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第七章: Changes in Word Meaning

1. Types of Semantic changes (五种) (1)extension又被称作

generalization ’manuscript’ original meaning ’ handwriting---now ’any author’s writing whether written by hand or typed with a type-writer "barn" original meaning ’ a place for storing only barely’---now ’storeroom’(2)narrowing又被称作specialization . "deer" animal---now just ’deer’ "corn" grain---now ’maize’only ’garage’ any safe place---’ a place for storing cars’ (3) degradation又

被称作pejoration . "boor" peasant---now a rude, ill-mannered person "churl" peasant or free man---uncultivated or mean person "hussy" housewife---a woman of low moral "villain" a person who worked in a villa---evil person or scoundrel(4) elevation 又被称作 amelioration . "nice" ignorance---foolish---now elevated to ’delight, pleasant’ "marshal" keeper of horses---now means ’high-ranking army officer’"constable" keeper of horses---now means ’policeman’(5) transfer . paper ( p140) the lip of a wound ( associated transfer) purse for ’money’ (associate d transfer ) clear-sounding ( transfer of sensations )

of Changes :1)extra linguistic factors(1) historical reason a word is retained for a name though the meaning has changed because the referent has changed. . " pen" feather in the past ---pen, ball-pens, fountains pens increased scientific knowledge and discovery are also important factors. (2) class reason elevation and degradation (3) Psychological reason The associated transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of words Religious influence is another kind of psychological need. . "copperhead" on 2) linguistic factors The change of meaning may be caused by internal factors within the language system. Especially when a phrase is shortened to one word which retains the meaning of the whole. The influx of borrowings has caused some words to change in meaning. The competition of native words eventually resulted in the semantic division.

语义扩大的三个特例:1)polysemic words of modern English 2)technical terms3)from proper nouns to common words

2.问题:由普通变成专有名词算哪一类词类变化模式?答案: Narrowing

3.问题: 词义缩小有几个特例?答案:有三个特例1) From common words to proper

nouns . city ---> the City pennisular --->the Pennisular profit --->the Profit 2) shortening3) material nouns

4.问题: 以下的词的词义的变化由什么模式造成的: 1)lust 最早是指人的一种

pleasure快乐,现在是指sexual pleasure, 这种词义变化属于哪一种模式?答案:

degradation. 2)Editorial article 缩写为editorial 这是属于哪一种词义变化的模式?

答案: Narrowing 3) the Pennisular : 专指利比利亚半岛,那么这个词的形成是属于哪一


种模式?答案:Narrowing , 因为它是由common words 变成了proper nouns , 4) Sandwitch , 最早是指三明治这个家族, 但是现在是指一切快餐类食品,这种词义的变化属于哪一种答案:Extension 5)问题:多义词具有了不同的语义, 这种词义变化模式属于哪一类?答案:Extension 6) 问题:liquor 最早是指所有液体的通称, 现在专门指alcoholic drinking , 这种词义的变化算哪一种模式?答案:Narrowing or specialization 7) car 最早是指马拉的战车, 但是现在就是指小轿车,那么这种词义的变化算是哪一个原因造成的?答案:Extra linguistic factor中的historical reason 8) computer 最早是指人的手工劳动的计算,后来是指占地面积非常大的计算机,现在的计算机就是指micro computer ,那么computer 词义的变化算哪一个原因造成的?答案: Extra linguistic fator 中的historical reason , 9) 这时的computer 指代的是哪一种模式?或者是说哪一种理据的

构成?答案:Etymological motivation 10)在南北战争时期, 南方的人一见到北方的人就胆战心惊,所以把北方的人比作rattle snake ,那么南方人的这种用词,它是哪一种原因

造成的?答案:Extralinguistic factor中的psychological reason. 11) 问题:最早的纸是来自非洲的一种做纸的植物叫papyrus, 后来就用paper这个词指代所有的纸张,尽管造纸的技术和原料变了, 但是paper 这个名词却被保留了下来, 这算词义变化的哪一种模式?答案:transfer (书140页) 12) 问题: Extention 又被称作什么,哪一种词类的变化最能说明这个原因?答案: generalization, from proper nouns to common nouns. 13) 问题:Narrowing 最能表现词义缩小的是哪一类?答案: From common nouns to proper nouns

5.1)A concept is universal to all men regardless of____A) culture B) race

C) language D) all of the above答案:D 2)问题: Mouth 在 the mouth of river这个习语 , 它采用了哪一种motivated ?答案: semantically motivated 3)问题: Radiation and concatenation are different stages of development leading to polysemy , generally , radiation 和concatenation 哪一个出现的早?答案: radiation proceeds concatenation 4)问题:Of the most words meaning changes , which are most productive , which are most common?答案:Extension and narrowing 5) 问题: wife 由最早是指所有的woman 变为了married woman , 这是属于哪一种?答案:Narrowing6) 问题: Angel 由最早的messenger 变成了messenger by god , 是哪一个词义变化模式?答案: Elevation 7) 问题: silly 它现在的词义是foolish, 它是哪一种语义的变化模式?答案: Degradation 8)问题: cukoo, 它既指布谷鸟的声音,也可以指布谷鸟, 它是哪种理据构成的词?答案: Onomatopoeic Motivation 9)问题: Italian , 它是哪一个语系分支当中的哪一个语族? 答案: Indo-European language family Western set Italic 10)问题: Greek 属于哪一个语系当中的哪一个小的语系当中的哪一个语族?答案: Indo-European language family Western set Hellenic 11)问题: fair and square, 这属于Idioms中的哪一个类别?答案:Phonetic manipulation 中的 Rhyme

6.问题:What are the characteristics of antonyms?答案:有四个: 1) Semantic opposition2) A word which ahs more than one meaning can have more than one antonym.

3) Semantic inclusion 4) Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intensity, so each has its own corresponding opposite.

7.问题: "The chicken is ready to eat", 请你从语境的角度来分析?答案:This is wrong sentence, because it has two problems : 1)Ambiguity 2)Indication of reference According to two functions of Context1) Elimination of ambiguity2) Indication of Reference This sentence can be corrected as follows : 1)what a nice


smell, the chicken is ready to eat. 2) The chicken is hungry, so the chicken needs foods.

8. A concept has referring expressions one B) many C)a few D) none of the above.答案:B The grammatical meanings of a word refer to the part of the meaning of a word which indicate grammatical concept or relationship, such as ____ . A) part of speech of a word B)Singular and plural forms C) tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms D) All of the above.答案: D)

9.问题:pick and choose , 它算习语中的哪一个类别?答案:reiteration (同义词叠用)

10.问题:rain or shine ,它算习语中的哪一类答案:Juxtaposition (反义词叠用)kith and kin alliteration ,might and main ,alliteration cooked 这是哪一种, 请从词缀的角度来加以区别cookedinflectional affixation employer derivational affixes 名词解释:connotative meaning: is also known as connnotation What are the differences between hymonyms and polysemyms ? face 是多义词 , ball 不是

11.论述题: I met a write rwho is the relation of a politician. I met a newspaper reporter who is the brother of Senator Buckley.以上这两句话哪一话好,好在哪里?注意:答这个论述题时先说哪句好,然后加以分析,最后要答上下义关系hyponymy 的名词解释。

