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free(过去式) 生气的 星期二 . 总统 爸爸 反对 . 携带/运送(过去式) 失去(原形/过去式) . 周三 周四 郁金香 . buy(三单/过去式) keep(过去式) . 帮助某人做某事 学习 / . 二、听力训练



世纪 森林 穷人 有钱人 没有人 因为 树林 充满 举行 亚运会 聪明的 勇敢的 有钱的 亚洲的 作家 画家 发明家 音乐家 科学家 革命家 四、Unit8 句型

1) There are a lot of stories ______ him. (关于)

2) In the 14th century people began to ___________ his stories.(谈论) 3) He was a clever and ________ man. (勇敢的)

4) He helped the poor. He _____________ the rich and _________ the poor. (劫富济贫) 5) He did it all _____ ___ _. (免费的) 6) ____________ (我认为如此) 7) Who’s Lu Xun?

He was ________________________________.(一位伟大的中国作家)


8) _______________________________(他什么时候出生)and when did he die? 9) Mao Zedong was _______________________________________.(一位伟大的中国革命领导人)

10) He ____________________(出生) in 1893.



the poor 穷人, the rich 有钱人 the +形容词 表示―…一类人‖

年轻人 老年人 病人 . 【知识考点二】 年份的读法: 1890—eighteen ninety 1997—nineteen ninety-seven 2000—two thousand 2002—two thousand (and) two 1982-- 1921— 2008-- 2010—

注意: 年份\\季节/月份前要用介词 . 【知识考点三】

talk about… 谈论… about 后接事情 talk with 与(某人)交谈(谈论) with后接人

e.g. We are talking history.我们正在谈论历史。

I am talking my mother the history.我正在与我妈妈谈论历史。 【知识考点四】

比较下面的词的构词方法(动词+er表示―从事这种职业的人‖), 并猜测其词义: e.g. work工作—worker工人

write—writer read—reader win—winner play—player clean—cleaner sing—singer run—runner dance-dancer 【知识考点五】

one of the 最高级 + 名词的复数

Mozart was one of the greatest (musician) in the world. He is one of the best (student) in our class. 【知识考点六】了解世界或中国的一些名人及事迹 1.In 1893, Mao Zedong, the great leader of China,was born in Shaoshan, Hunan.

2.In 1976, the Chinese people lost their Premier Zhou Enlai.All the Chinese people were very sad.

3. In 1911,Dr Sun Yatsen , the father of modern China, became its first president.

4.In 1979,Dengxiaoping visited Guangdong and made an important speech.

5.Armstrong is great.He has been to the moon.He is an American man.He is the first one walked on the moon.

6.George Washington has the most children in American. Because he is the father of



7.Robin Hood was a clever and brave man. He took from the rich and gave to the poor.And he did it all for free.

8.William Shakespeare was a famous English writer. He wrote many great plays,such as Romeo and Juliet.

9.Yang Liwei is a Chinese astronaut.He went into space by spaceship in 2003.

10.Lu Xun is a famous Chinese writer.

11.Xu Beihong was born in 1895.He was a famous Chinese painter.


1) 单项选择

( )1.Mozart was one of the greatest_____in the world. A.music B.musician C.musicians ( )2.The little girl tried to open the cage and_____the bird. A.free B.to free C.freed ( )3.Liu Xiang is one of_____best athletes in China. A.a B.the C./

( )4.The autumn term starts_____September and ends______ January. A.in,in B.from,from C.on,on

( )5.The children had a wonderful science lesson______yesterday morning. A.in B.on C./ ( )6.Dr Sun Yatsen was born_____1860.

A.in B.on C.at ( )7.Christ was born__________Christmas Eve. A.in B.on C.at ( )8.We can read this book_______Picasso first.

A.in B.about C.between

( )9.The old man like listening to the____stories on the radio every noon. A.England B.historical C.his

( )10.Taat’s very interesting.Can you tell ma ______about that? A.many B.most C.more 2) 选出不同类的单词


( )1.A.English B.music C.historical D.history ( )2.A.against B.brave C.clever D.great ( )3.A.scientist B.painter C.inventor D.rich ( )4.A.wood B.poor C.forest D.grass ( )5.A.music B.writer C.musician D.premier 3) 用所给动动词的正确形式填空

1. My grandfather ________ (leave) Shanghai twenty years ago.

2. My friend Xiaoling wants _________ (change) the colour of her room.

3. I like making thing. I ________ (make) a doll for my friend’s birthday next week. Last year I _____ (make) one for my little cousin and she _________ (like) it very much. 4. –Where _______ (are) you this morning? --I was in the library.

--Did you _____ (do) your project in the library?

--Yes. I ______ (try) to find a book about Edison for my project. --________ you ______ (find) one? --No, I didn’t. 4) 根据实际情况回答问题

1.When did you start to learn English?

. 2.Was Zhou Enlai the first premier of modern China?

. 3.Who was Sun Yatsen?

. 4.Did you visit the Dr Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall last week?

. 5.When did Yang Liwei go to space?

. 5) 写出对话所缺的单词 A:Hello,________I speak to Bill? B:__________.Who’s_________,please?

A:It’s Ann speaking.Where__________ you yesterday morning,Bill?I________ you then.But you__________ at home.What_________ you do yesterday? B:I________ to the cinema. A:What film did you__________? B:I_______the film ―Mao Zedong‖.


A:Was Mao Zedong a great Chinese__________? B:I think______.

A:_________was he born? B:He was born in 1893. A:_________he born in Jiangxi? B:No,he was born in Shaoshan,Hunan.

A:_________you like to see the cartoon film ―Robin Hood‖ with me tomorrow afternoon? B:Ok.

6) 用适当的单词填空,使短文完整

Wang Jun usually g________ up early in the morning. Then he h_______ breakfast. He g______ to school b____bike at about half past seven. His school is near his home. He usually g_______ to school a a q________ to eight.

In the morning he usually h_______ five classes and three c_________ in the afternoon. He often d_________ sports with his friends after school. Sometimes he r________ books in the library and borrows some books f_______ it. he seldom w_________ TV in the evening. He d_______ his homework and studies hard. He g_________ to bed at about half past ten. 7) 阅读理解

Barack Hussein Obama was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Hawaii. His parents divorced() when he was two years old. Later, his mother married()a student from Indonesia(). In 1967, the family moved to Indonesia. Obama went to school in Indonesia, where the teachers and students spoke the Indonesian language.

Four years later when Barack was ten, he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents, and later his mother.

After high school, Obama went to college to learn political () science. In 1988, Obama went to Harvard Law School. In that year, he met his wife. They got married in October 1992 and live in Chicago with their daughters, Malia (born in 1998) and Sasha (born in 2001). Obama became the president of the United States in 2008. He’s the first black president in the history of the United States of America.

(1) Where was Obama born?

___________________ _________. (2) Did Obama speak English when he was in school in Indonesia?

___________________ _________. (3) What did Obama learn when he was in college?

___________________ _________. (4) When did Obama meet his wife?

___________________ _________. (5) How many children does Obama have?

8) 作文训练


英文名字 出生地点 现居住处: 身高 体重 兴趣爱好 职业 Jackie Chan 香港 中国(香港) 174 公分 63KG 缓步跑 演员 歌手 导演

出生日期或生日 1954-04-07








1) 选择题

( )1.Shakespeare was a famous ________ writer. A.England B.English C.UK ( )2.Mozart was died ________ he was 35 years old. A.what B.when C.that ( )3.Look at the young men. They ______ on the grass. A.sang B.are singing C.sang ( )4.This pair of socks _________ Ben’s.

A.be B.is C.are

( )5.The children _______ the seeds in a greenhouse last spring. A.planted B.plant C.plants ( )6.There is ________ old photo on the wall. A.an B.a C.two ( )7.The study is _________ than the kitchen.

A.small B.smaller C.smallest

( )8.Lily’s house is near _______ the school. A.at B.in C.to


2) 按实际情况回答问题

1) Who’s your hero and who’s your heroine?

________________________________ _______ 2) When were you born?

________________________________ _______ 3) Who was the first premier of PRC?

________________________________ _______ 4) What city is the capital of China?

________________________________ _______ 5) How many seasons are there in a year?

________________________________ _______ 6) Where did you have lunch yesterday?

________________________________ _______ 7) How did you go to school yesterday morning?

________________________________ _______ 3) 用至少四句话描写Robin Hood( 罗宾汉)





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