
更新时间:2023-11-23 12:19:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1.1 Ways of working

regular hours flexible hours freelance job-share job-sharer shift-work part-time full-time teleworking temping specialist advice hot-desking office gossip consultancy flextime/flexitime Office news credit MD/managing director Brainpower Worst-case Scenario Delegate Availability Parental leave maternity leave Distractions Contact Case-load Daily log Voice mail Self-organization Disruptive

正常工作时间 弹性工作时间 ['fri:'lɑ:ns]自由职业 分担工作 与人分担工作的人 轮班工作,倒班制 兼职 全职 电子化办公方式,电子办公 当临时工 专业咨询 办公桌轮用 办公室小道消息 咨询公司,顾问公司 弹性工作时间 办公室新闻 赞扬、功劳 总裁(美语中称CEO或president) 智能 做最坏打算的,为最坏情况的,为最不利条件的 事态、局面 vt.授权、分配工作 利用可能性,可利用的人、物,物资保证 育儿假,照顾新生儿假 产假 让人注意力分散的事务 人脉,有用的社会关系 工作量 日志 语音信箱、留言 自我组织能力 adj.造成混乱的 1.2 Making contacts

trade fair event coffee/tea break drinks evening coaching event maximise socializing 1

商品交易会 工间咖啡休息时间 晚间酒会 专项体验训练活动 最大限度的使用,发挥(maximize美式) 参加社交,交际

corporate world useful contacts co-chair network Networking event Locals Be spread out Internal communication post-it note 商界 有用的人际关系 联合总裁,主席 建立关系网络 ‘networking’建立人际网,关系网,牵线搭桥活动,联谊活动。 当地人 分散在各地 内部交流 便条 2.1 company benefits and incentives

Benefits Incentive Job title Training and staff development Good salary Pension Flexible working hours Opportunities to travel Opportunities for promotion Days off Company car Client service executive Take…with a pinch of salt Old and established Resource director Qualification Temp Incumbent programme Promote from within Take on Intake Project manager Grow and maintain customer relationship Canteen Head office Brainstorming Breakout Encompass Sales and marketing Research and development and manufacturing Perk 2

n. 福利 n. 奖励 职位,头衔 培训和员工发展 可观的收入 n. 养老金 弹性工作时间,灵活工作时间 旅游机会 升职提拔机会 几天短假 公司给配的汽车 客户服务主管 对…将信将疑 历史悠久 (HR director的简称)人力资源部经理 n. 资格 (temporary/temporary worker)临时员工 在职员工培训课程,岗位培训课程 提拔内部员工 接受,招聘 n. 从外部吸纳招收的员工 项目经理 发展和维护客户关系 n.食堂,餐厅 总部 自由讨论,头脑风暴,集思广益 n.突破 vt. 包括,包含 销售和市场营销 研发和生产 n. 好处,额外津贴, 外快

Final salary pension scheme Budget Non-cash reward Once in a lifetime Career goal Senior management 按最终薪水给付的养老金计划 n. 预算 非现金形式的奖励 adj. 千载难逢的,令人难忘的 职业目标 高层管理人员 Too good to be true好得令人难以置信=2G2BT (另外一些办公室网络用语:LOL-Laugh out loud, FWIW-for what its worth, OMG-oh my god, IDK-I don’t know, BTW-by the way, TX- thanks, RUS-are you serious/sure, 2 = to/too, 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be, 4 = for, 4ever = forever, ASL = Age/Sex/Location, AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned, AFAIK = As Far As I Know, AFK = Away From Keyboard, AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something, B4 = Before, B4N = Bye For Now, Biz = Business, CU = See You, CUL/CYL/CUL8R = See You Later, F2F/FTF = Face To Face, FAQ = Frequently Asked Question, G2G = Got To Go, G8T/GR8 = Great)

Vocabulary Part 5

常见的与take搭配的短语: 1. take after 与……相像 eg. The baby took after his mother. 2. take down 记下 eg. Take down the notes while you are listening. 3. to be taken for 被误认为 eg. to be taken for a foreigner

4. take off 打折 eg. Shop early and we’ll take off 20 percent. 5. take on 承担 eg. to take on new responsibilities

6. take for granted 认为……理所当然 eg. We often take these things for granted.

2.2 Presenting Your Company

Distribution centre Warehouse Holding company Call centre Plant Headquarter Subsidiary Corporation Division Turnover Revenue Document management Innovation technology Chart Research and development Mission statement Fact sheet Branch 3

配送中心 仓库 控股公司 呼叫中心 工厂,成套设备,成套装置,成套机械 总部 子公司 公司,法人 部门分支 营业额,销售额 收入,收益 资料管理,文档管理 创新技术 图表 研制和开发 公司所制定的目标或宗旨 情况说明书 分公司(指母公司的一个分支机构或附属机构,在法律上和经济上没有独立性,不是法人)

3.1Business topic: Starting a business

sole trader partnership franchise franchise agreement franchisor franchisee entrepreneurial spirit voila [s?ul]独立法人,独立经销 [‘pɑ:tn?,?ip]合伙经营 ['fr?n,t?aiz] 连锁店,特许经销权,特许经营 特许协议 [,fr?nt?a?'z?] n.授予特许权者 n. [,fr?nt?a?'zi] (公司的分店、零售店或联号商店的)特许经营者,加盟者 [’sp?r?t]企业家精神进取精神 [vwa:'la:] int.(法)可不是,那就是,瞧(表示事情成功或满意之感叹) 例子:I always like the name Reagan and I'm kind of a Ronald Reagan fan, so, voila, here she came along. 建立 同意发给许可证 自行定价收费 ['kredit]信用度,信用评级 [br?nd]品牌名称 [fai'n?n??l] [?'s?st?ns]金融支持 n. ['tred,mɑrk]商标 ['lju:dikr?s]荒谬的,可笑的 菜单的内容 n. [s?'l?s?t?]律师(注:开业律师以其服务方式不同而分为诉讼律师(barrister)和事务律师(solicitor),诉讼律师规定不准合伙,只能单独开业,但诉讼律师可以按惯例自愿结合组成律师事务所) ['pr?fit] ['mɑrd??n]利润率,利润幅度,利差 使……分支出来,拓展业务 vt. [l?nt?]开办(新企业) vt. [?n'v?st]投资 n. ['v?nt??]投机活动;商业冒险;(为盈利而投资其中的)风险公司 n.费用(如会费,入场费,手续费) (a company/business) 管理运营公司 网上数据库 订购,订阅 移动电话 播放器 笔记本电脑 n. 时间表 班车 n. 自助餐,冷餐 4

Set up granting of a license charge one’s own prices credit rating brand name financial assistance trademark ludicrous adj. menu content solicitor profit margin branch out launch invest venture fee run on line database subscription n. mobile phone mp3 player MP3 laptop schedule shuttle bus buffet

proper nouns专有名词

British franchise association 英国特许经营联合会(一家非营利组织,旨在宣传职业道德、促进公平合理的特许加盟活动)

Domino Pizza 达美乐比萨店(美国比萨连锁店)


Credit rating 信用度,信用评级 Franchise agreement特许协议 Franchise fee 特许经营费用

Well-established adj.公认的,知名的,得到认可的 Brand name 品牌名称

Financial assistance金融支持

As a sole trader, you are independent; you are your own boss.

As a franchisee, your promotional activities, financial records, hiring, service procedure, etc. , are not in complete control of your own.

In partnership you share risks and profits with your partner. You may disagree with your partner on strategy.

Franchising enables people to both own a business and get help running it.

A well-run franchise organization can provide a person who has never managed a business with guidance.良好的特许经营许可企业可以给从未有过经营企业的人指引方向。

Franchisors can provide a brand name, products or services, and financial assistance.特许产品可以提供品牌、产品和服务,甚至金融支持。

Franchisees have to pay franchise fees and they lose some independence.

Sometimes the training programs provided by the franchisors are weak – too brief and staffed by trainers who do not have instructional skill. 有时特许经营者提供的培训课程收效甚微,太简短,而且选派的培训者缺乏授课技巧。

3.2 Leaving & taking messages

registration lower case security voicemail schedule

n. [,red?i‘strei??n]登记,注册 小写字母,小写体 n. [si‘kju:riti]保安,安全 n.语音信箱 n. ['sked?ul]时间表,计划,安排 4.1 Advertising

Word of mouth Mailshot TV commercial Billboard Spam Banner 5

口碑,口头宣传,口头广告 邮寄广告 电视广告 广告牌 (Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages)垃圾邮件 标语横幅

