刘联珍,六上英语五、六单元 - 图文

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PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:__________ 时间:__ 月__日

学习内容: Unit 5 What does he do? (the 1st) 学习目标: 1.能听、说、读、写单词:factory,worker,postman,businessman police officer 2掌握句子:What does your father do?He is a...的用法。 师:教学设计 (收Task4. Free talk: 获) A: Is your father a ...? B: No, he isn’t. A: Is your mother a ...? B: No, she isn’t. 生:自学中的收获 A: What does your mother do? B:She is a.... Step 2巩固练习 Task 1. Listen、match and say(课本P49页) A:What does Jiao Jie’s mother do? B:She is a businesswoman. 重点和难点: A: What does Liu Qian’s father do? B:He is a_________. What does your father do?He is a...的用法 A:... B:.... -Is he/she…? - Yes, he/she is. /No, he/she isn’t Step 3. Feedback. ( You are the best.) Finish the problems(《两导两练》P55页“精要交流”) Learn by yourself:(温故互查) Step 4. 拓展训练 Task1,Read and memorize the new words on P49Let’s learn, 《两导两练》P56页“拓展延伸”第一题。 And understand them. Step5.Homework. Task2,Read the sentences about Zhang Peng and Oliver’s talk , and try to 1. Copy the new words for 5 times. understand them. 2. Prepare the talk before next class. Learning steps Step1.Check self-learning Task 1.I can read the new words. First follow the tape to read for times then 师:教学反思 (疑①Read for your partner. 惑) ②The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. 生:自学中的疑惑 ③Read follow the teacher. ④Read follow the students. ⑤Read in your group. A: What does your father do? B:He is a.... Task2. 自学检测: ①I believe I can do.《两导两练》P54页第一、二题 ②Write down some words.(你预习成功了吗?) f__ct__ry w___k___ p__stm__n b__s__n__ssman p__li__e off__c___ Task3. Write down some sentences. 他是干什么工作的?________________________ 他是一位商人. _______________________ 生:自学中的疑惑 PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:________ 时间:___月___日 学习内容: Unit 5 What does he do? (the 2) 学习目标: 1.能询问并正确回答他人的职业。能正确使用“He’s a/an.../She’s a/an...”来简单介绍人物的职业。 2掌握句子:What does Oliver’s father/mother do?He/She is a...的用法。 重点和难点: 能询问并正确回答他人的职业,能在实际中应用。 nd师:教学设计 (收Sarah: Is your father ______today? 获) Oliver: No.He’s in __________. 生:自学中的收获 师:教学反思 (疑惑) 生:自学中的疑惑 Warm-up: Sing the chant of unit 5 (P71页 Unit 5 ) Review: 1.Read the words(The teacher speak in Chinese and the students speak in English.) 2.Write the words. Learn by yourself:(温故互查) Task1,Translate the talk and understand them.(Speak to your partner) P48页 Task2,Who had questions? (板书) Sarah: What______he do? Oliver: He’s a _____________.He ______ ____to other countries. Sarah:_____ ______does your mother do? Oliver: She’s a _____ ___________. Sarah: That;s nice. Oliver: Yeah.She’ll ___ here today! Sarah: Do you _____ ___ ____ a head teacher,too. Oliver: No, I want to be __ _____________. ⑥Ask and answer: What does Oliver’s father/mother do? Step 2巩固练习(P48页最后一部分) What does your father/mother do?(Finish it in pair or in group.) (Use:taxi driver; cleaner; writer; singer; dancer; football player) Step 3. 拓展训练 《两导两练》P56页“拓展延伸”第二题。 Step5.Homework. 1.Translate the talk on a paper, then look the Chinese talk and translate on anther paper.(Don’t look at the book.) 2. Prepare the “Let’s learn” before next class and finish the problem.(《两导两练》P59页 第二题) Learning steps Finish the “Let’s try”. (p48)(情境导入) Step1.Check self-learning Task 1.The teacher answer the students’ questions. Task2. The teacher speak English and the students speak Chinese. Task3.Read the talk. ①. Read after the teacher.(Pay attention to quickly and quickly.) ②. Follow the tape to read. ③. The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. ④. Read the talk in pair. ⑤. Act the talk. ⑥自学检测: I believe I can remember.(幻灯) 生:自学中的疑惑

PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:__________ 时间:__ 月__日

学习内容: Unit 5 What does he do? (the 3rd) 师:教学设计 (收 获) Step 3巩固练习 学习目标: 生:自学中的收获 1.能听、说、读、写单词:fisherman, scientist, pilot, coach;了解英 语中职业名称因性别不同而出现的表达上的差异,比如: actor/actress, businessman/businesswoman. 2掌握句子:Where does she/her work?He/She works at/in ...的用法。 重点和难点: Where does she/her work?He/She works at/in ...在实际对 话中的应用。 Warm-up: Sing the chant of unit 5 (P71页 Unit 5) Learning steps Step1.温故互查(Review and check) Look at the menstrual period and talk about your father and mother. A: What does your father do? B: He is a teacher. A: Is your mother a teacher,too?B:No,she isn’t.She’s a nurse. Step2.Check self-learning Task 1.I can read the new words. First follow the tape to read for times then ①Read for your partner. ②The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. ③Read follow the teacher. ④Read follow the students. ⑤Read in your group. Task2. 自学检测: ①I believe I can do.《两导两练》P57页第二题 ②Write down some words.(你预习成功了吗?) fi__ __erman s__i__nt__st p__l__t c__ __ch Task3. Write down some sentences. A: My aunt is ____ ___________.(一位科学家) B: Where _____ she work? A: She _______ ____ ____ university. 师:教学反思 (疑惑) 生:自学中的疑惑 Task1. Free talk: A: Is your father a ...? B: No, he isn’t. A: What does your father do? B:He is a.... A: Where does he work? B: He works in/at..... Use the table: Job Place Job Place teacher middle school doctor hospital nurse hospital postman post office driver taxi company policeman police secretary company factory worker factory pilot airport coach high school Task2. Write and discuss:(P51页) Finish it in group Step 4. Feedback. ( You are the best.) Finish the problems(《两导两练》P6o页“精要交流”) Step 5. 拓展训练 《两导两练》P61页“拓展延伸”第二题。 Step6. Homework. 1. Copy the new words for 5 times. 2. Prepare the talk before next class. 3.Finish 《两导两练》P61页“拓展延伸”第一题。 生:自学中的疑惑 PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:________ 时间:___ 月___日 学习内容: Unit 5 What does he do? (the 4) 学习目标: 1.在“Let’s talk”“Write and discuss”等活动中,能就他人的职业及工作情况进行问答,并作大致的描述;能掌握句子“What does your father do? He is a fisherman.”“How does he go to work? He goes to work by bike.”的用法。 2掌握句子:Where does your father/mother work?He/She works... How does he/she go to work?By....的正确回答及用法。 重点和难点: 就他人的职业及工作情况和方式进行问答,并能在实际中应用。 th师:教学设计 (收 获) ⑥自学检测:(I believe I can remember.) 生:自学中的收获 Step 2巩固练习(P50页最后一部分) Where does your father/mother work? How does he/she go to work?(Finish it in pair or in group.) (Use: doctor、post officer、cleaner、post office、hospital、park) Step 3. 拓展训练 《两导两练》P61页“拓展延伸”第一、二题。 Step5.Homework. 2.Translate the talk on a paper, then look the Chinese talk and 师:教学反思 (疑translate on anther paper.(Don’t look at the book.) 惑) 2. Prepare the “Read and write” before next class and finish the 生:自学中的疑惑 problem.(P53上) Mike: My_________is a fisherman. Xiao Yu: Where________he_________? Mike: He works _____sea. He _____lots of _______.every day! Xiao Yu: I see. ______does he go to work? ______boat? Mike: No. He works _____a boat. He goes to work ____bike. Xiao Yu:r: He _____ a very _________ life. Mike:Yes.He works _____ _______and _______ healthy. Xiao Yu:r: We_______study________ and stay _________, too. ⑥Ask and answer: Where does Mike’s uncle work? How does he go to work? Review: 1.Read the words(The teacher speak in Chinese and the students speak in English.) 2.Write the words.(Check in pair) 3..Check the problem. 《两导两练》P61页“拓展延伸”第一题。 Learn by yourself:(温故互查) Task1,Translate the talk and understand them.(Speak to your partner) P50页 Task2,Who had questions? (Ask and answer板书) Learning steps Finish the “Let’s try”.(P50)(情境导入) Step1.Check self-learning Task 1.The teacher answer the students’ questions. Task2. The teacher speak English and the students speak Chinese. Task3.Read the talk. ①Read after the teacher.(Pay attention to quickly and quickly.) ②Listen to the tape and read after it. ③The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. ④Read the talk in pair. ⑤Act the talk. 生:自学中的疑惑

PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:__________ 时间:__ 月__日

学习内容: Unit 5 What does he do? (the 5th) 学习目标: 1.能听、说、认读Read and write 部分的短文完成相应的活动。 2通过学习培养学生基本的阅读能力和写作能力。 3.了解Tips for pronunciation部分的内容。 重点和难点: 基本阅读和写作能力的培养 师:教学设计 (收 获) ④___________________________________________. 生:自学中的收获 师:教学反思 (疑惑) 生:自学中的疑惑 (我的梦想是能成为一名足球运动员。) Step3巩固练习 《两导两练》P63页 第三题 阅读短文判断正(√)吴(×)。 Step 4. 拓展训练 《两导两练》P65页 第六题写作。 Review: Task1,The teacher retell the talk in Chinese (P50) and the students translate Task2, 询问他人职业的两种表达法。 What’s your father?/ What does your father do? Learning steps Step1.Presentation Task 1.Translate the three passage for your partner. Task2.Answer the students’ questions. Task3. Read it and follow the teacher.. Task4. Listen to the tape and read after it. Task5. Read it in group. Task6. The teacher retell the text in Chinese and the students translate.(Look at the book.) Task7.The teacher retell the text in Chinese and the students translate.(Don’t look at the book.) Task8. Finish the problem.(P53上) Step5.Homework. 以“My Family”为题写一篇不少于50个单词的短文。 如:范文(translate) 你好!我叫约翰。 我家有三口人。 他们是我的父亲,母亲和我。 我父亲是一名医生。 他在医院工作。 他很努力地工作。 他乘地铁上班。 我母亲是一位教师。 她在学校工作。 她教数学。 她乘公共汽车去学校。 我是一名学生。 我经常步行上学。 我们很忙(busy)。 但是我们很高兴。 我爱我家。 Task9.Tips for pronunciation. Step2. 自学检测: Give English for the sentences. ①_________________________________(我喜欢运动。) ②_____________________________________. (我喜欢踢足球。) ③______________________________________. (我擅长于足球。). 生:自学中的疑惑

PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:________ 时间:___ 月___日 学习内容: Unit 5 What does he do? (the 6) 学习目标: 1.通过前面的学习,能独立完成“Let;s check”和“Let’s wrap it up” 的相关内容。 2 能够理解和读懂“Story time”的故事内容。 重点和难点: 独立完成“Let;s check”和“Let’s wrap it up”。 th师:教学设计 (收 获) Step 3 生:自学中的收获 师:教学反思 (疑惑) 生:自学中的疑惑 (温故互查) Check the homework of yestoday. Learning steps Step1.Check self-learning 巩固练习 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The two men are____________ .(postman)_ 2. Jane wants to be a police_________.(office) 3. She likes_________(eat) nuts 4. He likes__________(watch) TV. 5. What______(do) your father _____(do)? 6. Mary________(work) in a small toy factory. 7. He______(have) a very healthy life. 8. He should_________(study) hard. 9. Jone_____________(not work) in a factory. 10.______________(Zhang Peng) mother is a headteacher. Step 4. 拓展训练 按要求改写句子 1. My father is a postman.(改为一般疑问句) 2. My uncle is a driver..(划线部分提问) 3. Does Wu Yifa’s aunt take him to school?(作否定回答) 4. She works at home.(划线部分提问) 5.My father goes to work by bike.(划线部分提问) Task 1. Listion to the tape and finish “Let;s check” Task2. Finish “Let;s wrap it up” in group. Task3.Read the story time. ①. Give Chinese for the story time. ②. Read after the teacher.(Pay attention to quickly and quickly.) ③. Follow the tape to read. ④. The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. ⑤. Read the story time in pair ⑥.Act the story. Step2.自学检测: 英汉互译 (幻灯) 1.工厂工人__________________ 2.work in__________________ 3.警察______________________ 4.a healthy life______________ 5.保持健康__________________ 6.rescue pilot_______________ 7.擅长______________________ 8.think of__________________ 9.......怎么样_________________ 10.computer games__________

生:自学中的疑惑 Step5.Homework. 1.完成《两导两练》剩余部分题的内容。 2. Prepare the “Let’s learn” of unit6 before next class and finish the problem.(《两导两练》P66页 第二题) 3.Translant the sentences of page 46 and 47 by yourselves. PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:__________ 时间:__ 月__日

学习内容: Unit 6 How do you feel ? (the 1) 学习目标: 1.能听、说、读、写单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy 2掌握句子: 如何描述心情的句子。 st师:教学设计 (收 获) Task4. Let’s write and say (P59) Step 2巩固练习 生:自学中的收获 Finish the problems《两导两练》P67页“精要交流中第一题” Step 3. 拓展延伸. ( You are the best.) Finish the problems《两导两练》P68页“达标检测中第二三题”。 重点和难点: Step5.Homework. 本课时的教学重点和难点是Let’s learn部分的四会单词,教师3. Copy the new sentences and words for 5 times. 要启发学生开动脑筋巧记单词,并结合所学句型替换关键词,在 4. Prepare the talk before next class. 情景中学习新词,逐步达到掌握要求。 Learn by yourself: Task1.(温故互查)《两导两练》P66页“新课导入”第二题。 Task2. Read the sentences on P59 Let’s learn and try to understand them. Learning steps Step1.Check self-learning Task 1.I can read the new sentences. First follow the tape to read for times then ①Read for your partner. ②The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. 师:教学反思 (疑③Read follow the teacher. 惑) ④Read follow the students. 生:自学中的疑惑 ⑤Read in your group. Task2. 自学检测: Finish the blank in pair ①I believe I can do.《两导两练》P67页第一题 ②Write down some words.(你预习成功了吗?) ___ngr__ ___fr__ __d s__d w__rr__ __d h__pp__ Task3.根据首字母和句意提示填空. 1. I am so h________ because I have got “A” in this test. 2.I am a_________ with myself. I make such a mistake. 3.Ted feels s____ because he can’t play with his friend. 4 When the light goes out suddenly, the children maybe are a________ 5.After school, if you don’t go home, your mother will be w_________ . 生:自学中的疑惑 PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:________ 时间:___ 月___日 学习内容: Unit 6 How do you feel ? (the 2) 学习目标: 1.能掌握句子“How do you feel?I’m afraid/ angry/happy/sad...”的用法;能够就个人情绪及感受进行简单问答。 2在看图理解、朗读感悟、合作表演等学习生活中,能够通过自己观察,小组合作读一读、说一说、演一演,并能用所学语言描述人的感受。 重点和难点: 句子“They’re afraid of him”和”The cat is angry with them”的理解和应用。 nd师:教学设计 (收 获) ⑥自学检测: 生:自学中的收获 Warm-up: Step 2巩固练习(P58页最后一部分) Sing the chant of unit 5 (P71页 Unit 6) Task 1. Look and tell your partner. How do these pictures make Review: you feel? 1.Read the words of last class.(The teacher speak in Chinese and Use: A: When do you see the picture . How do you feel? the students speak in English.) B: I’m/I feel ... Task 2.Finish the problems《两导两练》P67页“精要交流中第二题” 2.Write the words. Step 3. 拓展训练 Learn by yourself:(温故互查) 。 Task1,Translate the talk and understand them.(Speak to your partner) P58师:教学反思 (疑Finish the problems《两导两练》P67页“拓展延伸”Step5.Homework. 页 惑) 3.Translate the talk on a paper, then look the Chinese talk and Task2,Who had questions? (Answer the students’ questions.板书) 生:自学中的疑惑 translate on anther paper.(Don’t look at the book.) Learning steps 2. Prepare the “Let’s learn” before next class and finish the Finish the “Let’s try”. (p58)(情境导入) problem.(《两导两练》P70页 “新课导入”) Step1.Check self-learning I believe I can remember.(幻灯) Sam: What’s this __________about? Sarah: It’s ________ a cat . The cat is ___ _______ ___________. Sam: Cool! Sarah: He_____ the ______. They’re ________ ____ him. Sam: Why? Sarah: ________ the mice _____ bad. They _______ people. The cat ____ __________ _______ them. Sam: Maybe our cat ___ ______ a _________ now ! ⑥Ask and answer: Why is the cat angry with the mice ? Task 1.The teacher answer the students’ questions. Task2. The teacher speak English and the students speak Chinese. Task3.Read the talk. ①. Read after the teacher.(Pay attention to quickly and quickly.) ②. Follow the tape to read. ③. The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. ④. Read the talk in pair. 生:自学中的疑惑 ⑤. Act the talk. PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:__________ 时间:__ 月__日 学习内容: Unit 6 How do you feel ? (the 3) 学习目标: 1.能听、说、读、写单词:see a doctor, do morning exercise, wear warm clothes, take a deep breath, count to ten;能简单询问问题的解决办法并提出解决建议。 2.掌握句子:What should I do?You should ...的用法。 重点和难点: 能简单询问问题的解决办法和提出解决建议,并能应用在实际对话中。 rd师:教学设计 (收3. __I’m angry. What should I do? 获) __You__________________________________________________. 生:自学中的收获 师:教学反思 (疑惑) 生:自学中的疑惑 4.__If you are worried about you grow, What should you do? __I___________________________________. Step 3巩固练习 《两导两练》P71页“精要交流”第三题 Step 4. 拓展训练 Finish the problems 《两导两练》P72页“达标检测”第二题。 Warm-up: Sing the chant of unit 5 (P71页Unit6) Learning steps Step1.温故互查(Review and check) 《两导两练》P70页 “新课导入” Step2.Check self-learning Task 1.I can read the new phrases.. ①.Follow the tape to read. ②.Read for your partner. ③.The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. ④.Read follow the teacher. ⑤.Read follow the students. ⑥Read in your group. Task2. 自学检测: ①I believe I can do.《两导两练》P71页第一二题 ②Write down some words.(你预习成功了吗?) s__ __ a do__t__ __, do m__ __e ex__ __ci__e, w__ __ __ w__ ___ m clo__ __es, c__ __nt to t__n, t__ke a d__ __p br__ ___th Task 3. Write down some sentences. 1. __It’s cold. What should I do? __You______________________________. 2. __I’m ill . What should I do? __You______________________________. Step5. Homework. 1. Copy the new phrases for 5 times. 2. Prepare the talk before next class. 3.Finish 《两导两练》P71页“精要交流”第三题。 生:自学中的疑惑 PEP小学六年级英语 导学案 主备:________ 时间:___ 月___日 学习内容: Unit 6 How do you feel ? (the 4) 学习目标: 1. 在“Let’s talk”活动中,能够正确应用所学句型。从发音角度学习词汇,了解字母t_d,t_g,t_t,t_b在句子中的连读现象。 2.掌握句子:What’s wrong? Don’t be sad.的正确回答及用法。 重点和难点: 积极表达自身感情,主动寻求他人帮助。 th师:教学设计 (收 获) ⑥自学检测:(I believe I can remember.) 生:自学中的收获 Step 2巩固练习(P60页最后一部分) Act with your friends. Your friends need some help. Call them and give your suggestions. Step 3. 拓展训练 《两导两练》P73页“达标检测”第三题。 Step5.Homework. 5.Translate the talk on a paper, then look the Chinese talk and translate on anther paper.(Don’t look at the book.) 师:教学反思 (疑2. Prepare the “Read and write” before next class and finish the 惑) problem.(P63上) 生:自学中的疑惑 Review: 1.Read the phrases (The teacher speak in Chinese and the students speak in English.) 2.Write the phrases.(Check in pair) 3..Check the problem. 《两导两练》P71页“精要交流”第三题。 Learn by yourself:(温故互查) Task1,Translate the talk and understand them.(Speak to your partner) P60页 Task2,Who had questions? (Ask and answer板书) Mum: Sarah,Sam,_______ ________,please. Sarah: What________wrong ? Mum: Your father is ____. He should _____ ___ ___________this morning, _____ we ______go to the zoo_________. Sam: Oh,_____! Mum: Don’t______sad. We can go ________ __________. Sam: _____ does Dad _______now ? Mum:_____ _______. Let’s go to ______ hospital. ⑥Ask and answer: How does Sam feel ? What should he do? Learning steps Finish the “Let’s try”.(P60)(情境导入) Step1.Check self-learning Task 1.The teacher answer the students’ questions. Task2. The teacher speak English and the students speak Chinese. Task3.Read the talk. ①Read after the teacher.(Pay attention to quickly and quickly.) ②Follow the tape to read. ③The teacher speak Chinese and the students speak English. ④Read the talk in pair. ⑤Act the talk. 生:自学中的疑惑

