step by step3000第三册unit4答案及原文

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英语专业学生经典的听力材料 Unit 4 World News: Up in Space

Part I Warming up A

1. To Mars / March of next year. 2. Because of a mechanical problem. 3. 5 males and 2 females. 4. NASA / At the end of September, 83 days after landing. 5. To return home at the Kennedy Space Center after completing repairs on the Hubble Telescope. B

Mir Facts 15 years

the Soviet Union, now Russia $ 4.2 billion (for building and maintaining) 10 years (1986 — 1996) 135 tons 9,900 cubic feet 63 feet wide and 85 feet long 104 cosmonauts, astronauts 46 438 days 747 days, three Mar. 23rd,

Part II News reports A Summary :

… the smallest and most earth-like extra solar planet. Answers to questions: 1. About a dozen. 2. Five times the mass of the earth. 3. A red dwarf. 4. Two. 5. One is similar to Neptune and the other is 8 times the mass of the earth. B

Event : NASA’s 12-year program of Mars ? Starting time: 1996 ? Finishing time: 2008 First installment:

? Names of spacecrafts: the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter / the Pathfinder Lander

? Arrival time: 1997 ? Mission: To collect and analyze rocks Second installment:

? Names of spacecrafts: the Polar Lander / the Mars Climate Orbiter ? Launch time: December ? Arrival time: Next December Mission:

a. To inspect for subsurface water b. To measure the distribution of water vapor, dust and condensates Grand finale: ? Launch time: 2005 ? Return time: 2008 ? Mission: To return soil and rock samples to Earth. Part III Returning to the Moon Summary:

… UK’s possible collaboration with China on the Chang’e program. Answers to the questions: 1. Four phases 2. a. robotic spacecraft b. to return astronauts to the moon c. to set up a permanent space station 3. Building of scientific instruments by UK 4. Five days 5. Thirteen days

