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1. 读题目指导(Directions:题目-要求-字数)

【题目1】Why it is unwise to put all your eggs in one basket. 审题:这道题目中包含的俗语(不要把所有鸡蛋放到一个篮子里)揭示的是一种人生智慧。其蕴含的道理非常浅显,那就是凡事要留有余地,不可孤注一掷。

【题目2】Why it is unwise to jump to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something.

【题目3】Why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance. 2. 心里打腹稿 二、开头段写作策略

阐释道理型六级作文宜写成三个段落。其中开头段有两重作用:一是引起读者的阅读兴趣;二是引出文章所讨论的话题。开头段写法要不拘一格: 1. 开门见山


【例子1】An old saying goes, “never put all your eggs in one basket.” It warns us not to risk losing everything by pinning all our hopes on (完全依赖;指望)one action. I believe there is a lot of truth in this saying.

2. 引用俗语


【例子2】As an old saying goes, “Act in haste, repent at leisure.” The saying warns us against jumping to conclusions upon seeing or hearing something. Let me tell you a story to illustrate this point. 3. 故事开篇

考生可以在文章开篇先讲一个逸闻轶事,以此来引出所要讨论的话题。这种写法生动有趣,被广泛应用于英语新闻特写和专栏文章中。 【例子3】Rebecca Zhang, a top student in my department, has had the blues. She was turned down again at the job interview last week because of her plain looks. Zhang’s case is hardly unique in today’s society, where a person is often judged by his or her appearance. 三、论证段写作策略 四、结尾段写作策略



Putting all eggs in one basket is a sure recipe for disappointment or even tragedy. Thus, it is advisable that we not invest all our time, money, or energy in only one option in any endeavor.

就题目2来说,考生可以先承接下文,指出生活中的确有很多情况让我们容易仓促下结论。然后号召大家时刻保持头脑冷静,三思而后行。 Though such an extreme example is rare, there are circumstances in our daily life where it is tempting to rush to conclusions. So let’s always keep a cool head and think twice before arriving at any conclusions.


Looks can be deceptive. Therefore, we should always resist the temptation to judge others based on their physical appearance. Anyway, who says an ugly duckling cannot turn into a beautiful swan?

【写作小结】审题立意、结构布局、展开论证、多加练习、勤加练习 All it takes is practice.

