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IV. Cloze(30分,每题2分)

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked (A) (B) (C) and (D) . Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. A

It is the duty of every man to work. The lazy man wastes his time, and his __51__ is of no use to himself or to others. The man who is too lazy to work is the man who is __52__ most ready to beg or to steal. Everyone when he is young should learn some useful work.

But it is not __53__ that one should learn some kind of work. He should work hard, and not waste his spare minutes or half hours. "Work while you work and play while you play" is as good a __54__ for young people as for old.

There is no __55__ aid to diligence than the habit of early rising, and this, like all other good habits, and must make easily __56__ in youth.

There is an English saying "Lost time never returns". This __57__ that everybody must be diligent, and must make good use of his time. One must study hard when he is young, so that he may succeed in his __58__ and become useful to his country.

I have __59__ heard that those who are diligent will become beggars, but I know that lazy fellows will become beggars. Therefore, I should say that diligence is the __60__ of success. 51. (A) work (B) life (C) body (D) idea 52. (A) likely (B) rarely (C) generally (D) luckily 53. (A) true (B) enough (C) effective (D) difficult 54. (A) lesson (B) advice (C) instruction (D) rule 55. (A) better (B) other (C) more (D) less 56. (A) gained (B) grown (C) existed (D) formed 57. (A) means (B) shows (C) illustrates (D) suggests 58. (A) childhood (B) study (C) life (D) youth 59. (A) often (B) always (C) sometimes (D) never 60. (A) way (B) road (C) mother (D) father B

A bank is an organization which does various jobs. Because of the __61__ and importance of the work it undertakes, a bank is __62__ part of modern industrial society. It enables its __63__ to complete most of their business then and __64__.

A bank is a place where money can be deposited (存入) and __65__ safely. If your house __66__, you will lose the money you keep at home. But if you deposit your money in the bank you will not lose your money.

A bank is also __67__ which lends money and receives interest for the money it lends. And when it __68__ money from its depositors, it pays them interest. On __69__, the bank makes a profit out of these __70__.

61. (A) advancement (B) variety (C) regularity (D) necessity 62. (A) a large (B) the central (C) a useful (D) an essential 63. (A) lawyers (B) employees (C) customers (D) owners 64. (A) there (B) leave (C) satisfied (D) all

65. (A) made (B) worked (C) kept (D) felt

66. (A) is pulled down (B) burns down (C) collapses (D) is broken into 67. (A) a place (B) a building (C) a house (D) an organization 68. (A) receives (B) borrows (C) lends (D) spends 69. (A) balance (B) the contrary (C) an average (D) credit

70. (A) things (B) plans (C) programs (D) activities

51(B) 52(C) 53(B) 54(D) 55(A) 56(D) 57(A) 58(C) 59(D) 60(C) 61. (B) 62(D) 63(C) 64 (A) 65(C) 66(B) 67(D) 68(B) 69(A) 70(D) VI. Translation (15分,每题3分)

Direction: Translate the following sentences in English, using the words or phrases given in the brackets.

1. 众所周知, 青看被看做是祖国的未来。(regard) 2. 艺术展览会能否准时向公众开放还是个问题。(remain) 3. 依我看,你自己应该为这次实验的失败负责。(blame) 4. 人们普遍认为脑子越用越灵活。 (the more? the more)

5. 跟他的父母愿望相反,他大学毕业后没有出国而是去了大西北。(instead of )

VI. 1. As we all know, the youth are regarded as the future of our mother land.

2. It remains a question whether the Art Exhibition will be opened to the public on time. 3. In my opinion, you yourself are to blame for the failure in the experiment.

4. It is generally believed that the more our brains are used, the more active they will be.

5. After graduation he went to the Great Northwest instead of going abroad, which was contrary to his

Section A

When we think of green buildings , we tend to think of new ones – the kind of high-tech, solar-paneled masterpieces that make the covers of architecture magazines. But the U.S. has more than 100 million existing homes , and it would be __47__ wasteful to tear them all down and __48__ them with greener versions. An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses . And it would take an average of 65

years for the __49__ carbon emissions from a new energy-efficient home to make up for the resources lost by destroying an old one. So in the broadest __50__, the greenest home is the one that has already been built . But at the

same time, nearly half of U. S. carbon emissions come from heating, cooling and __51__ our homes, offices and other buildings. \ You can't deal with

climate change without

dealing with existing buildings ,\says Richard Moe, the president of the National Trust.

With some __52__, the oldest homes tend to be the least energy-efficient . Houses built before 1939 use about 50% more energy per square foot than those built after 2000, mainly due to the tiny cracks and gaps that __53__ over time and let in more outside air.

Fortunately, there are a __54__ number of relatively simple changes that can green older homes, from __55__ ones like Lincoln's Cottage to your own

postwar home. And efficiency upgrades (升级) can save more than just the earth; they can help __56__ property owners from rising power costs. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。 A) vast B) supplying C) shifted

D) sense E) replace F) reduced G) protect H) powering I) incredibly J) historic K) expand L) exceptions M) doubtful N) clumsy (笨拙的)

O) accommodations

由第一段的关键词: green buildings existing homes

An enormous amount of energy and resources went into the construction of those houses .

the greenest home is the one that has already been built You can't deal with climate change without dealing with existing buildings

我们可以基本上弄懂文章所讲的主要内容:文章提出了 green buildings 的新概念 ,但有这样一个事实, But the U.S. has more than 100 million existing homes

虽然green building考虑到了环境问题,但 如果 tear down现存的大量房屋, 以 green building替换old or existing building的话,就会浪费 An enormous amount of energy and resources , 进而导致资源浪费,环境污染

因此,作者认为最“绿色”的房屋仍然是 the greenest home is the one that has already been built 。

但是我们在应对气候变化的时候,必须要考虑改善 existing buildings ,因为如果他们继续存在的话,始终没有 green building环保 ,y ou can't deal with climate change without dealing with existing buildings


Tear down现存的房屋来修建绿色房屋会导致资源浪费,不够green,但如果不处理现存的房屋也是不行的,问题就在于此,因此 最接下来,作者在 后面提出了解决方案: efficiency upgrades 根据以往阅读过的材料,作者认为这个词应该翻译为 “能源利用效率升级”

纵观文章结构,大家会发现思路非常清晰,文章首段提出“ green ”,但是什么才是最为“ green ”的呢?综合考虑, existing building是最为green的,但是现存的老房子能源利用效率很低,因此作者提出必须要治理现有的existing building,并在后面提出 efficiency upgrades “能源利用效率升级”

好了,这就是西方人的思维,观点,是不是很新颖呢?笔者在阅读外刊的过程中,发现了很多新颖,有趣的观点,收获颇多。如果大家做阅读的时候,如果没把文章分析的这么透彻,那么阅读能力是不会进步的,所以大家一定要多加练习并且改变心态 read for pleasure. 牢记:短时间内提高阅读的方法只有一个:彻底搞清楚你所阅读的每一篇文章——精读

大家最希望看到的:(建议大家把这部分内容放到后面看,不要依赖这些内容,因为考试时候是没有的) 本文的 efficiency upgrade

应该理解为\能源利于效率升级 本文这个词语是根据房屋提出的 同样的,现在跟交通工具也提出了一个新概念\燃油经济性\在一段路程内(通常以100公里为标准)消耗的燃油越多,说明燃油经济性越差,消耗的燃油越少说明燃油经济性越好)

tend to:趋向,易于(写作的时候个人认为这个词比always好一点) high-tech, solar-paneled(“太阳能面板的”,能够充分利用太阳能,节约能源,提高能源效率) masterpieces(杰作) tear down拆卸 replace A with B 用B替换A an enormous amount of/an vast number of 绿色标记处似乎在完型里面也会考 carbon emissions 碳排放 energy-efficient 能源利用效率较高的

Climate change气候变化 Make up for 弥补 in the broad sense广义上而言 in the narrow sense狭义上而言 narrow down the gap between the poor and the rich/the haves and

havenots缩减贫富差距 efficiency upgrade能源利用效率升级 property owners 业主 real estate property房地产 property财产 ,性质 IPR=intellectual property rights 知识产权(国外关于如何合理保护知识产权议论纷纷) 注意shift from...to搭配,从 ...转换到....,同义词组为transform

47需要副词,唯一一个副词为I,根据原文,推到现存房屋,建立green building将会极度浪费资源和能源

48replace with 文章就只用绿色房屋替代现存房屋

49本题颇具难度,选择F reduced。 意思是说如果拆卸现有的房子,用green house来替代,那么拆卸所造成的资源和能源浪费量,相当于green house减少65年的碳排放量,本题make up for 非常关键。本题要在理解文章的基础上才能选对

50考察基本功词组搭配,in the broad sense.从广义上讲 51根据and 前后词性一致原则,该空需要动词ing形式,B,D二选一,意思是说一半的碳排放来自于家庭取暖heating,降温cooling,根据逻辑当然选择powering表示供给电力,而不是supplying(提供食物,资源等)

52第二段主要是讲,大多数老房子是不节能的(least energy efficient),但是不能那么绝对,with some exceptions(一些特殊房子除外)。正因为如此,作者在第三段提出要提高老房子的能源利用效率效率(energy efficiency)利用技巧解答,这里需要名词,


53题,由于空格前面的词汇可能是生词,影响了大家,本题选择K expand。根据and前后词性一致原则,该空需要动词,cracks and gaps为名词复数(缝隙,裂口),因此需要动词原形,因此范围缩小到D G K,注意over time意思是说这些缝隙 缺口会随时间推移而不断扩大,因此选择expand

54题需要形容词修饰a number of 因此答案较易选,选择\类似的great enormous.....都可以

55空格需要形容词,注意from... To...,cottage小别墅,再根据 your own postwar (二战后) ,因此形容词中对应的便是 hostoric

56根据help 需要动词原形,只剩下一个,即protect另外,后面的介词也是一个提示,protect from

Try out

We call it the \cold\for good reason. There are over one billion colds in the United States each year. You and your children will probably have more colds than any other type of 1 . Children average three to eight colds per year. They continue getting them 2 childhood. Parents often get them from the kids. Colds are the most common reason that children 3 school and parents miss work.

Children usually get colds from other children. When a new 4 is introduced into a school or day 5 , it quickly travels through the class.

Colds can 6 year-round, but they occur mostly in the winter (even in areas with mild winters). In areas where there is no winter, colds are most 7 during the rainy season.

When someone has a cold, his runny nose is teeming with (充满) cold 8 . Sneezing, nose-blowing, and nose-wiping spread the virus. You can 9 a cold by inhaling(吸入)the virus if you are sitting close to someone who sneezes, or by 10 your nose, eyes, or mouth after you have touched something contaminated (污染的) by the virus.

People are most contagious (会感染的) for the first 2 to 3 days of a cold, and usually not contagious at all by day 7 to 10.

A) care I) catch

B) throughout J) moving

C) touching K) strain

D) occur L) illness

E) abuse M) miss

F) sensation N) common

G) tension O) by

H) viruses



1. L)。此处需要一个名词。感冒也是一种病,这里指的是你和你的小孩患感冒的几率比其他任何一种病的几率都大,故选illness。

2. B)。此处需要一个介词。因为所接的词\是一个时间段概念,在这个持续性的时间里,感冒也经常发生。

3. M)。此处需要一个动词。感冒是导致学生不能正常上学的普遍原因,\表示耽误学业。

4. K)。此处需要一个名词。\的意思之一为\疾病的)类型\,而备选答案中的\只表示\紧张,不安\。

5. A)。此处需要一个名词。\意思为(托儿所的)日托,正好符合上下文的意思。

6. D)。此处需要一个动词。\表示\出现,发生\,而且后文说在冬天,感冒的情况出现得更加频繁,进一步确定了答案应该是\。

7. N)。此处需要一个形容词。在没有冬季的地区,雨季是感冒的高发期。

8. H)。此处需要一个名词。当一个人患感冒时,他不停流鼻涕的鼻子中肯定充满了病毒。

9. I)。此处需要一个动词。\是固定搭配,表示患感冒。

10. C)。此处需要一个动名词。当你触摸过带有病毒的东西,再触摸自己的鼻子、眼睛或嘴,就会被感染,所以选touching再合适不过了。

