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国际青年日致辞 2010年8月12日

今年的国际青年日纪念活动还包括发起主题为―对话和相互了解‖的国际青年年。 在充满挑战的当今社会和经济环境,对青年必须给予格外关注。87%的15岁至24岁的年轻人生活在发展中国家。全球经济危机对年轻人的影响尤其严重;他们失去工作,即使低工资的工作都很难找到,接受教育的机会减少。随着经济开始慢慢稳定,应将年轻人的需要放在首位。






This year‘s commemoration of International Youth Day also marks the launch of the International Year of Youth, under the theme ―Dialogue and Mutual Understanding‖.

Today‘s challenging social and economic environment warrant a special focus on youth. Eighty-seven per cent of people aged 15 to 24 live in developing countries. The global economic crisis has had a disproportionate impact on young people; they have lost jobs, struggled to find even low-wage employment and seen access to education curtailed. As economies slowly begin to stabilize, the needs of young people should be paramount.

This is a moral imperative and a developmental necessity. But it is also an opportunity: the energy of youth can ignite faltering economies. I am regularly inspired by the good will, talent and idealism of the young people I meet across the world. They are making important contributions to our work to eradicate poverty, contain the spread disease, combat climate change and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. I call on Member States to increase their investments in young people so they can do even more. During the International Year, the United Nations and its youth organization partners will focus on the need to encourage dialogue and understanding across generations, cultures and religions. In a world in which different peoples and traditions are coming into closer, more frequent contact than ever before, it is crucial that young people learn how to listen intently, empathize with others, acknowledge divergent opinions, and be able to resolve conflicts. Few endeavors are more important than nurturing these skills, and educating young people about human rights, for in them we not only see the next generation of leaders, but also crucial stakeholders of today. Let us also recognize that older generations themselves stand to


learn a great deal from the experiences and examples of young people as they come of age in a world of accelerating interconnectedness.

As we launch this International Year, let us acknowledge and celebrate what youth can do to build a safer, more just world. Let us strengthen our efforts to include young people in policies, programmes and decision-making processes that benefit their future and ours.


国际青年日致词 2008 年8 月12 日

气候变化的科学很复杂,但事实却很简单:我们的世界将遇到麻烦。我去 年访问南极时看到了这一点,因为南极年代久远的冰体融化的速度远远超过了我们的预料。如果不予以解决,气候变化会损害已经在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展,还可能对和平与安全造成严重影响。除非我们彻底改变我们的生活方式,否则2008 年时的青年人到了我这样年纪之的时候世界将很可能成为很不宜居住之地。

今年纪念世界青年日的主题是―青年与气候变化:行动起来‖。由于老一辈人遗留下来的问题,今天的青年人日后将承受气候变化的后果。许多发展中国家尤其如此,在这些国家中,青年人特别是女孩和女青年,常常要干农活儿、打水、拾柴。气候变化影响了获得水的机会、农业生产力和生态系统的持续存在,因此这些任务将变得更为艰巨,而且将花费更多的本来应该用于教育或生产活动的时间。 但即使是现在,青年人也完全有能力对这场斗争作出贡献。他们善于推广新的习惯和技术。他们有适应能力,能够迅速地使低碳生活方式和职业选择成为他们日常生活的组成部分。因此,应该为青年人提供机会,以积极参加地方、国家和全球各级的决策工作。而且他们能积极支持将促成通过影响力深远的立法的各项倡议。


值此国际青年日之际,我敦促世界各地的青年人投入他们的精力和智慧,建成一个更安全、更可持续的星球。 THE SECRETARY-GENERAL --


Though the science of climate change is complex, the facts are simple: our world is heading towards trouble. I saw this last year when I visited the Antarctic, where age-old ice is melting much faster than we originally thought it would. Left unaddressed, climate change could cause an unravelling of the progress that has been made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, and could also have serious implications for peace and security. Unless we make radical changes in the way we live, by the time the youth of 2008 reach my age, the world may well have become a rather inhospitable place.

The theme for this year‘s observance of International Youth Day is ―Youth and climate change: time for action‖. Today‘s young people will bear the consequences of climate change, thanks to the unfortunate legacy of their elders. In many developing countries in particular, youth -- especially girls and young women -- are often responsible for farming, finding water and collecting fuel wood. These tasks will be rendered more difficult – and will take even more time away from education or productive activities – as climate change affects the availability of water, agricultural productivity and the survival of ecosystems.

Yet young people are also well placed to contribute to the fight even now. They are adept at spreading new habits and technologies. They are adaptable and can quickly make lowcarbon lifestyles and career choices a part of their daily lives. Youth should therefore be given a chance to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels. And they can actively support initiatives that will lead to the passage of far-reaching legislation. We will need the spirit of youth in abundance as the world seeks to embrace cleaner, more sustainable forms of energy, including renewable resources. The transition to a low-carbon economy that we hope young people will see in their lifetimes offers tremendous opportunities.


Not least, economic growth that is fuelled by clean energy and technological innovation will create jobs that could help alleviate the dire global problem of youth unemployment.

On this International Youth Day, I urge young people around the world to invest their energies and bright ideas into shaping a safer, more sustainable planet. 秘书长国际青年日致辞 2007年8月12日







The United Nations Secretary-General's Message on International Youth Day, 12 August 2007

International Youth Day is an annual opportunity to recognize the world's 1.2 billion young people, to celebrate their achievements, and to push for their participation in all areas of society.

This year's commemoration - Be Seen, Be Heard: Youth Participation for Development - focuses on the enormous contributions young women and men everywhere can and do make towards national uplift. They are valuable and committed partners in the global effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, including the overarching goal of cutting poverty and hunger in half by 2015. They remain at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS. And they bring fresh, innovative thinking to longstanding development concerns.

Approaching the mid-point of the race to achieve the MDGs, we need their participation more than ever. Their energy and idealism can help make up for lost ground, and achieve our development goals in full and on time.

In turn, we must fulfil our obligations to youth. The World Programme of Action for Youth asks Governments to consider the contributions of young persons on all policies affecting them. Governments must honour this


commitment. They must also increase the financial, education and technical support made available to young people, and help them realize their potential.

Despite growing recognition of their needs, young people in many parts of the world continue to be marginalized and ignored. Their status as a group experiencing disproportionate levels of poverty and unemployment is frequently overlooked. As a result, the young are three times more likely than adults to lack jobs. In fact, while they constitute one fourth of the world's labour force, young people make up almost half of its unemployed.

It is high time that we stopped viewing our young people as part of the problem and started cultivating their promise and potential. On this International Youth Day, let us all resolve to invest in and protect our most valuable resource, and give young men and women a fair and full stake in our society, and in its success.

2006年8月12日国际青年日 秘书长在国际青年日的献辞





国际社会已经认识到如今专家们称为贫穷年轻化的问题,并使其成为1995年《世界青年行动纲领》的一个优先领域。《纲领》把青年人视为消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标全球努力的平等伙伴。2005年的世界首脑会议重申并加强了政府对发展议程作出的承诺,这为青年人参加解决影响他们的问题的行动开创了新机会。值此国际青年日,让我们抓住机遇,加倍努力支持青年人并释放他们的巨大潜力,为我们大家造福。 INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY

Message by Kofi A. Annan, UN Secretary General 12 August 2006

The theme of this year's observance of International Youth Day is \eradication of poverty\


The world's young people, now numbering more than 1 billion, are a major human resource for development, and can be key agents of innovation and positive social change. Yet the scale of youth poverty robs the world of that potential. In a world of great riches, nearly one in five people between the ages of 15 and 24 must eke out an existence on less than one dollar per day, and almost half live on less than two dollars per day.

Moreover, while youth make up one fourth of the world's labour force, they account for one half of its unemployed. Labour markets are having difficulty providing stable occupations with good prospects for young people, except for the highly trained. Without decent work, young people are left particularly susceptible to poverty, which in turn complicates access to education and basic health services, further impeding employability. Over the long term, disadvantaged youth will confront steeper obstacles along the path to progress, and may not accrue the assets that commonly come through steady and long-term employment, such as access to assets and resources, strong social networks and decision-making status in the family or community.

Our challenge is clear: we must pay more attention to education, and in particular to the transition from education to employment. And the ability of youth to find full and productive employment must be a central objective of national development strategies, including poverty reduction policies.

The international community has recognized what experts are now calling the juvenilization of poverty, and made it a priority area in the 1995 World Programme of Action for Youth. The Programme has approached young people as equal partners in the global effort to eradicate poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Government commitment to the development agenda was renewed and reinforced by the 2005 World Summit, which has opened up a fresh opportunity to engage youth in action on the issues that affect them. On this International Youth Day, let us seize that opportunity, and redouble our efforts to support young people and free up their enormous potential, for the benefit of us all.

秘书长国际扫盲日文告 2006年9月8日




只有通过识字后的学文化方案、进一步接受教育和培训的机会、营造使扫盲事业得以兴旺发达的―识字环境‖,使扫盲工作本身经久不衰,识字这一宝贵的赠与才能维系发展。在今天国际扫盲日,让我们作出承诺,加紧开展各项国内和国际努力,在全世界提高识字水平。让我们给予扫盲事业一次改变世界各地人民和社会的真正机会吧。 MESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY 8 September 2006

Literacy sustains development. That is the theme of this year‘s International Literacy Day. It recognizes that higher literacy rates are essential to economic growth, poverty eradication, social participation and environmental protection. It reminds us that literacy is the platform for developing a society‘s human resources. Literacy begins with primary education, and achieving universal primary schooling by 2015 is one of the Millennium Development Goals. Yet primary education does not reach every child; there are more than 100 million girls and boys who never enrol in school. Even for those who are enrolled, the quality of primary schooling may be so poor that it leads to only a fragile command of basic literacy skills. And while official statistics put the number of illiterate adults at more than 770


million, that figure does not include the millions more who are ill-equipped to deal with everyday needs of learning, understanding and communicating.

Clearly, in many parts of the world, development has not yet delivered one of its most important outcomes -- more literate and better educated populations. At the same time, those societies are being robbed of the crucial tool for development which literacy represents -- a tool that enables people to take advantage of new learning opportunities, respond to changing occupational demands, undertake greater responsibilities, build their way out of poverty and protect themselves against disease -- especially HIV/AIDS.

Women and girls who are deprived of literacy lack a vital weapon in freeing themselves from inequality and discrimination. As we are reminded by the overall theme of the United Nations Literacy Decade (2003-2012), literacy is freedom. The precious gift of literacy can sustain development only if it is itself sustained --by post-literacy programmes, further opportunities for education and training, and the creation of ―literate environments‖ in which literacy can thrive. On this International Literacy Day, let us pledge to step up national and international efforts for improved literacy levels worldwide. Let us give literacy a real chance to transform individuals and societies around the world.

世界土著人民国际日致辞 2010年8月9日

世界土著人民保存了大量的人类文化历史。土著人民所讲的语言占世界语言种类的大多数,他们继承和传承了丰富的知识、各种艺术形式以及宗教和文化传统。值此世界土著人民国际日之际,我们重申关于促进其福祉的承诺。 大会2007年通过的具有里程碑意义的《联合国土著人民权利宣言》,构成了供各国政府用来加强与土著人民的关系并保护其人权的框架。自那时以来,我们看到越来越多的政府通过立法和其他手段努力纠正社会和经济不公平现象,土著人民的问题在国际议程上比以往任何时候都更加突出。



New York, 9 August 2010 - Secretary-General's message on the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples

The world's indigenous peoples have preserved a vast amount of humanity's cultural history. Indigenous peoples speak a majority of the world's languages, and have inherited and passed on a wealth of knowledge, artistic forms and religious and cultural traditions. On this International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, we reaffirm our commitment to their wellbeing.

The landmark United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the General Assembly in 2007, lays out a framework for governments to use in strengthening relationships with indigenous peoples and protecting their human rights. Since then, we have seen more governments working to redress social and economic injustices, through legislation and other means, and indigenous peoples' issues have become more prominent on the international agenda than ever before.

But we must do even more. Indigenous peoples still experience racism, poor health and disproportionate poverty. In many societies, their languages, religions and cultural traditions are stigmatised and shunned. The first-ever UN report on the State of the World's Indigenous Peoples in January 2010 set out some alarming statistics. In some countries, indigenous peoples are 600 times more likely to contract tuberculosis than the general population. In others, an indigenous child can expect to die twenty years before his or her non-indigenous compatriots.

The theme of this year's Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is indigenous filmmakers, who give us windows into their communities, cultures and history. Their work connects us to belief systems and philosophies; it captures both the daily life and the spirit of indigenous communities. As we celebrate these contributions, I call on Governments and civil society to fulfil their commitment to advancing the status of indigenous peoples everywhere.


秘书长国际老年人日致词 2006年10月1日





INTERNATIONAL DAY OF OLDER PERSONS Message by Kofi A. Annan, UN Secretary General 1 October 2006

In the tenth and final year of my tenure as Secretary-General, after a full career in the service of the United Nations, I have a personal stake in the fate of older persons and the fulfillment of their aspirations. But I am only one of 600 million persons in the world over the age of 60. As people across the globe come to live increasingly longer lives, our entire human family has a stake in encouraging and easing a productive, active, and healthy aging process. The whole world stands to gain from an empowered older generation, with the potential to make tremendous contributions to the development process and to the work of building more productive, peaceful, and sustainable societies.

That is why the theme of this year抯 International Day of Older Persons is 揑mproving the Quality of Life for Older Persons: Advancing UN Global Strategies? It is a call to all communities to work for policies and programmes that will enable older persons to live in an environment that enhances their capabilities, fosters their independence, and provides them with adequate support and care as they age.

That means ensuring housing, transportation, and other living conditions that allow people to maintain their independence for as long as possible, and 揳ge in place?- yet remain active -- within their own communities. Equally important, it means recognizing and respecting the dignity, authority, wisdom, and productivity of older persons in all societies, particularly in their roles as volunteers and multi-generational caregivers. And that, in turn, means promoting a more positive image of ageing.


On this International Day of Older Persons, I call on Governments, the private sector, civil society organizations, and people everywhere to focus on building a society for all ages -- as envisioned in the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, and in line with the Millennium Development Goals and wider global development agenda. Together, we can and must ensure that people live not only longer lives, but better, more enriching, rewarding, and fulfilling lives.

秘书长世界环境日的致词 2006年6月5日


世界所有区域都有旱地,地球40%以上的土地为旱地,世界人口的三分之一,也就是近20亿人,居住在旱地地区。他们生活在生态、经济和社会条件低劣的地方。我们决不应忽略他们,也决不应忽略他们赖以生存的脆弱生境。 在世界各地,贫穷、不可持久的土地管理方式和气候变化正把旱地变为沙漠,而荒漠化又加剧并导致贫穷。据估计,已经有10%到20%的旱地退化了。撒哈拉以南非洲和南亚的荒漠化问题尤为严重。在那里,旱地退化严重阻碍人们消除赤贫和饥馑,威胁为维持环境可持续性而作出的努力。世界各国政府承诺在2015年实现的消除赤贫和饥馑以及维持环境可持续性的目标,是让人类享有一个更安全的未来这一更为广泛的承诺的一个重要组成部分。



今年是《联合国防治荒漠化公约》十周年,值此国际环境日,我敦促各国政府和世界各地的社区重点注意在沙漠边缘生活所面临的种种挑战,使居住在那里的人民有希望在未来享有和平、健康和社会进步。 WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY

Message by Kofi A. Annan, UN Secretary General 5 June 2006

The theme of this year抯 observance of World Environment Day, 揇on抰 Desert Drylands!? reminds us all, in the International Year of Deserts and Desertification, of the importance of caring for the world抯 vast areas of arid and semiarid land.

Drylands are found in all regions, cover more than 40 per cent of the Earth and are home to nearly 2 billion people -- one-third of the world抯 population. For most dryland dwellers, life is hard and the future often precarious. They live on the ecological, economic and social margins. It is essential that we do not neglect them or the fragile habitats on which they depend.

Across the planet, poverty, unsustainable land management and climate change are turning drylands into deserts, and desertification in turn exacerbates and leads to poverty. It is estimated that between 10 and 20 per cent of drylands are already degraded. The problem is particularly acute in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, where


dryland degradation is a serious obstacle to eradicating extreme poverty and hunger, and is jeopardizing efforts to ensure environmental sustainability. These goals, which the world抯 governments have pledged to achieve by 2015, are essential components of a broader commitment to achieve a more secure future for humankind.

There is also mounting evidence that dryland degradation and competition over increasingly scarce resources can bring communities into conflict. Furthermore, people whose livelihoods and survival depend on drylands are swelling the ranks of environmental and economic refugees who are testing the already stretched resources of towns and cities across the developing world.

Desertification is hard to reverse, but it can be prevented. Protecting and restoring drylands will not only relieve the growing burden on the world抯 urban areas, it will contribute to a more peaceful and secure world. It will also help to preserve landscapes and cultures that date back to the dawn of civilization and are an essential part of our cultural heritage.

On this World Environment Day, in the 10th anniversary year of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, I urge governments and communities everywhere to focus on the challenges of life on the desert margins so the people who live there can look forward to a future of peace, health and social progress.

在世界人居日上的致辞 2006年10月2日



无论在什么地方,对于那些努力摆脱贫穷、冲突和侵犯人权问题的人来说,或者对于那些只是设法过上更好生活的人来说,城市几乎都是他们的目的地。尽管许多移徙者的目的地是北半球,但南南移徙也带来了重大挑战。例如,达喀尔、雅加达、约翰内斯堡或里约热内卢等大城市已经有许多长期居民在奋斗挣扎,因此难以容纳新的移徙者。 这些挑战和其它挑战,已经成为2006年6月在加拿大温哥华举办的第三届世界城市论坛的焦点。这次会议明确提出,联合国会员国以及非政府组织、私营部门和世界各地的公民,必须更加一致努力,寻求可持续的城市化办法,建设具有包容性的城市。谨借世界人居日这一机会,我敦促所有有关者开展合作,管理人类在21世纪面临的这一重大挑战。

By the year 2050, some 6 billion people representing two-thirds of humanity will be living in towns and cities. Never before in history has the world witnessed such rapid urbanization. either has it witnessed such a swift rise in the absolute numbers of people migrating. The two phenomena -- migration and urban growth -- are strongly linked, mainly because the majority of people on the move go for the bright lights of the city.

As we reflect on the theme of this year‘s observance of World Habitat Day – ―Cities, magnets of hope‖ -- we must also bear in mind that cities can also be places of considerable despair. Never before has the world witnessed such a


large proliferation of urban slums. Today, 1 billion people, or 1 of every 3 urban dwellers, live in slums. If municipalities and governments fail to manage urban growth and migration sustainably, this number is expected to double in the next 30 years.

Almost everywhere, cities are the destinations for people escaping poverty, conflict and human rights violations, or simply those looking for ways to build better lives. While many migrants head to the North, South-South migration also presents tremendous challenges. Major cities such as Dakar, Jakarta, Johannesburg or Rio de Janeiro, to cite just a few examples, are having trouble accommodating new migrants when so many long-standing citizens are already struggling.

These and other challenges came into sharp focus at third session of the World Urban Forum held in Vancouver, Canada in June 2006. That meeting made it clear that UN Member States, along with non-governmental organizations, the private sector and citizens all over the world, need to galvanize their strength as never before in the quest for sustainable urbanization and inclusive cities. On World Habitat Day, I urge all involved to work in partnership to manage one of the key challenges confronting humanity in the 21st century.

纳尔逊·曼德拉日致辞 2010年7月18日于纽约 纳尔逊·曼德拉为世人所敬仰。他的身上体现了最高的人文价值和联合国价值。他的一生,他的力量,以及他的宽容,是世人学习的榜样。他长期反对压迫,但在推翻压迫后却对压迫者宽恕相待。 本人十分幸运地见过纳尔逊·曼德拉。与他人一样,我被他的气质和魅力所震撼。但是,给我印象最深的还是他的谦逊。对于他的终生事业,我表示感谢。而他却说:―这是他人的功劳。‖他更乐于谈论他人为人的权利和尊严而进行的斗争。

纳尔逊·曼德拉鼓舞着千百万人民,原因还不止于此。他分文不名,也无权势。他不断告诉我们,他是平凡之人。但是,他却成就了不平凡的事业。 纳尔逊·曼德拉取得了巨大的成就,但他本人和家庭却为此付出了巨大的牺牲。他的牺牲不仅改变了他的祖国南非的人民的命运,也改变了整个世界的面貌。今天,值此第一个纳尔逊·曼德拉日,我们对他为自由、正义、民主献出的毕生精力道一声感谢。


New York, 18 July 2010 - Secretary-General's message for Nelson Mandela Day

Nelson Mandela is a towering figure. He embodies the highest values of humanity, and of the United Nations. His life, his strength and his decency are an example to us all. He fought his oppressors for years. And then, he forgave them.

I am lucky enough to have met Nelson Mandela. Like so many others, I was struck by his charisma and charm. But I was most impressed by his humility. When I tried to thank him for his life's work, he replied: ―It was not me.‖ He preferred to talk about what other people had done in the struggle for human rights and dignity.

That is just one reason why Nelson Mandela is such an inspiration to millions. He was not backed by money or power. As he constantly reminds us, he is an ordinary man. But he has achieved extraordinary things.

Nelson Mandela's accomplishments came at great personal cost to himself and his family. His sacrifice not only served the people of his own nation, South Africa, but made the world a better place for all people, everywhere. Today, on the first Nelson Mandela International Day, we thank him for everything he has done for freedom, for justice and for democracy.

He showed the way. He changed the world. We are profoundly grateful.

Hiroshima, Japan, 2 August 2010 - Secretary-General's message to World Conference against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, 2-9 August 2010

It gives me pleasure to convey my greetings to the 2010 World Conference Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs.


