实验4 计算机配置方案

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实验四 计算机配置方案


(1) 了解计算机的组成及主要部件的功能、型号和性能指标

(2) 通过互联网了解计算机选购与组装行情,针对实际装机需求拟订相应的计算机配置方案

(3) 掌握相关的计算机英语专业词汇及配置清单的表达




Customer: Excuse me, I wonder if you could give some advice. Assistant: Yes, of course. Are you looking for anything in particular? Customer: Well, I’m not sure. I’d like to buy a computer to use at home. Assistant: Right. What sort of things do you want to use it for? Customer: Well, I’d like to be able to use it for writing letters and doing the household accounts, and my children want to play games. I’d like to try the Internet, especially the Web, and e-mail, too.

Assistant: OK. Do you need a machine that you can carry around you? Customer: You mean a portable? Assistant: Yes, a laptop, for example.

Customer: I’m not sure. Aren’t they a bit expensive?

Assistant: Well, yes, they are a bit more expensive than desktops with the

same specifications, but they’re much more affordable than they used to be.

Customer: I see. Well, I still think I should look at your desktop computers first.

Customer: I’m planning to buy a new computer, and I want to update my word processing program.

Shop assistant: Well, we sell that one as a part of a whole suit of applications that comes with the new computer. Customer: What other programs does it include?

Shop assistant: There’s an e-mail package, a spreadsheet program, a presentations package and a database application. Customer: Thank you.


Mr. Brown is an architect. He needs a computer to do his work such as 3D design, interior design, etc. Due to his work, Mr. Brown has to be away on official business frequently. When he is away from home, he should take the computer with him to do some work.

注:可以参考以下格式完成相应报告,请用中英文同时描述。 CUSTOMER A 一、明确装机需求 1.描述装机用户购置计算机的主要用途。 (1)writing letters /写信 (2)doing the household accounts/记录一些家庭账目 (3)playing games/玩游戏 (4)access the internet/连接网络 2.根据配置类型,初步给出该类型配置的总体要求,包括对计算机运行速度、显示性能、稳定性、存储容量等方面的要求。 主要注意CPU,内存,显卡 CPU可以选择因特尔跟AMD两种,前者性能稳定,价格比较高,后者便宜,适合超频,价格适中;内存要2G以上;显卡建议521独显,适合玩游戏;硬盘不需要太大 Main pay attention to CPU, memory, graphics cards CPU can select Intel or amd, the former has stable performance, whose price is relatively high, the latter is cheap, suitable for overclocking, moderate prices; memory should bigger than 2G; graphics suggested 521 alone significantly, suitable for playing games; hard drive does not need too much 二、列部件清单 通过网络了解符合清单要求的产品品牌、型号、价格、售后服务等信息,最终确定一款性价比较高的产品,将其品牌、型号、数量、价格等信息填入详细清单。 序号 1 部件名称 型号与规格 参考价(元) 789 数量 1 价格(元) 主板 ASUS 华硕 B85-PRO GAMER 主板 Main board 2 3 4 CPU 内存 memory 硬盘 Hard disk Intel 酷睿 i5-4590 KingSton 金士顿 DDR3 1600 8GB Seagate 希捷 1TB 7200转 64MB SATA 6GB/S 台式机硬盘 ST1000DM003 E能之芯 笔记本外置移动DVD光驱 台式电脑光盘CD刻录机 外接USB光驱 (CD刻录) COOLERMASTER RC-102C-KKN1 蒙面杀手 USB3.0 中塔机箱 支持长显卡 防尘 logitech 罗技 MK200多媒体有线键鼠套装 Dell 戴尔 E1914H 18.5英寸LED背光宽屏液晶显示器 技嘉(GIGABYTE) GV-N75TOC-2GI GTX750Ti 1033MHz显卡 1429 199.9 339 1 1 5 光驱 CD-ROM 99 6 机箱 case 键盘鼠标套装 Keyboard and mouse 显示器 monitor 155 7 104 8 649 9 显卡 VGA 839 总价 4602.9


1.e-mail /电子邮件:可用于接收和发送邮件/ Can be used to receive and send mail

2.spreadsheet program/电子表格程序:便于用户纪录家庭账目/ Easy to record family accounts

3.PowerPoint/演示文稿制作:可制作演示文稿/ Can make a presentation 4.database application/数据库应用程序:可用户录入数据便于查询/ User input data to facilitate query

5.word processing program/文字处理程序:便于用户根据自身需求转变输入方法/ To facilitate users according to their own needs to change the input method

6.office software/办公软件:便于用户做文字编辑纪录/ Easy for users to do text editing records

7.browser /浏览器:便于用户上网查资料,看视频/ Easy for users to access the Internet to check information, see the video

8.antivirus software /杀毒软件:便于帮助用户管理计算机的安全,过滤不良信息/ Easy to help users manage the security of the computer, filter bad information

CUSTOMER B 一、明确装机需求 1.描述装机用户购置计算机的主要用途。 (1) do works such as 3D design, interior design/做一些工作,如三维设计,室内设计 (2) Easy to carry with him/便于他随身携带 2.根据配置类型,初步给出该类型配置的总体要求,包括对计算机运行速度、显示性能、稳定性、存储容量等方面的要求。 主要注意CPU,内存,显卡 CPU可以选择因特尔跟AMD两种,前者性能稳定,价格比较高,后者便宜,适合超频,价格适中;内存要2G以上;显卡要足够大,适合画图;硬盘不需要太大 Main pay attention to CPU, memory, graphics cards CPU can select Intel or amd, the former has stable performance, whose price is relatively high, the latter is cheap, suitable for overclocking, moderate prices; memory should bigger than 2G; graphics cards should large enough, suitable for designing; hard drive does not need too much 二、列部件清单 通过网络了解符合清单要求的产品品牌、型号、价格、售后服务等信息,最终确定一款性价比较高的产品,将其品牌、型号、数量、价格等信息填入详细清单。 序号 部件名称 型号与规格 参考价(元) 数量 价格(元) 1 2 3 Shippting FREE shipping core i5 1.6 GHz Processors 处理器 Storage 容量 128GB 4 Graphics Coprocessor Intel HD Graphics 6000 图形协处理器 Item Weight 2.38 pounds 产品重量 Operating System 操作系统 CPU 5 6 Mac OS X Yosemite 7 Intel 酷睿i5 5250U 8 CPU主频 1.6GHz 总价 4602.9


1.e-mail /电子邮件:可用于接收和发送邮件/ Can be used to receive and send mail

2.spreadsheet program/电子表格程序:便于用户纪录家庭账目/ Easy to record family accounts

3.PowerPoint/演示文稿制作:可制作演示文稿/ Can make a presentation 4.database application/数据库应用程序:可用户录入数据便于查询/ User input data to facilitate query

5.word processing program/文字处理程序:便于用户根据自身需求转变输入方法/ To facilitate users according to their own needs to change the input method

6.office software/办公软件:便于用户做文字编辑纪录/ Easy for users to do text editing records

7.browser /浏览器:便于用户上网查资料,看视频/ Easy for users to access the Internet to check information, see the video

8.antivirus software /杀毒软件:便于帮助用户管理计算机的安全,过滤不良信息/ Easy to help users manage the security of the computer, filter bad information

9.Photoshop/ :便于用户画图

