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Unit 11 it 引导的名词性从句

◆ Language

Structures(1 parts)

Part 1 by喻丽云NO.1030910322

Dialogue I(3parts)

Part 2 by刘莹莹NO.1030910313 Part 3 by周雯NO.1030910314 Part 4 by韩顺银NO.1030910320

◆ Dialogue II(2 parts)

Part 5 by周露萍NO.1030910318 Part 6 by许丽莉NO.1030910319

◆ Reading (2 parts)

Part 7 by 袁涛 NO.1030910321 Part 8 by 胡戴红NO.1030910316

◆ Guided Writing(2 parts)

Part 9 by 罗荣荣 NO.1030910315 Part 10 by 丁梦琪 NO.1030910317

I Language Structures It Patterns Part 1

It seems that It happens that

It doesn’t matter + wh-word It all depends on + wh-word pattern sb find it adj that

It seems that…

It seems that...意思上表示的是“看上去,似乎”,后跟陈述语气的句子。 可以转换成 名词或代词 + seem + 动词不定式的句型,其原意不变。

或则如果动词不定式为to be + 形容词时,to be往往省略 eg:It seemed that everything went wrong this morning everything seemed to be wrong

everything seemed (to be)wrong

eg:It seems that he is happy.=He seems to be happy.=He seems happy


It seems to sb中it是个代词,代替前文所说的主语,后一般接句子。来表达某个人对某个问题的感受。 意为“在某人看来。。。” It seems as if“ ,意为“看起来好像”,后跟虚拟语气的句子。与that

引导的从句不同的是,as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。 eg. It seems as if he did know nothing It just (so) happened that he was out of town 类似 It chanced that …

Eg.It just so chanced /happened that the harvest was bad last year

It does not matter wh- 接的陈述句,注意时态

It doesn't matter to me (对我来说没什么)里的matter是动词. What's the matter with you? (你怎么了)里的matter是名词.

It all depends on wh-

It all depends on human effort.事在人为 It depends on circumstances这要视情况而定。


Notified /n uti’faid/通报

Notified sb of sth 或 notified sth to sb


Polaroid /p ul r id/宝丽来 Install /in’st :l/ 安装 设置

complete the mini-dialogues:


A: Why are you late this morning?

B: I’m sorry to be late but I just couldn’t help it. A: You couldn’t help it? What do you mean?

B: Well, the alarm clock didn’t work, no water came out of the tap, and the gas cooker failed to light. It seemed that everything went wrong this morning. LSPII

A: Did you meet Larry as you had expected? B: No, I didn’t. A: Wasn’t he at home?

B: It just happened that he was out of town.


A: Has he done the computer programme for our project? B: Yes, he has. Although I’m not sure how he did it.

A: It doesn’t matter how he did it. The important thing is whether the program has been done. B: I’m sure it’s been done.


A: Do you think the picnic will be a success? B: Oh, I’m not sure. A: Why not?

B: It all depends on whether it will be fine or not on Sunday.


Wanda: Do you have daylight saving time every summer, Bob? Bob: Yes, of course. Why do you ask?

Wanda: I find it odd that you should set the clock one hour ahead in summer.

Bob: But I think it’s quite reasonable to do that.

II Dialogue I The Young on the Old Part 2

Listen to the recording and answer the followingquestions: 1. Why is B worries about his fate when he grows old? 2.What problems do you think people have when they grow old? 3.Is it good to have clubs and associations for the old? Why?


2.Housing、nutrition、healthcare、educational opportunities、no income、be lonely and nelgected by family members、become frail and unable to take care of one’s own.

3.Yes,it is. It can brings lots of amusements, and it also helps the old to make friends, do exercises and learn new things with each other, which can make life more interesting and colorful .


Institutions set up for the old(为老年人设立的机构):

The Home for the Aged 安老院

The Cultural Centre for the Aged 老年人文化中心 The Club for the Aged 老年人俱乐部



①n. : duty,responsibility,ect.重担,负担

Using—:To bear/ carry/ ease/ reduce/ share the burden. 承受/ 担负/ 减轻/ 减少/ 分担 负担 A burden to/on sb:成为某人的负担

Eg:1.The heavy tax become a burden on working people. 2.I don’t want to be a burden to my children when I’m old. ②v.负担

Using—:burden sb/yourself with sth. ⑴担负

Eg:They have burden themselves with a high mortgage. ⑵trouble麻烦

Eg:I don’t want to burden you with my worried.

II Dialogue I The Young on the Old Part 3


Pessimistic:adj. 悲观的,悲观主义的 Using—:be pessimistic about sth 对某事悲观

Eg: They appeared surprisingly pessimistic about their chances of winning.

A pessimistic view of life. 对人生悲观的看法 Pessimist n. 悲观主义者

Now and then:

from time to time, occsionally有时,偶尔,时常

Eg:Though John lives quite a distance away from where Lee is,Lee still goes to visit him now and then.


①Very shocking and unacceptable 骇人的,无法容忍的 Outrageous behaviour 极端无力的行为

②very unusual and sightly shocking反常的,令人惊讶的 Eg:She says the most outrageous things sometimes.

Trail : n.

A formal examination of evidence in court by a judge and often a

jury(陪审团),to decide if sb accused of a crime is guilty or not(法院的)审讯,审理,审判 A murder trail 谋杀案的审理

Eg:She will stand trail for frand (诈骗) He’s on trail for murder.

Condemn :v.

①To express very strong disapproal of sb/sth ,usually for moral reasons指(通常因道义上的原因)而谴责,指责

Eg:The government issued a statement condemning the killings. The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking integrity(正直)

②to say what sb’s punishment will be.宣判,判处(某人某种刑罚)

II Dialogue I The Young on the Old Part 4 Words:

Physically adv.

①in a way that is connected with a person’s body rather than their mind:身体上的

Eg:I felt physically sick before the exam.大考前我身体不舒服。 ②according to the laws of nature or what is probable:依据自然规律;按自然法则;根本上

Eg:It’s physically impossible to finish by the end of the week. 根本不可能在本周末之前完成。

Contribute v.

①to give sth,especially money or goods,to help sb sth.捐献;捐赠

Eg:Would you like contribute to our collection? 你愿意给我们的募捐捐款吗?

②contribute sth to sth:to increase,improve or add to sth.增加;增进;添加(到某物)

Eg:Immigrants have contributed to British culture in many ways.移民在许多方面都对英国文化有所贡献。

⑴Tailored adj.

make to fit well or closely 订做的;合身的 Eg:A tailored jacket. 一件订做的夹克。 ⑵Tailoring


Eg:Clever tailoring can flatter your figure.巧妙的裁剪可以使你身材显得优美。 ⑶tailor

n.裁缝:a person whose job is to make men’s clothes. v.tailor sth to/for sb/sth: to make or adapt sth. for a

particular purpose, a particular person ,ect.专门制作;订做 Eg:Special programmer of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups.制定特殊课程以满足特定群体的需要。

Pursue v.

Pursue to do sth. Or try to achieve sth. Over a period of time 追求;致力于;执行;贯彻 To pursue a goal /an aim /an objective 追求目标;贯彻宗旨;实现目标

Eg: We intend to pursue this policy with determination. 我们准备坚决贯彻这项政策

She wish to pursue a medical career. 她希望从事医学工作。

Attributive clause

There are places where old people have their own clubs

III Dialogue II Part 5


Marvellous:extremely good,wonderful 极好的,非凡的 Eg:This will be a marvellous opportunity for her . It’s marvellous what modern technology can do.

Thing :It used to refer to a person or animal when an enmotion of some kind is expressed. Poor thing 可怜的家伙

Eg :Poor thing!He must be feeling awful now. Little thing 小东西

Eg :My granddaughter is a sweet little thing.

III Dialogue II Part 6 Words :

Deserve v.(不可用于进行时)

①be sth or have done sth for which one should receive 应受(奖赏,特殊待遇等) Eg:The article deserves careful study. She deserves a reward for her efforts.

②deserve well/ill of sb = be worthy of good/bad treatment by sb 应该受到某人好的(坏的)待遇 She deserves well of her employers.

Sit for:be a candidate for (an examination)参加考试 Eg:sit for an exam/a text. sit for a scholarship.

sit at sb’s feet =be sb’s pupil or follower 做某人的弟子和追随者

sit in judgement (on/over sb)评论某人 sit on the fence 持观望状态 sit on one’s hands 什么都不干



Regard sb/sth(with sth) Regard sb/sth as sth

As regards sb/sth 关注于某人/某事

Eg:I have little imformation as regards his past. ②注意或关心 Regard to/for sb/sth

Eg :Drive with regard for/to speed limits. regard for sb/sth 尊重或不尊重某人 ③致意,问候,尤用于信函的结尾 Eg:With kind regards.

Please give /send my regards to your brother. In/with regard to sb/sth 关于某人,某事物 In this/that/one regard 在这/那点上 Eg:This is the third time that she has tried… This/that is the X time that +现在完成时

IV Reading Part 7

Group work:

How do your parents treat your grandparents? How will you treat your parents when they grow old? Do you want your child to treat you in the same way?

What is your feeling after looking those photoes ?

Answer the following comprehension questions:

1) In what physical condition is the writer’s grandmother? 2) Why can the writer’s family hardly put up with her? 3) Is she happy? Why or why not? 4) Are retirement homes all bad?

5) What did the writer’s mother decide to do when Grandma could not live on her own?

6) How are elderly people treated in many cultures? 7) Why are old people unhappy in a nursing home?

8) What is the writer’s opinion concerning the treatment of aging parents ?

9) What is your opinion concerning the old people in general?

Language points:

1. At times she is so childishly demanding that we can hardly put up with her…


--- Sometimes she acts so childishly that we always laugh at her.

Demanding: adj.

requiring much effort or attention 苛求的;使人吃力的;高要求的 e.g. a demanding job 苛刻的工作 a demanding manager 严苛的经理

Put up with sb 忍受;容忍

I don’t know how his parents put up with his antics. 我不知道他的父母是如何忍受他的怪异行为。 She could hardly put up with that fellow any longer. 她再也不能忍受那家伙。

Be hard to live with难以与之一同生活的 It’s hard to live with you.

end up:to finish one’s life ①结束

You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that. 你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。 ②死亡

The old Henry ended up lonely .

Aged away 逝世


pine away 去世

heedlessly :adv. 不加注意地;掉以轻心地 Shun:vt.躲开,避开,回避 be shunned by sb 被某人回避

Eg:She was shunned by her former friends after she went astray. 她偏离正道后,从前的朋友都回避她。

IV Reading Part 8


1. What is your feeling after looking that photo?

2.What is the writer’s opinion concerning the treatment of aging parents?

3.What do you learn from the story in the essay?


household:all the people living together in a house pine away:to become very sick and weak feeble:very weak

The point of living:the purpose of living vigorous:very active

long-range:concerning or covering a long time or distance the opposite of long-range is short-range


I believe that all of us have the virtue called devotion , and we will take good care of our parents when they are old.

IV Guide writing1 Parts 9

The paragraph reads:

In our country, families used to be big with at least three generations living under one roof. Therefore ,caring for the elderly was not much of a problem. This ,however,

did not mean that all the people lived a happy life. Whether the old were treated decently by their children was another story. Wish the development of our country’s national economy, the living standard of the people has greatly improved, and people no longer want to crowd into one house.

Further, with the people’s way of life changing constantly, the large family system is given up by most of the younger generation who love to live a more private life; consequently the practice of a large family living under one roof is abandoned.

At present, more and more elderly people are living by themselves which brings forth new problems. Even if no misfortune befalls them, there are enough problems to be resolved. In the first place, they feel quite lonely all the time. Then, when they become too old to take care of themselves, what is to become of them? What if these elderly people fall ill, which is common to the old? It is said that one third of the population in some parts of

the country will be over sixty in the early part of the 21st century. It is high time that the problem was given serious and earnest attention now.




①to work very hard and/or for a long time,usually doing hard physical work (长时间)苦干

②to move slowly and with difficulty 跋涉 Eg:They toiled up the hill in the blazing sun n. hard unpleasant work that makes you very tired 苦工,苦累的工作

A life of hardship and toil艰难劳苦的一生

unprecedented adj.

that has never happened, been done or been known before空前的;前所未有的;没有先例的

Eg:The situation is unprecedented in modern times. unprecedentedly adv.

wear out:to become,or make sth become thin or no longer able to

