土木工程 桥梁 毕业设计 外文文献翻译 中英文

更新时间:2023-04-19 13:48:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



Bridge Maintenance Techniques

Essential maintenance generally involves strengthening or replacement of bridge elements . Strengthening techniques include welding , plate bonding and external post-tensioning which increase the stiffness of bridge decks . Replacement of elements has been used for deck slabs and beams, piers and columns. The primary purpose of essential maintenance is to increase the load carrying capacity and the reason for the inadequate capacity is secondary . If the reason is simply increased loading the maintenance can be limited to increasing the capacity , but if the reason is deterioration then maintenance must also include repairs and preventative maintenance.

The selection of the maintenance method for repairs prevention depends primarily on the cause of deterioration . For steel construction the main cause of deterioration is corrosion and regular maintenance painting should be carried out to prevent the steel from corroding . If corrosion does occur then the only repair option is to grit blast back to shiny metal before repainting . An assessment of load carrying capacity should be carried out if corrosion has resulted in a significant reduction of steel section .

The selection of repair and prevention methods for concrete construction is more complex because there are numerous causes of concrete deterioration .The deterioration of reinforced concrete can be conveniently sub-pided into deterioration of the concrete and deterioration of the steel reinforcement . The main causes of concrete deterioration are sulphates , free-thaw cycles and alkali-silica reaction(ASR). Deterioration can also be related to poor mix design and construction process such as compaction and curing . These types of deterioration can only be prevented by actions taken at the time of construction ; there are no effective preventative actions that can be taken after construction. For example where the environment is known to contain significant quantities of sulphide it is sensible to consider the use of sulphate resisting Portland cement . In regions experiencing large numbers of freeze-thaw cycles frost damage to concrete can be prevented by adding air entraining agent to the concrete mix . Frost damage is worse in concrete that is saturated with salty water so techniques such as waterproofing membranes and silane treatments may be helpful . Alkali-silica reaction between aggregates and the alkali in cement can be prevented by avoiding the most reactive types of aggregate and by keeping the alkali content of the cement below the designated limit . To set up damaging stresses in concrete the ASR requires water so procedures to reduce the water content such as waterproofing membranes and silane treatments may help . If these forms of concrete deterioration take place the only viable repair method is concrete replacement which may be extensive especially for ASR where entire sections can be affected . Sulphate and freeze-thaw damage normally occur only in the cover

zone of the concrete . It is important to note that deterioration of the concrete will increase the risk of corrosion to the reinforcement because steel depassivators , like chlorides and carbon dioxide , will be able to move more easily through the concrete to the reinforcement .

Deterioration of the reinforcing steel is caused by corrosion and can be prevented by actions taken at the time of construction and for a period after construction . Preventative techniques that can be applied at construction include the use of epoxy coated mild steel , stainless steel of carbon or glass fibre reinforcement , inhibitors , cathodic protection , anti-carbonation coatings , silane treatments and waterproofing membranes . All of these techniques , except the last three , directly protect the reinforcement against corrosion and to date , have been used only occasionally largely on grounds of cost . Waterproofing membranes , silane treatments , and anti-carbonation coatings are applied to the concrete and are designed to slow down the ingress of carbon dioxide and chlorides into the concrete thereby increasing the age of the structure when the reinforcement begins to corrode . These techniques can be used after construction because they are applied to the concrete surface and they should be effective , providing corrosion of the reinforcement has not already begun . It is important not to overlook the importance of well compacted and cured, low water : cement ratio concrete in preventing reinforcement corrosion.

When corrosion of the reinforcement occurs it result in a loss of steel section and/or cracking, spalling and delamination of concrete due to the stresses produced as a result of the low density of rust compared with density of the steel . Reinforcement corrosion repair methods have two main functions , to crete replacement ; cathodic protection ; desalination ; realkalization.

Concrete replacement has to be used to repair the damage caused by corrosion regardless of which technique is used to stop corrosion . Concrete replacement can also be used to stop corrosion although this involves the removal of all the carbonated and chloride contaminated concrete even though it is physically sound . This often means that concrete repairs to stop corrosion are not economically viable . Cathodic protection can be applied at any time to stop corrosion caused by carbonation or chlorides . It functions by making the reinforcing steel cathodic with respect to an external anode system . Cathodic protection requires a permanent electrical installation . Desalination can be used to stop corrosion caused by chlorides and it works by migrating chloride ions towards an external anode and away from the reinforcing steel in an electric field ; this process takes about 6 weeks . Realkalization stops corrosion caused by carbonation and it works by migrating sodium ions from an external anolyte into the concrete where in combination with the hydroxyl ions generated on the reinforcing steel due to the electric field , the alkalinity is raised to a level where the steel re-passivates . Realkalization takes about 4 weeks . Desalination ,realkalization and concrete repair are not normally used in conjunction with a preventative treatment such as silane or an anti-carbonation coating to increase the life of the repair .Cathodic protection does not require


additional preventative measures because it is a permanent installation , but the anodes do require periodic replacement.











