剑8阅读中的同义转换之1 五大类解析

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剑8阅读中的同义转换之1 By冯文辉




思解题时的一条原则——循章蹈句,具体说就是在解答雅思阅读题时,每一个题目都要尽量在原文中找到出处才能确定答案,做题很忌讳凭感觉想当然。 而怎么出题才能在“题文对应”的前提下,将众多烤鸭的阅读水平区分出来呢?答案就是:同义转换,多种多样难易夹杂的同义转换。通过不同形式的改写和转换,题目和原文的对应就变成了各种各样的“重现”。熟悉同义转换的规律,有利于我们解题时精准定位,精确解题。这里,我们就以剑8的阅读部分为主,来归纳一下常见的同义转换,详情如下:

第一类:词性转换;A —— A’


1)developed = development; (C8-T1-Q7,Cambridge 8,test 1,question 7,下同) 题目:They developed a new cabinet shape for a type of timekeeper. 原文:the development of a new floor-standing case design, which became known as the grandfather clock.

2)improvements = improved; (C8-T1-Q23)

题目:Some improvements are made in radio communication during World War 2.

原文:〃〃improved radio brought by the Second World War. 3)gifted = gifts; (C8-T3-Q14-18)

题目:Gifted people should use their gifts.

原文:People with gifts have a responsibility to use them. 4)Adapt = adaptation; (C8-T3-Q35)

题目:Through mutations, organisms can adapt better to the

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剑8阅读中的同义转换之1 By冯文辉


原文:Because of 〃〃mutations〃〃they are tested for optimal or better adaptation to the environmental conditions.

这类转换属于同一个词语在不同词性之间的转换,最常见的是名词、动词、形容词,以及副词之间的转换,如develop V.与development N.,improve V.与improvement N., gifted adj.与gift N.。通常词性转换也会伴随着必要的语法结构上的改变。针对这种转换,大家在学词汇是可以尝试将相同义项各种词性的词语归纳到一起来及,同时也特别熟悉一下常见的语法结构上的转换(这个在后面也会提到)。

第二类:同(近)义词转换;A —— a,这是同义转换中最常见的一种。 1) devised = formulated;

Civil = municipal

题目:They devised a civil calendar in which the months were equal in length.

原文:The Egyptians had formulated a municipal calendar having 12 months of 30 days.

2)Cabinet = (floor-standing) case; Timekeeper = clock

题目:They developed a new cabinet shape for a type of timekeeper. 原文:the development of a new floor-standing case design, which became known as the grandfather clock. 3)Create = introduce;

Organize = co-ordinate/plan/regulate; Public events = communal activities;

题目:They created a calendar to organise public events and work schedules.

原文:the Babylonians 〃〃〃introducing calendars to co-ordinate communal

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剑8阅读中的同义转换之1 By冯文辉

activities, to plan the shipment of goods and, in particular, to regulate planting and harvesting. 详解:

Work schedule = shipment of goods/planting/harvesting; 4)Agree on = concur on

Significance = impressive;

researchers with different attitudes = skeptics and advocates;(第四类,解释性转换,见下)

题目:Researchers with different attitudes towards telepathy agree on the significance of the ganzfeld experiments. 原文:Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue, however: that the most impressive evidence so far has come from the so-called “ganzfeld” experiments.

所谓雅思阅读中最常见的一种同义转换,同义词之间的相互替换也是很重要且比较有难度的一种,对烤鸭们的词汇量和对词语字面意义之外的深层理解有较高的要求。建议大家在平时全面扩充词汇量的同时,也花点时间将高频义项的同义词强化一下。 第三类:语法转换; 1)

In which 〃〃〃= having 〃〃〃 定语从句/现在分词所作的后置定语

devised = formulated;(第二类,同义词转换)

Civil calendar= municipal calendar;(第二类,同义词转换)

题目:They devised a civil calendar in which the months were equal in length.

原文:The Egyptians had formulated a municipal calendar having 12 months of 30 days. 2)

As a result of = resulted in; 原因词组/动词短语

created = the establishment; (同义词)

题目:The FAA was created as a result of the introduction of the jet engine.

原文:An accident 〃〃〃resulted in the establishment of the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)〃〃〃 created = the establishment;

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剑8阅读中的同义转换之1 By冯文辉

3)there is damage to〃〃= 〃〃 does damage to;

Considerable = 100 million a year; (第五类,解释性转换,抽象对具体)

Buildings = property; (第二类,同义词转换)

题目:Lightning does considerable damage to buildings during thunderstorms.

原文:There is damage to property too. Lightning damage costs〃〃more than 100 million a year.

4)〃〃〃can be used safely = to use 〃〃safely; (主被动替换)

the technique being developed by Diels = Diels is leading a project; 题目:The advantage of the technique being developed by Diels is that it can be used safely.

原文:Diels is leading a project〃〃to try to use lasers to discharge lightning safely.

关于语法及句式结构上的同义转换,主要是主被动,起同样作用的从句(如定语从句)与非谓语动词(如动词现在分词或过去分词作后置定语,动名词作前置定语)及介词短语(如with gifts作后置定语替换gifted-形容词作前置定语)等。看似复杂,但其实只要弄懂以上高频语法结构的用途就可以了,主要是3大从句(定语从句,又叫形容词性从句,起形容词的作用;状语从句,又叫副词性从句,起副词的作用,补充说明时间、地点、方式、范围、程度等;),和4大非谓语动词,1)现在分词(V-ing),表示主动和进行,一般作后置定语或伴随状语;2)过去分词(V-ed),表被动和完成,也作后置定语或伴随状语;3)动词不定式(to do), 表目的和未完成,后置定语;4)动名词(V-ing,结构和现在分词一样),作用类似于形容词。 第四类:关系词(组)转换;

1) in accordance with = according to; Laws of = principles of; (同义词)

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剑8阅读中的同义转换之1 By冯文辉

Objects age in accordance with principles of physical chemistry and of thermodynamics.

原文:Aging in this case must occur according to the laws of physical chemistry and of thermodynamics.

2) Through = because of;

Adapt better to= better adaptation to; (词性转换)

The environment = environmental conditions; (词性转换)

题目:Through mutations, organisms can adapt better to the environment.

原文:Because of 〃〃mutations〃〃they are tested for optimal or better adaptation to the environmental conditions. 3) Be possible for〃〃to〃〃 = 〃〃could〃〃;

题目:In principle, it’s possible for a biological system to become older without aging.

原文:As long as 〃〃, it could actually become older without aging. 4) and = coupled with; (表并列的关系词/表并列的动词短语) much effort = hard work;

correct answers = accuracy; (解释性,抽象与具体) focus = emphasis; (同义词)

题目:Much effort is made and correct answers are emphasised. 原文:the emphasis is on hard work coupled with a focus on accuracy. 整个英语语言中,关系词组不是很多,但却很重要,在雅思阅读的解题过程中尤其重要。由于其数量少,形式稳定,便于识记,且有利于大家在原文面目全非的同义替换中分清段落结构及内容逻辑,是阅读解题的一大利器,在这上面下功夫可谓事半功倍,建议烤鸭们搜集各种关系中常用的连接词,多多识记。 第五类:解释性转换(一对多,抽象对具体等)A —— B; 1)Stumbling block = difficulty; (抽象-具体)

It’s size = monster that takes up a whole room; (概念-解释)

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