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用好60个美国人常用的小词,助你托福作文提升5分【无老师力荐】 June 24th, 2011Goto comments Leave a comment 今天无老师推荐的这些词汇,就是非常地道的美国人在生活中常用的词汇,当你把这些词汇融入你的作文之中的时候,那么你的作文立即会给人一种亲切的感觉,这种亲切的感觉,就是美国人要找的高分的感觉!熟背,并且最关键的是运用这60个小词,会让你的作文整体提升一个巨大的层次!请注意,等号前面的是实际使用的,等号后面的是你原来用的单词。


alter=change or modify(改变) ask=inquire(询问)


axe=dismiss\\reduce(解雇,减少) balk=impede(阻碍)

ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止) bar=prevent(防止,阻止)

bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露) blast=explode(爆炸)

begin=commence(开始) bid=attempt(努力) bilk=cheat(欺骗)

bolt=desert or abandon(放弃) boost=increase(增加,提高) check=examine(检查)

claim=ause the death of…(夺去……的生命) clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议) curb=control or restrict(控制) dip=decline or decrease(下降)

ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评) flout=insult(侮辱)

foil=prevent from(阻止,防止) grill = investigate(调查) gut=destroy(摧毁) head=direct(率领) hold=arrest(逮捕) laud=praise(赞扬)

lop=diminish(下降,减少) map=work out(制订) mark=celebrate(庆祝) moot=discuss(讨论)


name=appoint\\nominate(命名,提名) nab=arrest(逮捕) nip=defeat(击败)


soar=skyrocket(急剧上升) spur=encourage(激励,鞭策) swap=exchange(交流,交换) sway=influence(影响) trim=reduce(削减) vie=compete(竞争)

vow=determine(决心,发誓) weigh=consider(考虑)

aid (帮助,援助)

1. 用作名词


The family lived on government aid for two years. 这一家人靠政府援助生活了两年。 How much foreign aid does Britain give? 英国在援外方面做出了多少贡献? ②表示“助手”或“辅助用品”等具体意义,是可数名词:

The teacher made the teaching aids himself. 这位老师自己做教具。

A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language. 词典是学习一种新语言的重要工具。


(a) in aid of 用来帮助...:

He collected money in aid of charity. 他为资助慈善事业募捐。 (b) with the aid of 借助...的帮助:

We may travel with the aid of a good map. 我们可以靠一张好地图去旅行。 The old man walked with the aid of a cane. 这位老人拐着手杖走路。 2. 用作动词(及物)

They aided us with money. 他们用钱资助我们。

They aided him in scientific studies. 他们援助他从事科学研究。

A good dictionary can aid language learning. 一本好词典有助于语言学习。

We’ve aided him to finish the work ahead of time. 我们已帮助他们提前完成了工作。 We’ve aided him in finishing the work ahead of time. 我们已帮助他们提前完成了工作。


He may gently reprimand an official or even suggest to parliament that a law be altered. 他可以温和地指责一个官员,或者甚至建议议会修改法律条款。 Can you alter this suit for me? 你可以为我修改这套衣服吗?

Pollution can alter the ecology of an area. 污染会改变一个地区的生态。


The government has banned the use of chemical weapons. 政府已经禁止使用化学武器。 There is a ban on smoking in the theatre. 这剧院内禁止吸烟。 He was banned from (attending) the meeting. 不准他出席该会议.

She's been banned from driving for six months. 已禁止她开车, 为期六个月.

at full blast(工作、活动)达到高潮

He was working at full blast in order to complete the order before the holidays. 他正在全力以赴地工作,以便在假期前把定单上的事情处理完。 blast sb's fame 使某人声誉扫地

bid (努力)

努力争取:要赢得或得到某东西的热切努力 make a bid for the presidency 企图当选总统

boost (增加,提高)

boost prices 提高价格

efforts to boost participation in the program 努力提高节目的参与率 a big boost in salary 一次工资大增加

ease (减轻,缓和)

ease the burden on her staff by hiring temporary help. 雇临时职员以减轻她手下人员的负担


weigh the matter seriously 认真考虑这件事 weigh with 对...有重大影响

Money does not weigh with him. 钱对他并不重要。

The amount of his salary does not weigh with him at all, because he is very rich. 他的薪水的数额对他毫不重要,因为他很有钱。


begin=commence(开始) check=examine(检查)

end=terminate(结束,中止) head=direct(率领) hold=arrest(逮捕)


