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Unit 5 Topic 1

Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( )1. —How much did you ____ buying the new bike?

—Three hundred yuan.

A. pay B. cost C. take D. spend

( )2. —Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday.

—I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____.

A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him

( )3. Some children were skating on the ice happily. Suddenly one of them ____ the water and the other children felt ____.

A. falls into; mad B. fell into; frightened

C. fall into; mad D. felt into; frightened

( )4. —Tom, Jane wanted you to call her.

—I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you.

A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up

( )5. Ann will not be able ____ your birthday party because she has a temperature.

A. to come to B. come C. comes D. to come

( )6. Jack wanted to get a ticket to Titanic, but there was ____ left.

A. no B. not C. none D. one

( )7. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.

A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone

( )8. He entered Beijing University____. The people in his village are ____ him.

A. in the end; pride in B. at the end; pride of

C. in end; proud of D. in the end; proud of

( )9. —What’s the matter with Tom? He seems ____ sad.

—His pet dog died.

A. feel B. feels C. to feel D. feeling

( )10. —Shall we go hiking this weekend?

—OK. Sounds ____.

A. good B. well C. good idea D. bad

Ⅱ. 情景交际。


Mother:Lin Tao, are you setting the table for your grandparents and uncle?

Mother: He said he wasn’t able to come.

Lin Tao: What’s the matter with him?


Did my uncle sound worried?

Mother:Yes. He said he would go to see a doctor.

Lin Tao: I will ring him up.

4. ____ 5. ____

Ⅲ. 完形填空。

Only Mother’s Love is true love. She gives you everything all her life. When you are a baby, mother looks after you . In your waking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she her work right away to look after you. When you are growing up, she feels . When you are to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you more clothes. She always stands in the wind for you to come back from school. When you leave home school with little breakfast, she always feels about you at home. She usually knows about your study and spends much money your school things. When you do in the exam, you will see the happiest smile on her face. We should remember Mother’s Love forever(永远).

( )1. A. careful B. carefully C. good D. badly

( )2. A. does B. goes on C. stops D. likes

( )3. A. sad B. silly C. upset D. happy

( )4. A. old enough B. young enough C. enough old D. enough young

( )5. A. to take off B. to put on C. take off D. put on

( )6. A. wait B. waits C. waiting D. waited

( )7. A. to B. for C. at D. in

( )8. A. angry B. active C. worried D. pleased

( )9. A. on B. in C. with D. for

( )10. A. good B. well C. angrily D. happily

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。


I felt very sad because I was not able to get the ticket to the film Hero last Friday. I learned from the newspaper that tickets

could be bought at the cinema box office in Richland Hills any day between 10:00 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. Since I work from 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. , the only time I could go to the cinema was during my 45 minutes’ lunchtime. It is a pity that the cinema is on the other side of the town and the bus service between my company and Richland Hills is not very good. But if you are lucky, you can make the round trip in 45 minutes.

Last Monday, I stood at the bus stop for 15 minutes waiting for a bus. By the time I saw one come round the corner, there was not enough time left to make the trip, so I had to go back. The same thing happened on Tuesday, and again on Wednesday. On Thursday my luck changed. I got on a bus right away and arrived at the cinema in twenty minutes. But when I got there, I found a long line of people at the box office. I heard one man said he had been waiting in line for over an hour. I found I would not have enough time to wait in line. I caught the next bus and went back across the town.

By Friday I understood my only hope was to make the trip by car. It was expensive, but I felt it would be worth it to see the nobody was waiting in line. But I quickly found out that it was because they had already sold out all the tickets.

( )1. It seemed that the writer of the story works as a ____.

A. worker B. doctor C. farmer D. clerk

( )2. The writer tried to go to the cinema every day, but really got there ____.

A. five times B. three times C. four times D. twice

( )3. We can infer from the underlined sentence that the writer was ____.

A. worried B. sorry C. surprised D. pleased

( )4. In the end the writer got ____ ticket(s).

A. one B. two C. three D. no

( )5. When the writer reached the cinema, he was delighted because ____.

A. he understood

B. it was expensive, but he felt it would be worth it to see the film

C. the trip by car only took 10 minutes

D. he saw that nobody was waiting in line


Films in Beijing Theater This Week


American film

Director: Alfonso Cuaron

Starring: Daniel Radcliffe,

Rupert Grint,

Emma Watson

Time: From Monday to Wednesday, at 6:00 p. m.

Ticket Price: ¥20


Chinese film

Director: Zhou Xingchi

Starring: Zhou Xingchi, Liang Xiaolong, Yuan Hua

Time: From Wednesday to Friday, at 9:00 p. m.

Ticket Price: ¥16


Chinese film

Director: Feng Xiaogang

Starring: Liu Dehua, Liu Ruoying, Ge You, Li Bingbing

Time: From Friday to Sunday, at 6:30 p. m.

Ticket Price: ¥18 (Half on Sunday for children)


American film

Director: Wolfgang Peterson

Starring: Julian Glover, Brian Cox, Nathan Jones, Adoni Maropis

Time: From Tuesday to Saturday, at 9:30 a. m.

Ticket Price: ¥14

( )1. There will be ____ in Beijing Theater this week.

A. one Chinese film B. two Chinese films

C. three American films D. four foreign films

( )2. If an adult with his child goes to Beijing Theater to watch A world Without Thieves on Sunday, they will spend ____ on

the film.

A. ¥30 B. ¥24 C. ¥27 D. ¥21

( )3. If you are free on Friday morning, you can see the film ____ in Beijing Theater.



( )4. You can see three films on ____ or ____.

A. Wednesday; Friday B. Tuesday; Wednesday

C. Thursday; Friday D. Saturday; Sunday

( )5. From the poster(海报), we know ____ is both a director and actor.

A. Alfonso Cuaron B. Feng Xiaogang

C. Wolfgang Peterson D. Zhou Xingchi

第二部分 写作

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。


1. 你好吗?_______________________2. 想要某人做某事_______________________

3.对 说谢谢/你好/再见_______________________

4.看起来很开心/累_______________________5.满脸笑容 _______________________

5.我最喜爱的 之一_______________________

6.一张 的票. _______________________7.希望做某事_______________________

8.为 摆放餐具_______________________9.发烧_______________________

10. 能做某事_______________________11.听起来焦急_______________________


14.生气_______________________15.使 振作/高兴起来_______________________

16.起初_______________________17.扮演 角色_______________________

18.上演,放映_______________________19.在 的夜晚_______________________



23.充满 _______________________24.受 喜爱_______________________

24制造和平_______________________25.以 .结束_______________________

26.以 开始_______________________

(B) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。

1. You should s____ the table quickly for dinner.

2. Our teachers taught us to sing l____ songs before class.

3. At first, the mother almost went m____ because she lost her daughter.

4. The landlord is so c____ that almost everybody hates him.

5. To our surprise, they made p____ with each other in the end.

(C) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。

6. Mary happened to meet one of her old friends and invited him ____ (go) to her new house.

7. They are getting ____ (marry) next month, so they are very excited now.

8. You will feel unhappy when someone____ (smile) at you in a strange place.

9. Mr. Smith seems to be ____ (please) with the new student called John.

10. The lights are off. I think there was nobody ____ (leave).

Ⅱ. 句型转换。

1. Michael had a temperature because of the bad weather. (改为同义句)

Michael ____ ____ ____ because of the bad weather.

2. Tom’对画线部分提问)

____ does Tom’s mother ____?

3. The novel ends with happiness. (对画线部分提问)

____ ____ the novel end with?

4. The boy will be able to go to school next year. (改为否定句)

The boy ____ ____ able to go to school next year.

5. He must stay at home to care for his grandpa. (改为同义句)

He must stay at home to ____ ____ his grandpa.

Ⅲ. 书面表达。


要求:1. 不要逐字逐句翻译,要写出玛丽得到票前后的心情。

2. 意思连贯、通顺,词数在60-80之间。


Unit 5 Topic 2

第一部分 英语知识运用

Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( )1. —There is ____ with my watch, so I don’t know the time.

—Let me have a look.

A. something wrong B. anything wrong

C. wrong something D. wrong anything

( )2. The weather in Beijing is not ____ good ____ that in Hainan.

A. as; than B. so; as C. than; as D. as; so

( )3. —Why does Jane feel so upset?

—She failed the exam and she has no friends ____.

A. talking B. talking with C. to talk D. to talk with

( )4. The little girl felt upset ____ her pet dog died.

A. why B. because of C. because D. what

( )5. Her mother gets up at 6:00 a. m. every day. She is used to ____ early to make breakfast for the family.

A. get up B. getting up C. gets up D. got up

( )6. The soft music sounds ____. We are all listening ____.

A. beautiful; carefully B. crazy; carefully

C. moving; careful D. happily; careful

( )7. The baby ____ cry ____ when he saw his mother come in.

A. no; longer B. no; more

C. didn’t; any more D. didn’t; any longer

( )8. —I think Helen studies English as ____ as Lucy.

—I don’t think so. Helen often makes mistakes.

A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully

( )9. —Beth is ____ shy girl that she is always afraid ____ in public.

—I think she should talk to her friends first.

A. such; speak B. such a; of speaking

C. so; speak D. so a; of speaking

( )10. ____ Mr. Zhang gave us some good suggestions, we still didn’t deal with those problems very well.

A. Though B. But C. Because D. /

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)

A: What’s the matter?

B: I can’t pronounce(发音) well.

A: Why don’t you borrow the teacher’s tapes? You can listen to them at home and repeat the difficult sentences. B:

A: You are welcome. By the way, B: Not always. Sometimes I can’t understand what they are talking.

A: Why not join the Ren’ai English Club to practice your spoken English?

B: Thanks again. See you later.

A: See you.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

Ⅲ. 完形填空。 Happiness is for everyone. In fact, happiness is always around you if you care about it. When you are in at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your of you; when you get success(成功), your friends will say congratulations you; when you do something correct it; and when you do something good to , you will feel happy, too. All these things are . If you pay attention to them, you can see happiness is always you. Happiness is not the same as money. When you are poor, you can also say you are very happy, because people can’t buy happiness money. When you meet problems, you can also say loudly you are very happy, because you have many friends to help you. So you can’t always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you agree with me, you can be a happy and person.

( )1. A. pupils B. trouble C. room D. office

( )2. A. newspapers B. cards C. lessons D. books

( )3. A. friendship B. knowledge C. our D. care

( )4. A. to B. for C. on D. by

( )5 A. wrong B. right C. badly D. worse

( )6. A. us B. them C. others D. yourself

( )7. A. teachers B. happiness C. friends D. parents

( )8. A. within B. between C. around D. among

( )9. A. without B. on C. by D. with

( )10. A. lucky B. good C. able D. unable

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。


When you feel sad, tears will come down from your eyes. When you are happy, especially when you laugh hard, tears will also come down from your eyes. But tears have a more important job than showing your feelings.

Tears keep your eyes clean and healthy. They wash away dirt and germs(细菌) just like bath. Your eyes also need tears to keep them wet. And eyes must be wet so that they can move smoothly. Your eyes are busy looking here and there all day long. They move quickly from one thing to another. If you didn’t have tears, your eyes couldn’t move, and soon you would be blind.

Maybe you don’t like tears, but your eyes can’t do without them.

( )1. The story tells us ____.

A. what makes people blind B. why people have tears

C. why people cry when they are sad D. what tears are

( )2. Tears help you by ____.

A. showing how you feel B. making your face clean

C. washing things from your eyes D. making your eyes bright

( )3. If your eyes were not wet, you could not____.

A. look at things clearly B. laugh and cry

C. keep clean D. show your feelings

( )4. When you are happy or sad, you may ____.

A. look at things quickly B. be blind

C. have tears in your eyes D. move your eyes quickly

( )5. The sentence “your eyes can’t do without them” means ____.

A. your eyes like having baths very much B. your eyes like tears very much

C. your eyes can’t work without tears D. your eyes can’t open with them


Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly? Or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?

If you do, you need to control(控制)your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. Getting angry easily can make you lose friends.

Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, wrote My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can not make them better. “Getting angry is not a natural way to act”, the book says. It is just a bad habit, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easily, and all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry. right thing to do.

The book gives many suggestions to help you if you get angry easily. Here are the top three.

①Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry

too easily.

②Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.

③Do something different. When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else. Try to laugh!

( )1. The writer wants to tell us ____.

A. not to get angry easily B. to work hard at school

C. to do more exercises D. to help each other

( )2. The writer thinks that if you get angry easily you will ____.

A. get ill very easily B. lose your friends

C. put on weight easily D. eat less

( )3. My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals is a ____.

A. story B. book C. picture D. film

( )4. My Feelings are Just Like Wild Animals mainly tells us ____.

A. what to read B. how to read

C. how to stay cool D. how to learn English well

( )5. In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word “it”refers to(指的是)____.

A. the book B. anger C. habit D. the baby


Everyone needs friends. But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends. Sally says founding friendship is just like planting a tree. You plant the seed(种子)and take care of it to make it grow.

First, you should choose a friend. What makes a good friend? It is not because a person has money or good looks. A good friend should be kind and patient. For example, if you have a bad day, a good friend could listen to your complaints(抱怨)and do his or her best to help you. To make a friend, you can’t be too shy. You should make each other happy and share your lives.

But things can not always be happy. Even the best friends have fights. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend? You have to talk to him or her. When there is no one around, have a good talk. If he or she doesn’t want to talk, you can write a letter.

There are three steps to be friends again:

Tell him or her how you are feeling, say what your friend did wrong and talk about why you did this or that. Remember that friendship is one of the most important things in your life.


( )1. Sally wants to tell students the ways to ____.

A. find friends B. plant trees C. get happy D. keep fit

2. What makes good friends? A good friend should ______________________.

3. What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?(简要回答)


4. One of the most important things in your life is ________.

( )5. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Teenagers and Friendship

C. The Trouble of Growing up B. The Good Friend Around You D. The Founding and Keeping Friendship

第二部分 写作

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。


1.在 方面差/好________________________2.与某人谈话__________________________

3.为 担_________________________4.对某人严格要求___________________________

5.对某事严格要求______________________6.对 耐心_________________________

7. 向 解释________________________8.反复地,一再___________________________

9对某人感到满意______________________10.对 感到讨厌________________________

11.对 感到疲惫_____________________12.对 感到气愤_______________________

13.对 感到高兴_____________________14.因某人而生气________________________

15.因某事而生气. _____________________16.对某事感到焦急________________________







29.与 交朋友________________________30.参加(活动)________________________



34.考试不及格 ________________________35.拒绝做某事________________________




1. It’s ____(正常的)for us to have these bad feelings, because everyone can’t be happy all the time.

2. Jim ____(拒绝)to go hiking with us, because he has other things to do.

3. Many students seem not to ____(接受)Kate, because she isn’t friendly to others.

4. Ann is a ____(陌生人)in the big city, so she has no friends. She feels very lonely.

5. I couldn’t ____(理解)what she said.

6. Since Peter ____ ____ ____(不严格要求)himself, in the end he lost the game.

7. We can’t ____ ____ ____(习惯)the weather because the wind is always strong.

8. ____ ____ ____(别着急). You’ll be OK.

9. I was so tired that I ____ ____(睡着)as soon as I got home, and forgot my homework.

0. I’ll help you, ____ ____(即使)I don’t sleep for a night.

Ⅱ. 句型转换。

1. Helen is brave. Sue is brave, too. (合并为一句)

Helen is ____ brave ____ Sue. 对画线部分提问)

____ ____Peter very sad?

3. They need some advice about how to calm down and relax. (改为否定句)

They ____ ____ ____ advice about how to calm down and relax.

4. It seems that they know how to deal with the problems. (改为同义句)

They ____ ____ ____ how to deal with the problems.

5. He didn’t do anything but cry in the bedroom. (改为同义句)

He ____ ____ but cry in the bedroom.

Ⅲ. 书面表达。

每个人都不可能没有烦恼。当你有烦恼时, 请试着控制你的情绪, 因为情绪可以影响你生活中的很多方面。所以生活中我们应当相信自己, 笑对人生, 多与父母、朋友沟通。




feel happy, mirror, the best, help others in need, believe you, have a nice day, express, feelings, talk with ...


Unit 5 Topic3

第一部分 英语知识运用

Ⅰ. 单项选择。

( )1. —Tom must be at home because the light is on.

—He ____ be at home, because I saw him playing basketball on the playground.

A. must B. can C. mustn’t D. can’t

( )2. You’ll find the bus stop ____ the street.

A. at the end of B. by the end of C. at the end D. in the end

( )3. —I feel really ____ before making speeches.

—Take it easy. You are the best.

A. nervous B. disappointed C. unpopular D. bitter

( )4. Our headmaster told us how to ____a good mood, so we can study in high spirits.

A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. keeps

( )5. It makes me so ____ to see children being treated ____.

A. angrily; badly B. angry; bad C. angrily; bad D. angry; badly

( )6. Before you are going to hand in your test papers, you should ____ again.

A. think about them B. think them about C. think over them D. think them over

( )7. Mr. Li is ill. Let Mr. Wang ____ us instead of him.

A. to teach B. teach C. teaches D. taught

( )8. —Do you think it’s important to ____ your family?

—Yes, I think so.

A. get along on B. get along C. get along of D. get along with

( )9. I saw a snake lying across the road ____.

A. on the way to home B. on the way home

C. in the way to home D. in the way home

( )10. —Shall we ____ a short play for Ann’s birthday party?

—Sounds great.

A. put up B. put down C. put on D. put off

Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)



Peter: No. I’m feel It makes me so tense. Do you think I’m going to die?


John:Don’t be afraid! You are the bravest boy.Peter: Thanks, John.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分)

People usually talk about two types of colors: warm colors and colors. Scientists think that there are also kinds of people. Some people prefer warm colors and others prefer cool colors. The warm colors are red, and yellow. Where there are warm colors and a lot of light, people want to be active. People think red is exciting.

The cool colors are green, white and says that time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors. He says that a warm color, such as red or orange, is a good color for a room or restaurant. When some people are resting or eating they don’t want time quickly. Cool colors are better for offices or factories. If some people are there, they want time to pass quickly.

( )1. A. cool B. hot C. bright D. black

( )2. A. all B. two C. most D. many

( )3. A. orange B. blue C. green D. black

( )4. A. sometimes B. seldom C. usually D. never

( )5. A. pink B. blue C. orange D. red

( )6. A. moving B. active C. noisy D. quiet

( )7. A. parent B. scientist C. teacher D. student

( )8. A. working B. living C. reading D. waiting

( )9. A. to pass B. pass C. passes D. passing

( )10. A. playing B. working C. seeing films D. singing

Ⅳ. 阅读理解。


Mrs. Black is sixty-nine years old. She only has a daughter named Sandra. Mr. Black died twelve years ago. Mrs. Black was very sad and lived in her house alone. Two years ago her daughter had a baby. The young woman was busy all the time and had no time to look after her son James. She asked her mother to live with them.

The old woman had to sell her house and moved there. She was strong and could do all the housework. And the family

liked her.

Last autumn Mrs. Black went to do some shopping. A car hit her and her leg was hurt. She had to be in hospital for three months. She couldn’t do anything after she came back. At first her daughter was kind to her, but soon she began to be tired of(讨厌) her. The old woman wanted to leave, but she had no money to buy a house and nobody could take care of her. She didn’t know what to do.

One morning Mrs. Black broke a plate. It made her daughter angry. She told James to buy a wooden(木制的) plate for his grandma. That afternoon James came back with two wooden plates. She was surprised and asked, “Why did you buy two plates, son?”

“One is for grandma,” answered the boy, “the other is for you! You will also have to use a wooden plate when you’re old, I think.”

The woman heard this and was sad. She cried for long. Now she’s kind to her mother as she was before.

( )1. Sandra asked her mother to live with them because ____.

A. the old woman lived alone

B. she needed her help

C. the old woman couldn’t look after herself

D. the old woman could give her much money

( )2. The family liked Mrs. Black at first because ____.

A. she was very rich

B. she could watch their door

C. she could do all the housework for them

D. she was friendly to them all

( )3. Mrs. Black was afraid that ____, so she couldn’t leave her daughter’s house.

A. she had no house to live in

B. she couldn’t look after herself

C. Sandra couldn’t go to see her any more

D. A and B

( )4 James bought a wooden plate for his mother because ____.

A. he didn’t love her B. he liked it

C. he hoped she would kind to his grandma D. she often broke the plates at home

( )5. Sandra is friendly to her mother because ____.

A. she knows she did wrong B. she was afraid of her son

C. the old woman is poor D. it’s her duty


I used to be an active girl. But two years ago, an English speaking competition held in my school changed me a lot.

I stood on the stage(讲台) for the first time. I was so nervous that my brain(大脑) suddenly became empty. Not long after I began my speech, the hall turned noisy. It seemed that they were laughing at me. I knew I failed.

From then on, I became quiet and always stayed alone. I didn’t want to express my ideas in public, even in class. Every time I wanted to say something, I thought people would laugh at me. My friends couldn’t understand me, and they left me, one by one.

One day, my science teacher asked us why trees in forests were much taller than those in the wild. “Ha, what a silly question!” I thought.

“There’s not enough space in the woods for trees to expand their branches. Of course they have to grow taller than others. The trees in the wild needn’t do that since there’s enough space. ” I said in a low voice.

To my surprise, the teacher said, “Yes, you’re right. It is a competition. ” My face turned red right now. I hadn’t spoken for a long time, especially in public.

Then the teacher explained how trees in forests had to grow taller to receive more sunlight. If not, they would die. This also happened in our society.

What’s more, the tree that doesn’t live in a crowd is just like a person who has no friends in life.

I raised my head slowly and found the teacher was looking at me. His eyes were as warm as sunshine. I realized that I must stand up and face the truth.


( )1. We can know there was an English speaking competition two years ago from the first


( )2. The hall turned noisy because the weather was too hot.

( )3. After the competition, the writer lost her confidence.

( )4. The science teacher’s question was difficult.

( )5. From the story, we can guess the writer is likely to stand up from her seat after the

science class.


If you think you’re too shy and want to be a little braver, try the following. You can make it.

There’s no need to hide it. When they get to know you’re a shy kid, they’ll understand you better. This also helps you feel easier in talks.

When you smile, people think you’re friendly and easy to talk with. Remember that other people have feelings too Take one small step at a time. If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn’t it make you want to keep talking to that person?

Turn your attention elsewhere. Think more about ways to enjoy the party or the game. Don’t waste(浪费) time worrying Each time after you say “hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say “I did it!” to yourself. Or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream.

Keep trying and one day you’ll never be shy when you talk to others.


1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____


4. Most people will stay away from an angry-looking face. (改为同义句)

People don’t want to talk to the person who ________________.

5. Don’t waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not. (请将此句翻



第二部分 写作

Ⅰ. 词汇部分。



3.对 感到难过____________________4.害怕 担心 ______________________


6.恐怕 很遗憾 ___________________7.康复______________________

8.为 担忧. ___________________

9.在 最后,在 尽头(末端)______________________





17.返回 ______________________18. 建议某人做某事 ______________________

19. 一个建议______________________20.因 而开心______________________

21.处在好/ 糟糕心情中____________________22. 健康状况良好______________________

23. 设法做某事______________________24. 笑对生活______________________


27.在英语角______________________28. 为 准备______________________

29. 镇静______________________30.在 路上______________________

31. 做演讲______________________32. 在 前面______________________

33. 在中秋节______________________34. 满月______________________

35. 在天空______________________36. 与某人聚在一起______________________

37. 装满,充满______________________38.改变某人的感受______________________

39. 入睡______________________40. 总有一天______________________

41.影响某人情绪_____________________42. 产生不开心的念头_____________________



45.记住去做某事 ___________________46. 从某人那得到帮助_____________________


49. 恢复到 ______________________50.做 迟了______________________

51. 与 相处(好) ______________________52..最好做 ______________________

53. 决定做某事______________________


1. Carrie will give a s______ in front of all her classmates.

2. Her aunt can’t find her p______, so she won’t go to England tomorrow morning.

3. When the sun shines brightly, we always have happy t______.

4. Don’t make so much n______, the other students are preparing for the English exam.

5. If you are in a good mood, you can study in high s______.


1. Mother lets Michael ______ (not watch) TV all day.

2. I don’t want to make a wrong ______ (decide) so I have to think it over.

3. It’s very difficult for her brother ______ (learn) English well.

4. We hope ______ (see) him be happy again.

5. I saw some boys ______ (play) basketball when I passed the gym.

Ⅱ. 句型转换。

1. Tom won’t visit the farm. He’ll stay at home. (改为同义句)

Tom will stay at home ____ ____ visiting the farm.

2. Mrs. Chen hopes she’ll get along well with her workmates. (改为同义句)

Mrs. Chen hopes ____ ____ along well with her workmates.

3. The baby didn’t cry any longer as soon as he saw his mother. (改为同义句)

The baby ____ ____ cried as soon as he saw his mother.

4. Lucy doesn’ (对画线部分提问)

____ ____ Lucy go to the movies with her friends? 对画线部分提问)

____ are their relatives going to ____ this weekend?


1.rainy make sad 2.can play

___________________________________ ______________________________________

3.we proud 4. smell terrible

______________________________________ ____________________________________

5. make snowman winter




要求:1. 意思连贯,文字通顺。

2. 词数在60-80之间。




