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一、课程的性质和设置目的 二、课程的基本内容 三、课程的基本要求 四、考试说明 五、学习方法 六、社会助学 七、教材及参考书目 八、样卷 九、试题答案 十、评分标准 十一、录音稿 附表一 语法项目表 附表二 常用前缀和后缀 附表三 词汇表 附表四 词组表
附表五 语言交际范围(口语)
一、 课程的性质和设置目的
本课程包括较系统的英语语法知识(见附表一、二)、英语单词约3000个(见附表三)和词组约500个(见附表四),阅读量为30000余个单词。 本课程的主要目的是培养学生具有应用英语的基本功和交际能力,重点是英语听、说、读、写、译等五种语言技能的应用能力。
信息。听力材料的语速为每分钟100词。 (二)词汇与语法结构 1.词汇
(1)认知范围:3000个基本词汇以及由这些词构成的常用词组。 (2)认知程度:能流利读出、正确拼写出大纲所要求的词汇;
了解基本的构词规则并根据常用前缀、后缀的意义判断词性和词义; 了解词义并进行英汉互译。
1.能读懂与指定教材课文(含配套练习册中的阅读理解练习)难易程度相当的语篇材料; 2.阅读并基本理解材料中的生词一般不超过所读材料词数的2%阅读材料,速度达到每分钟25个单词。 (四)读写
四、 考试说明
本课程自学考试命题的广度和难度根据本考试大纲规定的知识范围和能力要求确定。 本考试在计算机辅助的多媒体环境下进行,考试时间为100分钟。试题分量以达标水平的考生能在规定的时间内答完全部试题,有适量时间检查答案为度。
每种题型的考试形式和要求分别说明如下: (一)口语
1. 词句模仿跟读和短文朗读:该部分由两部分组成。主要考查考生的语音、语调以及流利程度。考生(1)在示范朗读声结束后完成词句模仿跟读,该部分共九题,其中,第1-5题为词组,第6-9题为句子;(2)独立朗读短文一篇,该部分共一题(第10题)。
2. 回答问题:主要考查考生就交际话题给予回应的能力。考生在视听一段涉及日常所熟悉话题的语段后,参考所列回答选项,朗读完成回答,共五题(第11-15题)。
答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕和视听文字提示完成该部分作答。在口语测试中,考生通过话筒实时将自己的声音录制到考试系统中,口语测试时限为8分钟(含自我介绍、热身活动)。 (二)听力
1.填空听写:主要测试考生听懂语篇含义的基础上,填写所需信息。考生在听完语篇 后(两遍),完成英文单词的选择(8选5)。共五题,即第16-20题。
2.听力理解:该部分由短对话、长对话两部分组成。主要考查考生听懂对话,节选主旨 大意、辨别具体细节,并准确分析和归纳信息的能力。考生在听完对话后(两遍),完成相 关信息的选择(4选1)。共十题,其中,第21-25题为短对话,第26-30题为长对话。 3.信息排序:主要测试考生对短文信息的理解能力。在短文播放结束后(两遍), 考生听到“开始选择”的提示语后,完成相关信息的排序(6选5)。共五题,即第31-35题。
答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕和视听文字提示完成该部分作答。在听力测试中,考生操作计算机键盘(鼠标),将答案输入考试系统中。听力测试时限为17分钟。 (三)词汇与语法结构
本部分试题占卷面总分的20%,题型为: 1.词汇部分:10%,。本部分试题共两种题型:
(1)根据释义拼写单词: 本题主要考查考生的词汇拼写能力。考生根据给出的中文释义、词性等相关信息,正确拼写出相应的单词。共五题;即36-40 题。
(2) 找出斜体部分单词的确切释义:本题主要考查考生对词义的理解能力。考生根据给出的该词在词典中的2个基本用法释义,判断其在句中所使用的最恰当的一条。共五题,即
41-45 题。
试题题型为选择题,每道题设四个选项,其中一项为正确答案。本题考查的重点包括词型转换、限定词、形容词与副词、介词、连词和从句、动词时态和语态、一致关系、倒装语序、非谓语动词、虚拟语气等。共十题,即46-55 题。
答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕文字提示,使用键盘点入或拖入选择答案的方式,完成该部分试题内容。 (四)阅读理解
1. 判断正误:15%
本部分提供两篇阅读文章,如应用文、叙事文、说明文,要求考生在阅读完之后对每个选项做出正确与否的判断。共十题,即56-65 题。
2. 篇章阅读理解:5%
答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕文字提示,使用键盘点入或拖入选择答案的方式,完成该部分试题内容。 (五)读写
1. 修改句子:考生将根据所给的情景和写作要求,修改非正确语序的句子。(5%)共五题,即71-75题。
2.应用文写作:考生将根据所给的任务和写作要求,写应用文。(10%)共一题,即76题。 答题方法:考生根据计算机屏幕文字提示,使用键盘点入/拖入选择答案或打字的方式,完成该部分试题内容。 (六)翻译
考生根据短句的语义,在给出的四个译文中选出最恰当的一句。考查重点是对英、汉句 型的整体翻译把握。共五题,即77-81 题。前4题为英译汉,第5题为汉译英。
部分 节 为考生提供的信息 指导语语言 I. 听说部分: Part 1 口语 第二节 第一节 短语、句子、短文 问题 英文/中文 语言交际 回答问题 5 2.5 2分钟 英文/中文 语音、语调以及流利程度 句子跟读 短文朗读 4 1 2 3 1分钟 2分钟 词语跟读 5 2.5 1分钟 考察要点 题型 题目 数量 计分 时间 (分钟) Part 第一一篇短文(100词左右) (放两遍录音) 英文/中文 具体信息 填空听写 5 5 2分钟 2听力 节 第二节 短对话(放两遍录音) 长对话(放两遍录音) 英文/中文 总体/具体信 息 听力理解 5 5 10分钟 5 5 第三节 一篇短文(100词左右) (放两遍录音) 英文/中文 具体信息 信息排序 5 5 5分钟 II. 词汇与语法结构 第一节 第二节 词性和词义/词头 词典注释 英文/中文 词汇 释义 单词拼写 5 5 单项选择题(二选一) 5 5 第三节 选项 语法 单项选择题(四选一) 10 10 5
Now, please silently read the script. (简要提示:请您预览需要完成的对话。) [Timing begins]
30 seconds for your silent reading→
Jack: Hello, Li Jun? It’s me, Jack.
Li Jun: Hello, Jack. Have you arrived at the Great Wall?
Candidate (Jack): Yes, I’m at Badaling now.(您的回答1) Li Jun: What’s the weather like over there? Candidate (Jack): It’s cool. (您的回答2)
Li Jun: What’s the temperature?
Candidate (Jack): It’s seventy-seven degree Fahrenheit. (您的回答3) Li Jun: That’s about twenty-six degree centigrade. Candidate (Jack): Yes. (您的回答4)
Li Jun: Wow! That’s the weather I like. Candidate Jack: Me, too. (您的回答5)
[Timing ends]
Here is the gapped conversation recording. Remember to answer the question when you have a signal sound. (简要提示:请在所给的答案中进行选择,并读出正确答案,听到开始信号叮咚音后,您开始回答。) 您的回答 Yes, I’m at Badaling now. It’s cool. It’s seventy-seven degree Fahrenheit. Yes. Me, too.
Jack: Hello, Li Jun? It’s me, Jack.
Li Jun: Hello, Jack. Have you arrived at the Great Wall? Candidate (Jack): …… 11. Answer 1:
[Timing begins]
10 seconds for your answer→
[Timing ends]
Li Jun: What’s the weather like over there? Candidate (Jack): 12. Answer 2:
[Timing begins]
10 seconds for your answer→
[Timing ends]
Li Jun: What’s the temperature? Candidate (Jack): 13. Answer 3:
[Timing begins]
10 seconds for your answer→
[Timing ends]
Li Jun: That’s about twenty-six degree centigrade. Candidate (Jack): 14. Answer 4:
[Timing begins]
10 seconds for your answer→
[Timing ends]
Li Jun: Wow! That’s the weather I like. Candidate Jack: 15. Answer 5:
[Timing begins]
10 seconds for your answer→
[Timing ends]
This is the end of Answering Questions. (口试回答问题部分结束)
II. Listening Comprehension
Candidate’s Test Paper 17 minutes
Section A Word Dictation
Directions: Listen to the passage twice and choose the words listed in the box to fill in each blank by clicking the choice.
One of the most 16 accidents is catching fire. You should be careful with fires. People who are not 17 sometimes cause fires that burn buildings and forests. If you are ever in a burning building, crawl on the floor to the door and get out. The smoke and 18 from the fire are in the upper part of a room. The air near the floor is cooler and fresher. If your 19 get on fire, roll on the floor to shut out the air. With no air, the fire will go out. Firemen sometimes use water to 20
hit dangerous care for heat clothes put out pull out fires. The water cools the burning material so that the fire goes out. careful
Section B Understanding Dialogues and Conversations
Listen to five short dialogues and decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D listed. You’ll listen to each of them twice. (简要提示:听对话,选择正确答案。) 21 What is the woman’s favorite hobby? A. Swimming B. Dancing C. Stamp-collecting D. Reading 22 What is the woman likely to be? A. A shop assistant B. A bank clerk C. A customer D. The man’s wife 23 How does Jane go to office? A. On foot B. By taxi C. By bus D. Bu bike 24 Where did the woman work for three A. In a factory years? B. In a company C. In a travel service D. In a university A. Go to hotel B. Get on a bus C. Ask for a taxi D. Ask another person 25 What may the man do next?
Listen to another two conversations and decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D listed. You’ll listen to each of them twice. (简要提示:听对话,选择正确答案。) Conversation 1: 26 How many people will the waitress serve A. One at table No.10? B. Two C. Three 27 D. Four What will David do before his friends A. Have a cup of tea come? B. Just sit and wait C. Urge his friends D. Read a newspaper A. 13
Conversation 2: 28 What is likely to happen to the man?
He will report. B. C. D. 29 What’s the requirement of his visa? A. B. C. D. A. B. C. D. He may fail in the course. He may have to go home. He will stop working. He should be a full-time student. He should not fail. He should not overwork. He should take 16 courses. Report him to the Home Office. Write to his parents. Help him with his studies. Ask him to go home. 30 What will the woman do first?
Section C Understanding the Passage
Listen to a short passage and put A-F listed below in the order you hear. There’s one extra choice which you do not need to use. You’ll listen to the passage twice. (简要提示:听短文,完成所列信息的排序,6选5。)
A. Cowboy’s Contributions B. Gold Rush C. Indian Culture D. Slave Trade E. Civil War F. War of Independence
III. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)
Section A (5%)
Directions: Complete the words with the help of the clues. The first letter of the words
is given. You are expected to fill out the rest of the letters of each word. Each blank is for you to fill in one letter only.
36. n. 安排 a□□□□□□□□□□ 37. v. 训练 t□□□□
38. n. 自信心 c□□□□□□□□□ 39. v. 使更加美丽 b□□□□□□□ 40. v. 投递 d□□□□□□
Section B (5%)
Directions: In this section, the five sentences numbered from 6 to 10 are with at least one word in italics each. Skim the dictionary entries below each sentence, then find the correct definition for each word in italics.
41. Your laziness pains your parents.
A. pain: n. [C] &[U] the feeling you have when part of your body hurts; The patient
complained of severe chest pains .
B. pain: v. it pains somebody to do something. formal used to say that it is very difficult and
upsetting for someone to have to do something
42. I'll tell her as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
A. present: v. [T] 1. to give. present somebody with something.
2. to talk and behave in a particular way when you meet people. He presents himself well. 3. to show. You must present your passport to the customs officer.
B. present: adj. happening or existing now. The memory of her brother's death is still present
in her mind.
43. The program has a very wide appeal.
A. appeal: n. [C] a quality that makes people like something or someone. What is the
particular appeal of this island?
B. appeal: v. if someone or something appeals to you, they seem attractive and interesting;
The program appeals especially to young children.
44. He's prepared to risk everything to avoid this war.
A. risk: n. [C]&[U] the possibility that something bad, unpleasant, or dangerous may happen.
There is a risk that the crisis may spread further.
B. risk: v. to put something in a situation in which it could be lost, destroyed, or harmed.
When children start smoking, they don't realize that they're risking their health.
45. I enjoyed every minute of it.
A. enjoy: v. [T] 1. to get pleasure from something; Young children enjoy helping around the
B. enjoy: v. formal to have a particular ability or advantage; These workers enjoy a high
level of job security.
Section C (10%)
Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C or D. Please complete the sentence by deciding on the most appropriate choice.
March 12, 2010
VI. Translation (15%)
Directions: Choose the best translation of each sentence. 题目要求:选择句中最恰当的译文
77. David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.
A. 大卫说他们公司之所以获得成功是由于全体员工的团结和坚持不懈努力工作的结果。 B. 大卫把公司的成功归结给全体员工, 他们保持努力工作。
C. 大卫对公司的成功起到很大作用,包括全体员工和他们的努力工作。 D. 大卫贡献了公司的成功,员工的团结和他们的努力工作。 78. The rules and regulations admit of no other explanation. A. 这些规章制度是允许的,不需要其它解释。 B. 这些规章制度不容许有其他解释。。 C. 这些是规章制度允许的,不需要其他解释。 D. 有了这些规章制度就不再需要解释了。
79. The city government has convinced the public that the housing problem will soon be solved. A. 市政府说服公众相信,住房问题会很快得到解决。 B. 市政府所作的一切令公众相信,住房问题将很快得到解决。 C. 公众说服市政府要尽快解决住房问题。
D. 公众相信市政府,住房问题很快便得到了解决。
80. Had she found the right buyer, she would have sold the house. A.只有找到了正式的买主,她才会把房屋售出。
B.要是找到了合适的买主,她就会把房屋售出。 C.如果当初找到了合适的买主,她早就把房屋售出了。 D.她已经找到了正式的买主,并会把房屋售出。
81. 虽然美貌可以吸引我们的注意力,但我们应当记它可能在瞬间发生变化。
A. Although beautiful look can attract us, but we should remember that it may change in an instant. B. Although beauty can interest us, we keep in mind it could turned a different story. C. Although the beautiful looks can draw on our attention, but we should remember it can at
moment take change.
D. We should remember that although good looks attract our attention easily, they could change in
a second.
II. Listening Comprehension (20%)
Section A Word Dictation 16. dangerous 17. careful 18. heat 19. clothes 20. put out
Section B Understanding Dialogues & Conversations 21. C 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. A 30. B
Section C Understanding the Passage 31. F 32. D 33. C 34. A 35. B
III. Vocabulary and Structure (20%)
Section A
36. n. arrangement 37. v. train 38. n. confidence 39. v. beautify 40. v. deliver Section B
41.B; 42. A; 43. A; 44.B; 45.A; Section C
46. D. 47. C. 48. B. 49. B. 50. A. 51. B. 52. B. 53. A. 54. B. 55. B.
IV. Reading Comprehension (20%)
Section A Task 1
56. F 57. T 58. T 59. T 60. F Task 2
61. F 62.T 63. T 64. F 65. T Section B
66. B 67.A 68. D 69. C 70. B
V. Reading and Writing (15%)
Section A 71. See you soon,
72. Everybody will have a good time. 73. I hope everything will be wonderful.
74. I am very sorry I cannot come to your party next month as I will fly to Paris on Tuesday for a fortnight. 75. Thank you for the invitation. Section B
March. 12, 2010
Dear Lucy and Joan,
76. Thank you for the invitation. I am very sorry I cannot come to your
party next month as I will fly to Paris on Tuesday for a fortnight. I hope everything will be wonderful. Everybody will have a good time.
See you soon, Adam
VI. Translation (English→Chinese) (15%)
77. A 78. B 79. B 80. C 81. D
十、 评分标准
I. Speaking (10%) 6 minutes
口语考试的评分点包括语音语调、语法词汇和互动交流三个方面,采取在分项评分的基础上总体计分的办法评定。 分项 \\ 等级 语音语调 不合格 严重影响交流 合格 优秀 语音语调基本标准,语音语调,基本不影基本不影响交流 响交流 语法词汇 难以理解,并伴有多次明显犹豫停顿 语法词汇使用有一定语法词汇使用基本准错误,但基本不影响交流 确、恰当而有一定的语法结构变化 能用英语回答问题,互动交流 尚不具备用英语进行口头回答问题的能力 就一般提问能用英语进行回答,且语速较表达流畅 流利 部分 1 任务类型 词句跟读模仿 短文朗读 词语跟读 句子跟读 短文朗读 2 回答问题 时限 1分钟 1分钟 2分钟 2分钟 题数 5 4 1 5 分数 2.5 2 3 2.5 II. Listening Comprehension (20%) 17 minutes 部分 1 2 任务类型 填空听写 听力理解 短对话 长对话 时限 2分钟 10分钟 题数 5 5 5 分数 5 5 5 3
信息排序 24
5分钟 5 5 III. Vocabulary and Structure (20%) Section A (5%)
Section B (5%)
Section C(10%)
IV. Reading Comprehension (20%) Section A (15%)
Section B (5%)
V. Reading and Writing (15%) Section A (10%)
Section B (5%)
VI. Translation (15%)
II. Listening Comprehension
Section A Word Dictation
Script 25
One of the most dangerous accidents is catching fire. You should be careful with fires. People who are not careful sometimes cause fires that burn buildings and forests. If you are ever in a burning building, crawl on the floor to the door and get out. The smoke and heat from the fire are in the upper part of a room. The air near the floor is cooler and fresher. If your clothes get on fire, roll on the floor to shut out the air. With no air, the fire will go out. Firemen sometimes use water to put out fires. The water cools the burning material so that the fire goes out.
Section B Understanding Dialogues & Conversations
Script 21. M: What do you like to do in your spare time? W: I like dancing, swimming, but I like stamp-collecting most. What is the woman’s favorite hobby? 22. M: I’d like to see the yellow jean you have in the window, please. W: What size do you wear? What is the woman likely to be? 23. M: Do you go to office by bus or by bike, Jane? W: Neither by bus nor by bike. I walk to office every day. What is the woman’s favorite hobby? 24. M: Could you tell me something about yourself? W: Yes. I worked in a computer company for three years. Where did the woman work for three years? 25. M: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the Pear Hotel? W: I’m sorry. I’m new here, too.. What may the man do next?
Conversation 1:
Script W: Good evening. Have you reserved a table, sir? You see we have a lot of people here tonight. M: No. But I am a regular customer here. W: Well, just a table for one? M: No. There will be two others later. W: There’s only table No 10 available for three. M: OK. I’ll wait there for my friends. They are Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and I am David Zhang. If they ask for me, will you show them over? W: Certainly. Would you like a cup of tea while you are waiting? M: No, thanks. I think they will be here in a minute. W: Would you like to read some newspapers? M: Oh, yes. Thank you!
Conversation 2:
Script W: We need to have a serious talk. M: About what? W: Your attendance. You are working long hours in a supermarket, and you’ve missed 16 hours out of 30. M: But I think I can catch up with the lessons. W: You know, you’ll be in trouble when you don’t attend class regularly. M: Do you mean I will fail? W: Yes. But there’s something more serious because you are here on a student visa. M: Is there any relationship? W: Sure. You’ll be out of the status of a full-time student if you don’t attend class regularly. M: Oh. My God! A full-time student is what the visa requires. What are you going to do with me? W: I have to report if you go on like this. But I have to do something else first.. M: You are going to…? W: Write a letter to your parents.
Section C Understanding the Passage
Script Mr. Cook, an American historian, arranges the books on his bookshelves in a unique way. In the upper right hand corner, there are books about the development of the early colonies in New England and the War of Independence. Right under them can be found books on the slave trade, the plantation system and the growth of the southern states. The left side of the shelf contains hundreds of books concerning Westward Movement, Indian Culture, Cowboy’s Contributions to American society and the Gold Rush in California. Mr. Cook regards his bookshelves as a map of U.S. and arranges his history books accordingly. It is odd, but it is convenient.
附表一 语法项目表 一、 词法 1. 词类
名词、冠词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词、介词、连词、感叹词、实词(名词、代词、数词、形容词、副词、动词)和虚词(冠词、介词、连词、感叹词) 2. 名词
1) 名词的分类:普通名词和专有名词
A. 普通名词的分类
a) 可数名词:个体名词、集合名词 b) 不可数名词:物质名词、抽象名词
B. 类别转化: 可数名词与不可数名词之间,个体名词与物质名词、抽象名词之
2) 名词的数:构成复数形式的规则变化和不规则变化 3) 名词的格:通格和所有格,所有格的构成形式
4) 名词的句法功用:主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语,状语、宾语补足语、主语补
3. 冠词
1) 冠词的分类:定冠词和不定冠词 2) 定冠词和不定冠词的基本用法
A. 定冠词的基本用法:特指、第二次提到的事物、类别、独一无二的事物 B. 不定冠词的基本用法:泛指、“一”、“某个”、类属 3) 不加冠词的情况 4. 代词
1) 代词的分类:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、相互代词、不定代词、
2) 代词的句法功用:主语、定语、宾语、表语、同位语 5. 数词
1) 数词的分类:基数词、序数词、分数词;小数和百分数及倍数 2) 年份,月份,日期,时刻
3) 数词的句法功用:定语、主语、宾语、表语、同位语 6. 形容词
1) 形容词的分类: 性质形容词、关系形容词
2) 形容词的级:原极、比较级、最高级,构成比较级和最高级的规则变化及不规则
3) 形容词的句法功用:定语、表语、状语、宾语补足语、主语补足语、状语、独立
7. 副词
1) 副词的分类: 时间副词、地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、
2) 副词的级: 原级、比较级和最高级,构成比较级和最高级的规则变化及不规则变
3) 副词的句法功用
A. 作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词、全句;也可以修饰数词、不定代词、名词 B. 作表语 C. 作宾语补足语
8. 动词
1) 动词的分类:及物动词、不及物动词、系动词、助动词、情态动词及短语动词 2) 动词的基本形式
A. 现在式、过去式、进行式和完成式 B. 过去式和过去分词的规则变化与不规则变化 3) 动词的限定形式 4) 时态
A. 构成
a) 一般现在时:动词单数第三人称加-s的规则 b) 现在进行时:am (is, are) + 现在分词 c) 现在完成时:have (has) + 过去分词
d) 一般过去时:规则动词和不规则动词的过去形式 e) 过去进行时:was (were) + 现在分词 f) 过去完成时:had + 过去分词
g) 过去将来时:should (would) + 动词原形 h) 一般将来时:shall (will) + 动词原形 i) 将来进行时:shall (will) be + 现在分词 j) 将来完成时:shall (will) have + 过去分词 k) 现在完成进行时: have (has) been + 现在分词 l) 过去完成进行时: had been + 现在分词
B. 用法
a) 一般现在时: 表示经常的动作或状态、主语的特征、客观事实或普遍真理、
b) 现在进行时:表示现在正在进行的动作、即将发生的动作
c) 现在完成时:表示过去开始但持续到现在的动作或状态、过去发生但对现
d) 一般过去时:表示过去发生的动作或状态
e) 过去进行时:表示过去某一时间正在发生的动作或状态、过去将要发生的
f) 过去完成时:表示过去某一时间或某个动作发生之前已经完成的动作或状
g) 过去将来时:表示过去某一时间将要发生的动作或状态 h) 一般将来时:表示将来某一时间发生的动作或状态 i) 将来进行时:表示将来某一时间正在发生的动作或状态 j) 将来完成时:表示将来某一时间之前已经完成的动作或状态
k) 现在完成进行时: 表示动作或状态在过去某一时间已经开始,一直持续
l) 过去完成进行时: 表示动作或状态在过去某一时间已经开始,一直持续
m) 时态的呼应: 宾语从句的动词时态受主句动词时态的影响而发生变化
5) 语态
A. 主动语态
B. 被动语态
a) 构成:be (各种时态) + 过去分词(+ by 短语) b) 用法
(1) 强调动作对象 (2)不知道动作的执行者 (3)不需要指出动作的执行者 C. 主动语态表示被动意义
6) 语气
A. 陈述语气
B. 祈使语气 a) 第二人称
(1) 肯定结构:动词原形 (2) 否定结构:Don’t + 动词原形
b) 第一、三人称: Let + 第一人称或第三人称+动词原形
11. 强调句
A. It 作引导词构成的强调句
a) 强调主语或宾语时,句型为 It is (was) + 被强调主语或宾语 + 关系代词 that (which, who) + 句子的其他部分
b)强调状语时,句型为 It is (was) + 被强调状语 + 连词that + 句子的其他部分 B. 在特殊疑问句中,如果被强调的部分为特殊疑问词,则强调句式为:特殊疑问词
+be(is/was) + it + that +句子的其他部分
三、 构词法
1. 派生法
前缀法、后缀法,一些常用前缀和后缀的意义 2. 合成法 3. 转化法
附表二 常用前缀和后缀 一、 常用前缀
anti- 表示“反对” antiwar (反战的) co- 表示“共同” coexist (共存) dis- 表示否定 disagree (不同意) en- 表示“处于”,“赋予” endanger(使遭到危险) il- im- in- ir- inter-
illegal (非法的)
表示否定(在字母m,b和p前) impossible (不可能的) 表示否定
ineffective (不起作用的) irresponsible (不负责的) interact (相互作用)
表示否定(在字母r前) 表示“互相”,“在…之间”
interstate (州际的) mis- non- over- re-
表示“错误地” 表示否定
misunderstand (误解)
nonprofessional (未经专业训练的) overestimate (过高估计) reconsider (重新考虑) react (起反应) semicircle (半圆) subtitle (副标题) subway (地下铁道) supervise (监督)
表示“再” 表示“回” 表示“半”
semi- sub-
表示“亚” 表示“低于”
super- 表示“上”,“超”
superpower(超级大国) un-
unequal (不平等的) underlie (支撑)
under- 表示“下”,“低于”
underestimate (低估) 二、 常用后缀 1. 名词后缀
-age passage (通过) -ance, -ence -ancy, -ency -ation
assistance (帮助), dependence (依赖) brilliancy (灿烂), efficiency (效率) organization (组织)
observer (观察员), investigator (调查者) childhood (童年)
action (作用), revolution (革命), comparison (比较)
-er, -or -hood
-ion, -tion, -son
-ism -ist -ment -ness -ship
-ty, -ity
2. 形容词后缀
-able, -ible -al -ful -ish -ive -less -ous -some -y
3. 动词后缀
-fy, -ify -ize, -ise
4. 副词后缀
-ward(s) -wise
racism (种族主义) capitalist (资本家) argument (争论) darkness (黑暗) leadership (领导)
safety (安全), majority (大多数)
considerable (值得考虑的), sensible (可觉察的) fundamental (基础的) colourful (多彩的) bluish (带蓝色的) passive (被动的) worthless (无价值的) numerous (无数的) troublesome (讨厌的) noisy (喧闹的)
shorten (缩短)
satisfy (满足), simplify (简化) realize/ -ise (实现)
efficiently (高效地) afterward(s) (后来) clockwise (顺时针方向)
附表三 词汇表 A
absent a. 缺席,不在
absolutely ad. 完全地,绝对地 academic a. 学术的 academy n. 学校
acceptable a. 可接受的 acceptance n. 接受
access n. 通路,进入,享用 accessibility n.
accessible a. 可以进入的 accident n. 意外事故
acclimatize v. 使习惯,使服水土 accommodate v. 提供食宿 according (to) prep. 根据 account n. 帐,(银行的)帐户 accountancy n. 会计;会计学 accustomed a. 习惯的
achieve v. 实现
achievement n. 成就,功绩 acknowledge v. 承认;认知
acquire v. 获得,学到 action n. 行动 active a. 活跃的 activity n. 活动
actual a. 现实中的
actually ad. 事实上,实际上 adapt v. 使适应;改编
add (to) v. 添加 addict v. 上瘾
addictive a. 上瘾的 addition n. 添加;加 additional a. 额外的 address v. 寻求
adequately ad. 充分地 adjourn v. 中止,休会 adjust v. 调整 adopt v. 收养;采用;接受 adoption n. 采用
adult n. a. 成人;成人的
adulation n. 奉承,阿谀 advance n. 前进,进展 advantage n. 好处,优势
advertise v. 登广告
advertisement n. 广告 advertising n. 广告 advice n. 劝告
advisory a. 顾问的;咨询的;劝告的 afterwards ad. 然后 affair n. 事情 afflict v. 使痛苦;折磨 age v. n. 衰老;年龄 agenda n. 议程 aggressive a. 有闯劲的,好斗的 agriculture n. 农业 aid n. v. 帮助
air-conditioning n. 空调 airline n. 航线
alertness n. 警戒,机敏 alienation n. 疏远;离间 alive a. 活着的 alliance n. 联盟 allowance n. 允许 aloe n. 芦荟 alright a. 好的
alternative a. 二者择其一,可供选择的 altitude n. 高度(尤指海拨)
amazing a. (数量或质量等)惊人的,了不起的 amazingly ad. 令人惊讶地 ambition n. 野心,雄心 ambulance n. 救护车
amenity n. 服务设施;舒服,舒适 amount n. 数量
amuse v. 逗乐;逗笑 amused a. 愉快的,开心的,好玩的 amusing a. 引起乐趣的,逗人笑的 announcement n. 通知,公告 anyway ad. 无论如何 anchor n. 主持人,锚 ancient a. 古代的 annoy v.
使苦恼, 骚扰
annoying a. 令人烦恼的;令人讨厌的 annual a. 每年的,一年一次的 anonymity n. 匿名 anticipate v. 期望 apartment n. 公寓 apologize v. 道歉 apology n. 道歉
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