
更新时间:2023-10-01 05:09:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



It was just getting dark; there was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road. But I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I 1 to Salisbury. I was going along 2 at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a woman’s scream---\ 3 !\I looked round, but the only 4 of life was a large, black, rather suspicious-looking car just 5 a bend in the road about a hundred yards 6 . That was 7 the cry had come from. I 8 speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing, 9 he did the same and began to draw away from me. As I drew near, the girl's voice came again, a lovely voice but 10 with fear. \ 11 fool; you're hurting me. Oh! Oh!\

I felt my blood 12 . The fog was coming down thicker now, the countryside was lonelier. The man in the car had no 13 noticed this. Again came a cry. \

If I was to save her, it was now or 14 . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn't save the girl, I would 15 try to bring the murderer to the police station. The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its 16 , and its brakes screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and crashed into the ditch on the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out, mad with anger.

\he shouted 17 he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was quicker than he. I put all I knew into 18 that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It caught him right on the ground without a 19 . I rushed to the car, 20 open the door and peered inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.

“You have been listening to a radio play. Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately.”

1. A. reached B. arrived C. got D. led 2. A. strangely B. quietly C. quite D. quickly 3. A. Save B. Come C. Aid D. Help 4. A. person B. sign C. figure D. form 5. A. turning B. coming C. hurrying D. dropping 6. A. off B. apart C. away D. far 7. A. how B. when C. what D. where 8. A. put aside B. put up C. put down D. put on 9. A. and B. for C. when D. as 10. A. filling B. nodding C. trembling D. covering 11. A. you B. your C. yours D. you’re 12. A. boil B. run C .come D. freeze 13. A. sign B. effort C. doubt D. troubles 14. A. late B. then C. ever D. never 15. A. at most B. at least C. at last D. at first 16. A. path B. direction C. behind D. trail 17. A. before B. after C. as D. while

18. A. an anger 19. A. word 20. A. pulled

参考答案 1~5 CBDBA 11~15 AACDB

B. a beat B. voice B. pushed C. a fist C. noise C. hit

D. a blow D. sound D. broke

6~10 CDDBC 16~20 ACDDA



One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird, 1 , a sparrow.

“What’s that? ” I asked when I first heard the gentle thumping(重击声). “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball, ” my wife, Anita, said. She 2 and listened more devotedly. “It’s coming from the 3 , ” she said, “Maybe it’s one of the little kids. ”

We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was 4 to make

trouble. “If he’s making holes in the wall again. . . ” I said as I searched there. No 5 at all. But there was that 6 again, coming from right up there.

And that’s when I 7 the sparrow. It was flying 8 just inches below the ceiling. It was 9 trying to get out, but couldn’t see that the way out wasn’t up, but down 10 the open door. So the bird continued 11 its wings and hitting its head against the 12 .

“Poor thing, ” Anita said, “It must be 13 . ”

“Well, maybe it’s because of us, ” I said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide(滑翔)down to get outside, but that only seemed to 14 it more. “Why don’t we just 15 for a few minutes? ” Anita suggested. “I’m sure he’ll 16 eventually. ” So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing 17 . Then suddenly, it was 18 . We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone.

“See? ” Anita said, “I told you he’d succeed. ”

“Yeah, ” I said, “But how many knocks on the head did it 19 him? ” I’ve thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations we don’t know how to 20 . Born to go upward, we don’t even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping(拍打)around and just glide down a little bit. 1. A. for example B. rather than C. or rather D. as well 2. A. hurried 3. A. basement 4. A. easy

5. A. sparrows 6. A. guest

7. A. watched C. realized

8. A. carefully C. patiently

9. A. eventually C. obviously

10. A. through C. below

11. A. shaking C. striking 12. A. wall C. door

13. A. clumsy C. amazed

14. A. frighten C. confuse 15. A. leave C. relax

16. A. put it aside

B. paused B. kitchen

B. happy

C. sorry B. children B. voice

C. ignored D. confirmed C. garage

D. hall D. angry C. birds D. holes C. knock

D. sound B. found

D. caught B. gently

D. anxiously B. unwillingly D. thoroughly B. over

D. beyond B. breaking D. injuring

B. floor

D. ceiling B. painful

D. terrified B. comfort

D. calm B. scream D. escape

B. leave it alone

C. give it up 17. A. accident C. struggle

D. figure it out B. achievement D. trouble B. tired D. silent B. offer D. owe B. handle D. conclude

18. A. excited C. noisy

19. A. cost C. earn

20. A. classify C. debate


1.【解析】选C。短语:for example例如; rather than而不是;or rather更确切地说;as well也。根据下文,此处的小鸟就是指麻雀。因此,空格之后的sparrow是对前面bird的进一步解释。故答案选C。

2.【解析】选B。前面的“sounds like”和后面的“listened more devotedly”,这说明Anita也并没有把握,所以暂时停下手中的活,认真听一听。故答案选B。

3.【解析】选C。根据文章倒数第四段的“We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone. ”可知,麻雀是被困在车库里。故答案选C。




7.【解析】选B。当作者再一次听到从上面传出的声音后,发现了这只麻雀。动词watch强调仔细观察,不适合语境。后面的“It was flying”表明realize不合适。故答案选B。 8.【解析】选D。根据下文的“trying to get out”可知,此时,麻雀在车库的天花板底下


9.【解析】选C。根据下文的“but couldn’t see that the way out wasn’t up, but down”,说明小鸟想飞出去的企图还是十分明显的,只是找不到出路。thoroughly彻底地;obviously明显地;eventually最终地;unwillingly不情愿地。故答案选C。

10.【解析】选A。前面提到“but down”,这说明小鸟要想出去,应该是从开着的门出去(the open door)。故答案选A。

11.【解析】选C。为了能够飞出去,这只鸟不断地飞,拍打着自己的翅膀。故答案选C。 12.【解析】选D。因为这只鸟老是朝上飞,因此,老是碰到头,与天花板相撞。故答案选D。 13.【解析】选D。根据下文的“Well, maybe it’s because of us,”正是由于我们,说不定这只小鸟才是如此害怕的,因此而乱飞。故答案选D。

14. 【解析】选A。本来作者是打算引导这只小鸟让它低飞从门口飞出,句中的“but”表明作者并没有成功,小鸟更加害怕。因为前面作者已经猜测出小鸟可能是由于害怕。故答案选A。

15.【解析】选A。根据下文“So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear. . . ”,作者和妻子只是要离开车库几分钟。故答案选A。

16.【解析】选D。既然是Anita建议他俩离开,很明显是希望小鸟能够静下心来找到出去的路。根据下文的“I told you he’d succeed”可以知道妻子的意图。动词短语:put aside放到一边、储存;leave alone不管、不顾;give up放弃;figure out解决、计算出。故答案选D。

17.【解析】选C。此处指两人还能听见这只小鸟在努力挣扎着飞出去。故答案选C。 18.【解析】选D。根据后面“our uninvited guest was gone”,小鸟已经飞走了,因此,也就突然没有声音了。故答案选D。




