
更新时间:2023-12-13 13:35:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long

hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationshidevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations a中学教师公租房项目


en long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hawas to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway nd expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretaryp betweWe talk about swagger g short nd commuter airport renovation a中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long目 录

第一章 编制依据及指导思想 第二章 工程概况 第三章 工程三大目标

第四章 项目建设总体目标及承诺 第五章 总体施工部署 第六章 施工组织机构说明 第七章 施工准备

第八章 主要工程技术施工方法 第九章 工程进度计划与措施 第十章 质量管理体系与措施 第十一章 安全管理体系与措施 第十二章 季节性施工措施 第十三章 环境保护及文明施工 第十四章 资源配备计划与先进性

hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretarymany other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods conti中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

ued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \here did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \ng of green and organic food\s are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ng Silk Road\ng farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \n-Five\ specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long第一章 编制依据及指导思想


二、根据本工程设计特点、功能要求,本着对业主资金合理利用,对工程质量的终身负责,以“科学、经济、优质、高效” 为编制原则。


第一节 编制依据

1、《xx县xx县中学教师公租房》招标文件; 2、《xx县xx县中学教师公租房》工程量清单及图纸;


4、我公司目前的技术力量及机械设备装备情况。 5、现场踏勘情况。

hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long6、GB/TI9001-ISO9001,2000标准《质量体系认证标准》。

第二节 指导思想

一、 我公司针对本工程的指导思想是:质量第一,服务周一,业主满意,以质量为中心,按照GB/T19002—ISO9002《质量管理和质量保证》系列标准,建立工程质量保证体系,选配高素质的项目经理,积极推广应用新技术、新工艺、新设备、新材料,精心组织科学管理,优质高速地完成本工程的施工任务,创出重庆市以至全国第一流水平的工程。

hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretarymany other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods conti中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

ued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \here did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \ng of green and organic food\s are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ng Silk Road\ng farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \n-Five\ specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long第二章 工程概况


工程规模:1. 总建筑面积为3548.6m2。地上六层的砖混结构。

2. 抗震设防类别乙类,抗震设防烈度为6度,结构抗震等级为四


3. 结构形式:砖混结构


质量标准:达到国家现行有关施工质量验收规范要求,并达到合格标准。 计划工期:180日历天

hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long第三章 工程三大目标

第一节 质量目标


优良工程,质量保修按国家有关政策保修一年。 2、质量保证措施。

第二节 工期目标








hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretarymany other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods conti中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

ued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \here did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \ng of green and organic food\s are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ng Silk Road\ng farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \n-Five\ specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long按照施工进度总计划的工期要求,精心制定分项施工计划和各项实施方案,重要工序做好施工组织专项设计,合理安排各分项工程的施工顺序、全面履盖施工的全过程和所有方面。确保关键线路上的各工序按时完成,充分利用有利条件和时间,缩短作业流程,从各个环节上加快施工进度。计划按月按周进行细分,计划的执行和检查落实到人。预先解决后续工作中可能会出现的问题,为后续工作顺利进厅创造有利条件。






hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long组织好机械设备的流水施工,搞好机械设备的综合利用,为机械设备的施工创造良好的条件,大力提高其使用率,缩短作业时间。







hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretarymany other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods conti中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

ued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \here did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \ng of green and organic food\s are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ng Silk Road\ng farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \n-Five\ specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long在施工时如果因客观原因而延误工期时,经监理工程师同意后,利用多加夜班,集中人力物力抢回关键线路工期。








hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long第三节 安全目标

1、安全目标:无重大安全事故,发生小事故的频率小于2.‰。 2、安全保证措施。 3、工期目标







hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary

many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods conti中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

ued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \here did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \ng of green and organic food\s are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ng Silk Road\ng farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \n-Five\ specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long第四章 项目建设总体目标及承诺








hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long述要求或投标承诺时,我公司负全部责任、承担经济损失负责返工直至达到合格工程。






4、文明施工目标: 按文明施工标准进行施工管理,创建文明施工工地。并达到文明施工现场标准。


hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretarymany other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods conti中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

ued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \here did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \ng of green and organic food\s are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ng Silk Road\ng farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \n-Five\ specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long做到不出现违法乱纪行为,处理好与业主、监理、当地居民与管理部门的关系。创建文明施工工地,营造企业文化。若有违约行为,我公司承担相应责任,并自愿接受发包人规定的经济处罚。





7、民工工资支付承诺:公司与所有员工签订劳动合同,公布举报电话, 办理社会劳动保险,充分准备专项资金用于本工程建设,确保民工工资按月按时发放到位,绝不影响该工程施工进度和造成其他负面影响。如本公司有类似情况发生。

hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long

第五章 总体施工部署

第一节 工程施工指导方针



一、由一级项目经理挂帅,将本工程列为公司2011年度的重点工程。 二、我公司将对业主履行以科学管理创时代精品是企业永恒的主题,以优质服务让顾客满意是我们庄严的承诺的质量方针。




hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretarymany other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods conti中学教师公租房项目施工招标文件

ued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \here did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \ng of green and organic food\s are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ng Silk Road\ng farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \n-Five\ specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long我公司全体员工深信:“今天的质量和服务,就是明天的市场”。

第二节 质量及工期目标

二、 质量目标

根据业主方要求和针对工程的具体情况对工程实行目标管理,本工程施工质量目标:确保“合格”, 争创 “优良”。


二、工期目标 本工程工期目标: 计划工期:180日历天;

第三节 工程奋斗目标



hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long公司领导和有关职能部门及项目经理部全体人员,对本工程的施工质量,都必须高度重视。在总结多层建筑施工经验的基础上,坚持“百年大计,质量第一”的原则,运用科学的管理方法,制定严格的质量控制措施,做到精心组织,精心施工。





hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary


many other precious cold water fish. Mineral resources, has proved many of the gold ore body, high grade, large reserves, reserves of more than 170 million tons of lignite, iron, vanadium and titanium magnetite reserves proven 6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sand deposit reserves, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods continued industry weak, support is not strong, especially inadequate for processing, there are no resources to make good products, marketing is not enough, there are no good products sell for a good price. Livelihood weakness, my district is located in the border area, the climate is cold, for many years of the masses of workers have a hard life, and complete the building of forest society's weaknesses are mainly concentrated in the area of people's livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, the task is still very arduous. From the perspective of short-term capital, district financial situation at present tense, some financial debts to repay, is basically living money, no money for development, transformation \did the money come from\nding. From the perspective of talent short Board, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irrational structure, weak overseas talents into local serious brain-drain, especially high-end talents badly, has become the development of controlKey issues. If these short Board neither avoid nor overcome, not padded, transformation and development cannot be achieved in forest areas. Second, think calmly, calmly. A local economic development, strengths and weaknesses are dynamic and reciprocal transformation, there is no absolute advantages and disadvantages, advantages and disadvantages of nothing, as the time, place, and changes in external conditions, advantages could become disadvantages, disadvantages may also be to your advantage. For example, my good ecological environment, land development later, is the nation's \nd organic food\but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice in the South, but the development of eco-tourism of gold and silver. For example, our region is located in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country \ding farther forward, but is expected to be opened to the Russian frontier. (From XX's situation, while our railways, ports and other projects has not fought for, but with the \-Russia economic corridors\nd steady growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving projects in the early County, in the \-Five\od will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long公司领导和有关职能部门及项目经理部全体人员,对本工程的施工质量,都必须高度重视。在总结多层建筑施工经验的基础上,坚持“百年大计,质量第一”的原则,运用科学的管理方法,制定严格的质量控制措施,做到精心组织,精心施工。





hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle the relationship between long and short, effective enhancemnt initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationship. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law, market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application policy. US weaknesses, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, in industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development \ndustry\strict Council must to relies on resources advantage, find associate industry positioning, put local most has competition advantage, and most hadevelopment potential of industry first do up, never can tandaqiuquan, and blind follow, and make with quality of competition, for those obviously not for local development of industry to strongly avoid, cannot Shang of project never can took Hard on my forehead. We talk about swagger g short was to build strengths to overcome weaknesses. For example, on the adjustment of agricultural planting structure, I just a little, short frost-free period and low temperature, with traditionally grown soybeans, wheat and other crops in low yields, poor quality, there is no advantage, it difficult for farmers to achieve sustainable incomes. Only guide the peasants to do organic, high-end, really good kind of good products, cold region and black Glebe ecological advantages and advantages play out, my area of agricultural development in order to find a way. Us yangchangbuduan, is to have to swallow some of the effects of transformation and development of the short Board. (Specific to the XX, we seize the Korean black railway into the province, \ong the way\ntation opportunities, promoting the construction of railway projects along the River, in the \en-Five\promoting the project, under construction. Pay special attention to provincial highway XX to nenjiang road tender call to sophisticated shops, the national highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stations and commuter airport renovation and expansion work, promote XX infrastructure in Hong Kong, planned opening water transport channel, and construct \ater and air\networks). Homeopathy for as long as we are in line with local conditions, in the play \n addressing the \sses, short swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, will be able to achieve the development goals. Second, focus on economic construction as the Center, pushing forward forest transition XI General Secretary

