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——本人研究CBTC时翻译过来的,希望对大家有用 摘要:CBTC系统的性能和功能需求分析立足于本标准。CBTC系统是一个不依赖于轨道电路、利用高分辨率列车定位的、连续的列车自动控制系统;连续的、高容量的列车—轨旁双向数据通信;车载和轨旁处理器有执行自动列车防护(ATP)的功能、可选择的自动列车运行(ATO)功能和自动列车监控(ATS)功能。除CBTC的功能需求之外,本标准还定义了CBTC系统的间隔时间准则、系统安全准则、系统可用性准则。本标准适用于包括自动化的旅客捷运系统的运输应用的所有领域。


1. 综述


1.1 适用范围


1.2 目的


1.3 当前应用


2. 参考文献

3. 缩写词、首字母缩略和定义

3.1 定义 3.1.1 司法权 略

3.1.2 旅客捷运系统(APMs):一种全自动运营、有向导的运输模式,有专用通信权的有轨车辆在其中占有重要地位。

3.1.3 自动列车控制(ATC):用于自控控制列车运转,保证行车安全,指挥列车运行。ATC必须包含ATP,可能包含ATS或ATO。

3.1.4 自动列车运行(ATO):ATC的子系统,执行所有速度调节、计划内停车、车门控制、性能水平管理功能,或者其他分配给驾驶员的功能。

3.1.5 自动列车防护(ATP):ATC的子系统,通过综合列车探测、列车间隔、联锁技术,防止碰撞、超速和其他有危险的情况发生,保障故障—安全。 3.1.6 自动列车监督(ATS):ATC的子系统,监控列车,调整单列车的运行以维护整个时刻表,并且提供数据调整服务以使由于不能按计划正常行车而造成的麻烦最小化。


3.1.7 辅助轨旁系统(auxiliary wayside system):备用或次要的列车控制系统,可为未配备车载CBTC设备和/或部分或全部车载CBTC设备无效的列车实现全部或部分ATP功能做好准备。辅助轨旁系统可包括车载设备,也可提供轨道损坏探测功能。

3.1.8 基础运行机组:(A)为独立运行而设计的单一车辆。(B)为独立运行,包含两辆或两辆以上、一种或多种车辆,永久或半永久的组合。

3.1.9 紧急制动:故障—安全,开环的制动到完全停止,考虑所有的相关因素后又一个确定的最大停车距离。一旦制动开始,就是不可逆的(直到列车停下或者预定的时间已经过去)。

3.1.10 常规制动:非紧急制动应用,获得(最大)刹车率与刹车系统的设计一致,在主控制之下可补偿。 3.1.11 车辆:参见vehicle。

3.1.12 民用速度限制:每个轨道区段的最大速度授权主要取决于曲度、剖面、结构。

3.1.13 基于通信的列车控制(CBTC):一个连续的ATC系统,利用高分辨率的列车定位,不依赖轨道电路;连续的、高容量、双向列车—轨旁数据通信;车载和轨旁处理器有执行重要功能的能力。

3.1.14 轨道交通通勤者:一种轨道交通乘客服务,运营于综合铁路系统的大都市部分。这项业务,主要针对于通勤者,一般作为公有或某一铁路公司所有的局部系统的一部分运行,也是它所有服务中的一部分。

3.1.15 组成:一列列车中单独的单元的组成或构成(数目和特性一致)。 3.1.16 停站时间:一个运输单元(车辆或列车)停留在某一站的时间,以其停靠和启动时间间隔计算。

3.1.17 故障—安全:一种适用于安全认证系统的设计原则。如果硬件故障或者软件错误,系统将被禁止僭越到或维持在一个非安全状态,或者系统将直接导向一个已知的安全状态。

3.1.18 时间间隔:方向相同的车辆或列车的前端依次驶过相同的线路或轨道时的时间间隔。

3.1.19 重轨运输:一种快速轨道运输模式,一般以充分的等级划分建设为特点,最低水准的车辆对专有通行权和站台起作用。

3.1.20 联锁:在铁路线路交叉、连接、分离等处,道岔、锁闭终端、信号设备的布置。这些设备是相互关联的,它们必须按照预先定义好的顺序依次运转,从而防止迎面的或相冲突的列车动作。

3.1.21 轻轨运输:一种以拥有专有路权运营、街道行驶、中央保留行驶、平面交叉并且在轨道和车辆最低水准装卸乘客为特点的轨道运行方式。 3.1.22 主控制:车载设备或系统直接为列车提供控制信号。

3.1.23 移动授权:列车按给定方向运行进入某一特定轨道区段的授权。在CBTC系统中,通过移动授权的分配、监督和执行来保证安全的行车间隔,并且通过联锁来实现防护。

3.1.24 冗余:以系统中某一实体多个存在的手段来完成指定的功能。

3.1.25 可靠性:在特定的一段时间以及工作条件下,系统以设计参数无故障执行其预期功能的概率。

3.1.26 安全制动模式:列车从减速到完全停止的性能的分解表述,要综合考虑最坏影响因素和故障情况。CBTC列车要停车在安全制动距离之内。

3.1.27 安全性评估:(A)应用于某个系统或功能的术语,正确的执行结果苛求于人员和设备安全。(B)应用于某个系统或功能的术语,错误的执行结果可能导致危险。


3.1.28 自显故障:对系统运行有影响的故障会立即明显的表现出来。

3.1.29 服务税收:(A)运输服务不包括免费乘坐或津贴。(B)任何旅客远行服务计划。

3.1.30 系统安全:应用工程学、管理原则、标准,在操作效力约束下优化各个安全性方面的技术、时间以及贯穿系统寿命周期各个阶段的成本。

3.1.31 系统安全计划:系统安全管理的组合任务和活动以及提高运营效力的系统安全工程,以一个及时的、符合成本效益的方式贯穿系统生命周期完善系统安全需求。

3.1.32 列车:由一辆或多辆基础运行机组组成。

3.1.33 单元:见:基本运行机组

3.1.34 车辆:一种可通过导轨运送人或物体的陆地运输工具,具有结构完整性大体的机械完整性,但是未必为独立运行所设计。

3.1.35 重要功能:安全评估系统中的一项功能,必须以故障—安全方式去执行。 3.2 缩略词和首字母缩写 APM 旅客捷运系统 APTA AREMA ASCE ATC ATO ATP ATS CBTC GEBR MTBF MTBFF MTBHE MTTR MTTRS O&SHA PHA SHA SSHA SSPP

美国公共交通协会 美国铁路保养和工程协会 美国土木工程师协会 自动列车控制 自动列车运行 自动列车防护 自动列车监督 基于通行的列车控制 有保证紧急制动率 平均无故障时间 平均功能无故障时间 平均危险时间时间 平均修复时间 平均修复服务时间 操作&危险分析支持 危险预分析 系统危险分析 子系统危险分析 系统安全计划设计

4. 通用需求

4.1 CBTC系统的特征

一个CBTC系统的主要特征包括以下几点: a) 不依靠轨道电路、高精度的列车定位 b) 连续的、大容量的双向车-地数据通信 c) 车载和轨旁计算机执行安全功能

4.2 CBTC系统的分类


a) 只提供ATP功能,没有ATO和ATS功能

b) 提供ATP功能,同样也提供一定的ATS和ATO功能,能够满足特定应用的操作需求

c) 是既定应用的唯一列车控制系统,或者可能与其它辅助轨旁系统一同工作 一个典型的功能结构框图见附录B。

4.3 适用范围



4.4 列车配置

一个CBTC系统应当能够支持不同的列车类型,包括以下: a) 由一个或多个基本单位组成的固定长度的、单方向的列车

b) 由一个或多个基本单位组成的固定长度的、双方向的列车 c) 可变长度的、单方向的列车 d) 可变长度的、双方向的列车 一个CBTC系统能够支持混跑类型列车 4.5 Train operating modes

4.5 列车操作模式

CBTC-equipped trains may be operated by either a single person or a multi-person crew. A CBTC system may also be required to support operation of trains without crews.

装备CBTC系统的列车可以由一个人或者多人操作,同样能够支持无人驾驶。 For operation of trains with crews, the train operator will typically be stationed in the lead car of the train and will be responsible for moving the train from station to station. With a multi-person crew, the conductor(s) will normally operate from conductor position(s) within the train to operate the train’s doors. A CBTC system shall support single-person train operation by combining the conductor and train operator display information on the train operator’s display. For multi-person crews, conductor display information shall also be provided on separate conductor displays. 列车由多人经营时,司机坐在驾驶室里,负责驾驶列车。乘务员通常负责车门。CBTC系统也可以由一个人经营,此时乘务员和驾驶员的职务由一个人充当。 For the purposes of this standard, operation of trains without crews includes both unattended and driverless train operations. With unattended train operations, there would normally be no crew member onboard the train. With driverless train operations, there may be a crew member onboard the train, but normally not in the driving cab. This crew member, if present, would normally have no responsibility for operation of the train except for failure recovery.


CBTC-equipped trains (including CBTC-equipped maintenance vehicles) shall be capable of operating in various modes, depending on whether the train is operating in CBTC territory or non-CBTC territory, and depending on the operational status of the train-borne and/or wayside CBTC equipment.


Mixed-mode operation shall also be considered a normal operating mode, to the extent specified by the authority having jurisdiction. Mixed-mode operation is defined as the simultaneous operation within CBTC territory of CBTC-equipped trains and trains that are not equipped with functional train-borne CBTC equipment (including maintenance vehicles). Mixed-mode operation may be used in one or more of the following ways:

根据主管机关指定的范围内,混跑模式也应当看作是一个常用的运行模式。混跑模式被定义为在CBTC区域内装备CBTC系统的列车和未装备CBTC系统的列车同时存在运行。混跑模式运行可能以如下一个或多种方式使用: a) A regularly scheduled mode of operation within CBTC territory 在CBTC区域预定的运行模式

b) An infrequent, unscheduled mode of operation within CBTC territory 在CBTC区域很少用的、非预定的运行模式

c) During the transition period only, as a new CBTC system is cut-in 仅在有新的CBTC系统接入的过渡时期

d) As a result of train-borne CBTC equipment failures 由于CBTC车载设备故障

4.5.1 Normal train operating modes in CBTC territory

4.5.1 作为CBTC区域内常用的列车运行模式 CBTC-equipped trains 装备CBTC系统的列车

CBTC-equipped trains operating in CBTC territory shall operate, within ATP limits, under the protection of the CBTC system. The train shall be capable of being controlled manually by a train operator or automatically by the CBTC system (supervised by the train operator, if present), as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. When operating automatically, some functions (such as door operation and train departure initiation) may continue to be the responsibility of the train operator and/or conductor(s), if present.

装备CBTC系统的列车在CBTC区域运行,在ATP的限制下,受CBTC系统的防护。根据标准定义,此时列车可以人工驾驶或者进行自动驾驶(如果车上有司机的话,司机进行监督列车自动运行)。当列车自动驾驶时,开关车门、列车启动等功能由司机或乘务员(如果有)负责。 Non-CBTC-equipped trains 没有CBTC设备的列车

Trains not equipped with train-borne CBTC equipment and/or trains with inoperative train-borne CBTC equipment that are operating in CBTC territory shall operate under the protection of an auxiliary wayside system and/or operating procedures, as specified by the authority having jurisdiction.

主管机关规定,未装备CBTC系统的列车或者车载CBTC设备不起作用的列车,在CBTC区域运行的时候,应当在辅助轨旁系统的防护下运行。 4.5.2 Failure mode train operations in CBTC territory

4.5.2 CBTC区域内列车操作的故障模式

For light rail, heavy rail, and commuter rail applications operating with crews, it is an operational requirement to continue to move trains safely in the event of CBTC equipment and/or data communication failures, possibly at reduced operating speeds and/or increased operating headways when compared to normal train

operations. As a consequence, a CBTC system shall be designed to support degraded modes of operation in the event of failure and to continue to provide ATP with minimum reliance on adherence to operating procedures. This shall be achieved through functional elements of the CBTC system itself, an auxiliary wayside system (if specified by the authority having jurisdiction), or a combination of both systems. 对于有司机驾驶的轻轨、重轨和通勤线,当CBTC设备或者数据通信失败时仍然能够使列车安全运行是对操作的需求,和平常列车运行相比,可能会以降低列车运行速度或者是增大运行安全距离的方法。因此,一个CBTC系统应当设计为在设备失效的情况下支持后备运行模式,并能够继续提供ATP的最小防护。这项功能应该能被CBTC系统本身、辅助轨旁系统或者二者的结合所实现。

For fully automated people mover applications operating without crews, the extent to which the CBTC system shall be designed to support degraded modes of operation in the event of failure shall be as defined by the authority having jurisdiction, and may include an ability to remotely reset train-borne equipment and the ability to support automatic push/pull train recovery, as well as the ability to support manual train operations and alternative routing strategies.


For all applications, a fall-back plan, based on failure analysis and operating procedures, shall identify train operating modes that will take advantage of the degraded modes of operation and recovery capabilities of the CBTC system. The goal of the plan shall be to eliminate hazards to passengers and staff in accordance with 5.3, while continuing to provide passenger service.

Specifically, failure mode train operations in CBTC territory shall address those CBTC system failures affecting the following:



特别地,CBTC区域内的故障运行模式应该处理CBTC系统故障如下: a) All trains operating within a particular area of control 所有的列车都在一个特定的可控区域运行

b) A particular train operating within any area of control 在任何可控区域内运行一辆特殊的列车 CBTC system failures affecting all trains operating within a particular area of control CBTC系统失效影响一定区域内所有列车的运行

In the event of a CBTC system failure that affects all CBTC-equipped trains operating within a particular area of control within CBTC territory (e.g., wayside CBTC equipment or wayside-to-train data communications failure), trains shall have the capability to provide continued safe operations under the control of a train operator, and

如果发生CBTC系统故障(如轨旁CBTC设备或地-车通信中断)并且影响一定区段内所有CBTC装备列车,列车应当能够在司机的控制下继续安全运行,并且 a) With the protection of an auxiliary wayside system (if specified by the authority having

jurisdiction); or有轨旁辅助系统的保护(如果主管机关指定)

b) Through strict adherence to operating procedures; or或者严格按照运行手册 c) A combination of both items a) and b). 或a和b两种情况的综合

When operating in this failure mode, ATP functions that reside within individual train-borne CBTC equipment shall continue to function to the extent safety can be assured.

当在这样的故障模式下运行时,驻留在每个车载CBTC设备的ATP功能将继续在能够确保安全的程度下工作。 CBTC system failures affecting a particular train operating within any area of control CBTC系统故障影响某一特定的列车在整个线路上的运行

In the event of a CBTC system failure affecting a particular CBTC-equipped train operating within any area of control within CBTC territory (e.g., train-borne CBTC equipment failure), that train shall be capable of continued safe operations under the control of a train operator, and


a) With the protection of an auxiliary wayside system (if specified by the authority having

jurisdiction); or在轨旁辅助系统的保护下(如果主管机关指定);或者是 b) With the train speed limited by the propulsion system; or牵引系统控制列车速度 c) Through strict adherence to operating procedures; or或者严格按照运行手册 d) A combination of any or all of items a), b), and c). 或者abc中任两者或三者综合的情况

When operating in this failure mode, ATP functions that reside within wayside CBTC equipment and within other train-borne CBTC equipment shall continue to function to the extent safety can be assured.

当在这样的故障模式下运行时,驻留在轨旁CBTC设备和其他的车载CBTC设备中的ATP功能将继续在安全能够确保的程度工作。 4.5.3 Normal train operating modes in non-CBTC territory

4.5.3 非CBTC区域内列车的正常运行模式

For the purposes of this standard, non-CBTC territory is defined as any territory that is not equipped with wayside CBTC equipment fully compatible with the train-borne CBTC equipment.

CBTC equipment installed on trains operating in non-CBTC territory shall include the necessary capabilities to support transitions into CBTC territory. In addition, if specified by the authority having jurisdiction, train-borne CBTC equipment may also

perform other ATP functions while operating in non-CBTC territory, such as limiting train speed and/or providing zero speed detection.


If specified by the authority having jurisdiction, train-borne CBTC equipment operating in non-CBTC territory may also interface with wayside equipment that is not fully compatible with the train-borne CBTC equipment. In no case, however, shall the train-borne CBTC equipment provide an indication of standard CBTC operation when operating in non-CBTC territory, unless the applicable authority or authorities having jurisdiction over the train-borne and wayside equipment have ensured that standard CBTC operation is supported by the integrated train-borne and wayside systems.

如果主管机关指定,运行于非CBTC区域的车载CBTC设备可以与轨旁设备(与车载CBTC设备不完全兼容)有接口。然而,当运行于非CBTC区域时,车载CBTC设备决不能提供标准的CBTC运行指示,除非可用授权或主管机关通过车载和轨旁设备能够确保完整的车载和轨旁系统能够支持标准的CBTC运行。 4.5.4 Failure mode train operations in non-CBTC territory

4.5.4 非CBTC区域内列车运行的故障模式

Except where specified to perform certain ATP functions while operating in non-CBTC territory, failure of the train-borne CBTC equipment shall have minimal impact on train operation. The failure shall be indicated to the train operator, if present. 当运行于非CBTC区域时,除非指定执行特定的ATP功能,车载CBTC设备的故障应对列车运行产生最小的影响,如果有司机的话,故障将会报由司机。 4.6 Entering/exiting CBTC territory

4.6 进入、离开CBTC区域

4.6.1 Entering into CBTC territory


A CBTC system shall have precise knowledge of the limits of CBTC territory and shall include the capability to perform verification checks of the train-borne CBTC equipment prior to entering CBTC territory. The checks shall be performed sufficiently in advance of entry into CBTC territory to verify the proper operation of the train-borne CBTC equipment (including any wayside CBTC equipment dependencies).


If the verification check is passed, an indication to this effect shall be provided. Under normal circumstances and subject to ATP constraints, it shall not be necessary for a train to come to a stop when entering CBTC territory unless required for other operational reasons.


In the event that the verification check fails, an indication of the CBTC system failure shall be provided, and train operation may revert to the auxiliary wayside signal system if available or to operating rules if no auxiliary wayside signal system is provided.

The results of the verification checks shall be displayed on the ATS user interface. For trains operating with crews, the results of the verification checks shall also be indicated to the train operator.


赖于轨旁辅助信号系统,或者如果没有轨旁辅助系统的话,就会按照运行规则。 验证信息会显示在ATS用户界面上,对于有人驾驶的列车,验证信息同样也会显示给司机。

4.6.2 Exiting from CBTC territory


For trains operating with crews, prior to exiting CBTC territory, a CBTC system may provide a visual indication to the train operator of time and/or distance until the train will be exiting the CBTC territory. When known by the CBTC system, the train operator may also receive an indication of the type of train control system into which the train will be traversing.


Under normal circumstances and subject to ATP constraints, it shall not be necessary for a train to come to a stop when exiting CBTC territory unless required for other operational reasons.

在正常情况和ATP的限制下,当进入CBTC区域时,就不需要先停车了,除非有特殊操作要求。 4.7 Train operating speeds

4.7 列车运行速度

A CBTC system shall be capable of meeting the performance and functional requirements of this standard, over the full range of possible train operating speeds specified by the authority having jurisdiction.


5. Performance requirements


5.1 CBTC factors contributing to achievable headways


The required design and operating headways (i.e., the minimum and scheduled headways) for both normal and reverse directions shall be specified by the authority having jurisdiction. Headway may be specified as uninterfered and/or interfered. 正向或反向运行所要求的设计和运行间隔应当由主管机构来指定,运行间隔可以人为干预或不进行干预。

In all cases, the design headway shall be constrained by the safe train separation requirements and the safe braking model of


In the case of an uninterfered headway, a train speed profile shall not be affected by a preceding train. All trains shall, therefore, perform at the maximum allowed speed, depending on the civil speed limits(线路区段限速) and the acceleration and braking capabilities of the trains themselves. Operation at uninterfered headways facilitates a minimum end-to-end trip time for a given set of station dwell times. 在运行间隔不受人工干预的情况下,列车速度曲线不应当受前行列车的影响。因此,所有的列车都在一个允许的最大的速度下运行,该速度取决于线路速度限制和列车本身的加速、减速性能。在给定一套停站时间的前提下无人工干预间隔下运转促进端对端断开时间的最小化。

Headways may be reduced (at the expense of increased trip times) with an interfered headway where a train speed profile is affected by a preceding train such that a following train decelerates on the approach to a station and enters the station area at a reduced speed. Interfered headway may also be specified to support multiple

berthings at a station platform.


The design headway for a particular line and a particular set of vehicles involves many factors that are outside the control of the CBTC system (e.g., track alignment, gradients, civil speed limits, train acceleration and braking rates, station dwell times, terminal track configurations, driver reaction times). These factors shall be specified by the authority having jurisdiction. This standard addresses only those CBTC factors contributing to achievable headways, of which the most significant are the following: 为一个特定线路和一组特定车辆设计的运行间隔包括很多因素,这些因素(包括轨道走向、坡度、线路限速、列车加速度、制动率、停站时间、司机反应时间等)超出了CBTC系统的范围。这些因此应当有主管机构进行指定。本标准只关心那些与可能实现的运行间隔有关的CBTC因素,这些因素中最重要的是以下方面: a) Location (both accuracy of measured end-of-train locations and resolution of movement authority limits for a given train), including the frequency at which location reports and movement authorities are updated.


b) Speed, including both accuracy of speed measurement and resolution of speed limits established for a given train at a given location.


c) Communications delays, including nominal and worst-case transmission times of command/status messages between wayside and train, and vice versa. (Command/status messages include, for example, messages related to movement authority updates and/or location report updates.)


d) CBTC equipment reaction times, including maximum error accumulation, for both wayside and train-borne equipment, and for various operating modes, as applicable.

(CBTC equipment reaction times include, for example, the time required to establish new movement authority limits following location report updates, the time to establish new movement authority limits through an interlocking, and the time to determine a new ATP profile following movement authority update.)


e) CBTC system performance limitations (e.g., the maximum number of trains that can be processed by the CBTC system, within a given area of control).


f) CBTC automatic speed regulation algorithm. CBTC自动速度管理算法

Typical values for the CBTC parameters in items a) through e) are given in Annex C. 从a~e的CBTC参数的典型值在附录C中给出 5.2 CBTC factors contributing to achievable trip times

5.2 影响航次时间的CBTC因素

Trip time requirements shall be specified by the authority having jurisdiction, consistent with train performance and track alignment characteristics.

The minimum end-to-end trip times for a defined set of station dwell times will result from uninterfered headway speed profiles. The CBTC factors contributing to achievable headways, as identified in 5.1, will also be factors contributing to the minimum achievable trip times.

航次时间的需求应由主管机关指定,符合列车性能和轨道走向特征。在确定的站台停靠时间下,最小的端对端航次时间由无人工干扰的间隔时间速度图决定。影响时间间隔的CBTC因素,如5.1所定义的,也影响着航次时间。 5.3 System safety requirements

5.3 系统安全需求

5.3.1 CBTC System Safety Program requirements

5.3.1 CBTC系统安全计划需求

A System Safety Program shall be instituted(制定) during the CBTC system planning/design phase and shall continue throughout the system life cycle. The CBTC System Safety Program shall emphasize the prevention of accidents by identifying and resolving hazards in a systematic manner. A CBTC System Safety Program Plan (SSPP) shall be developed for each CBTC application. The CBTC SSPP shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of E.1 of Annex E or the requirements of the American Public Transit Association’s Manual *B1+ or equivalent requirements, as approved by the authority having jurisdiction.


Implementation of the CBTC SSPP shall specifically recognize configuration management issues, given the importance of software and hardware configuration control in maintaining system safety.

5.3.2 CBTC hazard identification and risk assessment process

5.3.2 CBTC危害识别和风险评估过程

5.3.3 CBTC vital functions

5.3.3 CBTC安全功能

5.3.4 Quantitative CBTC safety performance requirements

5.3.4 定量的CBTC安全性能需求

5.3.5 Basic safety design principles

5.3.5 基本安全设计原则

5.4 System assurance requirements

5.4 系统保障需求.

5.5 Environmental requirements

5.5 环境需求

Train-borne CBTC equipment shall comply with the requirements of IEEE Std 1478-2001.

Wayside CBTC equipment shall comply with the requirements of IEEE P1582/D1.0. 6. Functional requirements


A CBTC system shall include the capability for providing ATP, ATO, and ATS functions. ATP functions shall provide fail-safe protection against collisions, excessive speed, and other hazardous conditions. ATP functions shall have precedence over both the ATO and ATS functions. ATO functions shall control basic operations that would otherwise be performed by a train operator and shall do so within the protection limits imposed by ATP. ATS functions shall provide system status information and the means to monitor and override the automatic control for various functions of the system.



The CBTC train-to-wayside communications interface shall be sufficient to support all required ATP, ATO,and ATS functions. The data link shall provide continuous geographic coverage within CBTC territory and shall support train operations in tunnels, tubes, and cuts, on elevated structures, and at grade. The data link shall support bidirectional data transfer and shall exhibit sufficiently low latency to support the defined performance requirements. The data link shall include a protocol structure to support safe, timely, and secure delivery of train control messages. CBTC车-地通信应接口当为所需的ATP、ATS、ATO功能提供足够的支持。数据链路应当提供整个CBTC区域内的连续覆盖,而且应该支持各种状况下的列车运行,如隧道、管道、切口、高架结构、平面交通。数据链路应该支持双向数据传输并且应该显示足够低的延迟以支持性能需求定义。数据链路应该包括一种支持安全、实时、稳定地列车控制信息传输协议。 6.1 ATP functions

6.1 ATP功能

6.2 ATO functions

6.2 AT0功能

6.3 ATS functions

6.3 ATS功能

6.3.1 General

6.3.1 通用

If specified by the authority having jurisdiction, a CBTC may interface to, or be

integrated with, an ATS system. Under such circumstances, and to the extent specified by the authority having jurisdiction, CBTC-related ATS functions shall be implemented as defined in this sub-clause in order to benefit from the characteristics of a CBTC system as defined in 4.1, namely, the availability of the following: 如果主管机关指定,一个CBTC可以与一个ATS系统相接口或相结合。在这种情况下,到了主管机关指定的程度,与CBTC相关的ATS功能应当按照副条款定义实施以从如4.1定义的CBTC系统的特性中受益,即如下可用性: — Train location information to a high precision, independent of track circuits 不依赖轨道电路的列车高精度定位信息

— Continuous wayside-to-train and train-to-wayside data communications link 双向连续的车—地通信连接

— Train-borne and wayside data processing capabilities 车载和轨旁数据处理能力

The CBTC-related ATS functions defined in this sub-clause shall be fully integrated with other conventional ATS functions and other non-ATS functions, as may be specified by the authority having jurisdiction, to support overall service management for the transit system and provide for a single consistent user interface.


The CBTC data communications network, inclusive of the wayside-to-train and train-to-wayside data communications interface, shall be sufficient to support those CBTC-related ATS functions specified by the authority having jurisdiction.


IEEE PERFORMANCE AND FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Std 1474.1-2004 Copyright ? 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved. 25 6.3.2 ATS user interface

6.3.2 ATS用户接口

Each ATS user interface shall display all information and implement all control actions, as defined in 6.3, within acceptable latencies as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. Mandatory display data and user information inputs shall be in accordance with IEEE Std 1474.2-2003.


The ATS user shall be able to override any automated CBTC-related ATS functions defined in 6.3.


Certain ATS functions (such as stopping a train en route and the application and removal of temporary speed restrictions, switch/track blocking, or work zones) can potentially introduce system hazards and the specific implementation of these functions shall be considered in the hazard analyses required by 5.3.2. ATS functions are not required to be implemented in a fail-safe manner; however, the hazard analyses shall take into account, as a minimum, the probability of

某一ATS功能(如中途停车,临时限速、道岔/轨道区段锁闭或工作小区的应用和取消)可能引入系统风险并且这些功能的特定实施需要按5.3.2进行危险分析。ATS功能不需要以故障—安全方式实施;因此,危险分析会考虑最小概率的: a) Safety-related commands not being executed when initiated by an ATS user, ATS用户初始化时没有被执行的安全相关命令

b) The CBTC system prematurely removing safety-related commands initiated by an ATS user,


c) The CBTC system executing safety-related commands that were not initiated by an ATS user,


d) Incorrect information being displayed by the CBTC system to the ATS user. CBTC系统显示给ATS用户错误的信息。

The hazard analyses shall give due consideration of the specific transit application and whether the trains are operated with or without crews. 危险分析应适当考虑特殊的运输应用和列车是否又司机驾驶。

Control action confirmation shall be provided for any safety-related user interfaces/inputs and functions whose inadvertent implementation could have an adverse operational impact, as defined by the authority having jurisdiction. 任何安全相关的用户接口/输入和疏忽执行后有不利影响的功能应该有控制动作的确认,像主管机关定义的那样。

6.3.3 CBTC train identification and train tracking

6.3.3 CBTC列车认证和列车追踪

Each CBTC-equipped train operating within CBTC territory shall be assigned a train identification. This train identification shall indicate the type of train and other pertinent information about the train.


An ATS system shall have the capability to automatically track, maintain records of, and display on the ATS user interface the locations, identities, train schedule, and other pertinent data for all CBTC-equipped trains operating in the CBTC territory. The front and rear position of trains shall be tracked based on CBTC train location reports, and the train location shall be displayed on the ATS user interface. Variations in train length may be displayed either proportionally or as a standard length icon supplemented by textual train length data.

ATS系统应具备自动地追踪、持续记录并且在ATS用户界面上显示位置、标识、运行计划和其他CBTC区域内运行的所有CBTC相关列车信息的能力。列车前后位置应基于CBTC列车位置报告被追踪了解,并且列车位置应被显示在ATS用户界面上。列车长度变更也应按比例显示或者标有文本列车长度数据的标准图标显示。 6.3.4 Train routing

6.3.4 列车排路

An ATS system shall have the capability to permit CBTC-equipped trains operating in CBTC territory to be manually and automatically routed based on CBTC train location reports and in accordance with the train service data, predefined routing rules, and any ATS user-directed service strategy. Where applicable to the specific track configuration, automatic routing shall facilitate the proper merging and diverging of trains at junctions, turn back of trains, the movement of trains from/to storage areas, and the rerouting of trains in response to service disruptions and/or planned outages. Train routes shall be indicated on the ATS user interface and may also be indicated to the train operator and/or conductor, if present, on their displays, as specified by the authority having jurisdiction.


An ATS system may also include a means to control and limit movement authorities of CBTC-equipped trains operating in CBTC territory. CBTC movement authority limits shall be capable of being displayed on the ATS user interface, and any un-commanded reductions of authority limits shall be alarmed. For trains operated with crews, movement authority limits may also be indicated to the train operator and/or conductor on their displays, as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. ATS系统也可以包括一种控制和限制CBTC区域内列车移动授权的手段。CBTC移动授权限制能够显示在ATS用户界面上,并且任何非命令的减少授权限制的操作都应该被报警。对于司机驾驶的列车来说,移动授权限制也应该显示给列车司机或乘务员,像主管机关指定的那样。 6.3.5 Automatic train regulation

6.3.5 自动列车管理 Schedule/headway regulation 计划表/间隔管理

An ATS system may have the capability to automatically monitor and regulate the performance of CBTC-equipped trains operating in CBTC territory, in relation to schedule and/or headway adherence.


An ATS system may include an automatic dispatching function (based on train identities, CBTC train location reports, scheduled and actual headways between trains, and service strategies implemented by authorized ATS users).


Schedule and headway regulation for CBTC-equipped trains shall be by means of dwell time variance(including train holds) and may also be by control of run times between stations (e.g., through adjustments to train acceleration and service brake rates, and speeds), as specified by the authority having jurisdiction.


For trains operated with crews, the desired station departure time and desired speed profile between stations may be indicated to the train operator and/or conductor on their displays and, when operating in ATO mode, shall be implemented automatically by a CBTC system using the automatic speed regulation function of 6.2.1.


An ATS system may provide the capability to adjust the train service braking profiles for CBTC-equipped trains (e.g., in response to wet rail conditions). A CBTC system shall coordinate implementation of requested changes in service braking profiles to avoid conditions that would result in an emergency brake application.

ATS系统应该有能力调整CBTC列车的刹车配置(例如为了应对湿轨状况)。CBTC系统应该按需求调整刹车配置以避免需要紧急刹车的状况。 Junction management 交叉点管理

An ATS system may include automatic train regulation functions, based on CBTC train location reports, to facilitate appropriate train meets (such as transfers between local and express tracks, and at the merge point between different lines) in order to minimize overall system delays.

ATS系统应该包括基于CBTC列车定位报告的自动列车管理功能,以促进适当的列车集中(如本地轨和快速轨之间的转换,不同线路的交汇点),使总体的系统延迟最小化。 Energy optimization 能耗最优化

An ATS system may have the capability to implement energy optimization algorithms for CBTC-equipped trains through the real-time control and coordination of train acceleration, train coasting, and train braking.


The priority given to energy optimization versus schedule/headway regulation shall be as specified by the authority having jurisdiction.

相对于计划表和间隔时间管理,给予能耗优化优先权应按照主管机关的说明。 6.3.6 Station stop functions

6.3.6 车站停靠功能 Stop train at next station下一站停车

An ATS system may include the means to direct a single CBTC-equipped train or a group of CBTC-equipped trains to stop at the next station, even if the train is scheduled to bypass that station. For trains operated with crews, a CBTC system may indicate the ATS train stop information to the train operator and conductor on their displays. In ATO mode, a CBTC-equipped train shall automatically stop at the next station.

ATS系统应该包括指挥单辆CBTC列车或一组CBTC列车下一站停车的功能,即便列车按计划应该忽略那一站。对于人工驾驶的列车,CBTC系统应该把ATS列车停靠信息显示给司机和乘务员。在ATO模式下,CBTC列车应该自动停靠在下一站。 Hold train at station 车站留车

For trains operated without crews, an ATS system shall include facilities to hold (and subsequently release) a CBTC-equipped train at a station. For trains operated with crews, this function is optional and shall be as specified by the authority having jurisdiction. If this function is provided, a CBTC system may indicate the train hold information to the train operator and conductor on their displays, and/or prevent a CBTC-equipped train from departing the station in ATO mode.

对于无人驾驶列车,ATS系统应该包括保持CBTC列车留站的设备(随后释放)。对于人工驾驶列车,此功能可按照主管机关的规定选择性的设置。如果设置了此功能,CBTC系统应把列车留站信息显示给司机和乘务员,并且阻止有CBTC列车以ATO模式离站。 Skip station stop 跳停

An ATS system may include facilities to direct a CBTC-equipped train or group of CBTC-equipped trains to pass through a station or group of stations without stopping. For trains operated with crews, a CBTC system may indicate the skip station information to the train operator and conductor on their displays. In ATO mode, the train shall automatically skip the designated stations.

ATS系统应该包括能指挥一辆或一组CBTC列车不停车直接通过一个或一组车站的设施。对于人工驾驶列车,CBTC系统应该把跳停信息显示给司机和乘务员。在ATO模式下,列车应该自动跳过指定的车站。 Door control inhibit 车门防护

An ATS system may include facilities to inhibit (and subsequently permit) CBTC control of the train doors, in accordance with 6.2.3.

ATS系统应包括管制(随后允许)CBTC系统控制车门的设备,依照6.2.3。 6.3.7 Restricting train operations

6.3.7 列车操作限制

The application and removal of the following functions can potentially introduce system hazards and the specific implementation of these functions shall be considered in the hazard analyses required by 5.3.2.

如下功能的应用和撤销可能引入系统危险,其中某些特定的执行应该按照5.3.2进行危险分析。 Stopping a train en route 中途停车

An ATS system shall provide a means to stop a single CBTC-equipped train or group of

CBTC-equipped trains immediately. A CBTC system shall initiate an immediate brake application on the designated trains and notify the train operator and conductor, if present, via their displays.

ATS系统应该提供使单个或一组CBTC列车立即停车的方法。CBTC系统应该在指定的列车上开始立即停车的应用程序后显示给列车司机和乘务员(如果有的话)。 Temporary speed restrictions 临时限速

An ATS system shall include facilities to impose (and remove) temporary speed restrictions for CBTC-equipped trains operating on any section of track in CBTC territory (see 6.1.3).

ATS系统应包括对运行在任一CBTC轨道区段的CBTC列车强制临时限速的设备。 Switch/track blocking 道岔/轨道锁闭

An ATS system shall include facilities to block (and subsequently unblock) a switch, an exit signal, a route entry point, or a section of track within CBTC territory. A CBTC system shall prohibit CBTC-equipped trains from receiving movement authorities over blocked switches not aligned in the required position or into routes and/or sections of track that have been blocked (see 6.1.2 and 6.1.3).

ATS系统应该包括锁闭(随后解锁)CBTC区域内道岔、出口信号、进入点路由、轨道区段的设备。CBTC系统应该禁止CBTC列车接受越过未移动到相应位置的锁闭道岔或者进入已经锁闭轨道区段或进路的移动授权。 Work zones 工作小区

An ATS system shall include facilities to establish (and subsequently remove) temporary work zones for the protection of work crews and work trains.

