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8.你们应该使自己适应新的环境。(adapt [?'d?pt] 适应…to) 使…适应

You should adapt yourselves to the new environment [in'vai?r?nm?nt] 环境,外界 2.有一些人厌倦了现代化的城市生活而搬到农村去住。 (be fed up with) 对…感到厌烦

Some people are fed up with modern city life and move to the country.

7.我们的责任是去满足人民日益增长的需要。 (ever-increasing) ['ev? in'kri:si?] 不断增长的

Our duty is to meet people's ever-increasing needs.


(be priced at) 被定价在original [?'rid??n?l] 原物;原作

All the goods are priced at half of their original cost. 5.我们不应该嘲笑犯错误的人。(laugh at) 嘲笑;因…而发笑

We shouldn't laugh at people who make mistakes.

6.我们决心寻求这些问题的答案。, determine [di't?:min] vt. 决定;使…下定决心

We are determined to seek the answers to the questions.

1.他们的研究主要集中在成年人的学习技能上。(focus ['f?uk?s] vi. 集中n. 焦点 on) mainly ['meinli] adv. 主要地skill [skil] n. 技能,技巧

Their research mainly focuses on the learning skills of adults.

2.知道这些短语怎么用是很有意义的。(It is meaningful ['mi:ni?ful] to有意义的 It is meaningful to know how to use these phrases. [freiz]

4.不用说,我们都很清楚这些事实。( needless ['ni:dlis]to say) 不必要的

Needless [ni:dlis]to say, we are all / All of us clear about the facts[f?kt]. n. 事实


(refer [ri'f?:] to vi. 涉及,the ability [?'biliti] to) n. 能力event [i'vent] n. 事件experience [ik'spi?ri?ns] n. 经验

Memory refers to the ability to remember the past events and experiences.


The sailors are afraid that they may meet bad weather. The sailors were afraid that they might meet bad weather. 2.这座山有泰山的一半高。(half as…as)

This mountain is half as high as Mount Tai.

3.这所学校平均每个班有45人。(on the average) ['?v?rid?] n. 平均adj. 平均的

On the average, there are 45 students in each class of the school.

8.他的实验充分证明了那条心理学原理。 demonstrate ['dem?nstreit] vt. 证明;论证experiment [ik'speriment] n. 实验试验psychological [,psaik?'l?d?ik?l] adj. 心理的;心理学的principle ['prins?pl] n. 原理,原则

His experiment fully demonstrated that psychological principle.


capable ['keip?bl] adj. 能干的,能胜任的of 有…能力的 satellite ['s?t?lait] n. 人造卫星;卫星

transmite [tr?nz'mit]: 传送 ;传输broadcast ['br?:dkɑ:st]

Satellites are capable of transmitting not only TV broadcasts but also phone calls.

5.事实上,肉和土豆是可以同时吃的。(as a matter ['m?t?] n. 物质of fact) 事实上

As a matter of fact, meat and potatoes can be eaten together.


(think of…as) 把…看作是society [s?'sai?ti] n. 社会

People often think of a school as a small society.

3.按传统,中国青年在长大成家之前一直与父母同住。 (traditionally [tr?'di??n?li] adv. 传统上, until)

Traditionally, Chinese young people live with their parents until they grow up and marry. 结婚 5.有经验的人能够立即辨别出来哪个是真的。

(experienced [ik'spi?ri?nst] 富有经验的, immediately [i'mi:di?tli] adv. 直接地,立即

Experienced people can tell immediately which one is real.


(of…importance to) mutual ['mju:t?u?l] adj. 相互的,彼此

Mutual understanding is of great importance to friendship.

4.世界上没有两片完全相同的树叶。(no) leaf n. 叶子

No two leaves are the same in the world.或There are no two same leaves in the world.

5.我说他们是朋友,并不是指他们什么都分享。 (When I say…I do not mean) share [?ε?] vt. 分享,分担

When I say they are friends, I don't mean they share everything.

6人们普遍认为语言是不断发展和变化的。 (It is widely believe [bi'li:v] 信任)普遍认为

It is widely believed that languages are always developing开发,使成长and changing.


(look up查阅;尊敬dictionary ['dik??n?ri] 字典;词典

When you run across a new word, you needn’t always look it up in a dictionary.


(get into) 进入;陷入rid [rid] 使去掉;使摆脱habit ['h?bit] 习惯,习性

Once you get into a bad habit, it is hard to get rid of.


(to the best of就…所及brain [brein] 脑袋;头脑foolish ['fu:li?] 愚蠢的;傻的 To the best of my knowledge, it is not foolish that fish is the best brain food.

5.在一些家庭中,父母双方都是既工作又照顾家和孩子。(take care of)

In some families, both parents work and take care of the house and children. 2.事实上,我们找这本书的时间跟读这本书的时间差不多 in effect [i'fekt] 影响)实际上;生效almost差不多

In effect, we spent almost as much time looking for this book as reading it. 4.除了少数专业保险人员外大多数人不完全了解保险是什么.

professional [pr?u'fe??n?l] 职业的;专业的

Most people but a few insurance professionals don't fully understand what insurance is.


(proven['pru:v?n]证明;检验, effective [i'fektiv] 有效的,起作用的

This method ['meθ?d] 方法has been proven and it’s still effective.

2.他们甚至没有意识到这是一种好习惯。(aware) [?'wε?] 意识到的

They are not even aware that this is not a good habit.


(friction['frik??n] 摩擦力, conflict 【'k?nflikt]冲突,矛盾respect [ri'spekt] 尊敬,尊重

We should learn to respect others to avoid friction or conflict.

5.那些不懂礼貌的人迟早要为此付出代价。(sooner ['su:n?]or later迟早,早晚

, pay the price) 付出代价

Those who don’t understand manners will pay the price sooner or later.

6.我总是把那支歌同我的学校生活联系起来。 associate [?'s?u?ieit] with v. 联合;与…联系在一起

I always associate that song with my school life.

1.我们还没有找到一个代替他的人。( substitute ['s?bstitju:t ] for) n. 代替者

We haven't found a substitute for him yet.

2.孩子们很愿意成为像电影中英雄们那样强壮勇敢的人。(be eager ['i:ɡ?] to) adj. 渴望的 brave [breiv] adj. 勇敢的n. 勇士hero ['hi?r?u] n. 英雄;男主角

Children are eager to become as strong and brave as the heroes in films. 2.除了收入所得税外,有些州还要收购物税。

(in addition[?'di??n]添加to除…之外, charge [t?ɑ:d?] 索价,掌管states [steit] 州,国家 Some states charge a sales [seilz] tax in addition to income tax. 所得税


(vary ['vε?ri] with变化生]变异,改变;[音]变奏goods [ɡudz] n. 商品;动产

Sales tax varies with the prices of the goods you buy.

4.人们总是在抱怨着不断上涨的物价。(complain about) rising ['raizi?] adj. 上升的;上涨的

People are always complaining about the rising prices.

5.我们应该独立地,积极地并且有目的地学习新东西。( purposefully)

We should learn new things independently, actively and purposefully.


The research shows that successful people are similar in many ways.

3.成功的语言学习者不只依赖书本或者教师。(depend on)

Successful language learners do not just depend on books or teachers.

1. 和谈对两国的关系有着持久的影响。

(have…effect on) 对…有…影响a long-lasting持续时间长的relationship [ri'lei??n?ip] 关联;关系

Peace talks have a long-lasting effect on the relationship between the two countries.


(point out) 指出,指明unrealistic [,?nri?'listik] 不切实际的;不实在的

I must point out that it’s unrealistic not to make mistakes.


(distinguish [dis'ti?ɡwi?] 辨别;区分from) 把…与…区别开

We should learn to distinguish right from wrong.

1.在过去的二十年中,中国一直高速向前发展。(at…speed) 以……的速度

China has been developing at a high speed in the past 20 years.

1. 技术进步使人们生活得更舒适愉快。

(technological advance [?d'vɑ:ns] 前进;进展技术进步, enable [i'neibl] 使成为可能

Technological advances enable people to live more happily and comfortably.

2. 毫无疑问,人们越来越重视身体健康。

(there is no doubt [daut] 怀疑;疑问that) 毫无疑问的是attention [?'ten??n] 注意力;关心

There is no doubt that people are paying more and more attention to their health.

3. 人们常鼓励孩子们去想象而不是去模仿。 (encourage [in'k?rid?] 鼓励) imitate ['imiteit] 模仿,

People often encourage children to imagine rather than imitate.

5.我们必须依靠自己的努力去把科研成果转变成生产力。(rely on) 依靠,依赖

We must rely on our own efforts to turn the research findings into productivity.

3.研究表明,大量饮酒和吸烟的人更容易患心脏病。suffer ['s?f?] 忍受;遭受

Studies show that people who drink and smoke a lot are more likely to suffer heart attacks.

4.一些不良的生活习惯会威胁人的身体健康endanger [in'deind??] 危及;使遭到危险

Some bad living habits may endanger a person's health.

4. 寻求心理帮助对于某些病人来说是十分必要的to seek psychological he寻

求心理帮助psychological [,psaik?'l?d?ik?l] 心理的

It is very necessary for some patients to seek psychological help.

6.请带把伞以防下雨。(in case [keis] 情况;实例) 万一;假使

Please take an umbrella in case it rains. 1.这些商品的价格从几美元到数百美元不等。

range [reind?]from vi. 平行,列为一行n. 范围;幅度several ['sev?r?l] adj. 几个的;各自的 The prices of the goods range from several dollars to hundreds of dollars.

1. 我们的结论基于全部可获得的知识,而不是基于猜测和想象。

conclusion [k?n'klu:??n] 结论;推论rather than宁可…也不愿available [?'veil?bl] 可利用的;有效的imagination [i,m?d?i'nei??n] n. 空想;想象力

Our conclusion is based on all available knowledge rather than guess or imagination.

上册adj- adjective形容词 adv-adverb副词 n.- noun名词 art.-- article冠词

prep- preposition介词 conj--conjunction连词 vt. 及物动词 vi. 不及物动词

pron ---pronoun代词 interj--interjection感叹词 num---numeral数词 v. aux.---助动词

Unit 1

7.你能容忍这种骗局吗?(tolerate ['t?l?reit] 忍受;默许或tolerant of) 对…容忍

Can you tolerate such a fraud?或Are you tolerant of such a fraud?

1. 他们发现要掌握一门外语是困难的。(find it hard to)

They find it hard to master ['mɑ:st?] a foreign language.

4.我们愿意帮助我们的朋友。(be willing to)

We're willing to help our friends.

Unit 2


China leads [li:d] the world with its silk products ['pr?d?kt].


Mother said he spent too much time in watching TV each day.

Unit 3

4.气候对植物的生长有影响。(affect [?'fekt] vt. 影响) climate ['klaimit] n. 气候

Climate affects the growth [ɡr?uθ] of plants.

5.我的工作越积越多。(pile [pail] vi. 积累 up)

My work keeps piling up.

Unit 4

3.成年组由15人组成。(consist of) 组成group组

The adult group consists[k?n'sist] of 15 people.

3.他被我们认为是我们当中跑得最快的人。(supposed [s?'p?uz] to) 猜想vt. 假设

He is supposed to be the fastest runner among us.

4.有些故事流传很广,而另外一些故事却不是这样。 (widespread ['waid'spred] adj. 普遍的,广泛的 Some stories are widespread, while others are not.

Unit 6

1.请把你要的东西清理出来并把其余的全扔掉。(sort [s?:t] n. 种类out) 挑选出 Please sort out what you want and throw away the rest--把其余的全扔掉


(somewhat) 稍微n. 几分expect [ik'spekt] vi. 期待;预期 The price of the lift is somewhat higher than expected.

3.这些图案十分受青年人欢迎。(be popular with) design [di'zain] n. 设计;图案 These designs are very popular with young people.

4.他不写了,因为他的笔没有墨水了。(run out of) 用完ink [i?k] n. 墨水,墨汁;油墨 He stopped writing because his pen had run out of ink.

Unit 7

1.在现代家庭中父母都挣钱养家。(earn [?:n] vt. 获得,挣得) modern ['m?d?n] adj. 现代的

In a modern family, parents both earn money for the family.

2.她是一名教师,而她的哥哥是一名工程师。(while) conj. 当……的时候;虽然;然而 She is a teacher, while her brother is an engineer.

4.所有的老师都很关心我学习方面的进步。(care for) ['pr?uɡres] n. 进步,发展;前进 All the teachers care for my progress in study.

6.这个组分成了两个,因为它太大了。 split [split] vt. 劈开;分离;使分离

The group was split up into two because it’s too big.


extend [ik'stend] vt. 延伸;扩大field ['fi:ld] n. 领域

They plan to extend their research in this field.

8.两年前她同丈夫离了婚。(divorce [di'v?:s] n. 离婚;分离 She divorced her husband two years ago.

Unit 8

2.从理论上讲,每个人都可以受到教育。 theory ['θi?ri] n. 理论;原理;学说;推测educate ['edju:keit] vt. 教育;培养

In theory, everyone can be educated.


(follow…instructions) instruction [in'str?k??n] n. 指令,命令;指示 You should follow the doctor's instructions on how to take the medicine.

4.计算机系统可以同时传送声音和图像。(as well as也;和…一样) transmit [tr?nz'mit] vt. 传达;遗传vi. 发射信号

A computer system can transmit sounds as well as pictures at the same time.

5.是现代技术使我们走向成功。(lead to导致;通向 technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n. 工艺;术语;技术 It is modern technology that leads us to success.

6.这个病人应该与其他病人隔离开。isolate ['ais?leit] vi. 孤立;隔离adj. 隔离的 patient ['pei??nt] n. 病人 This patient should be isolated from other patients. 7.这个士兵表现出勇气和技能。

display [,dis'plei] n.显示;炫耀courage ['k?rid?] n.勇气;胆量

The soldier displayed courage and skills.

Unit 9

1.成功属于那些努力工作的人apply [?'plai] vi. 申请;适用belong [bi'l??] 属于

Success belongs to those who apply themselves to work.

1. 到了那个国家以后,他发现几乎没有什么场合可以说汉语。 occasion [?'kei??n] n. 场合;时机

After getting to that country, he found there were few occasions to speak Chinese.

6.会议涉及贸易和农业concern [k?n's?:n] n. 关心;关系

The meeting concerns trade and agriculture.


(come up) 走近;发生situation [sitju'ei??n] n.位置;形势

If the situation becomes worse, serious problems may come up.

8.我宁愿今天去,不愿意明天去。(rather than) 宁可…也不愿

I would rather go today than tomorrow.

9.汽车是由许多不同的零件构成的。(make up) 弥补;组成

3.她以故事的形式把她的过去讲给我们听。in the form of以…的形式

She told us her past in the form of a story.

4. 他的统计根本不准确。(far from) 远离;远非

His stats are far from right.

2. 根据安排,我们今天将参观颐和园arrangement [?'reind?m?nt] 准备;布置 (in accordance【?'k?:d?ns] 一致with) 依照;与…一致

In accordance with the arrangement, we'll visit the Summer Palace today.

3. 你可以充分信赖他的许诺。promise ['pr?mis] 许诺,允诺 place…reliance [ri'lai?ns] 信心on) 信任;信赖

You can place full reliance on his promise.

7.他的观点仅供你参考。reference ['ref?r?ns] 参考,参照point [p?int] 要点;尖端

His point of view is only for your reference.


attempt [?'tempt] 企图,试图experiment [ik'speriment,] 实验,试验

They have attempted many scientific experiments in the past two years.

Unit 19

1. 他发现要赶上物理学的进展很难。

(keep pace with) 保持同步progress ['pr?uɡres] 进步,发展

He finds it hard to keep pace with the progress of physics.

2.现在,中国可以与世界上大多数国家竞争。compete [k?m'pi:t] with与…竞争 China can now compete with most countries in the world.

2. 只要我们努力,就完全有可能做得更好。

there is every likelihood可能that… 完全有可能

There is every likelihood that we'll do better as long as we try.

3. 越来越多的人开始关心我们的自然环境。

be concerned about关心;挂念concern [k?n's?:n] 涉及,关系到

More and more people begin to be concerned about our natural environment.

5.这艘战舰装备了核武器。(be armed with) 用…武装armed [ɑ:md] 武装的

The warship is armed with nuclear weapons.

4. 如果你不泄露给任何人,我就告诉你实情

provide [pr?u'vaid] 规定;提供truth [tru:θ] 事实;真理

I'll tell you the truth provided you don't tell it to anyone.

7.我们非常高兴他这次心脏病发作后能活下来。survive [s?'vaiv] 幸存;活下来

We're very glad that he has survived his heart attack.

18.老虎在我国灭绝的危险不容忽视。ignore [iɡ'n?:] 驳回诉讼;忽视danger ['deind??] n. 危险

The danger that tigers may be extinct in our country can’t be ignored.

Unit 20

2.除了你要的苹果之外,我还给你买了些橘子。(in addition to) 除…之外

I bought some oranges for you in addition to the apples you want.

3.他的外国朋友已经习惯在中国的生活了。(become used to) 习惯于…;适应于

His foreign friend has become used to the life in China.

4.美国人用餐时先喝汤,最后吃水果。(end up with) 结束;以…而结束

At meals, Americans start with soup and end up with fruits.

5.房子外面有一个陌生人。我已经注意他好一会儿了。(keep an eye on…) 照看;留意

Outside the house is a stranger. I have kept an eye on him for a while.

5. 庄稼正受到持续干旱天气的威胁。

threaten ['θret?n] 威胁;恐吓drought [draut] 干旱;缺乏

The crops are being threatened by a long drought.


threaten ['θret?n] 威胁;恐吓resident ['rezid?nt] n. 居民

The company threatened the residents with cutting off water supply.

10.他不在乎价格,只要质量最好就行。(care about担心,关心, so long as) 只要

He doesn't care about the price so long as the quality is good.

Unit 21

1.我们的战士知道如何牵制敌人。(pin down) 确定;使受约束

Our soldiers know how to pin down the enemy.

2.他常将自己和班上的其他同学相比较。(compare…with) 把…与…比较

He often compares himself with the others in his class.

3.与其说他是个歌手,倒不如说他是个做曲家。(not so much…as) 连…都不肯

He is not so much a singer as a composer.

4.经理不在时,谁来代替他?(in place of) 代替

Who will be in place of the manager when he is away?

4. 在两小时内把试卷做完对汤姆来说是办不到的 (It is out of the question for…to) 这是不可能的

It is out of the question for Tom to finish the test paper in two hours.

Unit 22

1.他留出半个小时让我们提问题。(set aside) 留出,驳回,撤销

He set aside half an hour for us to ask questions.

6. 进一步的研究使我们确信这个结果是正确的。 (assure保证;担保…sb…that…) 向……保证

Further study assured us that the result was correct.

7. 这位著名的作家正忙着写一部小说。

(be engage [in'ɡeid?] 雇佣;吸引in) 参与;从事于

The famous writer is engaged in writing a novel.

4.这场水灾是那场大雨引起的。(reason for) 原因,理由

The heavy rain is the reason for the flood.

6. 这个年轻人有能力找到解决这个问题的正确方法。

(capable ['keip?bl] of有…能力的, approach [?'pr?ut?] to接近;约等于)

The young man is capable of finding a right approach to the problem.

Unit 23

1.他因缺钱而窘困。embarrass [im'b?r?s] 使局促不安;使困窘

He is embarrassed for lake of money.

2.他对这个消息有什么反应?(reaction) [ri'?k??n] 反应,感应

What is his reaction to the news?

3.在解放军战士的帮助下,火势很快就被控制住了。(bring under control) 把…控制起来 With the help of the PLA men, the fire was soon brought under control.

4.他的讲话赢得了听众的赞许。approval [?'pru:v?l] 赞成;批准 His speech won the listeners’ approval.

5.不要乱动我的录音机。(fiddle with) 摆弄;乱动

Don't fiddle with my radio.

6.一个人的好恶可随环境变化。(likes and dislikes [dis'laik] 不喜欢,厌恶) 喜欢与厌恶

One's likes and dislikes may change with the environment.

7.他对她缺乏耐心表示不满。(frown [fraun] 皱眉;不同意at) 对…感到生气不满

He frowned at her lack of patience.

Unit 24

1. 我们应当加倍努力,以加速社会主义建设。

(double ['d?bl] 两倍的, speed up) 加速,使加速effort ['ef?t]n成就;努力

We should double our efforts to speed up the socialist construction.

2. 该国领导人的访问非常有助于两国的相互了解。 (contribute [k?n'tribju:t] 捐献;贡献to) 有助于;捐献

The visit of the country's leader contributed much to the mutual understanding between the two countries.

3.由于双方没有达成协议,会谈只得被取消。cancel ['k?ns?l] 取消;删去

The talk had to be canceled because both sides reached no agreement.

4.在危险面前,他们表现出极大的勇气。(in the face of) 面对 In the face of danger, they showed great courage.

7. 最后的但并不是最不重要的一点,我们必须找到和平解决问题的方法。 (Last but not least, 最后但并不是最不重要的

solution [s?'lju:??n] to) 解决方法

Last but not least, we must find a peaceful solution to the problem.

6.他的成功不是靠运气,而是靠能力。(owe to) 归功于

His success doesn’t owe to luck but to his ability.

8.很多英语词源自法语。(derive from) 源出,来自

Many English words derive from French.

Unit 25

1. 诚实是儿童的特点。

(characteristic [,k?r?kt?'ristik] of) 特有的;表示…特性的honesty ['?nisti] 诚实,正直 Honesty is characteristic of children.

2. 父亲不同意女儿嫁给那个贫穷的小伙子。

(disapprove [,dis?'pru:v] of) 不赞成;不喜欢guy [ɡai] 男人,家伙

The father disapproved of his daughter marrying that poor guy.

3.需要是发明之母。(necessity) [ni'ses?ti] 需要;必需品

Necessity is the mother of invention.

3. 史密斯回故乡,除了做其它事以外,是为了看看他的母亲。 (among other things除了别的之外

Smith went back to his hometown, among other things, to see his mother.

5.他们一点也不理解这条原理。(not in the least) 绝不,一点也不

They didn't understand the principle in the least.

6.关于价格,我们认为它太高了。(with regard [ri'ɡɑ:d,]注意;尊重to) 关于;至于

With regard to the price, we think it is too high.


Unit 1

1.他由朋友陪同去听音乐会。accompany [?'k?mp?ni] 伴奏,伴唱 His friend accompanied him to the concert. [k?n's?:t] 音乐会,演奏会

2.他已说服她改变决定。(argue…out of) 说服(某人)不做(某事):

He has argued her out of her decision.

3.在某种程度上,他的成功是由于幸运。(in part) 部分地

In part, his success is due to luck.

4.按照他的建议,手续已经大大简化。simplify ['simplifai] 简化;使单纯

According to his suggestion, the procedure has been greatly simplified.

5.电台预报明天天气会变冷。predict [pri'dikt] 预报,预言

The radio predicts that it will become cold tomorrow.

6.运动的定义是位置或地方的改变。(define [di'fain] 定义as) 解释为

Movement is defined as a change in position or place.

Unit 2


A black hole exerts a strong gravitation.


His company collapsed because of poor management.


In the 1980's our country launched several satellites.


Does the medicine begin to operate?

5.他的身影消失在黑暗中。(swallow up)

His figure was swallowed up in the dark.

Unit 3


They requested that the prisoners be set free.


His talents will ensure his success.

3.他们正准备展开一场全国性的争论。(open up)

They are going to open up a nationwide debate.

4.他对天气变化很敏感。(sensitive to)

He is very sensitive to the changes of weather.


In recent years the quality of his work is deteriorating.

6.水的污染使居民们容易得病。(vulnerable to)

The polluted water makes the residents vulnerable to illness.

Unit 4


Resources should be exploited properly.


The order was executed very well.

3.这个项目值得进一步调查。(deserve或deserving of)

This project deserves further investigation.


We have reduced the cost to the minimum.


I will not believe the news despite what she says.

6.这条小船能把他们运到河的那边吗?(bring over)

Can this boat bring them over to the other side of the river?

Unit 5


This chapter is about the transformation from heat energy into power.


A group of people gathered spontaneously on the spot of the accident.


This quarrel originated from misunderstanding.

4.1949年后,军队接管了这个城市。(take over)

The army took over the city after 1949.

5.为了你的健康,你不该承担太繁重的工作。(take on)

You should not take on too much work for the sake of your health.

Unit 6

1.在关键时刻,我们应该有能力面对一切困难。(critical, capable of)

At the critical moment, we should be capable of facing all difficulties.


After considering that problem, they switched their attention to other things.


Spray paint on the table.


We should expose children to new ideas.

5.我们有大量的自然资源。(plenty of)

We have plenty of natural resources.

6.对于她对法律的无知,他持批评态度。(critical of)

He is critical of her ignorance of the law.


He switched from one job to another in the past three years.

Unit 7


He always takes a positive attitude in correcting the students’ mistakes.

2.旅客在登机前必须在提包上栓上标签。(attach to)

Passengers have to attach tags to their bags before getting on the plane.

3.他的肤色与他是否是个好律师无关。(relevant to)

His skin color is not relevant to whether he is a good lawyer.


A ship was looming in the heavy fog.

5.我方什么也没有做错。(on one's part)

There is nothing wrong on our part.

6.学校应该把学生的全面发展作为自己的目标。(set…as objective)

Schools should set students’ overall development as objective.

Unit 8


We should promote mutual understanding between our two countries.


The plan seems feasible.

3.他同现代生活不合拍。(out of step)

He is out of step with modern life.


To overcome hardships, we should first overcome ourselves.


There exists a big lag between his thought and action.

6.那位模特正在寻找一个机会来有利地显示自己。(to advantage)

The model is seeking a chance to show herself to advantage.


Your assumption isn’t based on enough facts.

Unit 9


He always neglects his own health.

2.这件商品的价格与它的价值很不相称。(out of proportion to)

The price of this article is quite out of proportion to its value.

3.他对事件的描述接近事实。(approximate to)

His account of the event approximates to the fact.


He unwillingly acknowledged the errors in his statement.


Warm cheers expressed their appreciation to the performance.


Memory can be classified as long-term memory and short-term memory.


Things have completely altered.

Unit 10


His return to the country will have a great impact on the political circles.

2.每个人都应关心自己国家的未来。(concerned about)

Everyone should be concerned about the future of his own country.


The return of Hong Kong caused a great stir all over the world.


I identify the stolen radio as mine.


He is one of the most powerful representatives of the school.


He is determined to pursue a master’s degree.

Unit 11


The artist reproduced every detail of your features in the portrait.

2.我们应该力争达到更高的生产率。(aim for)

We should aim for higher productivity.

3.他提供了对这一问题极为重要的论据。(central to)

He offered the argument central to the problem.

4.我认为他的话不切我们的话题。(irrelevant to)

I think what he said is irrelevant to our topic.


As more and more people are entering the city, the public order of the city is undergoing a change.

Unit 12

1.充其量有100人参加了会议。(at best)

At best 100 people attended the meeting.


He spent two years writing a book Reflections on the Past.

或者It took him two years to write a book Reflections on the Past.


We should confront the hardships in our life but not escape them.


The teacher's praise enhanced his confidence.

5.当锻炼想象力时,你应摆脱常规的思维模式。(free from)

You should be free from your normal thinking mode when training your imagination.

6.你在安装设备之前要把说明书先看一遍。(go over)

Go over the manual before installing the equipment.

Unit 13


He is unwilling to undertake this job.


A person's appearance often does not coincide with his quality.

3.这个男孩喜欢集邮。(go in for)

The boy goes in for collecting stamps.


The rain compelled us to stop the match.


Information is of great value to him.


He earned many people's respect by working hard.


The company set up another division in Beijing.


All mistakes in the article should be eliminated.

Unit 14

1.探险者们在美洲东部开辟了一片土地。(open up)

The explorers opened up a piece of land in Eastern America.


The man alleged that his suggestion was ignored.


I suspected that he couldn’t control his time effectively.

4.他们的努力不起作用。(to no avail)

Their efforts were to no avail.

5.你能对这一结论发表意见吗?(comment on)

Can you comment on the conclusion?

6.他相信某些植物物种正受到灭绝的威胁。(convince 或to be convinced)

He is convinced that some plant species are under the threat of extinction.

Unit 15


The ultimate duty lies in the headmaster.


The technician possessed valuable data.


He dreamed of conquering hostility with love.

4.两个双胞胎如此相似,以至于很难区分他们。(distinguish between)

The twins are so much alike that it's very hard to distinguish between them.

5.我们必须仔细考虑电视中暴力行为对儿童的影响。(reflect on)

We must reflect on the influence of the TV violence on children.

6.一切非法建筑物都必须拆除。(pull down)

All illegal buildings must be pulled down.

7.好书的产生是努力工作的结果。(come about)

Good books come about from hard work.

8.当你的朋友吵架时,你应该帮助他们和解。(come to terms)

When your friends quarrel, you should help them come to terms

