
更新时间:2023-04-07 12:12:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载






( ) 1. A. fish B. film C. fine ( ) 2. A. metro B. many C. match ( ) 3. A. Science B. city C. cinema ( ) 4. A. supermarket B. bookshop C. difficult ( ) 5. A. over B. often C. fever ( ) 6. A. long B. along C. from ( ) 7. A. library B. hospital C. station ( ) 8. A. left B. right C. subject 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。

A. B. C.

( ) ( ) ( )

D. E. F.

( ) ( ) ( )


1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5. 6.

( ) ( ) ( )




( ) 1. A. It’s nice. B. It’s big. C. It’s near my school. ( ) 2. A. I’m fine. B. You can take the metro. C. Yes, it’s far from here. ( ) 3. A. Because it’s full. B. Because it’s hungry. C. Because it’s thirsty. ( ) 4. A It’s cheap. B. There are three. C. It's expensive.

( ) 5. OK. B. You're welcome. C. Excuse me.



( ) 1. A. send B. between C. beside ( ) 2. A. sick B. writer C. traffic ( ) 3. A. live B. kite C. behind ( ) 4. A. chat B. station C. take ( ) 5. A. push B. shoes C. third ( ) 6. A. driver B. trousers C. trees


1. You can go to the park on foot. It is not f from here.

2. Where can I t a bus?

3. W along the street. The bookshop is in front of you.

4. My mother is a nurse. She works in a big h .

5. Don’t turn l .The metro station is on your right.

6. The cinema is over there. Let's go and see a f .


1. Helen ________ (get) off the bus and goes along Sun Street.

2. We can ask our teachers for ________ (help).

3. They want ________ (go) boating this Sunday.

4. He ________ (have) a map. You can ask him.


( ) 1. —Where are you, David?

—I'm ________ the traffic lights.,

A. on

B. at

C. in

( ) 2. Bus No.12 comes. They ________ it.



A. turn on

B. get on

C. get away ( ) 3. —Is the station far ________ the supermarket.

—No, it isn’t. It’s next _________ the supermarket.

A. to; to

B. from; to

C. for; in ( ) 4. Summer is the ________ season of a year.

A. first

B. second

C. third

( ) 5. —________ does Liu Tao get to the toy shop?

—He takes a bus.

A. What

B. How

C. Why

( ) 6. —Can you show me _________ your new house?


A. to

B. around

C. with

( ) 7. In the _________, it often rains.




( ) 8. —_______ ,is this Moon Street?

—No, it’s Sun Street.

A. Sorry

B. Excuse

C. Just right ( ) 9. They want ________ City Cinema.

A. to go

B. go to

C. to go to ( ) 10. —We’re too late. There aren’t any buses.


A Look out! B. What a pity! C. Well done!



1. What does your father do? A. You can take a taxi.

2. Are you good at dancing? B. Yes, I can.

3. How old are you? C. Su Yang.

4. Can you see the library? D. He’s a policeman.

5. How can I get to the library? E. They are cheap, only five yuan.



6. Who is late today? F. I’m 12 years old.

7. How much are the shoes? G. Yes, I am.


1. get, we, the, off, can’t, bus, now (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. your, can, left, the, supermarket, see, on, you, (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. the, wait, traffic, at, for, lights, me (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. do, get, how, I, to, the, hospital (?)

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. on, there, too, bus, people, are, many, the (.)

_____________________________________________________________________ 七、阅读短文,判断正(√)误(×)。

Dear David,

Please come to my home for supper at six this evening. Here is a map to help you find my house. Take Bus No. 22 and get off at Guangming Road Stop. Walk along the road and turn right at the first crossing. Now you’re on Xiangyang Road. Walk about five minutes, and you can see four houses on your left. The third one is mine. You can’t miss it.


Li Lei

( ) 1. Li Lei asks David to have breakfast at his home this evening.

( ) 2. David can take Bus No. 22.

( ) 3. David can get off at Xiangyang Road Stop,

( ) 4. From the crossing to Li Lei’s house, David needs to walk about fifteen minutes.

( ) 5. The second house is Li Lei’s.





Nancy想去华联超市,她现在在上海路,她不知道如何去超市。她询问了一位老爷爷,老爷爷说,沿着上海路一直走,在第三个红绿灯处右拐,超市就在左边。_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________







1. We usually see a film in the evening.

2. You can go there by metro.

3. Is it next to a cinema?

4. I often buy books in that bookshop.

5. School is over. Let’s go to the playground

6. Go along the street, and you can see the KFC.

7. My sister works in a hospital.

8. Turn left at the traffic lights.


1. How do I get to the zoo, Miss Li?

2. The cbthes in this shop are cheap.

3. We ask ''Where's the restroom?” no our /pounttjSB

4. There are many beautiful flowers in the park.

5. Tliere are 40 doctors in the hospitaL

6. My home is near the dnemal *


1. You can turn right at the third traffic lights.

2. A: How can I get to the zoo?

B: You can take a taxi.

3. It’s time to get on the metro.

4. Su Hai’s home is near a bookshop.

5. Yang Ling asks a policeman for help.

6. A: What can you see?

B: I can see bus stop.


1. Where is your home?



2. How do I get to the hospital?

3. Why not get on the bus?

4. How many bus stops are there?

5. Let s go to the zoo by taxi.



1-5 BACBA 6-8 BBA


A. 4

B. 3

C. 6

D. 2

E. 1

F. 5


1. ×

2. ×

3. ×

4. √

5. √

6. √




Le voleur et Balzac


Je me rappelle toujours les anecdotes de grands auteurs que mon grand-père m'a racontée dans mon enfance. En voici une:

Une nuit, un voleur est entré dans la maison de Balzac qui avait l'habitude de se coucher très tard et de ne pas fermer la porte.


