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Part A Reading Aloud

Tortoises, as heavy as four grown men. In their huge bodies they can store enough fat to go for a year without eating or drinking anything. To survive here, it seems you need to be a monster. Or is it just that you need to be different? Their rich at, their giant size made tortoises perfect for the ship’s larder. In 200 years, over 200,000 were taken. On some islands tortoises were

completely wiped out. But out of the tragedy came some good. As more people came to Galapagos, a clearer picture of the islands began to appear. Each got its own



tortoises [?t?rt?sis] 乌龟 monster [?mɑnst?] 怪物 larder [?lɑrd?] 食物贮藏室

tragedy [?tr?d??di] 杯具(悲剧) (那个地方名我不会,sorry…)

Part B Role Play 情景介绍

任务:(1)采访Dr Brown 有关外语学习的


(2)根据谈话内容回答问题。 视频文本内容:

W: Dr. Brown, welcome to today’s program. M: Thank you. It’s a pleasure being here. W: We know that you are a language specialist, and you just published a book on how to learn a foreign language. And it’s selling

well, so tell us the title of your book? M: It’s called “Learning a language over Ex

and Tost” (音)

W: That sounds very interesting, tell us what

you discuss in your book. M: It is very important to set up a regular program like planning a few minutes every

morning around the breakfast time. W: But I have been learning Spanish for four years, and I haven’t become a good speaker of


M: We can’t become fluent speakers in the matter of a few minute hearing that. We should

follow a regular course of study. 三问:

1. 你能再多说点吗?

Q:Could you please speak a little more? A;My basic suggestion is to learn a foreign language by talking small steps. Some people think they can learn a foreign language in thirty days, and they become very discouraged when

they can’t. Learning 5 words a day and learning to use them actively is far better than

Learning 30 and forgetting them the next day. But people many have different learning styles. 2. 你说的学习风格是什么意思?

Q:What do you mean by “learning


A:I mean different ways of learning. Some prefer to see models of the patterns they are expected to learn; others see the hearing instructions over reading them. All preferences are determined by factors so just character,

culture and past experiences. 3. 你是如何学习外语的?

Q:How did you learn a foreign language? A:I learned while doing things. Moving around as well as trying to learn helps me. I often recite aloud the words when I cook potatoes and onions for breakfast in the morning. 五答:

1. Q:What is Dr. Brown’ s book about?

A:It’s about how to learn a foreign language.

2.Q:How long has the woman been learning


A:4 years.

3.Q:What is Dr. Brown’s basic suggestion

on learning a foreign language? A:To learn a foreign language by taking

small steps.

4.Q:What factors determine one’s learning


A:Factors like character, culture and

past experiences.

5. Q: What does Dr. Brown often do when

he prepares his breakfast?

A: He often recites aloud the words.

Part C


Tom 下班后被锁楼里,办公室电话不通,最


关键词: locked in (被锁) phone 电话) doorkeeper (门卫) reception room (接待室)

go home (回家)


Locked In

Last summer vacation, Tom took a

part-time job in a company. His office was very small at the end of the second floor. One Friday evening, he finished his work and went out of his office. It’s already six o’clock. He looked around and found everybody had gone home. The building was very quiet, and the main lights were all out. He ran down to see whether he could find somebody, but it was too

late. The doors all locked, and he was locked in the building. Tom went back to his office to phone the doorkeeper, but the phone did not work. He tried another one, and that phone did not work, either. Tom realized the phones in the office had been locked for the weekend. He thought, “I had to be here for the weekend”. Suddenly he remembered that in the reception room there was a phone that was always on. So he rushed to the reception room. The door was locked, too. So he went into the room through the window, and phoned the doorkeeper. Half an hour later, the doorkeeper

came, and Tome went home. 参考复述:

Tom worked for a big company in a small and remote office last summer vocation. One Friday afternoon when he finished work and was about to go back, he found himself locked in the building. His colleagues had all gone back. He then tried to phone the doorkeeper, but the phones

didn’t work because they were switched off for





remembered a phone in the reception room which was always on. Although the reception room was locked, he climbed through the window and succeed in phoning the doorkeeper. Finally, he could go back after the doorkeeper came.


