2018中考英语复习 阅读分层训练五

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The Best Inventions of 2016

Every year, TIME chooses the best inventions that are making the world better and smarter and—in some cases—a little more fun. The following four inventions are on this year's list with 21 others. Visit www.time.com for more information.

Smart Sneakers Nike/$720 These smart sneakers can tie themselves! This technology is not just for kicks. It's especially useful for sports players and disabled people. The Smart Alarm Clock Hello Sense/$149+ It's hard to believe that an alarm clock could not only be beautiful but also improve your sleep. It can help you have a perfect sleep environment. China's Space Station Tiangong-2/Developed by CNSA Tiangong-2 is more than 34 feet long and nearly 14 feet wide and includes an exercise area. There is also a medical experiment area where China's newest astronauts, Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong did experiments. The VR Headset PlayStation VR/$400 In order to enjoy virtual reality(VR,虚拟现实), people have to pay thousands of dollars—not just for a headset(like the $800 HTC VIVE), but for a computer that's powerful enough to support it. Sony's PlayStation VR can work with what people already have: the PlayStation 4. ( )1.How much are Nike's Smart Sneakers? A.$149. B.$400. C.$720. D.$800.

( )2.________ can help you improve your sleep. A.Smart Sneakers

B.The Smart Alarm Clock C.The PlayStation VR D.The HTC VIVE

( )3.Tiangong-2 was developed by________.


C.Hello Sense D.PlayStation

( )4.You can visit ________ to know more about the VR Headset.


www.nike.com https://hello.is/ www.cnsa.gov.cn www.sony.com BatchDoc-Word文档批量处理工具

A.www.nike.com B.https://hello.is/ C.www.cnsa.gov.cn D.www.sony.com B

How Colored Crayons for Kids Were Invented

You can buy a box of Crayola crayons in 152 colors today, but way back in 1903, they only came in eight colors. And that first box of Crayola crayons was a huge improvement over the first crayons ever sold, which only came in black.

Wax(蜡) crayons were mostly used for industrial purposes until cousins Edwin Binney and Harold Smith introduced their brightly colored crayons for kids. Edwin's wife made up the name Crayola by putting together “craie”(French for chalk) together with “oleaginous”(which means oily). In other words, oily chalk!

It's hard to understand just how different modern crayons are from those in the past without a look at the history of the crayon. In 1864 Edwin's dad, Joseph Binney, started the Peekskill Chemical Works in New York City. It made a black pigment(颜料) by burning oil.

When the two cousins took over in 1885, they started making a number of industrial products, but from 1900 to 1902, they changed their focus to art products for home and school use. They started making pencils and dustless chalk for school blackboards. Colored crayons were a natural next step. But the crayons they first made were not safe for kids, so they developed crayons that would be safe. The first box they sold, the one with eight colors, cost just five cents.

To celebrate the hundredth birthday of Crayola crayons in 2003, a special 100-count box was created, adding four new

colors to the existing(现有的) 96-color box. Over the years, as the company has grown, it has introduced more than 400

different colors. Also you can find crayons that smell good, crayons that wash out of clothes, and even egg-shaped crayons.

Nowadays, plenty of other companies make colored crayons for children, too.

( )1.What color was the first box of crayons ever sold? A.Black. B.Red. C.Yellow. D.Green.

( )2.What is the meaning of Crayola according to Paragraph 2? A.Black pigment. B.Bright colors. C.Oily chalk. D.Colorful pencils.

( )3.From 1900 to 1902, cousins Edwin and Harold started to make________. A.industrial products B.art products

C.safe crayons D.egg-shaped crayons ( )4.To celebrate the hundredth birthday of Crayola crayons, the company ________. A.sold a box of crayons for 5 cents B.invented crayons that smell good C.created a special 100-count box

D.introduced more than 400 different colors |B+C|


Fifty Jobs in Fifty Weeks

Daniel was disappointed as he walked out of his 40th job interview. He couldn't believe he had failed 40 interviews. He just finished his university study and needed to get a job fast. He was almost broke(身无分文的). He decided that he would start a new project called “Living the Map”. He wanted to get 50 jobs in 50 states in only 50 weeks.



Daniel's idea may sound crazy, but it is really clever. Daniel said that one of his goals was to get as much job experience as possible. He was still not sure what kind of job he really wanted. The best way to find out was to try out different types of jobs. So, he tried to get jobs that were related to each state's identity(特点). For example, Michigan is famous for having a lot of car factories, so during his week in Michigan, he worked as a mechanic. Wisconsin is known for its cheese, so he was a cheese maker there. In Vermont he made maple syrup, and in Maryland he was a crab chef.

Daniel not only had fun trying all kinds of interesting jobs, but he also made 60,000 dollars and became famous. He plans to publish a book about what he learned from his project. At the beginning, Daniel wanted to get as much job experience as possible, but instead became famous—or was he hoping to become famous from the beginning? You decide. Whatever he had in mind, it looks like there are many more jobs in his future.

( )1.How did Daniel feel after failing his 40th job interview? A.Disappointed. B.Excited. C.Tired. D.Nervous.

( )2.Where did Daniel work as a cheese maker? A.In Michigan. B.In Wisconsin. C.In Vermont. D.In Maryland.

( )3.In order to find out what he really wanted, Daniel________. A.made as much money as possible B.visited some beautiful places C.finished his university study D.tried different kinds of jobs

( )4.What does Daniel plan to write a book about? A.How he made maps of the world. B.How many people he met.

C.What he learned from his project. D.What his university was like.


Humans' Love of Sugar

It is quite fair to say that our ancestors(祖先) were responsible for our sweet teeth. Millions of years ago, our ancestors lived on sugar-rich fruit. They liked fully-grown fruit, because it had more sugar and

supplied more energy. And sugar helped them store fat, too. Early humans often had very little food, so their bodies learned to be very good at storing sugar as fat. In this way, they had energy stored. When there was no food, their bodies burned the stored fat to get energy to live on. At that time, hanging on to fat was an advantage, not a health risk.

“But today, most people have more sugar than enough. The average sugar intake(摄取量) in the U.S. is 22 teaspoons a person a day, which is four times the amount that the World Health Organization(WHO) suggests is healthy. So the very thing that once saved us may now be killing us. One-third of adults worldwide have high blood pressure, and up to 347 million have

diabetes(糖尿病). Why? Sugar is one of the causes, if not the main cause,” says scientist Richard Johnson.

And many scientists believe our love of sugar may actually be an addiction. When we eat or have sugary foods or drinks, the sugar enters our blood and affects parts of our brain, which makes us feel good. Then the good feeling goes away, leaving us wanting more. In this way, it is addictive.

So what should we do? It's obvious that we need to eat less sugar. But the answers are not so easy. In today's world, it's really difficult to avoid sugar. From breakfast bread to after-dinner cookies, our foods are increasingly filled with it. Some food

producers even use sugar to replace taste in foods that are advertised as low in fat. This may make the food appear as healthier, but large amounts of sugar are often added.

But there are those who are fighting back against sugar. Many schools are offering healthier food with less sugar. Many



other schools are building sports facilities(设施) so that students and others in the community can exercise. The fight has not yet been lost.

( )1.Millions of years ago, our ancestors liked sugar-rich fruit, because ________.

A.it was sweet and delicious B.it was low in fat and healthy C.it supplied energy to live on D.it affected parts of their brain

( )2.According to WHO, it's healthy for a person to have ________ teaspoons of sugar a day. A.5.5 B.7.3 C.11 D.22

( )3.What does the underlined word “addiction” in Paragraph 4 probably mean? A. Health risk. B.Strong need. C.Main cause. D.Difficult task. ( )4.What is the best title for Paragraph 5? A.How Much Is Too Much B.How to Avoid Sugar C.A Solution: Low in Fat D.No Easy Answer |C+D|


The way you read texts in a reading exam is very different from how you read a magazine, a web page or a book. These tips(实用的小建议) will help you read the text in the right way and give you lots of advice on how to get the best marks you can in the exam.

Difficult questions

There are always one or two tricky(棘手的) questions in exams, so don't panic(恐慌) if there is a question you don't understand or can't find the answer to.

?Is there a difficult question you can't answer? Leave it and come back at the end. ?Don't waste a lot of time on difficult questions you can't answer. Find the answer

Finding the answer is the main purpose in a reading exam. Use these tips to help you.

?Usually, questions refer to information in the text in chronological(按先后次序的) order. The first question refers to information at the beginning of the text and the second question refers to information in the next part of the text, etc.

?Find the paragraph in the text that is connected to the question. Read the question again and then return to the text to find the answer.

?Underline or highlight(用荧光笔标出) the parts of the text that help you focus and find exactly the right answers. Difficult vocabulary

There will usually be some words in the text that you don't understand. The important thing is to be able to ‘read around’ the unknown words. These tips will help you learn how to do this.

?Use the context to help you understand the meaning. Read the whole sentence and the sentences before and after. ?What type of word is it? A noun? A verb? An adjective? An adverb? ?Does the word have a positive or negative meaning? ?Look for synonyms(同义词) in the text. Well-written texts use synonyms rather than repeat the same word. If you don't

know the word, it may be a synonym of another word in the text.

?Think about the topic. Which words do you know related to the topic?

?Is the word similar to another word you know? For example, the word “birth” is similar to birthday. ?Is the word similar to a word in your language?

( )1.If you don't understand a question or can't find the answer, you should ________.



A.leave it and come back at the end B.worry about difficult vocabulary

C.use the context to help you understand the meaning

D.find the paragraph in the text that is connected to the question ( )2.Which one is useful for you to get the right answers? A.To use the context to help you understand the meaning. B.To underline the parts related to the questions.

C.To think about words that are similar in your own language. D.To decide if the word has a positive or negative meaning. ( )3.The writer thinks the good text is ________. A.with a main purpose

B.full of positive or negative meanings C.followed by some questions

D.not repeating the same word but using synonyms

( )4.What is the passage mainly about? A.The advice on how to read magazines.

B.How to get the meanings of the new vocabulary.

C.How to read and get the best marks in the reading exam.

D.The advice on how to understand the passages in the reading exam.


How to Improve Your Memory

Man still has a lot to learn about the most powerful and complex(复杂的) part of his body—the brain.

It may be surprising to learn that it isn't age that makes you lose your memory. The reason could be that you have a “lazy” memory, not an old one. Like your body, your memory improves with exercise. Once given plenty of exercise, the brain will keep its power. Before discussing how to improve the memory, let's look at how the brain works. There are two sides to the brain, the left and the right. The right side deals with the senses(what we see, hear, feel and smell). It's the creative and imaginative side. The left side is related to logical(逻辑的) thinking, which analyzes(分析) information and puts it in order.

A recent research suggests that we remember everything that happens to us. The problem most of us have is recalling(回忆) events. Most forgetting takes place immediately after learning. An hour after learning something new, more than 50% has been forgotten. After a month, 80% has been forgotten, and so on.

This research is very important. It shows if you review new material you have learned, you can remember much more. So it's of the greatest importance to review newly learned material often, and have breaks often. You best remember what you learn at the beginning of a learning period and at the point where we stop. After the break, review what was learned before the break and then continue learning the new material. These breaks should happen every 20 or 45 minutes.

Other experiments have shown the brain needs time to take in what has been learned. The time necessary for this is 5 to 10 minutes. After the break, the memory will have taken in what it has just learned, and more will be remembered. During this period it is important to exercise the right side of the brain, because the left side is used during the learning period. Therefore, you should relax. Listening to music, breathing in fresh air, and looking at a picture are all ways of using the other side of the brain. So when you are studying alone, make a plan which shows when to have breaks and to review newly learned material immediately before you begin studying again. If you do in this way, your memory will improve.

( )1.To fight against forgetting better, we're advised to________. A.break down materials into small pieces B.use two sides of the brain together C.make proper use of our senses D.go over what was learned often


