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学校 A.so B.it

C.its D.that

期第一次月考 班级 ( )10.Mr. Black isn’t here. He _________

to the library 九年英语试题 A.has been to B.has gone to

姓名 C.went to D.goes to

时间:90分钟 满分:120

( )11.Our school is only a ________walk from here

考号 I.单项选择 25分 A.five-minute B.five minute’s C.five minutes D.five-minutes

( )1.I have a lot of clothes _________. ( )12.I think we should learn English

A.wash B.to wash C.washing words by ________English songs

D.washed A.speaking B.singing ( )2. He is not __________to do his C.saying D.ing

homework. So he always makes some ( )13.Mom asks John to stay at home rather mistakes than _________ out A.careful enough B.enough A.go B.going carefully C.carefully enough C.to go D.goes D.enough careful ( )14.What are you going to do this

( )3.Ann __________to choose her own Saturday? clothes I ________ yet

A.allow B.is allow A.haven’t decided B.won’t

C.allowed D.is allowed decide C.am not decided ( )4.Jim works hard at his Chinese, and D.didn’t decide ___________ ( )15.If there are ______ trees, the air

A.so Lucy does B.so is Lucy in our city will be _______ cleaner.

C.so does Lucy D.so Lucy is A. less, more B. more, more C. ( )5.I’m sorry , I _____ my pen at home more, much D. much, more

A forgeted B forgot C left D ( )16 .What Tom did made his mother______. leaved A. be angry B. to be angry C. ( )6.The box is __________heavy for me angry D. to angry _________carry ( )17. Why ______ come a little earlier ?

A.too. to B.so . that All right.

C.too. too D.to , too A. don’t B. not you C. ( )7.______ be a history teacher? aren’t D. not

A.Did she used to B.Does she use ( )18.I feel tired and sleepy. to C.Did she use to D.Does she Why not stop _______ ? used to A resting B relaxed C to relax

( )8.In English , she’s _____ writing D relaxing than listening ( )19.I don’t know _______ .

A. better at B. better in C. A. where he lives B.

good at D. best in where does he live ( )9.He finds __________ easy to learn to C .where did he live D.




where he live people we must understand ___34___.If we ( )20.If he _________ here next week, I want our parents to ___35___us,we must ____there. first know their hearts.We must know what

A. will come ,will to B. will come , they hope for. to C. comes , will go ( )26. A.touch B.open

D. comes , go C.reach ( )21.The chair is broken. Please ________ ( )27. A.got out B.got to who broke it. C.got in

A. look for B.find C.find out ( )28. A.worried B.thankful D.look at C.surprised

( )22. As China grows stronger and ( )29. A.Why B.How stronger, Chinese _____ in more and more C.When schools out of our country. ( )30. A.smiled to B.talked about A. teaches B. is taught C. C.agreed with has taught D. was taught ( )31. A.problem B.work ( )23.I ________ I ________ going to stay C.heart at home. ( )32. A.If B.Because A. don’t think ,am B. not C.Although think ,am C.think,am not D.no think,am ( )33. A.first B.1ater ( )24.Don’t plan _____ in downtown C.finally Singapore. ( )34. A.us B.others

A. to drive to B. driving C. on C.them

driving D. on drive ( )35. A.love B.understand ( )25.Yangling with her C.remember classmates________ going to the Great Wall. A. are B. is C. am D. be B.用所给此词的适当形式填空 II、完形填空。(20分) forget, bring,mend,beside,luck,pick, same,differently, I ,every , stop,each 通读下面短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各小Mr. Brown had an umbrella shop in a 题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填人空small town. People sometimes 36 ________ 白处的最佳答案。 him broken umbrellas, and then he took them

A to a big shop in London. They were

A door was locked.A big stone came and 37________ there. hit the door.But he couldn’t __26___ One day Mr. Brown went to London by it.Later a key came.He __27___the lock and train. He 3 8________ to take an umbrella the door opened.The stone was very with him that day. Sitting in front of him ___28___that the key could open it so was a man with an umbrella standing easily.He asked the key:“__29___ did you 39_______ the seat. When the train arrived do that?”The key__30____ him and said:in London, Mr. Brown 40 ________ up the “Because I understand its __31___.” umbrella as he often did during his journey Life is just like this._32__we want to solve by train. Just as he was getting off, he was a problem,we must understand it 41 ________ by the man. He said angrily, ___33___.If we want to make friends with “That’s 42________ !” Mr. Brown’ s


学校 face turned red and he gave it back to the man at once. When Mr Brown got to the big shop,

班级 the shopkeeper had got his six

umbrellas ready. After a good look at 43 ________ of them, he said,

姓名 “You’ve mended them very well.”

In the afternoon he got into the train again. The 44________ man

考号 was in the same seat. He looked at Mr Brown and his six umbrellas, “You’ve had a 45 ________ day,” he said.


A 从下边的选项中挑选合适的选项 Jim: Jack 36______ Jack: Sure, go ahead.

Jim: I want to have a look at what’s on this weekend. Let me see now. Jack: 37______

Jim: The Red Roses are giving a performance at the People’s Theatre. 38______

Jack: They are pop group. They are said to be very good. 39______ Jim: 7 p.m. 40______

Jack: Yes, I’ll be free then. I’ll meet you at the theatre at 6:30. Jim: Good! See you then. Bye. A. Do you know what they are? B. What time does the performance start? C. Is there anything good on? D. Do you want to bring a friend? E. Can I have a look at your copy of China Daily? F. What is the best place to meet? G. Will you be free then? 46._____ 47._____ 48._____ 49.______ 50______

B. 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可能是一个句子,也可能是一个短语或一个



A: I had some problems at school today, Jill?

B: Really, Tom? ____ 51 _____?

A: Well, first I argued with Mary about something really silly. Now she won’t talk to me. What should I do?

B: Did you tell her you’re sorry? You’d better _____52_____.

A: I don’t really want to talk with her about it on the phone. But I’ll see her tomorrow in class. Maybe we can talk about it after school.

B: That sounds good. ____ 53 ____?

A: I got a bad grade on my math homework. It was the worst grade in the class. I feel terrible.

B: Is that the only bad grade you have in math?

A: Yes, it is. I usually get really good grades on my math homework. I’m not sure what happened this time. Maybe I was too tired that day after football practice. B: Then don’t ____54____ about it. Study harder when you get your next homework, and I’m sure _____55_____ next time. A: Thanks for your advice, Jill. I sometimes worry too much about little things.


56. Does this book ____________(这本书是属于我的吗?) 57. what would do if you _________________(如果你有一百万美元?) 58. I_______________________(过去曾经害怕)dogs.

59. ___________________________________你认为她在做什么?

60. I think teenagers should be allowed to ____________ (与朋友们外出) 61.


62. I get nervous before big parties and then I ____________(出皮疹).

63. It isn’t good to borrow your friends’ books ____________(未经允许).

64. What do you think I should tell ____________(其余的学生).

65. My life ____________ (有了很大的改变)in the last few years.



The following are three ads(广告): Air Hostess(空姐)Wanted 1.age between 20 and 33 2.Height from 1.6m to 1.75m 3.Two foreign languages 4.College graduate Apply to: China airlines, Beijing Tel:010-88488970

Teacher Needed For private language school Teaching experience necessary Apply to: Instant Languages Ltd, Dalian Tel:0411-4313861 Driver Wanted Clean driving license Good-looking Age over 25 Apply(申请)to: Capes Taxi, Shenzhen Tel :0755-6561382

( )66.If you want to work in the south,

you can apply for(申请)a job as _________ .

A. a driver B. an air hostess C. a teacher D. all of the above

( )67. You may call _________ when you wish to be a teacher.

A. 0755-6561382 B. 0411-4313861 C. 010-88488970 D. A and B

( )68. Mary, aged 26, knows English and

Japanese , which job can be given to her? _________

A. Driving for China taxi. B.

Working for China Airlines.

C. Teaching at instant languages

Ltd D. None of the above.

( )69.What prevents(阻止) Jack, an

experienced(有经验的) taxi driver, working for Capes Taxi? _________ A. Liking beer and wine B.

Breaking traffic rules.

C. Being unable to speak a foreign

language. D. Not having college education.

( )70. Which of the following is not

mentioned(提到) in the three ads? _________

A. Height B. Age C.

Language D. Health.


When Mary was seven, her family moved to a new town. She usually went to school by school by bus, for it was not near her house. One morning , their family clock stopped and when they got up, it was too late for


Mary to catch the school bus. Her __________.

学校 mother said she would drive Mary to A. Mary was a kind –hearted girl.

school on her way to the office. B. Mary’s mother had never been “ But how can you find the way, to the school.

班级 Mum ?” Mary asked . “ You have only C. the school wasn’t very far

been to my school once. “ from Mary’s house D. Mary “ Yes, “ her mother answered . enjoyed going to school in her

姓名 “

But you’ve been there by school bus mother’s car seven times , you know the way. “ “ Oh, C yes. “ said Mary. Once Effendi had a joke with the Prime

考号 They started out and Mary asked her Minister(宰相), He said that the Minister mother to turn one way or another on Would die the next day, The next day, the their way to school, so she made her mother Minister fell to the ground from the horse drive round most of the town before they got And really died, when the king learned this, there. When they arrived , her mother found he got angry and sent his men to catch it was not really very far from their house. Effendi at once

“ Why did you make me go such a long When Effendi was brought to him, the king way?” her mother asked her . “ Well, shouted angrily, “Effendi, since(既然Mum.” answered Mary . “ I know only this 死)you knew When my Minister would die, you way . The bus always goes like this, so the must know the date of your own death(死), other children can take it to school. say it out, or you’ll die today”

( )71. Mary usually went to school. Effendi looked at the king for a while, Then __________________. he answered, “But how can I know?

A. by can B. by bike C. on I’ll die two days earlier than you, The

foot D. by school bus. king was afraid that if he killed Effendi, ( )72. One morning Mary got up late because he himself would die after that, He thought _____________. he must keep Effendi alive(活着)as long as A. her mother forgot to wake her possible, so he let Effendi go. up B. the family clock stopped ( )76. This story tells us__________. C. She was not feeling well A. how Effendi fool(愚弄)the king D. She wanted to sleep more. B. when the king would die ( )73. Mary ___________to her school. C. why the Minister died D. A. knew only one way B. didn’t Effendi knew the dates of everyone's

know the way C. knew the death

shortest way D. knew many ways ( )77. The prime Minister died because ( )74. Mary made her mother go a long way __________. because ______________. A. Effendi killed him B. Effendi

A. she wanted to stay with her said he would die mother longer B. the school bus C. He was badly ill D. He fell always went that way of the horse

C. she didn’t want to get to ( )78.Why did the king ask Effendi to tell

school to early D. she want to him the date of Effendi's own death? take other children to school. __________. ( )75. From this story we know that A. Because the king wanted to know


学校 when he himself would die

B. Because the wanted to find

an excuse to kill Effendi

班级 C. Because he himself had

known the date of Effendi's death D. Because he wanted to know

姓名 when Effendi would die

( )79. The king let Effendi go because __________.

考号 A. he hoped to live a long

life B. he was afraid of Effendi

C. he didn't believe(相信) Effendi's words D. he knew he would die two days later

( )80.Which of the following is not true__________.

A. Effendi played a joke on the Minister B. The king was afraid of death

C. Effendi didn't know when the king

would die

D. If the king killed Effendi, he

himself would die two days later


Old Green lived in a faraway city. He had no job, but he was rich. He was good at stealing. He had never been in prison. So none of his neighbours knew he was a thief.

One day one of his friends came to visit him, but he was out. His son, Young Green, came out to meet the visitor and asked him to have a cup of tea in the sitting room. About half an hour later, Old Green came back.

“Mr. Smith asked me to return seven hundred pounds to you, Mr. Green.” said his friend.

“Thank you very much, my friend.” said Old Green.

But to his surprise, the man couldn’t find his wallet in his pocket. He looked very worried.

“What has happened to you, my friend? ” “My wallet is gone,” said the man,


“But it was in my pocket just now.” “Who has been here?” “Only your son.”

“I see.” said Old Green. “Don’t worry about that. I will get it back for you.”

Old Green went out. Before long, he came back with the wallet in his hand. His friend was happy and said, “Did you blame your son for that?”

“Don’t speak so loudly!” whispered Old Green. “My son doesn’t know I have picked the wallet from his pocket!” 根据上面的短文内容回答问题。 81. What was Old Green good at?


82. How long did the visitor wait for Old Green?


83. Why couldn’t the visitor find his wallet?


84. Did Old Green know where the wallet was? _________________________________________________________________________

85. How did Old Green get the wallet back for the visitor?


书面表达 (20分,小作文5分)


Jim这个学期将作为交换生要来中国学习,他要到中国的一个朋友家里做客, 你作为中国学生认为Jim 在哪些方面需要注意,请给他提些建议。(可以采用以下提建议的句型:be supposed to, why not, should/shouldn’t, be allowed to,?)

1. He ________________________________________ _______________________ 2. ________________________________________ __________________________ 3. ________________________________________ __________________________ 4. ________________________________________ __________________________ 5. ________________________________________ __________________________


请从外貌、性格、爱好、理想和为什么想要 成为这样的人五个方面介绍自己的变化和理 想。开头已经给出。 中文提示:①我在过去的几年中变化很多。






英语提示:thin,shy,outgoing,used to,

be interested in,computer programmer,make money


