国际交流英语视听说4 U2 听力原文及翻译

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U 2 Listening 1

Tour Guide: OK, everyone, here’s our next exhibit. Do you see the body of the little bird in that bottle? That is a dusky seaside sparrow. It was an old male that died on June 16, 1987. It’s kind of sad because he was the very last dusky seaside sparrow in the world. They’re now extinct. Yes, you have a question?

Male: Do you know why they became extinct?

Tour Guide: Basically, they lost their habitat. See, the dusky seaside sparrow lived only in one place—on Merritt Island in Florida. The island had a lot of mosquitoes and wetlands. The people on Merritt Island used chemicals to kill the mosquitoes.

Tour Guide: Those chemicals were also very harmful to the sparrows, and many died. In addition, the people on Merritt Island tried to control and exploit the wetlands. As they altered them, the wetlands were no longer a good habitat for the sparrows. The birds died one by one until there weren’t any left.

Female: So, if people were to blame, can’t we make sure something like that never happens again?

Tour Guide: We’re trying. The situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. We need to protect endangered animals. However, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals and

their habitats, too. After all, if an animal’s habitat is destroyed, the animal will likely become extinct.

Tour Guide: We’re trying. The situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. We need to protect endangered animals. However, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals and

their habitats, too. After all, if an animal’s habitat is destroyed, the animal will likely become extinct. That’s why the Endangered Species Act, which was passed in the United States in 1973, protects both endangered animals and their habitats. For example, the steelhead trout lives in rivers and streams on the west coast of the United States—the Columbia River in Washington state for instance. Recently, both the fish and the river came under the protection of the Endangered Species Act.

Male: But how can we protect large areas such as rivers and forests? No one—not even the government—can afford to buy or control all the land that endangered species live on.

Tour Guide: Good point. In fact, that’s what makes the Endangered Species Act difficult to fully enforce. There’s an ongoing conflict between some landowners and the government. Take the case of the gray wolf, for instance. At one time, the wolves were common all over North America, but by the 1930s they were nearly all killed. Then in 1973, the wolves came under the protection of the Endangered Species Act, along with huge areas of land—in Wyoming and Idaho, for example. This angered ranchers. They think they should have the right to shoot wolves that threaten their sheep and cows.

Tour Guide: So, landowners may understand the need for the protection of endangered species, but it’s understandable that they might also feel that the Endangered Species Act violates their rights. Yes?

Female: Is the law working? I mean, what is the status of endangered species today in the United


Tour Guide: Unfortunately, the situation of threatened and endangered animals is worse now than in 1973, even with the Endangered Species Act in place. Reports on topics such as habitat loss, deforestation, and overfishing show that the situation for many species is far worse now than it was in 1973. Let me be more specific. Right now over 1,300 species in the United States are listed as endangered or threatened.

Tour Guide: And, it’s important to keep in mind that not many species are ever taken off the list. Since 1973, in fact, only around 39 species have been removed from the Endangered Species list. But that number doesn’t indicate the complete story. What’s significant about that number is that only 14 species were removed because they had actually recovered. Nine species became extinct, and the others were removed from the list after scientists found evidence that listing the species had been a mistake in the first place. Meanwhile, another 300 species may soon be added to the list, including a plant, the Las Vegas buckwheat, and an insect, the Miami blue butterfly. So, you see, even with the Endangered Species Act in place, we’re not making as much progress as we would like. Any more questions? OK, let’s move on to the next exhibit. This way, please.




导游:这些化学物质也非常有害的麻雀,和许多死亡。此外,梅里特岛上的人们试图控制和利用湿地。他们改变,湿地不再麻雀的良好栖息地。鸟儿死了一个接一个,直到没有了。 女:那么,如果人们指责,我们不能确保这样的事情不会再发生?




导游:好点。事实上,这就是《濒危物种法》很难完全执行。有一个正在进行的一些土地所有者和政府之间的冲突。以灰狼的情况为例。一次,狼是常见的全北美,但到了1930年代他们几乎全部死亡。然后在1973年,狼群受到的保护濒危物种法案,以及巨大的陆地地区怀俄明州,爱达荷州,例如。这激怒了农场主。他们认为他们应该有权开枪狼威胁他们的绵羊和奶牛。 导游:那么,土地所有者可能理解需要保护濒危物种,但这是可以理解的,他们也会觉得濒危物种法案违反了他们的权利。是吗?



导游:而且,重要的是要记住,并不是许多物种都过了。事实上,自1973年以来,只有大约39物种已经从濒危物种名单中删除。但这一数字并不表示完整的故事。这个数字有什么意义,只有14个物种被移除,因为他们已经恢复。九个物种灭绝,和其他科学家们发现的证据表明,后被从名单中删除清单中的物种是个错误。与此同时,另一个300种可能很快就会被添加到列表中,包括植物、拉斯维加斯荞麦、昆虫,迈阿密蓝蝴蝶。所以,你看,即使《濒危物种法》,我们不是我们想让尽可能多的进展。更多的问题吗?好的,让我们继续下一个展览。这边请。 Endangered Species Act (ESA)—1973

Protects animals and their habitats

Ex.: steelhead trout in Washington state

Ongoing conflict between landowners And government

Ex.: gray wolf in Wyoming and Idaho

ESA protects land; ranchers feel law violates their rights

Endangered Species Today

Situation today is worse than in 1973

1. 1300 species listed as endangered or threatened 2. Since 1973 only 39 species removed from list

3. BUT only 14 removed because they recovered; 9 became extinct, others listed by mistake

4. 300more species may soon be added to list


Even w/ ESA in place, not making much progress














甚至w / ESA,没有取得太大进展

1.What is the main topic of the talk?

b. The difficulties of protecting both animals and their habitats.

2.What does the Endangered Species Act protect?

a. Endangered animals and their habitats.

3. What has happened since the passage of the Endangered Species Act? c. The number of species that are endangered has not changed much.







Listening 2

Professor: OK, settle down, everyone. As you know, today we’re going to hear our first student debate. Today’s topic is on the pros and cons of legalized hunting. First, Yumi will present arguments in support of hunting. Raoul will respond to her points and present his arguments against hunting. Speakers, are you ready?

Raoul: Yes.

Yumi: Ready.

Professor: Yumi, please begin.

Yumi: Thank you. Well, the main argument I want to make today is that hunting contributes to wildlife conservation in a few important ways.

Yumi: First, uh, contrary to what you might think, hunting actually helps many species survive by controlling their populations. So, for example, without hunting, deer populations would be too large, and many animals would starve because there wouldn’t be enough food to sustain them. Raoul: That’s a good argument, but I think you’re ignoring an important point. Another reason deer populations could grow too large is because we have killed off wolves and mountain lions, um, and other animals that used to hunt deer. So, instead of allowing humans to hunt, we should allow populations of meat-eating animals to recover.

Yumi: OK, but don’t forget that wolves and mountain lions don’t just eat deer and elk. They also eat sheep and cows, and that’s, that’s a problem for ranchers. So, this is not a simple issue. Yumi: Anyway, let me continue with my next point. The second way that hunting supports wildlife conservation is through the sale of stamps. Many hunters have to buy stamps before they can legally hunt birds— for instance, ducks and geese. Oh, and when I say stamps, I don’t mean the type of stamps you use to mail a letter. The stamps I’m talking about are a kind of license to hunt. In the United States, the government’s Duck Stamp program raises more than 25 million dollars annually. And a lot of that money is used for protecting and maintaining bird habitats. Since 1934—that’s when the first stamps were sold—these funds have been used to buy 2.1 million

hectares of land for wildlife conservation. So, as you can see, hunters actually help wildlife conservation efforts.

Professor: Thank you, Yumi. Now let’s hear from Raoul, who will present the other side of the issue.

Raoul: Thank you. Before I get started, I want to respond to Yumi’s point about money that’s raised through the Duck Stamp program. It seems to me that if hunters need a license to kill ducks and other wildlife, we could also make tourists pay when they visit and observe animals in their natural habitats. In fact, I think that’s what the national parks do. I visited Yosemite National Park last May, and it cost me $20 per car to get in. We could raise those fees if necessary. OK, so to get back on topic, my main argument against hunting is that it’s cruel. Many animals that are shot don’t die immediately. It must be really painful and, um, that’s why hunting should be outlawed.

Yumi: I have to respond to that. Do you eat steak? What about the suffering of cows when they are killed for meat? Do you care about that? Mosthunters are careful to cause as little suffering as possible.

Raoul: Maybe most hunters do, but not all. Some hunters leave wounded animals to die slowly and painfully as the hunters pose for photographs. And some, some kill large numbers of animals that they have no intention of eating. In addition, there is a lot of irresponsible hunting that goes on. In rural Virginia—where I’m from—some of my neighbors drive the roads at night, using illegal lights to find and shoot deer. They also shoot deer out of season, and that’s illegal. And in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia, authorities recently caught a group of hunters who were shooting black bears and selling their body parts for medicines.

Yumi: You’re right that these kinds of violations occur. However, they are rare. That’s why you read about them in the newspapers when they happen. Instead of focusing on the small number of irresponsible hunters, we need to think about the 98 percent of hunters who follow the law and kill only what they can eat. Hunters make it possible for the rest of us to enjoy seeing wild animals in their natural habitat.

Professor: I’m afraid that’s all the time we have. Thanks to both Yumi and Raoul for contributing their arguments to our debate. Now, let’s take a vote. Which side of the issue do you find more convincing? After listening to our speakers, are you in favor of hunting or against it?















教授:恐怕是我们所有的时间。由于弓和拉乌尔的贡献他们的论点我们的辩论。现在,让我们来投票。哪一方的问题你觉得更有说服力吗?听完我们的演讲者,你赞成或反对打猎吗? Example Answers

Yumi’s Arguments for Hunting

Hunting helps control animal pops.

Hunters’ license fees help pay for animal conservation.

Raoul’s Arguments against Hunting

Some hunters are irresponsible.

Hunting is cruel and causes pain and suffering to animals.

There is a lot of illegal hunting.

Example Answers (Continued)

Yumi’s Responses to Raoul

Natural predators also eat cows and sheep.

Cows also suffer when they are killed for food.

Most hunters are law abiding and kill only what they can eat.

Raoul’s Responses to Yumi

Tourists can also pay to raise money for animal conservation.
















Example Answers

According to Yumi, legalized hunting is good for two main reasons. First, it helps control animal populations, so animals don’t become overpopulated and starve to death. Second, legalized hunting raises a lot of money that is used for wildlife conservation through the sale of hunting stamps. According to Raoul, legalized hunting isn’t good because some hunters are irresponsible. They hunt too many animals or kill them out of season. He also says that hunting is cruel to animals since some hunters let animals die slowly.



Example Answers

I think Yumi presented stronger arguments because her ideas reflect reality better than Raoul’s. With a growing human population, animal populations do need to be controlled, and it makes sense to raise money for conservation from hunters who love the outdoors. I think Raoul presented stronger arguments because his ideas are meant to improve the current situation. Animal populations do need to be controlled, but that is the fault of human beings. We can correct our previous mistakes by helping the population of predatory animals to recover. We can also be creative in finding ways to raise money for conservation from other people who love the outdoors—not just from hunters.




Listening 2-1

A: Of the 70 species of whales and dolphins, nearly all have been affected by human activities. B: Does that mean that all whales are endangered?

A: Not all, but many. Most species of baleen whales, such as blue and humpback whales, have been significantly reduced. Their status today is the result of commercial whaling in the 19th and 20th centuries, when whales were exploited for meat and oil. Of the 11 baleen species, nine are currently endangered. We have evidence that many toothed whales are also in danger of dying. Threats to whales include hunting, habitat destruction, and pollution.

B: What kinds of conservation efforts are taking place?

A: Many ongoing conservation strategies are helping whale populations. For example, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) ordered a stop to commercial whaling. Unfortunately, a number of countries have chosen to violate the rule and continue to kill whales.

B: Can whale populations recover?

A: Although it may be too late for some species, there are some indications that conservation efforts are working. For example, the California gray whale, which was near extinction, has made an amazing recovery. Gray whales were removed from the Endangered Species List.

B: How can I help save the whales?

A: You can help by learning about whales and their habitats. Donate your time to conservation organizations, and alter your behavior so that you create as little waste as possible. If we all participate in these efforts, we can help protect these magnificent animals.










1. The endangered status of whales is the result of commercial whaling in the 19th and 20th centuries, when whales were exploited for meat and oil.

2. Today, threats to whales include hunting,habitat destruction and pollution.

3. Whale populations may recover as the conservation efforts are working.

4. If you participate in the following efforts, you can help protect whales by:

learning about whales and their habitats;

donating your time to conservation organizations altering your behavior so that you create as little waste as possible.








Listening 2-2

Q: What does a fish biologist do?

A: Well, lots of things. I teach at a university and research ways to maintain fish populations. I spend a lot of time trying to raise funds for research and contacting authorities to get permission for the research I want to do. And I get to travel around the world and educate people about sustainable fishing.

Q: What’s the focus of your research?

A: My interest is to protect large freshwater fish and their habitats. Forty percent of the freshwater fish in North America are in danger of extinction. That’s 700 endangered species. And that’s just in North America! Each year, when I join other biologists for our annual meeting, someone reports on the extinction of another species. That’s hard to hear.

Q: Don’t you get discouraged?

A: On the contrary, it just makes me want to work harder. I’ve always loved water, and I’ve always loved fish. I’m inspired to do what I can to help them survive.

Q: If you could tell people to do one thing to help save freshwater fish, what would it be?

A: Get involved! Contribute as much time as you can. Volunteer to help clean up a river, or write letters to politicians to make them aware of the issues. Above all, don’t ignore the problem because things are not going to get better without our help.


嗯,很多东西。我在一所大学教书和研究方法维持鱼类种群。我花了很多时间试图筹集资金用于研究和联系当局许可,我想做的研究。我要环游世界,教育人们关于可持续钓鱼。 问:你的研究的重点是什么?






1. What does the fish biologist do?

a. Teach at a university;

b. research ways to maintain fish populations;

c. raise funds for her research;

d. contact authorities to get permission for the research;

e.educate people about sustainable fishing.

2. What’s the focus of her research?

To protect large freshwater fish and their habitats.

3. What’s the suggestion she gave at the end of the interview?

Get involved!



b .研究方法维持鱼类种群;


d .联系有关部门获得许可的研究;

e .教育人们关于可持续钓鱼。





