercise their functions and powers independently in accordance with the law,and are responsible to the Customs General Administration.

5.State the four main tasks of China’s Customs.

China Customs is responsible for the supervision and control over means of transport,goods, luggage,postal items and other articles entering or leaving China's territory,the collection of Customs duties,taxes and fees,the prevention of smuggling, the compilation of the Customs statistics and dealing with

other Customs matters.

II. Substitute the underlined words by choosing a suitable one

1.One of the main tasks of China's Customs is to exercise supervision and control over inward and outward goods and means of transport.

a.import and export b.inside and outside c.home made and foreign made

2.China's Customs is a state organ responsible for the supervision and control work.

a.official newspaper b.organization c.monthly magazine

3.Its major task is to lead local Customs offices in the correct enforcement of Customs laws.

a.1eadership b. administering

c.carrying out 4.Another one of its main functions is to participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs matters.

a.drawing up b.administering c.compiling

5.Customs establishments are set up at ports opening to foreign countries

a.Customs Houses b.Government office

c.Customs departments

6.China's Customs General Administration has the right to enact policies and principles on Customs work.

a.make and pass b.choose c.take out

7.The Customs decision on penalty will be reviewed by higher authority. a.completed b. considered and judged c. stipulated

8.One of its tasks is to prevent and counter smuggling. a.disagree with b.strike back c. deal with

9.China's Customs often extends exchanges with foreign Customs administrations and organizations. a.continues b.expresses

c.offers 10.The Administration has set up two branches to assist it in handling general matters.

a.asset b.help


IIl.Put the following Chinese sentences into English


The P. R.C. Customs is a state organ responsible for supervision over entering or leaving the Customs territory.

2. 海关依法独立行使职权,向海关总署负责。

The Customs establishments exercise their functions and powers independently in accordance with the laws and are responsible to the Customs General Administration.

3. 国家在对外开放口岸和海关监管业务集中的地点设三海关。

The State sets up Customs establishments at ports opening to foreign countries and places which call for concentrated Customs operations.


The Customs exercises supervision and control over means of transport, goods, luggage, postal items and other articles entering or leaving the Customs territory according to “Customs Law” and other regulations and statutes concerned..


The Customs General Administration conducts unified administration to Customs offices throughout the country.

6. 海关总署审议有关纳税争议和海关处罚决定的复议申请。

The Customs General Administration examines the applications for reviewing Customs decisions on penalties and applications for reviewing disputes on duty payments.

IV.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs

Supervision and Control over Inward and Outward Passengers’ Luggage

The “Customs Law” provides that inward and outward luggage and articles carried by passengers are limited __to___ personal use and reasonable quantities. The passengers are required to make declaration __to___ the Customs ___by__ filling __in___ a “Declaration Form for passengers? Luggage” and accept Customs inspection.

The Customs have fixed different quantity and value allowances __for___ the dutiable or duty-free articles permitted to be brought ___in__ different categories _by____ passenger. The articles which the passengers are carrying in __with_ them _for____ personal use ___during__ their journey are granted temporary duty-free admission and must be re-taken back to__ the country __till/until___ their return journey.

Lesson 2

Customs Supervision and Control over Imports and Experts


1. Oral work

1.How might Customs be involved if a ship cannot load cargo because of insufficient space? 2.Describe the various documents relating to the importation or exportation or cargo which a Customs officer should be familiar with.

11. Fill in the blanks the appropriate prepositions or adverbs

Supervision and Control over Inward and Outward Goods

In accordance with laws and regulations,Customs supervision and control shall be exercised over import goods at the time of arrival to the time of Customs clearance; export goods at the time of Customs declaration to the time of exit; transit,

transshipment and through goods at the time of entry to the time of exit. Without Customs permission, it is not allowed to unpack, withdraw, deliver, pack, change, repack, mortgage, transfer or re-label the goods. A consignee of the imports or a consignor of the exports shall make a bona fide declaration, receive Customs inspection on the goods, except those specially permitted by the Customs. Import of export goods shall not be released unless duties chargeable have been paid or a guarantee provided by the consignee or consignor.

All transit, transshipment and through goods shall be bona fide declared to the Customs office of entry by the responsible person and shipped through the Customs territory within_ prescribed time limit.

Ⅲ.Put the followings Chinese sentences into English with the expressions given in the rackets 1.因直运提单上的收货人与原合同规定的不符,故此货不能装运。(be inconsistent with) 2.查禁走私的政策应由海关贯彻执行。(be held responsible for) 3.残损货物只有经过海关检验后,才能予以减税。(only after)

4. 为了执行外贸管制的国家政策,海关对进出中国关境货物的查验与放行需要核查由外贸管制机关出具的进出口许可证。

5.进口的动植物产品的放行,应以检验证明书为凭证。(subject to)

1. As the consignee of the direct B/L is inconsistent with that of the original contract, this shipment can not be loaded.

2. Customs is held responsible for carrying out the policy of preventive smuggling.

3. Only after examination by Customs may the duty is abated on damaged goods.

4. In order to carry out the state policy of controlling foreign trade, Customs has to examine and release all cargo entering or leaving Chinese territory upon verification of the import and Export Licenses issued by the foreign trade control organs.

5. The imported animal and plants released by Customs are subject to commodity inspection

certificate. (The imported animal and plants are released upon verification of commodity inspection certificate)

