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Unit 1


n. 谬论;谬见

His conclusion sounds reasonable, but it is actually a fallacy. 他的结论听起来合理,但实际上却是个谬误。


a. 1(人)精明的,机敏的2(决定和判断)准确的,英明的

His skill in negotiating earned hi m a reputation as a shrewd businessman. 他的谈判技巧使他赢得了精明商人的名声。

He inherited a considerable fortune and then increased it by shrewd investments. 他继承了一大笔钱,然后又通过正确的投资使之得到升值。


n. 职务相当的人;职能相当的物

Yesterday, Canada's foreign minister met his Russian counterpart in Moscow to discuss their trade issues. 昨天加拿大外长在莫斯科会晤了俄罗斯外长,商讨两国贸易问题。


n. (事件的)发生地点;(活动的)场所

The hotel is an ideal venue for conferences and business parties. 这家酒店是开会及商业聚会的理想场所。



He never arrives on time, and my inference is that he feels the meetings are useless. 他从不准时,我的推断是他觉得这些会议都没用。



Though private schools are popular, she retorted that she could get a fine education in the public schools. 虽然私立学校很受欢迎,但她反驳说她能在公立学校受到良好的教育。


n. 1前提2(企业或组织使用的)房屋及土地,经营场所

This argument is based on the premise that there is life on the planet Mars. 这一论点是以火星上有生命为前提的。

While on the premises of the airport, all visitors must carry some form of identification. 在机场区域时,所有参观者都必须携带某种身份证明。


vt. 1看出,觉察出,辨明2看到;听到;辨认出

It may be difficult to discern the difference between the two paintings at first, but if you look carefully, it will become apparent. 一开始要看出这两幅画的差异可能很难,但仔细看就明显了。 In the darkness, it is very difficult to discern the houses from a distance. 黑暗中,要从远处看清这些房子是很难的。


n. [C] 1(尤指涉及商业或政治的)提议,建议2主张;观点;见解

Many cities now see hosting the Olympic Games as a very attractive proposition that is well worth the investment. 现在许多城市都把主办奥运会看作很有吸引力的提议,认为值得投资。

I am sure that evidence can be found to support the newly elected politician's proposition. 我相信能够找到证据,支持这位新当选的政治家的主张。


a.1(人)有独创性的2( 设备或计划等)别出心裁的,构思巧妙的

They're attacking the honest and ingenious scientist because his ideas are new, not because his ideas are wrong. 他们攻击这位诚实并富有独创能力的科学家,是因为他的观点新颖,而不是因为他的观点错误。

They are trying to find an ingenious solution to reduce the production costs. 他们正在努力寻找降低生产成本的巧妙方法。

Unit 2


n. 排练;排演

The school choir does not have enough rehearsal time to prepare for public performances. 学校合唱队没有足够的排练时间来准备公开演出。


a. (fml.) 1短暂的;转瞬即逝的2流动性的;临时的

In the long history of human civilization, all arts we now have are transient in that they may disappear sometime in the future. 在人类漫长的文明史上,我们现在拥有的所有艺术作品都是短暂的,因为它们也许在将来某个时间就会消失。

The government provides affordable housing for the city's large transient population. 政府为该市大量的流动人口提供能够负担得起的住房。


n. 1份额;配额;分配2(可租用的)小块菜地

In the past decade, many US states have decreased their budget allotment to higher education. 在过去十年中,美国许多州都减少了对高等教育的预算分配。

The gardening club offers many classes on how to grow vegetables on an allotment plot. 这个园艺俱乐部提供许多课程,讲授如何租用菜地种植蔬菜。


n. [C] 1(线、绳、头发等的)股,缕2(构成整体的)组成部分,方面

As I shouted at the boat aloud from the beach, the wind whipped strands of hair into my open mouth. 当我从海边朝着船大喊时,风把几缕头发吹进了我张着的嘴里。

Her writing was influenced by various strands of thought popular in Europe in the early 20th century. 她的作品受到了20世纪初欧洲多种不同流行思潮的影响。


a. (fml.) 1不足的;有缺陷的2缺乏的;不足的

Given the present economic situation, this budget, although deficient, is the most realistic one for many organizations. 鉴于目前的经济形势,这一预算尽管有缺陷,但对许多机构来说仍是最实际的方案。

Older people are more likely to be deficient in vitamins and minerals than younger people. 老年人比年轻人更有可能缺乏维生素和矿物质。


a. 1(问题、困难)一直有的,反复出现的2(疾病)慢性的,长期的

Violence is a chronic problem in schools, and it can involve students from various family backgrounds. 暴力是学校长期存在的问题,而且可能牵涉到来自各种家庭背景的学生。

To reduce the risk of chronic disease, it is important to have physical exercises every week. 要降低患慢性病的风险,重要的是每周都要进行体育锻炼。


a. 同类的

Various studies have shown that the mountain village has a very homogeneous population. 多项研究表明,这个山村的人口很单一。


vt. 平息;安抚;抚慰

The two countries attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks. 两国承诺举行会谈,以试图平息国际上的反对声音。


n. 起诉;指控

Most people think that the evidence is not sufficient to bring a prosecution against him. 多数人都认为目前的证据还不足以起诉他。


vt. 1 与…相配;与…互补2 补充

In the living room of the house, the dark red walls complemented the brown leather chairs. 在房子的客厅里,深红色的墙和棕色的皮椅很相配。

The project was meant to complement, not replace, local authority programs. 该工程是为了补充


Unit 3


v. 1传播;散发2(使)分散;驱散

All kinds of stories were dispersed about what really had happened in the factory. 有关那家工厂究竟发生了什么,有各种传闻四下蔓延。

The gathering last night changed into a riot, and the police had to use tear gas to disperse the crowd. 昨晚的集会演变成了一场骚乱,警方只好用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。


a. 精致的;精美的

As I passed each exquisite painting, I said to myself that he was a real artist. 当我在一幅幅精美的画作前走过时,我心想他是一位真正的艺术家。


n. [C] 1少年2少年犯

If you think his books are only for kids and juveniles, you fail to see the real value of his works. 如果你认为他的书只是给儿童和青少年看的,那你就是没领会他作品的真正价值。

This detention center harbors juveniles between the age of 12 and 17 and adolescents between 18 and 21. 这个拘留中心关押12—17岁的少年犯及18—21岁的青少年犯。 a. 少年犯的

They are discussing whether juvenile cases should be moved to adult court. 他们在讨论未成年人犯罪案件是否该被转到成人法庭。


n. 校友

A lot of alumni attended the grand celebration of the 50th anniversary of their school. 许多校友参

